478 Educators providing Courses delivered Online




In a world where innovation is boundless and the need for diverse thinking has never been greater, it’s important that we provide our young people with real opportunities to explore their potential. What we stand for At My Need to Live we develop communities of talented youth on an online platform focused on creating social impact in order to get them ready for what lies ahead professionally. The rise of digital platforms is making it easier than ever before not just to connect but also collaborate across boundaries – including geographical ones. At My Need to Live these connections are taking place between us, between our Community as well as externally with our partners and customers. Why we exist The My Need To Live team is passionate about helping young people overcome these struggles and succeed in the workplace. We want to support young people to be able to get that first big break, learn how to be successful in their career, and become an active member of our community. Our community Whether you want to grow your skills, get picked up by an employer who needs your specific knowledge, earn more qualifications for your CV, or some combination of the three, My Need to Live can help. Our community for 16-24 year olds is here to support you. For employers We actively work with companies to help their employees obtain the life skills to be a resilient, flexible achiever at work. This has a real impact on the company culture, on retention of staff, engagement levels and general happiness. See our courses On top of the Ready for Work Programme, My Need to Live courses cover a variety of subjects to help a young person decide what future career is for them. They cover salary expectations, demographics, skills required, core knowledge base and more – giving you the perfect platform to thrive in your chosen career!

Infinite Soul Circle

infinite soul circle


We are a paid monthly spiritual learning community. We support and encourage growth through self learning courses and interactive spiritual circles, rituals, manifestation, and live psychic readings. We are intuitive, connected, inspired, and empowered. IMAGINE A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF YOURSELF AND OTHERS. Imagine empowering yourself as you work with your natural intuitive skills to harness magic and manifestation to enhance your life. Imagine a peaceful inner environment that allows you to enjoy a stress free and balanced lifestyle. How would your life be different if you were free from self-limiting beliefs and in control of your internal environment through understanding and perspective? How would you feel if you were fully empowered to live your life the way you wanted? Imagine living without the stress or weight of other people’s views and opinions… There is enough room in this world for everyone to embody their true selves. TIME ASIDE FOR YOURSELF, FOR YOUR OWN GROWTH AND HAPPINESS? How would it feel to step into who you truly are? When you join us at Infinite Soul Circle, you learn to take the aligned action that’s right for you. You understand the importance and value not only of yourself but also of everyone around you. You learn to lead from a place of trust in your own intuition without needing validation from those around you. DO YOU DESIRE SUPPORT AND DIRECTION IN FINDING YOUR SOULS PATHWAY? The confidence to learn and express your inner wisdom. To learn about divination, intuition and psychic abilities and the power of your own self-awareness. Connect to other like-minded spiritual seekers and build friendships based on trust and shared experiences. We are a learning space that gives you the tools you need and allows you to pick them up at your own pace, understanding that every pathway is unique. To not only learn, but also to want to take part in live psychic readings and spiritual chats and talk to your tutors regularly. Your monthly subscription gives you access to weekly circles, rituals, and live classes.

Life And Soul Purpose by Beata Dzwigol

life and soul purpose by beata dzwigol


I am Beata Dzwigol, an Inter-Dimensional Therapist, Intuitive Spiritual Coach and Healer, New Earth Goddess Heart Temple Founder, AKASHICdance Founder, DANCEmandala Facilitator, Gong and Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Therapist. I am a member of Akashic Records Consultants International, LLC and Spiritual Workers Association. I can help you to care of body, mind and spirit. While reading your aura I can tune in to contact your Spiritual Guides and I can introduce you in a healing process on many levels. You Spiritual Guides will lead me so I can help you heal negative emotions and patterns, remove blockages, heal traumas and cut off cords from current and previous lives. We can also work to heal your inner child and understand your self-sabotage. I will guide you through the process of your transformation. I will take you on a journey during which you will have a chance to forgive and let go of whatever is necessary, so that you could spread your wings and shine your inner light – the light of unconditional love. I am not asking you to believe in anything I might say either here or during the session. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then just let it go. However, sometimes what is said, although it does not resonate with you at the time, can make sense later, lie a seed that is planted and which may in due course grow and blossom. A remainder for you and a remainder for me: I AM NOT A LIFEGUARD; I AM A LIGHT HOUSE guiding you on your own journey. You take full responsibility for integrating your experience into your own life. You can go as deep as you wish, the choice is yours to make. I am here for you; to guide and help you, to radiate out your beauty and happiness, to re-find joy and live a fulfilled life.

Pound with Tina

pound with tina

Channel your inner rockstar with this full body cardio-jam session inspired by the infectious, energizing, and sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums. POUND® is currently taught by over 25,000 instructors in 100+ countries to hundreds of thousands of participants a week, making an active, supportive and passionate community. Instead of listening to music, you become the music in this exhilarating full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and pilates-inspired movements. Using Ripstix®, lightly weighted drumsticks engineered specifically for exercising, POUND transforms drumming into an incredibly effective way of working out. Designed for all fitness levels, POUND® provides the perfect atmosphere for letting loose, getting energized, toning up and rockin’ out! The workout is easily modifiable and the alternative vibe and welcoming philosophy appeals to rockstars of all ages and abilities. As a community, we believe that we have the ability to inspire a nation, to turn the fitness world on its head, and to truly find alternative ways to ROCK. We aspire to change minds before bodies and use beat and alternative movement to launch people to new heights of self worth, happiness and human connection. AKA, release their INNER ROCKSTARS. POUND® was created in 2011 by two women who were both recreational drummers and former college athletes. They relied heavily on stability-based exercises like pilates to keep their bodies aligned, symmetrical and lean, but were bored with routine and longed to reignite the fun in exercise. It wasn’t until they were forced to drum without a stool and squat over the drum kit that they realized drumming and exercise could be one and the same. Led by co-creator and CEO, Kirsten Potenza, POUND® is currently taught by over 25,000 instructors in 100+ countries to hundreds of thousands of participants a week, making an active, supportive and passionate community.

Abbey College, Ramsey

abbey college, ramsey


Welcome to Abbey College; your local school where every child is known as an individual and all children can achieve their ambitions. We believe a good education is crucial for the wellbeing and fulfilment of our students. This was highlighted in our most recent successful Ofsted inspection where the school was awarded Good in every category and achieved an overall Good status. We provide an excellent education and the best opportunities for the students in our care. As society continues to change, it is important that our school provides a safe and stable environment where all young people feel valued, can learn and achieve the best of their abilities. 100% of our parents last year said that they would recommend the school to other parents on Parent View, which is just one of the things we are very proud of.   In 2019, (the last time official examinations were taken), 68% of our students achieved the top 4-9 grades (the equivalent of the old A*-C) in both English and Maths, with over 50% attaining grades 5-9. Our collective aim is to ensure that all students experience happiness, while they are challenged to meet goals and achieve their dreams, alongside celebration, reflection, and tradition. A student’s education is not a dress rehearsal; they only get one chance. I believe that high quality teaching, learning and engagement is at the heart of every good school. I look forward to continuing to work with the wonderful team at Abbey College, to ensure our students have the best opportunities to be successful. At Abbey College, we run a wide variety of extra-curricular and leadership opportunities for our students allowing them to show their potential in many ways; from joining the Junior Leadership Team to becoming one of our Sports Leaders. We are proud of our students and staff, so please come and meet us all and experience the College for yourself. To arrange a visit, please call or email and we will be delighted to arrange a personal tour for you.

Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences

ajanta vihara institute of spiritual sciences


At Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences, we believe every individual deserves to experience peace, joy, harmony, abundance and love in every aspect of their lives. We also know what prevents us from moving forward on the path towards abundance; these are experiences long-held, habitual behaviours and dominant-negative thought patterns. These patterns must be identified and healed. These habits must be transformed and replaced with new, more self-supportive and self-honouring ways of being. Our therapies, courses and workshops are highly experiential and designed to transform you at the core of your being. It is our intention that every participant will have an experience that allows them to remember the truth of who they are in order to be more peaceful, joy-filled and loving in the midst of any situation or circumstance they encounter in their lives . Ajanta-Vihara’s team of energy mentors use their combined years of study, practice and experience in the fields of behavioural therapy, psychology, hypnotherapy, energy therapy and their diverse life experience to guide individuals through compassionate conversations and powerful, transformational exercises. Our mentors undergo rigorous training under the AVISS Faculty Development program with a focus on continuous self development, knowledge and skill building; this ensures they are able to cultivate a holistic approach to our practices while providing practical information and tools to use once the engagement ends. What individuals experience, hear and learn creates a solid foundation and gives the inspiration they may seek to improve their careers, relationships, sense of purpose and, most important, their sense of personal power. We offer classes and workshops facilitated by founder director Ms. Jyoti and the faculty of the Institute. Our therapies, courses , workshops, energy camps, personal coaching sessions and the happiness collective series are designed to support individuals in having a deeper experience of themselves in order to understand their life’s experiences through elevated human consciousness. We invite you to explore one of our signature programs for an experience that is sure to change your mind, heart and life forever.

Little Happy Learners - Sophie David

little happy learners - sophie david

Little Happy Learners launched in 2019 in a small house just outside London in the UK. A stay at home mum, an ex primary school teacher and early years specialist. Welcome to the Little Happy Learners (LHL) community of parents, carers, educators and fun seekers. We are here to share the wonderful ways you can play and learn with your little ones at home! LHL is here to share a way of life for you and the young children in your care. By introducing some fun, exciting and simple activities to make each day a success. Here at LHL headquarters, we love using things you have at home. We love recyclables and we LOVE to craft Before you get started Here are a few top tips to set yourself up for the most playful household. H Any activity set up is designed to be enjoyed together By giving your little one 15 minutes of your undivided time you will open up opportunities for so much discussion and happiness. (If appropriate and safe to do so, after that 15 minutes your child can enjoy it independently) A Not all activities will be a success straight away, your little one may need some time to get used to the ‘new’ activity. Never just pack away, leave it out and come back to it. P Timing is EVERYTHING. Never plan an activity when your little one is tired or hungry. This will never go to plan. P2 For any ‘messy play’ get yourself a large double fitted sheet. Place a chair leg/ table leg/ large soft animal into each corner. This will create a space to keep the mess in! Y For lots of the resources we use at home here’s a link to my amazon shop, please note this is an affiliate linked storefront and part of the amazon associates programme. This means that each item bought gives me a little commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support.

Sun Kyeong

sun kyeong

There is a vibration more powerful than any other because it comes directly from the Mind of the Universe. It creates and supports all living beings with universal light, love and energy. It is Qi, the vibration of life. Sun Kyeong is a spiritual practice that began in the mountains of South Korea, reconnecting us to ourselves, nature and the Universe by tuning to the vibration of life, Qi. With the world in ever expanding social and environmental crises, now more than ever humanity needs a new method that can transcend the limits of human intelligence. Sun Kyeong comprises of Qi Sessions, Qi Classes and a transformational Ancestor Healing course designed to clear inherited patterns. Over time this practice can lead us to understand the laws of nature and guide us to greater levels of health, happiness and spiritual connection. Many of the problems people experience today stem from a depletion of Qi. At work and in our personal lives, many of us stand at the same threshold daily and think something has to change. Stress, worry, fatigue and chronic health conditions are on the rise. People are searching for a way to be truly happy and find meaning in their lives. We have become increasingly disconnected from the vibration of life – Qi. Sun Kyeong can be a transformative pathway intended to help us connect to the infinite source of universal light, love and energy designed to keep us healthy, happy and supported to live in harmony with each other and nature. section divider The Sun Kyeong Masters Sun Kyeong Qi masters are specially trained to receive and transmit Qi. They live a spiritual life dedicated to caring for the well-being of others. Qi masters are trained in the mountains of South Korea and maintain their ability to transmit Qi with 3 to 4 hours of personal training each day. Qi masters come from all walks of life and from all over the world. Many have, themselves, recovered from chronic health conditions and have gone on to help others worldwide.

LearnDrive UK

learndrive uk



WELCOME TO LEARNDRIVE! YOUR TRUSTED ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM! We Learndrive, are on a mission to provide easily accessible quality education and training for everyone around the world. As an online training provider, we strive to provide courses to help our learners achieve their academic and career goals. Learndrive offers a wide range of courses that are tailored to make them useful to individuals who are willing to learn. We are constantly working on delivering new and on-demand courses for our learners.   OUR MISSION & VISION The 4th industrial revolution is currently happening. Our mission at Learndrive is to empower organisations and individual employees so that they can adapt to this new way of living. We do so by providing flexible, effective skills training.  Here at Learndrive, we believe in expertise. Rather than providing shallow materials,  we provide a sophisticated platform on which the real subject experts can share knowledge with you- the learners. We provide premium learning materials so you can land your dream job. Learndrive has a clear mission; that is to get you ready for the new tech-based industrial era. The need for career advancement in this era goes far beyond mere training. Gaining in-depth subject knowledge is essential to unlocking your career goals. For this reason, we have a team that constantly works on producing premium learning materials.  Achieving our vision requires us to go to the experts in their relevant fields. With expert-written learning materials at Learndrive, you can enhance your credibility and boost your earning potential.  We want to help you reach the top of your career. The thousands of courses we offer are tailored by professionals in different fields so that you can easily grasp the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.  Our courses are based on industry-relevant curriculum with audio and video modules. We also offer assignments that test your learning and hone your skills. We also aid our learners to adapt to the updated industry compliance and practices. We offer our courses to students from the UK and all over the world. The focus of our organisation is to make you ready for the new industrial era. We offer our best to you without regard to race, language, or nationality.