4569 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Manhood Peninsula Community Interest Company

manhood peninsula community interest company


We were formed to carry on activities which benefit the community and, in particular, further the social, health, economic and environmental interests of the residents of the Manhood Peninsula in West Sussex by: - Acquiring and managing land and other assets; Providing support to disadvantaged groups to enable them to overcome the obstacles they face; Supporting, facilitating and delivering projects and activities; Establishing arrangements to ensure our profits are used for their benefit. Feel free to check our company registration. When we registered, Companies House asked us to identify our main areas of business activity: - 68209 - Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate; 82990 - Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified; 85600 - Educational support services; 90040 - Operation of arts facilities Perhaps the best way to understand what we do, is to think of us as a charitable 'gap-plugger.' We provide small groups with the individualised support, assistance and / or expertise they need but do not have amongst their volunteers and cannot afford to 'buy in.' An example of this is acting as a banker by holding monies in trust and paying suppliers direct on the group's behalf when asked to do so. This simplifies the administrative burden greatly for groups and gives them more time to focus on what they set out to do. We also provide Governance advice so groups can get less bogged down in red tape. Digital services are also an area we help with, providing advice on how groups can promote themselves, and help them do so if they wish. Some of the groups we work with feature on this site. You will see some groups are publicised on this website - if that might be of help to you get in touch. We operate in a supportive way by only helping if (and when) asked. The groups we help effectively sub-contract us in., which allows them to stay in control, use or not use us as they see fit and most importantly, maintain their independence. Click here to email us

Lim Global Education

lim global education


LIM GLOBAL EDUCATION LIMITED is an accredited, experienced, certified and professional educational service provider since 2011 with outstanding reviews from Universities and students. We are an innovative brand that exemplifies to promote the EDIFYING programs to help students to find their best study destination all over the world. The consulting services focus on assisting and facilitating the recruitment of both domestic and international students to reputed Universities and Colleges worldwide. We offer one-to-one free counselling to students from selecting suitable courses, submitting application till enrolling to the universities. Our expert advisers are always dedicated to guide you for application submission, admission, enrollment, interview, visa applications… Our team consists of seasoned Consultants and competent, experienced professionals. The Company conceptualizes a start-to-finish plan to provide market intelligence. Our Marketing Consulting experts integrate a comprehensive, systematic student application procedure through an organized internet marketing platform and easy to use professional web tools. Educational resources and excellent customer service support are our biggest assets to promote our partner institution’s programs. We endeavor to recruit potential students to Education Management companies, and Institutions of Higher Learning (Universities and Colleges). The head office has well-resourced and equipped premises with various facilities. We provide assistance to students to find their suitable course at renowned universities. We initiate regular counselling sessions on courses available, requirements, study, accommodation and other expenses. Students who require additional information off the counselling sessions, can contact us. We are and always be happy to help you. LIM has assisted over 300 students till date to pursue their education in UK. The quality of higher education in United Kingdom is widely recognized throughout the world. British institutions figure prominently in the rankings of the Financial Times and Times Higher and in the European Report on Science and Technologies published by the European Commission. The UK priorities their education field mostly as one of the fundamental needs for people and each year the UK government makes huge investment in this field to promote education widely for both home and international students.

Lomolink Consulting

lomolink consulting


Academic Excellence When studying in the UK, you will find that practical and utility-based knowledge is preferred over text-book learning. This will enable you to acquire critical thinking and analytical skills along with creative ability in your chosen discipline. Quality Education The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) is an independent body in the UK that regularly assesses the education standards of all universities and colleges in the country. This is ensures all students have access to the best quality of learning, research and teaching irrespective of the course they choose to pursue. Shorter Duration Courses in the UK education system are shorter and more intensive than many other countries, which means you’ll graduate sooner, and without compromising on quality. While you can complete an undergraduate program in three years, you’ll be able to finish a graduate program in just one year. This not only saves your time, but also a chunk of money spent on tuition fees and living costs. Work while you learn To manage your everyday living expenses along with your studies, you can work part-time for up to 20 hours a week during term time. You can even work full-time during your semester break. This will help you pay for your bills as well as gain industry experience in your own field of study as well. Explore Europe while studying The UK is well connected to major European countries like France, Netherlands, and Belgium, being the closest at distances ranging from 300 – 1,000 miles. With the airport being functional 24 hours, you can explore different places while studying in the country. Health benefits for students As an internationals student, you’ll have access to free medical treatment while studying in the UK through the National Health Service (NHS). In order to avail this benefit, you will have to pay a small International Health Surcharge (IHS). Your IDP counsellor can advise you about this detail.

Leeds Recovery College

leeds recovery college


Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is the main provider of specialist mental health and learning disability services in Leeds. We also provide specialist services across York, the Yorkshire and Humber region, and some highly specialised national services. Our vision is to provide outstanding mental health and learning disability services as an employer of choice. This means supporting our service users and carers, our staff and the communities we serve to live healthy and fulfilling lives where we can all achieve our personal and professional goals, and live free from stigma and discrimination. We are an NHS foundation trust. That means: we have some freedoms to decide locally how to meet our obligations we are accountable to local people, who can become members and governors we are authorised and monitored by NHS Improvement, who support us and hold us to account We provide services for people experiencing a mental health crisis that requires urgent assessment and treatment. This may be someone’s first experience of mental health distress or a relapse of an existing mental illness. We offer services to people who need support and treatment for a wide range of mental health conditions, from depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder, to dementia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and personality disorders. Find out more about the services we offer. We support people living with issues such as addictions, eating disorders, or physical problems with psychological causes, and those needing the support of our gender identity service. Our Trust provides assessment and diagnosis of people of all intellectual ability, who may have autism. We offer community, supported living and inpatient care to people with a learning disability, who can present with challenging behaviour or complex physical health needs. We offer services across the region, and in a variety of locations, including inpatient children’s services in York, deaf children’s services across northern England, and secure services for Leeds and York.

Sheryl Findlay Coaching

sheryl findlay coaching


Growing up I was incredibly blessed by the magic my parents created for my sisters and I at Christmas. It started a few weeks before the big day with the tree. We had a classic late 80’s white tree. Each year, we’d gather together as we unboxed the decorations, taking it in turns to place our favourite baubles on the branches. The star, the most magical ornament of all, would be placed at the top by my Dad. The Christmas classics vinyl would be playing on our record player as we drank hot chocolate and prepared for the forthcoming festive season. These remain some of my fondest and most vivid memories. My parents kept that seasonal spirit alive for us throughout the pursuant weeks, ending in a crescendo on Christmas day. Gifts and games galore, sing alongs whilst my Dad played the guitar. As the night drew to a close my Mum would snuggle us up under a blanket before we went to bed. I wouldn’t trade these precious memories for anything. I’m aware how very fortunate I am. Nowadays Christmas remains a joyful time for us and over the years, we’ve gathered new loved ones and added even more traditions to our family repertoire. Charades is a Findlay family classic. And you can bet your bottom dollar Die Hard will feature at least once. In 2019 I experienced my worst Christmas. Dealing with a difficult diagnosis and having only received my cancer treatment plan hours before, I spent the day in a haze of champagne, anti-anxiety medication and shock. The year or two leading up to that Christmas, I’d been experimenting with long periods alcohol free. Once a proud owner of my party girl status, I’d been surprised by how freeing it felt to remove the booze and lean into other facets of myself. Parts of me that I’ve now come to realise alcohol had been concealing, or more perhaps more accurately, stealing.

Hfs Consultancy

hfs consultancy


HFS Consultancy is a proud representative of higher education institutes based in the United Kingdom and other Countries. We understand Home and international students need professional guidance and trustworthy organization for their Universities and Colleges admissions. The main ideology is to open a door for the students to meet the University representatives directly under the same umbrella and get their desired courses. We also provide free student education consultancy in UK. HFS Consultancy is a unique organization having dedicated approach towards the welfare of the students and always acts as a bridge between the institutes and prospective students. Our main strength is our experts who are graduated from UK Universities. Who We Are HFS Consultancy provides a platform where the students can select their right institutes. Simultaneously, institutes can recruit the most suitable talents for them. We provide counselling to the prospective students based on their career plan, previous qualification, future ambition, expectation, affordability, budget and the entry requirements of the institutions. In the same way, we promote our partner institutes to the prospective students and recommend students on their behalf, checking eligibility criteria and other required country-based information. Our education counsellor is always available for our partners and for our clients. WHO WE ARE HFS Consultancy offers high-quality and effective marketing services to the education establishment (i.e. Universities and colleges) for recruiting their prospective students. HFS Consultancy maintains the highest level of integrity, transparency and fair practice with the students as well as with our partner institutes. Our members from the education counsellor team are well qualified and selected from diverse background having international qualifications. Our team has professional skills, expertise and industry experiences in respect of assessing, and guiding, selecting and recruiting students for admission deploying their highest professionalism. Very recently HFS added new version team call in-house compliance team, who are checking local and international students credibility, academic excellences, and taking comprehensive interviews before they proceed forward to the University and ECO. Your comments, recommendations and feedback are highly appreciated which will help us improve our services

Research Global

research global


Researchtec is a market research, business development, IT solutions and digital marketing consultancy based in Uganda. Our mission is to support and empower businesses for success through the provision of digital and research-based solutions. Part of the reason why so many businesses fail, not just in Uganda, but across Africa, is because they lack solid data, information and robust insights on local markets, competitors and customers. Knowledge is power. Information is the new gold. Without robust data on the size of the market you want to serve, for instance, you cannot make a safe investment decision. Of the top 20 official reasons why new business ventures fail, at number 1 is - NO MARKET NEED. Not even passion or incredible marketing can rescue a business started without first understanding if there is a market need for its product or service. To avoid joining the failure list, first, understand your market! And it all starts with market research. Insights, data and information, about everything concerning your competitors, market, or customers. From who they are, to what they buy from your competition, and their entire demographic profile (class, age, status, income, preferences etc.). Our market researchers process this raw data to create insights, robust information and vital knowledge about everything regarding your customer! Good businesses perish for lack of this knowledge. Mostly because they don't want to pay or don't see any value in paying for this knowledge. But knowledge comes at a cost, one you cannot afford to skip when your competitors will use it and are using it. Trust us. More importantly, you are getting us, the A team. We work with some of the biggest companies in the world and have 1,000s of portfolio samples to back this up. If you want to see some of our past client market research work, feel free to drop us an email or come by our office. BOOK AN APPOINTMENT

Green Cloud

green cloud

Solar Panels in Pakistan Solar Panels are an important part of solar energy systems which are used to change the sun’s energy into various other forms, such as thermal energy and electricity With driving vitality emergency, Green cloud had influence by presenting Solar Solution. Our sophisticated solar systems need charge supervisors that keep the maintenance free batteries an optimum charge and prevent any surges. Green cloud provides best and complete solar panel system installation services in Pakistan.We identify the importance of Solar Led Lights in Pakistan and aspire to improve every business with uncompromising performance and payback. Solar panels are at the heart of every system we sell.Green energy is a subsection of renewable energy and represents those renewable energy resources and technologies that bring the highest environmental benefits. We trust the efficient power and vitality of green energy solution in Pakistan can be controlled simply by renewable. That is the reason we have dependable sourced our power from guaranteed renewable sources like solar and so on. Green Cloud offers unmatched services for businesses, homes and government agencies across the country. We are leading provider of Solar Led Lights in Pakistan. We would help you source good quality solar modules that provide high efficiency and at an inexpensive price in Pakistan. We are happy to help you. We offer solar pumps, solar led lights, solar geyser, solar street lights, LED commercial lights etc. our solar shop is the place you will find high-quality products. Our high standards Solar Panel in Pakistan contract, we satisfy and have a record of powerful installing results in technically challenging environments. Our experienced team of system designers and engineers can help you design the optimal and high standards of Solar Led Lights in Pakistan we satisfy and have a good record. Solar Street lights are raised lights sources which are powered by photo voltaic panels generally mounted on the lighting structure.

Selling Without Sleaze

selling without sleaze

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away… And you’re probably wondering: “If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”… So there has to be a “catch”… And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month. This isn't one of them. There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that. I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $27, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value. My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come. But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind: This Won’t Last Long In most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price. It costs me just over $80.00 in advertising expense to sell one book. So why would I do that? Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future. I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me. Pretty straightforward. Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer. You're Also Getting An Advanced 90-Minute Training, Free During this training, I'll walk you through exactly what's working to get clients right now. And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book. Plus I’m also including these 6 amazing bonuses valued at $389 Oh. And in case you're wondering ... Yes. Of course there's a money-back guarantee. In fact, I think it's ...