478 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

The Wellness Team

the wellness team


The Wellness Team is a company created to bring wellbeing to the workplace throughout the UK. We offer complete wellbeing solutions to our clients, whereby we bring our huge range of health and wellbeing professionals to suit your specific staff needs, right to your office. Why create The Wellness Team? Many people find wellbeing at work to be a popular topic, something to mention but possibly not action...to be aware of but not do anything about. How much is our day to day work affected by our physical and mental health? Wellbeing at work is no longer purely a concept, it's fast becoming a requirement. We created The Wellness Team to allow companies access to the most suitable, reliable, professional and well regarded therapists and practitioners without having to search high and low. We provide a continued programme for our clients, on hand to answer any questions, source the right people and delivery an exceptional standard of service throughout. For Us For our founder, Leone, a journey that started with an increased awareness of how the mind affects the body took a road down the healing power of acupuncture, the change in mood and posture from Pilates, the strength of mind and body with yoga, the positive attitude from mindfulness. Her journey doesn't end here and she's constantly researching the benefits of additional paths to happiness to be able to share. For You By employing our services, your company will gain unrivaled access to a wealth of knowledge and advice specific to your team. We tirelessly research for additional members of our team, ensuring the highest quality of delivery and obviously insurance and qualifications so you don't need to worry.

Caversham Primary School

caversham primary school


We, Ruth’s family, are left devastated by the sudden loss of a lovely mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, sister-in-law and friend. She leaves a huge, aching gap in all our lives and, we know, in the lives of so many others who were lucky enough to know her. We are grateful to all our friends for their thoughts and support now and in the difficult years ahead. Ruth will be remembered as the kind, funny, confident, vivacious, caring person she was and for all that she achieved in life. We also ask those who did not know Ruth please to respect our privacy, as we come to terms with our unfathomable grief, and to consider carefully how their words and actions might impact on others. As the many tributes to her from the broader school and Caversham community attest, Ruth cared deeply not just about academic results, but also about the general well-being and happiness of the pupils and staff whom she taught and led. Caversham Primary was a very happy school under Ruth’s leadership and, despite the many challenges that always go with the role of Head, she was happy there too. Ruth was a dedicated headteacher and an excellent teacher. She loved the pupils and the staff of Caversham Primary School and was very proud to have been its Head Teacher for 12 years and previously Deputy Head Teacher for four years. Ruth was a force for good in her life, and we want her to be a force for positive change after her death too. We would urge anyone who has been affected by her death to talk about their feelings and know that help is available. Local and national helplines, advice and support can be found on the Reading Family Information Service website.

Hubbard College of Administration Sussex

hubbard college of administration sussex

Admissions — Degree and Continuing Education Making the Decision Whether you’re a high school student choosing a career and considering an Associate Degree or already in business and want to improve your prospects through continuing education, the college you choose is an important decision. During our admissions process we do our best to help you make the personal and important choices that are right for you. If you need help planning a career or clarifying your goals, we’ll help you. And we’ll make sure you understand exactly what is offered here and exactly what is expected of you. We’ll also do everything we can to enable you to achieve success and happiness in your career. Facts to consider The Hubbard College of Administration Internationals Associate Degree program offers knowledge and practical application that are vital in todays challenging business environment. L. Ron Hubbard’s Administrative Technology is used throughout the world because it has been found to work with effectiveness and success. Our method of education, using Study Technology, is also in broad use in many countries. We don’t simply fill your head with facts and figures. Our Externship programs ensure a strong focus on practical application. You will be able to use what you learn. No matter what your career goals are, whether you want to work in the non-profit sector, in business or as an entrepreneur, even if you want to go into politics or become an artist, your education here will prepare you for success. You will have to weigh these facts, and others. And you will have to decide. As part of this process, we encourage you to contact us and get briefed on what we have to offer, talk to our faculty, see what our graduates have accomplished and speak with students who are already enrolled.

Newlands Girls' School

newlands girls' school


As the school enters a new era, I am incredibly proud to be taking on the role of Headteacher, and am determined to work alongside students, staff, parents, carers and governors to ensure we remain an outstanding school. Newlands has been providing high quality education for over one hundred years. During this time, the school has gone from strength to strength and currently sits in the top 10% of state schools in terms of pupil progress; as a team, we will work tirelessly to maintain this standard. I am committed to ensuring that students receive the education, support and opportunities they need to achieve incredible things. They deserve the very best experience possible. Our ethos is based on the 3Cs - the values which underpin everything we do. Courage, Commitment and Compassion are at the heart of our approach to school life and drive our students to ‘set no limits’ on their success. At Newlands, all pupils can expect impressive teaching from well-qualified specialists. Facilities include an indoor swimming pool, sports hall, gym, drama studio, design and technology suite and a dedicated music block. With a broad and balanced curriculum, which stretches and excites, there is always something new and interesting to learn. As parents, we know that the happiness of our children, alongside success - be it academic, sporting or creative - is our top priority. We are committed to nurturing and challenging everyone in the school, and it is our goal to deliver academic outcomes, as well as rounded, confident young people. Our expert pastoral team ensures that every student is cared for, with an emphasis on the promotion of wellbeing. Kindness, good humour and politeness characterise everyday life at Newlands and excellent behaviour and positive relationships underpin our school values, which helps keep everyone safe and happy.

Poise Pilates - Pilates Classes in Liss

poise pilates - pilates classes in liss

Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. Our interpretation of physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many and varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.” Jospeh Pilates, Return to Life Through Contrology, 1945 Pilates is a form of exercise which emphasises the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement. In Beth’s sessions, she uses varying progressions of 34 mat exercises, depending on the participant’s level of flexibility and manoeuvrability. Pilates works for a wide range of people – from top athletes and dancers, senior citizens, women rebounding from pregnancy, and people at various stages of physical rehabilitation. The Six Pilates Principles: Centering – Control – Flow – Breath – Precision – Concentration Core strength and torso stability are the key elements of Pilates, this is what sets it apart from many other types of exercise. The core muscles are the deep, internal muscles of the abdomen and back. When the core muscles are strong and doing their job, as they are trained to do in Pilates, they work in tandem with the more superficial muscles of the trunk to support the spine and movement. As you develop your core strength you develop stability throughout your entire torso. This is one of the ways Pilates helps people overcome back pain. As the trunk is properly stabilized, pressure on the back is relieved and the body is able to move freely and efficiently. “Pilates is not a fatiguing system of dull, boring, abhorred exercises repeated daily ‘ad-nauseam.’ Neither does it demand your joining a gymnasium nor the purchasing of expensive apparatus. You may derive all the benefits of …[Pilates] in your own home.“ Joseph Pilates, Return to Life Through Contrology, 1945

F&P Witchcraft

f&p witchcraft


Founded in 2017 by Shelley, F&P Witchcraft is a witch owned and managed witchcraft and spiritual shop stocking all things witchcraft from herbs, crystals, cauldrons, tarot, aromatherapy, well-being, meditation items, alternative clothing, jewellery, artwork and gifts. Products can be purchased in person or you can book a video tour of the shop and we can post your purchases out to you! As well as an overwhelming choice of beautiful items to purchase, we also offer a wide range of psychic, spiritual and holistic services! The close knit team are certified, insured and DBS checked, they are trusted and reliable group, who work from the heart to ensure customer happiness! To further reinforce their accountability, they are also members of the Spiritual Workers Association with Shelley and Tess being the regional coordinators of Lincolnshire for the Pagan Federation. Both ladies are qualified and passionate celebrants, for all Rites of Passage. More details can be found for these services on the dedicated celebrant page or Facebook. F&P doesn’t end there though! To further add to the many strings of the F&P bow, Shelley and Tess have a passionate mission of deeply educating the public on the true meaning of witchcraft, dismantling the damaging beliefs surrounding this beautiful craft and promoting understanding and tolerance within society for all beliefs and practices, to the tune of harming none of course. This means, acting as public speakers, they can be booked for any event and offer a great range of talks on everything witchcraft and beyond. You can also listen to their podcast ‘Cracking Open The Cauldron’’ [https://anchor.fm/ancientdawnwitches] on many popular streaming services! Contact Us teamflangeandprong@gmail.com 01507 524188 7 West Street Horncastle Lincolnshire LN9 5JE England

Passion Driven

passion driven

You are constantly creating your life, we all are. We create our lives out of the things to which we give our attention, and you attract into your life more of what you put attention on. If your attention is on the things you don’t have, all the problems in your life, all the bad things that are happening to you, then you are creating more of that. If you want more problems, more challenges, more unhappiness, then give attention to those things. If you want to find your purpose and live a passion driven life, then give your attention to the things that create those feelings. ideal_career When you discover your deepest passions, you connect with the essence of who you are. The key to success in life is to live aligned with your passions and your personal destiny will unfold naturally and effortlessly. When that happens, life becomes an expanding field of joy, happiness, and fulfillment, along with all the same inconveniences, challenges, obstacles, and discomforts everyone experiences. The difference is, on the path of a passion driven life, those things just don’t have much significance. Finding The Key to Success in Life Out of fear, people focus on what they don’t want. They’re afraid they won’t have enough money or they’ll get sick or there will be a disaster. One of our favorite sayings is, “Fear is vividly imagining exactly what you don’t want to happen, happening.” Focusing on what you don’t want is a habit. Whenever you notice that you are focusing on something in a negative way, just say “cancel” and replace that thought with something you choose to create. This is the key to success in life and living life with passion. Living Life With Passion: Find Your Purpose Let’s try it right now. Close your eyes and imagine something you fear could happen to you. As soon as it appears say, “cancel” and shift your attention to the opposite. Isn’t that just as likely? You can shift your life just that easily. Because of neural pathways, these fearful thoughts may continue to come up for a while. Just keep canceling those thoughts and replacing them with their opposites. With a little time new neural pathways will be created and your experience will change. What will you put your attention on now? What will the best and most amazing experience of your life look like? By now, we hope you understand that you have the power to craft that experience. You are creating your life and your world in every moment. Want to see how powerful you are? Look at your life. Creating a Passion Driven Life It’s not action that creates the desired result (even though it may appear that way). It is your intention directed through the process of attention that creates the result. You can see this is true because in almost every case the way in which a result happens is different from the plan of action created for achieving that result. Your life today is the result of the predominant thoughts you have held up until now. If you want your life to change, change your mind. It doesn’t have to take a long time to do so and live a passion driven life. Are You Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose? Living life with passion has the power to transform your life into one full of love, happiness and meaning. Find your purpose and discover how you can use your passion for inspiring and empowering others to become an entrepreneur who ACTUALLY makes a difference in the world around you! Click here to learn more about joining the Passion Test family and living a fulfilled passionate life. Thank you for reading this article about the key to success in life and living a passion driven life.

dbb coaching

dbb coaching

Rediscover your strengths and find the fulfilment and freedom you deserve Life is busy. You have a busy career and a lack of passion has crept in to your daily routine or you just don't feel fulfilled in what you are doing. It may be impacting your wellbeing, your work performance and your relationships and you are feeling stuck? Many of us are at crossroads in our career or emotional life? We can feel lost, unsure, ambivalent, or unhappy at times and burnt out with our job. As a Fulfilment Coach, I can help you understand and rediscover your strengths so you can find the career you want and the life of fulfilment you want to lead & deserve. I will help you find what you want to do and how to achieve it successfully. I believe that all of us have the strength not just to survive, but to truly thrive in our career and life overall . ABOUT ME Hi. I'm David, personal & professional qualified coach - here to help you find meaning, fulfilment and freedom in your life and career! I love helping individuals find their goals and then go and achieve them so that they grow in their career and find fulfilment. We have one life. Happiness and fulfilment are all about aligning the three facets in your life - self, relationships and work. I worked as a sales leader in corporate, tech and startup sales for 20 years and was very successful! Then through a mixture of wanting to be a better husband, Dad and friend; then losing 2 jobs in 15 months in a global pandemic, I rediscovered my strengths - a passionate curiosity and ability in helping people. Coaching can be tranformative and can enable us to live the life we really want. We can absolutely be happy and have the life we want! If you are ready to grow and go on that journey, then I can help you find the fulfilment and happiness for which you strive for in life and work. Here's how: ℹ️We DELIVER tailored 1:1 coaching packages that are focused on your unique challenges Through proven techniques and tools we HELP you go from surviving mode to thriving in your life and career by helping you discover your strengths and working with you to achieve the goals you need to reach to lead a fulfilled and happy life. We SUPPORT you throughout the program so you are in control of the changes you want to make ⬇️ Interested in learning about how we help? ⬇️ Email me on: david@dbbcoaching.com or BOOK TIME IN MY DIARY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION - https://calendly.com/dbbcoaching/intro Get in Touch Book a free consultation THE MENU TO MAKE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE Get back that feeling of fulfilment THE STARTER 60 minute 1:1 starter session to focus on you and one specific problem you are currently feeling - be it in your life or career. Using proven coaching techniques, we will explore the issue and together work on a plan so you leave feeling revitalised with some clear actions to move forward Studying at Home Image by Denys Nevozhai THE MAIN COURSE A 3-month opportunity to transform how you feel about yourself and make the changes to rediscover YOU. Invest in yourself and transform your life so you get your passion back for life and find the fulfilment and freedom you desire, be it at home or for your career. What's included: - 6 x 60 min 1:1 coaching sessions that works around your busy schedule - We will identify the areas of your life and career where you want to see improvement - Address those limiting beliefs and understand why you feel the way you do - Discover your strengths and align those to your career - Unlimited support via Whatsapp / Email and phone during the 3 months

Solihull School Enterprises

solihull school enterprises


At Solihull, we pride ourselves on ensuring that all pupils realise their full potential. Our central aim is to provide for every pupil as rich a life as possible so that school fosters fulfilment, happiness and success; a preparation for life as a good adult in society. Teaching is excellent and our examination results speak volumes about the progress Silhillians make in their studies. Our most recent inspection graded us at the highest level in all areas of school life. Our pupils enjoy outstanding facilities and a wide-ranging and comprehensive co-curricular programme. Solihull School excels on the sports field, on the stage, in the debating chamber and in the concert hall; and pupils benefit from many enriching cultural excursions at home and abroad. Boys and girls are encouraged to develop as individuals in a caring and civilised environment, and our strong pastoral care network underpins the many and varied successes enjoyed by pupils. We uphold traditional values in a global community, emphasising the importance of high moral standards and ethical conduct. Many Old Silhillians have gone on to be pioneers and leaders in their chosen fields and these qualities are honed here at school. Pupils are actively encouraged to develop their leadership skills, to take responsibility for others and to serve the local, national and international communities. Solihull School is a beacon of excellence and I hope that our prospectus and website give you a feel for the character and high expectations that pervade all areas of school life. However, to appreciate our ethos and happy atmosphere fully, I would urge you to visit the school, either at one of our formal open events or at any other convenient time. Solihull School was founded in 1560 and is very proud of its place within the community. In 2020 Solihull merged with Saint Martin's School to create a leading independent coeducational 3 - 18 day school across two campuses, with Solihull Preparatory School on the Saint Martin's campus and Solihull Senior School on the Warwick Road campus.

Stationers' Crown Woods Academy

stationers' crown woods academy


It is with an enormous sense of pride that we welcome you to Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy. We are a values-driven Academy with an unshakeable belief in human potential and are proud of all our students. We have the highest expectations of them in terms of academic achievement, personal development, attitude, behaviour, attendance and appearance. Staff are dedicated and committed to students being stretched, challenged and supported in all their learning experiences so that they can reach their full potential and learn essential life skills to help them succeed in an ever-changing world. Our curriculum offer is broad, innovative and inclusive with a rich variety of subjects that allow students to aspire, strive and thrive. Lessons, delivered in world-class learning facilities, are stimulating and challenging, meeting the needs of all our students. Our enrichment and extension opportunities support the development of our students as well-rounded, life-long learners. It is an immense privilege to be part of a highly skilled, professional, team of staff, all of whom are focussed on students’ academic progress, character development, happiness and well-being. Young people face many choices and challenges in their teenage years and our Small School model enables us to provide outstanding care and pastoral support. Staff are a reassuring and constant presence in our young people’s lives and help them discover who they are and what they want to be. As a Stationers’ school and part of the Leigh Academies Trust, our students have access to an incredible range of opportunities in industry, commerce and education. The commitment of the Governors and Trust members is outstanding. They work tirelessly to provide advice, financial support, work experience, mentoring, apprenticeships and enrichment opportunities. ‘Stationers’ students’ are highly regarded by further education institutions and employers. We know that young people achieve their best in a supportive and caring environment and a strong home/school relationship plays an essential part in helping our students reach their full potential. We look forward to welcoming you as members of our Academy family.