5207 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Human Givens College

human givens college

Human Givens College* has been providing training in the best ways to treat mental health and behavioural problems for over twenty years. Our tutors are experts in their field, and provide practical, evidence-based training in clear, jargon-free language. > Excellent, practical and empowering – HG is a genuine breath of fresh air in > the world of psychology and therapy > > SENIOR MENTAL HEALTH PRACTITIONER As well as giving you essential psychological knowledge and proven practical skills, our down-to-earth, accredited training [https://www.humangivens.com/college/about-the-college/#accredited] has introduced new research and insights into the causes and drivers of common conditions such as depression [https://www.humangivens.com/college/break-the-cycle-of-depression/], addiction [https://www.humangivens.com/college/tackling-addiction/], anxiety disorders [https://www.humangivens.com/college/understanding-anxiety/], trauma [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training/] and psychosis [https://www.humangivens.com/college/from-stress-to-psychosis/] which, when combined with the human givens framework for mental health and wellbeing, are revolutionising effective treatment. We care passionately about improving mental health [https://www.humangivens.com/college/about-the-college/improving-mental-health/] and reducing suffering – our aim is to support improvements in mental and physical healthcare, education and social services, by giving you the psychological knowledge and proven therapeutic skills that make it easier for you to reduce the considerable emotional distress and behavioural problems that increasing numbers of adults and children are experiencing. Our approach is holistic [https://www.humangivens.com/human-givens/about/], and enables you to tailor therapeutic interventions to each individual. As well as our attended workshops [https://www.humangivens.com/college/all-courses/?category=attended-courses], online training [https://www.humangivens.com/college/all-courses/online-courses/] and Diploma course [https://www.humangivens.com/college/diploma/], we are happy to tailor our training to suit your needs with inhouse training [https://www.humangivens.com/college/in-house-training/].

Stop Hurt at Work (part of Conduct Change)

stop hurt at work (part of conduct change)

Stop Hurt at Work is the campaign through which Conduct Change upholds its clear commitment to its social purpose. Our mission is to end workplace bullying through the development of meaningful prevention activities for organisations and the implementation of effective routes to redress for individuals.C Campaign for change [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/stophurtatwork-legislation] We are campaigning for formal recognition of workplace bullying as a problem that injures individuals and damages organisations. The law does not provide sufficient protection or redress for people whose employers let bullying go unchecked, making the process of seeking legal remedy in these cases unduly complex and arduous. We are working with lawyers and legislators to identify and close the gaps in legislation. Awareness raising [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts] From a foundation of research into new approaches and awareness raising, we are creating proposals for change to both workplace approaches and to legislation. We share and showcase news and progress through newsletters, webinars [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts], podcasts [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts], events and social media. Research [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/research] We select topics for research which concern any type of harassment and also bullying.  Our research ultimately focuses on workplace effects and is concerned with adults. We are willing to use a variety of methods - case studies, questionnaires and interviews, for example. We expect all our research to be of international standard and publishable.  However we are willing to undertake confidential research which may not be published.  We also partner with Speak Out Revolution who collect anonymous data on workplace bullying globally.  You can add your experience here [https://www.stophurtatwork.org/speakout]

Kbm Training & Recruitment

kbm training & recruitment



KBM Training and Recruitment is a well-recognised training provider specialising in Accounting, Finance, Taxation and Business Administration. We provide practical / hands-on training through qualified accountants and trainers in real business environment in collaboration with KBM Chartered Certified Accountants & Registered Auditors, a recognised partner of the ACCA (global body for professional accountants) and an ACCA Approved Employer at Gold Level. Staffing strength include a large number of qualified & professional accountants and auditors. Our training programmes are customized and designed to prepare learners for a Job or Further Education. We offer flexible delivery & timetables to suit your needs and deliver one-to-one hand-on training. We are committed to provide specialist knowledge and professionalism; our training programmes includes an extensive use of modern accounting software like Sage, QuickBooks, SAP, SAPA, SAGE Compliance, Excel, Xero and Sage One. We are accredited by AAT, NCFE and OCR (Oxford Cambridge & RSA). We also provide non accredited training programmes from fundamental to skills level and have helped thousands of candidates in Training, Employment and Further Education. We also deliver our programmes through public funding projects including European Social Fund (ESF), Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), Department for Education (DfE), Local Government and EU Erasmus+. The programmes include Traineeships, Apprenticeships, NEET, Adult Education Budget, Advanced Learning Loans, Erasmus+ (KA1 & KA2) and Employability programmes for Local Authorities. We also provide pre-employment training & support, work placements, vocational skills & retraining, advice on an interview, CV writing, job searching etc. We are on the ESFA RoATP (Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers) with an Outstanding Grade (UKPRN # 10045412). We are Matrix Certified for Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) to help individuals progress into employment & develop career potential to gain the skills and qualifications they need to get jobs and further education. We also work closely with employers to ensure that our training programmes match their business priorities. Setting clear objectives ensures our learners have a positive attitude to learning, enjoy their programmes and make good progress.

Consortium Trust

consortium trust


Consortium Trust is a family of schools and educational provisions with the fundamental aim to not only maintain but to enhance quality education at the centre of our communities across East Anglia.  Our Trust values family and community and puts these at the heart of what we do, our buildings and services are community assets and our contribution to the wider community is key to the success of our children, young people and colleagues. Consortium Trust is a growing and aspirational Trust and are proud of every part of our organisation.  While we started our journey as specialising in small rural primary schools, a core aim that we still hold, we have sustainably expanded to also include medium size suburban primary schools, private nursery provision, large special schools, an unregulated Alternative Provision offer and specialist resource bases.  Our school scouting provision at primary will soon be joined by Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Operating status for our secondary and post-16 students, demonstrating our commitment to a broad, balanced curriculum and outdoor learning. We provide excellent support and services to our schools and settings through an effective central team based at our offices in Helmingham  that include, school improvement and curriculum development alongside, finance, HR, compliance and estates management.  As we continue to strive to deliver excellence in education we are looking for new partners to add to our diversity and strength, from the smallest primary school to secondary schools, if you are seeking a supportive, collaborative and challenging home, I would be delighted to explore the opportunities with you.