37 Educators providing Courses delivered Online




Psychological Operations (PSYOP) and Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR), these words generate thoughts of North Vietnam's "Hanoi Hanna", Japan's "Tokyo Rose" and more recently the Iraq's infamous "Baghdad Betty" of Desert Storm. To others the words psychological operations and psychological warfare conjure up images of our military playing mind games with the enemy. PSYOP is all this and much more, for you see there are essentially two great forces in warfare:-the physical and the moral. These two forces suggest two distinct approaches to warfare. One a "direct" approach, concentrating on the opponent's physical forces, and the other an "indirect" approach, focusing on moral forces. Both of these approaches have been tried throughout history, with a noted lack of emphasis on the indirect approach until more recent times. This website will attempt to give new emphasis to the indirect approach by conveying a better appreciation for the application of psychological operations. So sit back and join me on a tour of the history of Psychological Operations, and what PSYOP is today. - The Life and Times of the "Psywarrior" - A Brief History of Psychological Operations - Links on the use of psychological operations/warfare during World Wars I and II, Korean War, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama (Operation Just Cause) Gulf War (Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Haiti (Operation Uphold Democracy), Somalia (Operation Restore Hope), Bosnia & Kosovo (Operation Allied Force), Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom). Also samples of leaflets and unusual PSYOP themes used by both sides in conflicts from World War I to the present, information on the 4th Psychological Operations Group, the Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (USACAPOC), the Psychological Operations Veterans Association (POVA), the PSYWAR Society, a Gulf War Photo Gallery, the Son Tay POW Rescue Raid, plus stories about two of our nation's heroes, and much more.

Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly

technological educational institute of thessaly

T.E.I. of Thessaly was established as a tertiary education institution in 1983 (under Act 1404/83), along with all Greek T.E.I.s which replaced the existent Higher Technical & Vocational Centres. In 2001 (under Act 2916/2001) all Technological Educational Institutions were established as Higher Education institutions along with the universities, in compliance with the Bolognia declaration. According to Act 3549/2007 Higher Education in Greece consists of two parallel sections: The university section comprising all Universities, Polytechnics and the Athens School of Fine Arts The technological section comprising all Technological Educational Institutions and the Higher School of Pedagogy & Technological Education Mission of T.E.I.s, as well as all Higher Education institutions, is: to produce and transmit knowledge through research and education and to promote arts and culture. to contribute to the shaping of responsible citizens, capable of dealing with all fields of human endeavour, based on their scientific, professional and cultural adequacy while having respect for justice, freedom, democracy and solidarity. to properly respond to meeting the social, cultural, educational and developmental needs of society with dedication to the principles of viable development and social cohesion. to provide the necessary environment for the development and dissemination of new knowledge and the promotion of new researchers, through cooperation with other research bodies in Greece and/or abroad, participating in the utilization of knowledge and human resources for the welfare of both the country and the world society. to contribute to the implementation of equality, equal rights and equal opportunities practices between the two sexes. In order to accomplish their mission all Higher Education Institutions ought to assure and improve the quality of the services offered and disseminate all information regarding their activities to the community, ensuring the highest possible transparency.

Romanian Cultural Centre

romanian cultural centre


Throughout the years we have been developing a collaborative network of interests and opportunities for the Romanian community living in the UK, contributing to England's multicultural milieu. We facilitate cultural exchanges between Britain and Romania, constantly aiming to improve our relationship. RCC also provides an up to date Guide containing information about Romanian institutions, organisations, businesses and services in the UK. Our Work We rely on the enthusiasm of our team of volunteers, who get involved in our programmes and help us improve invariably. Moreover, the Centre benefits from a number of voluntary British advisers on dealings with British institutions and audiences. These are friends of Romania, private or public persons from various institutions who have supported the Centre in its endeavours by encouraging us to bring new ideas to life. Besides the cultural activities implied by the name, RCC also plays an active part in the social life of the Romanian Diaspora in Britain. Our History The idea of establishing an organisation to represent Romanians in the UK dates from the '50s, when ACARDA (Asociatia Culturala a Romanilor din Anglia - The Cultural Association of the Romanians in England) was founded by Ion Ratiu and Horia Georgescu working together with various individuals, notably the ladies of the Romanian community. In 1984 the UMRL (Uniunea Mondiala a Romanilor Liberi - The World Union of Free Romanians) was launched in Geneva to unite Romanians from all over the world. Ion Ratiu was elected the first President. From that date (1984) UMRL published a monthly newspaper in Romanian and English, 'Romanul Liber' (Free Romanian), which flourished until 1997. In 1984 a British branch of UMRL was founded, along with branches in 23 other countries. Sandu Pobereznic was elected as the first British President, and succeeded by Nicolae Ratiu in 1992. The newspaper was closed and political activity sharply scaled down after the election of 1996, when it was considered that the objective of UMRL, the restoration of freedom and democracy to Romania, had largely been achieved.

Battle Of Ideas

battle of ideas


The UK's premier festival of ideas, produced by the Academy of Ideas. Join us at this year's festival at Church House, London, on Sat 15 & Sun 16 October.From the cost-of-living crisis to the war in Ukraine, and from culture wars to institutions in meltdown, this has been a year of enormous challenges. The death of Queen Elizabeth II marks both the end of an era and of an important connection with the past. In just a few days in September, we had both a new prime minister and a new king. Yet our political leaders – only recently in some turmoil themselves – don’t seem up to the task, and many people feel like their voices aren’t being heard. We need to get beyond lurching from one emergency to another and start moving society forward. We must understand how we got here, with an eye to shaping a better future. The aim of the Battle of Ideas festival and events is to provide an opportunity to debate the issues in a full and frank manner, bringing together a wide variety of voices and, most importantly, creating a space for everyone to have their say. THE STATE WE’RE IN Rising inflation, falling living standards and eye-watering bills are front and centre of most people’s minds. And after the pandemic, the already-weak institutions of government seem incapable of rising to these challenges. If the failure to prepare for Covid was bad enough, the absence of any meaningful planning on a wide variety of issues – from energy to healthcare, housing to infrastructure – has truly been exposed. We seem to find ourselves in a state of permanent crises – from not being able to get a GP appointment to civil servants revolting against their ministers. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has thrown into question our previously held assumptions about international relations and shaking up the world order. There is a general feeling of instability, with uprisings in Iran – where women are burning their head scarves in protest against the morality police – and shock election results in both Italy and Sweden. When the Cold War ended, we were told we were at the End of History, that there was no more need for big ideas. There was no alternative to the world envisaged by globalist thinkers: a free market, managed by technocratic experts moving the whole world towards some form of liberal democracy. Recent events have challenged such complacency.

Soul Food Sisters

soul food sisters


We’re a group of migrant women based in East Glasgow and together we’re creating a vibrant, female-led collective based around our favourite thing: food! By swapping recipes, ideas and skills, we’re making women’s lives brighter. Our not-for-profit organisation brings together women from all over the world, ending social isolation and empowering them to develop their talents- in the kitchen and beyond. 1. WE ARE A SOCIAL ENTERPRISE When we say ‘not-for-profit’, we mean just that! We believe that making a difference to people’s lives is more important than making money. Soul Food Sisters’ role is to empower migrant women in the local community to start their own businesses, encourage their abilities and increase confidence. That’s much more valuable than a fistful of tenners. 2. IT’S A LEARNING CURVE Sharing skills is a big deal for us. We are paid a flat rate and we all work together, which can mean anything from peeling bags of spuds to attending high-flying business meetings. By learning from each other, we can become stronger and more powerful together. 3. WE ARE ALL WOMEN We are built on the idea of sisterhood, so Soul Food Sisters is a women-only workers co-op, open to females from diverse backgrounds who love to cook. (Sorry, guys!). But if you’re female and you’d like to join our collective, get in contact as we would love to hear from you. If you work with us for a while, you could be offered membership to the co-operative. 4. EVERYTHING WE GET, WE PUT BACK IN Soul Food Sisters have an appetite for making great food, but when it comes to business, we’re not greedy. Any surplus cash after paying wages goes straight back into the collective. Also our assets are locked, so in the unlikely event we go bankrupt, nobody will be allowed to go home with the soup urns or chopping boards! 5. WE ARE A DEMOCRACY All the women in the Soul Food Sisters collective get a fair share and a listening ear. We make all our decisions by consensus, which isn’t always the quickest way, or the easiest. But consensus means that everyone is treated with respect and that we genuinely make decisions as a unified group. Every single one of us has equal ownership. 6. WE ARE ETHICAL To us, having a clear conscience is just as important as having a clean kitchen. We source ethical ingredients wherever possible and support other co-ops, making sure to buy our food locally. Of course, sometimes there are ingredients - like rice paper, for example - that we have to go further afield to find! But ethically sourced food is our utmost priority. 7. WE BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF FOOD We believe that food has the power to bring people together. By harnessing the spirit of Glasgow and it’s culturally diverse and fascinating communities, we provide food that celebrates diversity and for people of all cultures to enjoy together. 8. WE ARE SMART LADIES FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE At the moment, Soul Food Sisters is made up of eight women from 5 different continents. From Malaysia and Cuba to Poland and Thailand, we are a culturally mixed group, with many skills to share. And our talents extend further than just the kitchen. Together our cooks can do anything, whether it’s teaching German, making wine, designing buildings or driving trains! 9.THE HIDDEN GARDENS HAVE HELPED US GROW We would not be here without the help of the Hidden Gardens, at Tramway. This is the place where we met and cooked together for the first time, and we are grateful for their continued support. 10. AND FINALLY…WE MAKE GREAT FOOD Our food is what makes us tick. It’s who we all are, what we grew up with, what brings us together. We believe that our food is a reflection of our individual personalities and family traditions. And we’d like to share it with everyone!

Bemis (Scotland)

bemis (scotland)


BEMIS is the national umbrella body supporting the development of the Ethnic Minorities Voluntary Sector in Scotland. BEMIS was established in 2001 to promote the interest of minority ethnic voluntary organisations, develop capacity and support inclusion and integration of ethnic minorities communities. It is a member-led and managed organisation with an elected board of directors. The major aims and objectives of BEMIS are to represent and support the development of the ethnic minority voluntary sector across Scotland, and to support the diverse communities and individuals that this sector represents, especially those who are under- represented and disadvantaged. BEMIS aims to address inequalities by empowering communities, working towards an inclusive society by establishing structures, which recognise diversity and empowers ethnic minorities, and ensuring that they are fully recognised and supported as a valued part of the Scottish multicultural civic society. Initial Key aims and objectives: To strengthen the capacity of the ethnic minorities voluntary sector. Raise the profile of the ethnic minorities’ voluntary sector and its needs at strategic, local and national levels. Have a coordinating role for the voice of the ethnic minorities’ voluntary sector, ensuring pertinent issues are raised with the relevant bodies. To take a lead on policy issues and debate which are of concern to minority ethnic communities at both local and national levels. Work in partnership with all stakeholders and the diverse Ethnic Minorities communities in support of equality and a multicultural Scotland. Key Strengths Of BEMIS as identified in the HMIE review: a highly committed board of directors and staff who brought with them a good range of professional skills and a clear understanding of their responsibilities; the organisation had been successful in uniting a diverse range of stakeholders; BEMIS was highly valued by stakeholders and was making a positive impact on individuals, organisations and communities; strong commitment to inclusion and diversity; and strong commitment to ensuring grass roots organisations have a voice rather than acting as a spokesperson for EM communities. The above is complemented by the following notions stated by HMIE: A sector leading organisation/ excellent rating. BEMIS made a significant difference in local communities and to the organisations it supported. 93.6 % of questionnaire respondents rated the overall service provided by BEMIS as good to excellent Active involvement in research work with other organisations [which] enhanced understanding and removed barriers to BME involvement in local and national democracy Organisational efficiency and effectiveness for stakeholder organisations had been improved BEMIS gives grass roots a voice rather than acting as mouthpiece for EM communities BEMIS had been instrumental in securing a significant increase in the EM responses to consultation processes making effective use of its network both nationally and across a diverse range of ethnic communities/ BEMIS was making a positive contribution to policy development and had been instrumental in ensuring …‘engagement’… directly with EM organisations/ BEMIS had a strong track record of consulting its target communities, identifying needs and responding quickly with programmes and projects. Their commitment to capacity building ensured that local projects were self sustaining and no longer required significant support from BEMIS staff The comprehensive range of accredited training opportunities offered including a BA in community regeneration and HNC working in communities ensured EM people in local communities had the skills to better engage with local structures and partnerships Managers and staff at BEMIS were highly motivated, energetic and committed to the purpose of their work. They worked very effectively as a team, providing high levels of mutual support. The very strong commitment of BEMIS to diversity and inclusion was reflected in its diverse membership. Participants in the professional development courses came from a range of ethnic backgrounds The organisation had made very good efforts to target specific communities with its work, and to involve them in its management the organisation was not fully capitalising on its excellent work. It should develop better means to communicate and celebrate its successes so as to raise its profile. There is a strong commitment at both board and staff level to ensure that the diverse voluntary sector and communities this sector represents are fully recognised and supported as a valued part of civic society and a multicultural Scotland. BEMIS enjoys a high proportion of fundamental Strengths that are essential for the development and delivery of our role and remit. The opportunities for developing and delivering our strategies and objectives are ample and remain to be explored and exploited to the full in support of the diverse EMVS as well as government policies and initiatives around equality and social justice. Within the above context, BEMIS has and continue to be a major partner in supporting the equality agenda in Scotland and in supporting the diverse communities within the framework of equality, diversity and a cohesive multicultural Scotland. We envisage this role to be enhanced and promoted enabling us to function and deliver at several levels in empowering the diverse EM voluntary sector and the communities this sector represents as well as assisting national policies and objectives of the government in their endeavour to promote an equal multicultural Scotland.

Courses matching "Democracy"

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British Democracy & Political Systems


By Skill Up

Discover British Democracy & its political systems. Understand electoral processes, parties, the EU, and more. Begin now!

British Democracy & Political Systems
Delivered Online On Demand43 minutes

Politics & Democracy Diploma

By NextGen Learning

Politics & Democracy Diploma
Delivered Online On Demand13 hours

Overview of Politics Politics shapes the world around us, influencing every aspect of our daily lives. In the UK, where political engagement is integral to the democratic process, understanding the intricacies of politics is more important than ever. This CPD-accredited Politics Diploma equips you with comprehensive knowledge, from the foundations of democracy to the complexities of different political ideologies. Throughout the course, you will explore key aspects of British and American political systems, such as the nature of the British Constitution and the constitutional framework of the US government. You will gain insight into the roles of Parliament, the Prime Minister, and the judiciary, as well as delve into political theories like liberalism, conservatism, and ecologism. Whether you aim to pursue a career in politics or simply wish to be an informed citizen, this course offers valuable insights into the world of politics. Expand your understanding and engage more deeply in the political process. Join us in this enriching journey through the landscape of political thought and governance. Get a Quick Look at The Course Content: This Politics Course will help you to learn: Learn strategies to boost your workplace efficiency. Hone your skills to help you advance your career. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of various topics and tips. Learn in-demand skills that are in high demand among UK employers This course covers the topic you must know to stand against the tough competition. The future is truly yours to seize with this Politics. Enrol today and complete the course to achieve a certificate that can change your career forever. Details Perks of Learning with IOMH One-To-One Support from a Dedicated Tutor Throughout Your Course. Study Online - Whenever and Wherever You Want. Instant Digital/ PDF Certificate. 100% Money Back Guarantee. 12 Months Access. Process of Evaluation After studying the course, an MCQ exam or assignment will test your skills and knowledge. You have to get a score of 60% to pass the test and get your certificate. Certificate of Achievement Certificate of Completion - Digital / PDF Certificate After completing the Politics course, you can order your CPD Accredited Digital / PDF Certificate for £5.99.  Certificate of Completion - Hard copy Certificate You can get the CPD Accredited Hard Copy Certificate for £12.99. Shipping Charges: Inside the UK: £3.99 International: £10.99 Who Is This Course for? This Politics is suitable for anyone aspiring to start a career in relevant field; even if you are new to this and have no prior knowledge, this course is going to be very easy for you to understand.  On the other hand, if you are already working in this sector, this course will be a great source of knowledge for you to improve your existing skills and take them to the next level.  This course has been developed with maximum flexibility and accessibility, making it ideal for people who don't have the time to devote to traditional education. Requirements You don't need any educational qualification or experience to enrol in the Politics course. Do note: you must be at least 16 years old to enrol. Any internet-connected device, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone, can access this online course. Career Path The certification and skills you get from this Politics Course can help you advance your career and gain expertise in several fields, allowing you to apply for high-paying jobs in related sectors. Course Curriculum Module 01: Introduction to Politics Introduction to Politics 00:28:00 Module 02: Democracy and Participation Democracy and Participation 00:20:00 Module 03: Elections and Referendums Elections and Referendums 00:32:00 Module 04: Political Parties Political Parties 00:27:00 Module 05: Pressure Groups Pressure Groups 00:22:00 Module 06: The European Union The European Union (EU) 00:26:00 Module 07: The Nature and Sources of The British Constitution The Nature and Sources of The British Constitution 00:24:00 Module 08: Parliament Parliament 00:24:00 Module 09: The Prime Minister and Cabinet The Prime Minister and Cabinet 00:30:00 Module 10: The Judiciary The Judiciary 00:30:00 Module 11: Devolution Devolution 00:20:00 Module 12: Liberalism Liberalism 00:23:00 Module 13: Conservatism Conservatism 00:23:00 Module 14: Socialism Socialism 00:30:00 Module 15: Nationalism Nationalism 00:21:00 Module 16: Feminism Feminism 00:23:00 Module 17: Multiculturalism Multiculturalism 00:25:00 Module 18: Anarchism Anarchism 00:19:00 Module 19: Ecologism Ecologism 00:22:00 Module 20: The Constitutional Framework of US Government The Constitutional Framework of US Government 00:26:00 Module 21: The Legislative Branch of Government: Congress The Legislative Branch of Government Congress 00:22:00 Module 22: The Executive Branch of Government: President The Executive Branch of Government President 00:31:00 Module 23: The Judicial Branch of Government The Judicial Branch of Government 00:23:00 Module 24: The Electoral Process and Direct Democracy The Electoral Process and Direct Democracy 00:31:00 Module 25: Comparative Approaches Comparative Approaches 00:29:00

Delivered Online On Demand10 hours 31 minutes

Politics Diploma at QLS Level 5

By Imperial Academy

Level 5 QLS Diploma With QLS Endorsed Certificate | 11 CPD Courses & PDF Certificates | 150 CPD Points | Lifetime Access

Politics Diploma at QLS Level 5
Delivered Online On Demand

UK Politics: A Comprehensive Study

By Online Training Academy

UK Politics: A Comprehensive Study
Delivered Online On Demand48 minutes

Political Philosophy Course

By Elearncollege

Political Philosophy Course
Delivered Online On Demand9 days

Political Science: Understanding UK Politics Course

By Training Express

Political Science: Understanding UK Politics Course
Delivered Online On Demand

UK / British Politics


By Studyhub UK

UK / British Politics
Delivered Online On Demand43 minutes

Political Study: Conservatism, Nationalism, Socialism, Liberalism and Multiculturalism

By Online Training Academy

Political Study: Conservatism, Nationalism, Socialism, Liberalism and Multiculturalism
Delivered Online On Demand6 hours 6 minutes

Political Study: Conservatism, Nationalism, Socialism, Liberalism and Multiculturalism

By Online Training Academy

Political Study: Conservatism, Nationalism, Socialism, Liberalism and Multiculturalism
Delivered Online On Demand6 hours 6 minutes