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The Study Society

the study society



The Study Society is both a physical and virtual place where you can find rest and refreshment amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We share practical ways to help further inner peace, happiness and spiritual growth. The Study Society is headquartered at Colet House in London and has affiliate groups around the world. Our charity organises weekly classes, member gatherings, Advaita meetings and events to help connect people with deep levels of stillness, truth and love. Please, have a look at our range of on-line offers to see what is currently available. The teachings of the Study Society originated with the Russian philosopher and spiritual teacher P.D. Ouspensky who bought Colet House, just before the Second World War. Ouspensky’s successor Dr. Francis Roles registered The Study Society as a member based organisation in 1951. Afterwards, Dr. Roles introduced non-dual philosophy and mantra meditation to Society members through a direct connection with His Holiness Shantanand Saraswati (1913-1997), a leader of the ancient Advaita (which means ‘not two’) Vedanta tradition in India. In 1963, Dr. Roles introduced to Study Society’s members another expression of non-dual philosophy through a unique relationship with Mr. Resuhi, a senior Sheikh of the Mevlevi Dervish order in Turkey. Mevlevi Turning (whirling dervishes) was inspired over 700 years ago by the poet Jalaluddin Rumi. The Turning has been taught and practiced at Colet House for over 50 years. Today we blend sacred traditions with modern teachings and expressions of non-duality which can be sourced across multiple cultures. As Rupert Spira, a Direct Path teacher, long-term member and friend of The Study Society says: “non-duality requires no affiliation to any particular religious or spiritual tradition. All that is required is an interest in the essential nature of experience, and in the longing for love, peace and happiness around which most of our lives revolve.”




Thank you so much for your meditation course, which I found very interesting and made me want to find out more. It was clear, informative and could be aimed at any level. You supported us the whole time and as time went on I felt I could remain focused for longer. I put aside some time first thing in the morning to do the practice and it became a routine which I followed most days. Katie Thank you for holding space for all of us with your big big love wings ✨❤️ Andrea I think the biggest shift was being able to keep up with a regular meditation over a period of time and the meditation becoming part of my daily routine. It was good to get an understanding or hear the student teacher mantra. The format of the webinars worked well, I felt shy at first but then more confident to speak once I found my voice. T.S. It has been a fascinating journey, and one I am so glad to have taken with you as well as the other members of this sangha. I guess I saw it originally as a defence against the trials of the lockdown, but I quickly realised through the use of the myths, the wider discussions and the practice that this was a positive tool to challenge and overcome all the negative energy generated by the lockdown and, actually, beyond. I have found my time with you to be transforming. The positivity you generate and nurture through the yoga, the storytelling, this sangha is most welcome, and long may it continue. Keith I felt a shift in my sense of inner power and finding confidence to keep going be it every day challenges or bigger life changing challenges. Daily practice worked for me and I really liked the initial recording. To someone thinking about joining a similar programme with YogaBright, I would say “do it!”




I am a Shaman Alchemist based in Hampshire. I believe that when you listen to your inner guidance and follow your soul's purpose, even though it may be the hardest thing you have to go through at the time, doors do open, opportunities do arise and you are always looked after by the Universe in every way and even beyond that which we know as our 'reality' - as long as you trust in the process... That's the key 'trust' that you are supported by the Universe. I am seeing so many people who have 'fragmented' souls, losing a small part of themselves each time they go through a trauma. Some have unknowingly carried over traumas from past lives and some are not fully here as they are sharing a parallel life simultaneously which if not in balance can drain their energy reservoir... Hmmmm, yeah it's pretty out there! I tap into my past life soul wisdom to bring in alchemical changes - to balance vibrational energies. I know that it is my calling to support others with their spiritual development. I hold shamanic alchemy sessions [https://www.love2meditate.com/privatetreatments.html], workshops [https://www.love2meditate.com/groupsessions.html], courses [https://www.love2meditate.com/courses.html], retreats  [https://www.love2meditate.com/retreats.html]and I have now created an online support system in the form of a magazine - Alchemical Voice [https://www.love2meditate.com/alchemical-voice-magazines.html]. it is a pathway of virtual support for those who don't have anyone else to talk to about their experiences. Digital copies are absolutely free! Furthermore, the Universe has guided me into creating online meditations [https://www.love2meditate.com/meditations.html] which are shamanically infused and include my healing shamanic drumming. These meditations have helped to heal myself as I work on writing them for others. Once completed they are tested by a Kinesiologist to ensure there is powerful transformational vibrations embedded in each one. They are all tested using the Levels of Consciousness (read my blog to know more about LoC [https://www.love2meditate.com/blog/levels-of-consciousness-explained]). Always striving to be the best I can, I will continue my sacred work, expand my knowledge and use the tools I have, to show you how you can help yourself. Be grateful for the past, be grateful for the present and confidently (with power) walk into your future knowing that the Universe has your back. You just need to believe, trust and love yourself. You do need to put in some work too :)