3583 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Street Soccer Skills

street soccer skills


The Street Soccer Academy is a newly formed project recruiting the best talent from in and around London after the Nike academy collapse. The Street Soccer Academy host trials through application, where the successful candidates will be invited to an evaluation on technical, tactical, physical and mental abilities. Only a successful players from the trialist will be chosen to form the Street Soccer Academy Team who will go on to play academy and pre-academy sides, numerous showcase matches through out the season against foreign and British professional and ex professional players overseen by domestic British and foreign clubs. These players will be required to train together with showcase matches up to 2 times a month, to attend branded events and tournaments with opportunities of sponsorship and professional/semi-professional opportunities . The final Street Soccer Academy team will undergo frequent filmed game analysis where individual performances will be tracked for improvements and adjustments, as well as footage edited to contribute towards a players CV for an invite into future clubs. Players will also be documented to track progress and give a behind the scenes look into sports science, fitness methodology, individual coaching, talent ID and mental training on the path to a professional career. The Trial Alongside performance on the day we have an Academy lounge set up for football specific guest speakers, workshops and presentations with the professional advice corner on nutrition. Players will be required to undergo fitness test, technical ability challenges as well as physical and mental evaluations before undergoing numerous small sided games. (These small sided games will be recorded with game footage sent back to individuals upon request.) Players can also join being out of contract or contracted (In a team or out of a team), the academy is a great shop window for non-professional players to showcase their talent through our set up. Unsuccessful trialist who show strong potential will be invited to our advanced training centres and be at times asked to train alongside the first team as replacements for subsequent injuries or absentees with the possibility of making it into the squad full time. Created to discover, develop and deliver talented footballers to the exposure of professional, semi-professional and foreign clubs. We deliver sessions for U6-U14, however U16-U23 being the Street Soccer Skills Academy First Team. The successful selection of the Street Soccer Academy First Team & youth squad will not only have regular team training, but tailored training provided by sports scientist, specialist 1-1 coaches as well as strength and conditioning leaders to help fulfill the teams and individual potential to have the best chance of being recruited. Players looking to join our programme must attend the trial or request to attend our advance training through application. Unsuccessful trialist who show strong potential will be invited to our advanced training centers and be at times asked to train alongside the first team as replacements for subsequent injuries or absentees with the possibility of making it into the squad full time. So dont waste no time APPLY NOW if you think YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES...

Nick Constantine

nick constantine

Whitley Bay

I began my running coaching journey in 1976 when I ran in my green flash:) but kept on coaching, attending courses and qualifications/badges throughout my life. I also hold a post-grad degree in Physical Ed, with my first degree in Theoretical physics and Astrophysics. I have practised yoga for 25 years (recently qualified to teach in 2018). I also work in Adult Education as an associate lecturer with the Open University. After 12 years as a coach I decided to further integrate and develop my own running programmes and coaching with a much stronger focus on yoga knowledge and practice (attending professional development workshops from Leslie Kaminoff (https://www.yogaanatomy.org/) and Gary Carter (https://www.naturalbodies.co.uk/), A.G Mohan ( https://www.svastha.net/) ). We are all different, creating personalised programmes that allow runners to feel more relaxed, have a greater understanding of how they move and how they can improve their running form without an increase of injury. I have coached over 2000 runners, with a very mixed profile. From National runners to starting out and broken 'lost mojo' runners, all ages from 12-80! Running with awareness, running with ease, running with relaxation and stillness will set the conditions to allow you to run quicker, pain free and have a deeper sense of 'in the moment' focus when running or walking. I focus on developing a more mindful and holistic approach to movement (using much yoga training), allowing runners to recognise 'if it is somewhere it is everywhere' and 'don't think it, feel it'. We explore 'changing our relationship with gravity' allowing us to feel more relaxed and encourage a lighter and better feeling with the ground. For the BODY, for the MIND, for the BREATH The yoga practice complements and integrates into the running coaching, I don't teach a 'little bit of running' and a 'little bit of yoga'. They two disciplines connect and I hope folk get a sense of the power of combining the two practices. I have helped many people, from beginners to cross country runners to triathletes. Whether you are just beginning a running program or training for a marathon, race, triathlon, or general all-round fitness the soulinmotion running and yoga approach is one that builds a healthy body, instead of breaking it down from misuse or overuse. The background of runners vary from15min 5K female runners, 1h 3min half marathon runners to clients who could barely run/walk. Ages have varied between 12 to 85. I have coached yogi's, cross fit, martial arts, ultra runners, Ironmen and women, clubs, private groups.....jog scotland groups appear a lot as do some sport England. My own science, maths and sports background (BSc(Hons) Physics and Astrophysics, PGCE in Sport and Mathematics together with years of coaching means I always approach any idea with a critical and clinical eye. Find out more? Keep up to date with SoulinMotion via the Newsletter, subscribe here....or link to the Eventbrite site and follow my workshops/classes OR visit the soulinmotion FB page (https://www.facebook.com/soulsinmotion) and the list of events which gives all the free tasters and workshops in Scotland and the NE.

St. Kevin's College

st. kevin's college

St Kevin’s College is an all boy’s secondary school under the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust and is located in the heart of the Ballygall community on Ballygall Road East, Finglas, Dublin 11 where it has served the community in education since 1967. The school currently has an enrolment of 528 students. We provide a wide range of subjects which are expertly taught by a team of highly dedicated teachers who work diligently both inside and outside the classroom. Our primary focus is on teaching & learning with emphasis on both high academic achievement and learning support. An average of 70% of our students proceed to third level with degree courses. Another 20% access further and higher education Our six care teams, which comprise of our Form Tutor’s for each class and the Year Head, report to our Student Services Support team. This ensures that all of our student’s welfare is catered for both in the academic and pastoral areas. We strive at all times to provide opportunities for our students which values the student’s personal, social, spiritual and academic development during their time in the school. Our dedicated teachers also encourage students to get involved in extracurricular activities such as our extended range of activities including sports, drama, debating, green school committee and much more. There is a book club for 5th and 6th years. There is also a library in the school. Our Literacy and Numeracy strategies focus on improving the student’s skills in both areas and this improves student participation in all subject areas. We also value partnership which is essential to a successful school. We believe in a working partnership between the school and the home and we have many initiatives to maintain and develop this partnership into the future. We also would like to encourage partnership within the wider community of Ballygall which will help enrich the learning experience for all parties including our students. St Kevin’s college has DEIS 2 status. The 8 DEIS Strands covering Attendance, Retention, Transitions, Examination Attainment, Literacy, Numeracy, Parental Engagement, Partnership with others while designed for target students are applied on a whole school basis and benefit all of our students. St. Kevin’s College:  Proven academic success Comprehensive range of subjects State-of-the-art IT facilities. St Kevin’s uses VSWare education platform which is available to parents. We also provide the Edmodo Virtual Learning Environment. Every student has a personalised account on each platform. 100Mbps high speed Broadband Wi-Fi access throughout the school. Supervised after school study Optional Transition Year Programme Homework Club Breakfast Club Canteen Facilities providing healthy lunches for all students. (Junior Cert 1, 2, & 3 students are not permitted to leave the school at lunchtime.) Book Rental Scheme Anti-bullying policy, procedures and charter Home School Community Liaison Coordinator Links with the Home There are several opportunities for parents to link with the college formally throughout the academic year: Parent/Teacher Meetings School Journal Login to your sons VSWare account. Login to your son’s Edmodo account. Assessment Reports. (E- Portal and post.) Information Evenings Parents’ Council Email and text message Home School Community Liaison Coordinator The college operates an open door policy where a parent can make an appointment to meet with a Year Head at any stage if they have concerns. The Principal and Deputy Principal are also available to meet with parents should the need arise. We focus on partnership with the parents and believe that a co-operative relationship between the college and home best fosters the development of the student. First Year Induction Moving to second level is a time of great change for young children and their families. Here in St. Kevin’s College we are mindful of this transition and the challenges it brings. We offer a comprehensive first year induction which includes a ‘phasing in’ programme. Our Home School Community Liaison coordinator has strong links with all our feeder primary schools. This induction programme supports students as they make the move to our college. It helps them to get to know their new surroundings, make new friends, meet their teachers and learn the rules in close contact with their Form Tutor and Year Head. Our aim is to make first years feel confident and happy coming to school each day. The college is reputed for its high level of pastoral care which supports students in achieving their best. For students who experience small difficulties integrating in First year we offer them the Transition programme which helps them cope with the change. We provide a course for all students and their parents on Cyber bullying and internet/social media safety. Book Rental Scheme The college operates a very popular book loan scheme. This gives students the opportunity to rent most of their text books for a very reasonable charge. The books remain the property of the college and are always in excellent condition. Policies & Procedures The college operates policies that are fair and consistent, promoting equality for all and active participation in learning. These policies will be outlined to parents on information evenings and in the student journal. All policies are referred to Parents Council, Student Council and Staff prior to ratification by the Board of Management and publication. See policies here. School Canteen The school canteen delivers hot lunches, rolls and drinks and is an area for all students to have lunch. St. Kevin’s College promote healthy eating for students. Breakfast Club The student canteen also hosts a breakfast club before school serving cereals, tea and toast. Evening Study Students preparing for State Examinations are encouraged to attend supervised Evening Study held on four evenings per week. Extra–Curricular St Kevin’s aim to provide a wide of range of experiences to our students both inside and outside the classroom. We have a strong sporting tradition offering Gaelic football, Hurling, Basketball, Soccer, Rugby, Athletics to name just a few. We have a number of debating teams, a book club, Art installations at holiday times, Healthy eating/Keep fit “boot camps”. We run an annual international school tour and numerous day trips to reward students for excellence in subject areas. Our Transition Years go hillwalking and on many outdoor pursuit activities such as canoeing and sailing. We promote cultural activities whenever possible with students attending plays in the city’s theatres whenever possible both for subject related and general education purposes. Religion Our Mission Statement provides for education in the Catholic tradition although we accept students from all faiths and none. This provides for healthy and lively debate among our students during religion classes and contributes to the holistic development of all students. We hold religious services and Mass throughout the year led by our chaplain, Catriona Keegan, with contributions made by all students and staff. St Kevin’s college is a community which welcomes all our partners to participate in the spiritual life of the school

The Friends Of St. Michael's School, Busembatia, Uganda

the friends of st. michael's school, busembatia, uganda

North Newnton

Friends of St. Michael’s was registered with the Charity Commission in 2009. Fiona, a Trustee, had a wonderful time at St. Michael’s in her Gap Year in 2002. She returned to the school every year and started the building of the library. Other visits followed by members of her family and friends - all being moved by the love and friendship they received, and the drive and desire to do something to help. logo It was decided that the best way to give a clear focus to the efforts to support the school, both in practical ways on the ground and to help with fundraising, was to form a charity. Bishop Willigers Secondary School is next door to St. Michael’s. To encourage transition from primary to secondary and help support the parents it was felt necessary to encompass Bishop Willigers SS and the immediate community into our charitable aims. The charity is education and welfare-focused - to advance the education and welfare of the 600+ children at St. Michael's, the building and development of Bishop Willigers Secondary (300 pupils) and to help the immediate community - the village of Namunyumya. As a small charity with no overheads, such as salaries or rent, we are able to ensure that all donations go to where they are needed. At least 2 of the trustees travel out separately on an annual basis to oversee the various projects, sleeping at St. Michael's and getting involved with the life of the school and community. How We Work We are a small “kitchen table” UK registered charity. By this we mean we have no premises, only our own homes, and no equipment except that which we use in our everyday lives. Our trustees all volunteer their time and experience. At least 2 of the trustees travel to Namunyumya to oversee the projects every year and all donations are used in support of our Charitable Objectives. We feel strongly that all money given to the charity goes to help the schools and and the village of Namunyumya. We work closely with St Michael’s and the other village schools, staff, parents and school managements and the village of Namunyumya to ensure that all money and gifts are being spent wisely and on projects that are sustainable. Communication with the schools and community takes place frequently. In this way our support can be focused, relevant and up to date.

Theresa A. Kahn

theresa a. kahn

Thus far, it has been an incredible journey through life with its challenges, obstacles, and great insights gained on the way. I began both my life and spiritual journey from when I was born in West Germany in a military hospital outside of Wiesbaden, Air Force Base. My father was in the U.S. Air Force. Children born from military parents were considered military brats. I suspect that was the case because we were given the opportunity to travel the world, see how others lived, learn about different cultures, peoples, and religions. We were certainly spoiled in that way. It was a very colourful upbringing, having had the opportunity to live in and travel to so many countries. After my father’s deployment in West Germany and where I was born, we moved to France for several years, then Japan for a further 5 years, then back again to Germany for another 5 years, where I completed my high school years. Those experiences certainly gave me the impetus and even perhaps memories from past lives as being a traveller and explorer of sorts. I grew to love traveling because it opened my eyes to a greater world where endless possibilities were reachable. Navigating My Way Through Life in London I was never a child to follow the crowd, always an observer and very curious. I was born extremely sensitive, an empath, very intuitive, which was both a help and a hinder as I navigated my way through life. When we finally moved back to America after spending most of my early years overseas, I could feel almost immediately and instinctively I would not remain in America for long. I was being ‘called’ back to Europe and when an opportunity arose in the form of studying as an exchange student in London, England, at the University of London, there was no way that I was going to ignore this inner pull. London was to become my home and has been my base since I arrived those 30+ years ago. Living in Europe gave me the space to spread my wings, further my life experiences and delve deeper into my spiritual quest. As we all go through this unique time in history with the world changing so rapidly, it is also an opportune time to explore and expand by joining together in our spiritual journey through meditation, healing, and discovery. Allow Me to Reach Out My Hand and Open Heart to You I have been immensely blessed that my studies and experiences, in Education, Holistic Healing, Meditation, Spiritual and Personal Development have led me to teaching, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring, as well as being able to offer a beautiful array of ‘Energy- Based Interventions’. Clients, students, and those wanting spiritual guidance have come to me from all walks of life, from different belief systems, gender preferences, professions, and cultures. It has always been an enormous pleasure to learn from one another and share our commonality; an invisible thread that binds us together, through our desire for inner peace, comfort, good health, and above all, LOVE! Image I continue to work in this way and so grateful to offer my expertise to those who are genuinely committed in wanting to make this world a better place, by having the deep desire to do the inner work needed for healthy, conscious positive change.

St Laurence School

st laurence school


It is a great privilege to be the Headteacher of such an inspirational school. St Laurence is a thriving and successful comprehensive academy where great and equal value is placed on both academic excellence and developing the whole person. We work hard to create opportunities for every student to achieve to their full potential and have the best possible preparation for adult life. In the words of our mission statement: we care, we inspire, we succeed. As one visitor commented, “a school with head and heart working together”. We benefit from a dual foundation status. One of these is the Diocese of Salisbury, meaning that we are a Church of England school. While we are fully inclusive, welcoming students of all faiths and none, we believe that our Christian foundation provides a context within which to foster a sense of understanding and compassion for others, and the courage to act on our beliefs. We are proud to have the Lord Fitzmaurice Educational Trust as the other part of our foundation. The Trust links us firmly to our community and Lord Fitzmaurice’s vision of creating opportunities for all local young people through education is very much alive today at St Laurence. Over several years, GCSE exam results remain excellent, with student attainment well above the national average. We have a strong and successful 6th Form, with a very high proportion moving on to university including Oxbridge. Following their visit in June 2017, Ofsted inspectors commented on our commitment to high standards: “…improving the quality of teaching, learning and assessment is at the very heart of the work of the school. You have created a clear vision of teaching and learning that is based on two pillars: firstly, that teachers must ensure the tasks they set accurately meet the needs of their pupils. Secondly, that pupils understand what they need to do to improve their work”. Despite the extremely challenging times we have faced in education over the last year, the relentless commitment to ensuring that our young people thrive and achieve their best has not changed. We have a great reputation for the many opportunities for personal development our students enjoy: superb Performing Arts productions, a huge programme of clubs, sport, overseas expeditions, exchange programmes and residential “challenge” weeks. In all of these, the development of confidence, enjoyment and leadership are as important to us as high levels of performance and achievement. As a Headteacher, I am aware that the years our young people spend in secondary school are extremely precious. We are not a start or an end point, we are one part of the journey that a young person takes to become the best they can be. I believe secondary schools are in the business of opening doors. Whether that be by ensuring that young people gain the best qualifications they can to move on to their next step or by building their character and opening their minds to new opportunities My staff work with huge commitment, professionalism and passion to make this a reality for all our youngsters. That said, we can be most successful when we work in close partnership with parents. We are committed to developing trust, openness and support so that together we can enable your children to flourish. Whether your child is already with us or you are thinking about joining us, you are most welcome to contact us to arrange a visit.

Roundwood Park School

roundwood park school


With Grammar schools in nearby St Albans, that meant that it was in reality a secondary modern school although as its pupils reached school leaving age (15 in those days) it soon became apparent that many wanted to stay on into the fifth year and take ‘O’ levels so that facility was provided. The school opened with three teaching blocks – still recognizable as ‘B’ block, ‘C’ block and the hall, gym etc. where the staff room and offices were. There were three forms, one in each of the second, third and fourth years and three first year forms, making a total of 179 pupils. There were ten teachers including the first head teacher – Mr Arthur Foxwell. The school was organised into four houses – Braille, Campbell, Grenfell and Nightingale – thus providing a competitive element for the popular Sports Day and, from 1961 when the town’s pool was opened, the Swimming Gala. After three years, the school had reached its planned maximum size but often exceeded that over subsequent years due to its increasing popularity with local residents as well as those in Wheathampstead and Redbourn. Now we receive many pupils from the other villages – Markyate, Flamstead and Kimpton. This is partly due to the closure of smaller secondary schools in Redbourn and Wheathampstead so that the ‘economies of scale’ can be taken advantage of, full comprehensive provision within Hertfordshire and also due to parental preference. Mr Foxwell retired in 1976 after 20 years as Headteacher and Mr Turnbull took over for 2 years, being followed by Mr Haydon Luke who stayed for 17 years. Andy Cunningham stayed for 6 years and was replaced by Mr Nick Daymond who also stayed for 6 years until he was succeeded by the current Headteacher, Mr Alan Henshall. At various times in between, the Deputy Heads have held the fort – Mr Lucas, Mr Surtees and Ms Linda Graham – all contributing to the continuity and stability that have been part of the Roundwood ethos. Roundwood21There have been many changes over the past 60 years resulting in upheaval and disruption – increasingly frequent times when the site appeared more like a building site as a new Sixth Form/Modern Foreign Languages block was constructed, soon to be followed by a new Maths/Music building and a Sports Centre. The school is also now an Academy. The changes have not affected the ethos of the school and Roundwood Park remains the same, continuing to educate local children in a caring and supportive way that encourages them to develop their best talents through a broad and balanced curriculum. This article is adapted from the original produced for the 50th celebrations by Ruth Martin & Christine Hood. UPDATE On 13 September 2018 Roundwood Park was proud to officially open a state of the art 3G artificial pitch on the school site. A joint venture with Harpenden Colts FC, and with a £500,000 grant from the Premier League and the FA Facilities Fund, it allowed us to replace the existing grass pitch, which was unsuitable for football during the winter months. The new pitch is used by all students and players from the school as well as Harpenden Colts FC, who operate around 60 teams across eight different training venues. Watford FC Community Sports and Education Trust also use the pitch to deliver sessions for female and disabled football, as well as its use for regular summer holiday camps and coach education workshops.

Decolonise The Curriculum

decolonise the curriculum


Decolonizing the Curriculum Project (DCP) at UoK (funded by Teaching Enhancement Award and led by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj, Senior Lecturer in Law) Students are increasingly demanding a ‘liberated curriculum’ that represents their diversity as we see from #liberatemydegree, ‘Why is My Curriculum White?’ and other movements mentioned above as well as Kent Student Union campaign ‘Diversify My Curriculum’. Also at UoK law and politics students on the Race, Religion and Law module (convened by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj) have relished the opportunity both in workshops and through their assessment to explore both historical and contemporary issues that enable them to acquire ‘consciousness of their own position and struggle’ in society and education. The UoK EDI Project phase II strategy acknowledges this need in affirming that the ‘white curriculum acts as a barrier to inclusivity’ including because ‘it fails to legitimise contributions to knowledge from people of colour’. Phase II therefore seeks to ensure that ‘our curriculum reflects and addresses a range of perspectives’ and asks how this can be operationalised specifically at UoK. Modules like RRL and others in KLS are already operationalising a more inclusive curriculum requiring students to engage with key works from critical race/religion and decolonial studies which offer alternative perspectives to those heteronormative and euro-centric perspectives of white, able-bodied men dominating the western canon. This project will go one significant step further by placing students of colour as well as knowledge produced by people of colour at the centre. Being a student led project is crucial as it empowers them to become change actors and co-producers of knowledge, shaping the agenda and curriculum that seeks to include them. Moreover, it enables them to be ‘assets’ rather than see themselves represented as quantitative data in University diversity reports which does not capture the nuance and complexity of their lived realities. Empowerment for self-determination at the grassroots level is key as is apparent from student led movements that have already effected change in the curriculum. The desire for self and culturally intelligible knowledge is now well documented including in the University of Kent, Student Success (EDI) Project, Phase I:Report 2 ‘Theory and research on race and attainment in UK higher education’ by Hensby and Mitton (2017). This project seeks to operationalise this further and more broadly through the following three interlinked activities: 1) Focus groups: · Up to five stage 3 students will lead focus groups of five to ten BAME students from across the KLS UG programme. · The focus group leaders will form a research team and design the format and questions collaboratively, under the supervision of Dr Jivraj, using naturalistic methods and going through the KLS ethics approval process. 2) Publication of findings: · The data from the focus groups will be collated by the research team and will produce an accessible output such as a ‘manifesto of suggestions’ on making the curriculum more inclusive and a co-authored e-book. · The research team will also be supported in publishing findings via a blog and social media. 3) Student led conference · The workshop committee will organise a half day student led conference to discuss the findings and invite speakers from campaigns such as the NUS #liberatemydegree campaign; Why is My Curriculum White? (based at UCL); Decolonising our Minds SOAS; and the #Rhodesmustfall student movements and at least one academic speaker. Watch this space for further details.

BALIFE Limited

balife limited

Once upon a time there was a small group of Business Analysts and they had a simple yet great idea: A Business Analysis conference for BAs, created and hosted by BAs ...and so BA Life was born. What follows is our story and the thinking behind BA Life and its creation... BA Life | What's in a name? BA Life is an acronym which describes both the idea and the people involved in its inception; its full title is 'Business Analysis Learning & Innovation Festival Edinburgh'. The 'Business Analysis' part is easy, all involved are Business Analysts with many years of experience. The 'Edinburgh' ending is because that is our home - and when the COVID craziness finally subsides, that wonderful city will be where the live 'in person' conference will take place. We then have the middle part... BA Life | Passionate champions for the growth of Business Analysis and BAs Like all great disciplines, Business Analysis has grown and developed and in turn has gained a highly regarded reputation in the IT world for the incredible positive impact Business Analysts have on a project and business as a whole (yes, we know some folk have still yet to catch up on this fact, but they'll get there!) This means 'Learning & Innovation' is a key part of our success, now and into the future - and we want to champion that. Not all IT conferences really 'get it' and so there's only so many times you can hear the merits of 'Waterfall' or Kanban! What about new and improved approaches? What about fresh takes on old ideas? What about ideas that break the mould? We then have 'Festival' and as I'm sure you know already, Edinburgh is renowned across the globe for its wonderful International and Fringe festivals in summer, the largest in the world ...and we love that about our city. What's more, that passion, enthusiasm and joy is how we feel about Business Analysis. So BA Life isn't just a conference, it's a festival in the truest sense of the word, celebrating the wonders and greatness of Business Analysis. Neither is it a flash-in-the-pan... BA Life | The company Last year was an amazing success and this year, and every year from now, we aim to surpass that. So, to ensure this happens, BA Life Limited has been incorporated. Being BAs, naturally we like to things the right way, so we are fully GDPR compliant and more importantly we have a firm belief in inclusivity. And, of course, everyone involved is a Business Analyst! MORE... BA Life | Our promise to you We want to ensure EVERY attendee feels welcome and appreciated throughout the whole day. So with that in mind, your attendance at BA Life is backed by a solid promise of inclusivity, a 'code of conduct' if you will. Just as in the real-world, we will not stand for any form of marginalising or unfriendly behaviour. BA Life is a safe and supportive environment of friendliness, non-judgement and celebration of difference in all its forms. BA Life | Awards We are delighted to say that BA Life was a finalist in the ‘National StartUp Awards’ in 2022. To have got that far was fantastic, particularly as Professor Dylan Jones-Evans OBE, the creator of the StartUp Awards National Series, said: “Given the sheer volume of phenomenal startups we’ve heard from… We’ve been blown away by the standard of entries in this first year.” The story and ethos behind BA Life The BA Festival in a Day



I started yoga reluctantly in my late 30s after being told I had High Blood Pressure. Rather than go on medication Sue suggested I try Yoga which might help me relax.I signed up to a local class and the first thing I noticed was I was the only guy in the room so I just hid at the back. The course was for 8 weeks so I needed some form of proof it was doing something positive so I set myself the target of being able to touch my toes from a standing position. I had never been able to do this so I thought this would be a good measure. Every week I tried to force myself to reach my toes and each time I only got midway past my shins. Then in week seven as I tried again (and failed) the teacher came over to me and said ‘You are trying too hard – try easier”. Try easier? What’s that? My whole life had been about trying harder. So I thought what the hell and bent over and basically tried not to touch my toes. As I did this not only did my fingers reach my toes but the palms of hands landed gently on the floor next to feet.I was amazed but there was more than this going on. I was at the time in charge of over 400 members of staff and they had started to see a change in me. Instead of talking at 100mph when they came to see me (because they knew I would interrupt them before they had finished), I was listening and being more aware. At my next check-up at the Doctors, my BP has also dropped and my knees were not hurting either. So I was hooked and within a couple of years trained to be a Yoga Teacher to try and encourage more men to take it up. When I moved to Cornwall I ran Yoga Weekends for over 10 years alongside my Digital Marketing Agency. I taught 1000s of students from around the world, some of whom went on to be teachers themselves. Eventually, I started to feel under pressure again as my main business continued to grow. I tried using other teachers and although successful the market was changing so I wound the teaching side of the yoga business in 2014. I continued to practice yoga at home but as work got busier it started to fall away. Then in 2016 following a couple of health scares (including Tinnitus- read my success story here), I would go days and then weeks without practising. This carried on for a while and I started to notice that some yoga postures I used to be able to do easily were become hard to do or just not possible. I thought as I approached my 60s this was probably a natural sign of ageing. However, in 2018 as my ‘Walk to Work’ started to pay dividends to my health I decided to revisit yoga. This time I would go back to basics and just accept what I could do and feel my way into postures without forcing. I basically left my ego at the door. So I started a daily practice of about 45 mins, followed by a 20min meditation practice. I have kept to this ever since. Perhaps it is muscle memory or just letting go of where I thought I should be but all those postures that I thought were out of reach all came back one by one.