3583 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Buy Coursework Online

buy coursework online

San Francisco

In the fast-paced world of school, students often have to deal with a lot of problems, such as meeting tight schedules and taking a lot of difficult classes. When this happens, a lot of students choose to buy coursework online, which can b [https://studybay.com/buy-courseworks/]e [https://studybay.com/buy-courseworks/] very helpful and convenient in many ways. Let’s talk about the most common situations when students buy coursework, the main reasons they do this, and consider examples to show the benefits of this method. When Do Students Buy Coursework Online? There are many times when students need to or would benefit from getting online help. Here are some common situations: * Tight Deadlines: When students have a lot of work due quickly, they may buy schoolwork to make sure they meet all the due dates and don't fall behind. * Challenging Subjects: Some classes or modules may be very hard for a student, so they may need outside help in the form of pre-written homework. * Balancing Workload: Students with busy schedules, like those who have to balance work, extracurricular activities, and family duties, may purchase coursework to help them better handle their work. * Lack of Expertise: Some students may not have the skills or background information to do an assignment well, which is why they look for professionally written coursework. Reasons Why Students Buy Coursework There are a number of reasons why students choose to buy their coursework, such as: * Time management: Buying papers can save students a lot of time and work, giving them more time to focus on other school and personal obligations. * Improved Grades: Homework that is well-written and based on study can help students get better grades, especially in subjects where they are having trouble. * Convenience: When a student buys coursework, he or she doesn't have to do as much research, writing, and citing other sources. This makes the task process easier for them. * Overcoming Writer's Block: Students who have trouble writing or “writer's block [https://www.uis.edu/learning-hub/writing-resources/handouts/learning-hub/writers-block]” can find help by using pre-written material as a starting place. * Access to Expertise: Coursework that is written by a professional writer can give students access to deep information and skills that they may not have themselves. Examples Take the example of Sarah, a student who is having a hard time in her economics class. In two weeks, she has to turn in a test paper, but she also works part-time and has other work to do. Sarah decides to buy a well-written and well-researched coursework on the subject. This way, she can turn in a good paper without having to do a lot of study on her own. This helps Sarah keep up her good grades while also taking care of her other duties. Alex, on the other hand, is in a literature class and has trouble with formal writing. He makes the choice to buy coursework to help him understand the assignment's style and structure. With the help of the homework he bought, Alex is able to improve his own writing skills and turn in a better paper than he would have otherwise.

Lord Lawson Of Beamish Academy

lord lawson of beamish academy

Chester Le Street

Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy is a larger-than-average mixed secondary school in the town of Birtley. The school role is usually around 1450 students, including around 200 in the sixth form. The school occupies a large site, elevated above the east side of the town. Birtley is situated in the borough of Gateshead, and is between Gateshead and Chester-le-Street. Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy is a stand-alone academy, with no affiliation to other schools or academy trusts. Secondary schools in Gateshead work closely together, with one another, with their cluster of primary schools and with the local authority. The school was founded in 1970 as an amalgamation of three previous secondary schools. The present school building was opened in September 2007, built as part of the government’s Private Finance Initiative. The building was constructed by Sir Robert McAlpine and is very well maintained. It provides good-sized classrooms and excellent facilities for learning. Andrew Fowler has been the Principal since June 2019. Previous principals were Mark Lovatt and, before him, David Grigg. The principal is assisted by a deputy principal and a small number of assistant principals. Departments are led by subject leaders, assisted in the larger subjects by deputy and assistant subject leaders. The school is named after Jack Lawson, who was an influential local trade union leader and Labour politician. Jack Lawson became a Member of Parliament, representing a constituency in County Durham. He was a minister in the MacDonald and Attlee governments. When Jack Lawson was given a life peerage in 1950, he took the title Baron Lawson of Beamish. The school’s vision and values are inspired by Jack Lawson’s dedication to public service and education. The school still enjoys strong links with local industry and politics.

Bright Pi Education Consultancy

bright pi education consultancy


At Bright Pi we are passionate about supporting all those involved with the teaching and learning of mathematics; raising standards and helping all to achieve their best in the early years and primary phases. Based in the Midlands, we form a highly regarded team with wide ranging experience and up to date skills providing support to schools across the UK. The team has taught across the early years and primary age range and all have experience in local authority school improvement working with teachers, leaders and other stakeholders. Having worked as regional co-ordinators for the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), Bright Pi maintains a close working relationship with the NCETM delivering their ever-evolving national ‘Professional Development Lead’ programme. We are proud to work alongside other partner organisations including the National Maths Hub Network. We play a key role on the strategic board for our local hub and lead on the Mastery Readiness programme for the Origin Maths Hub. This supports those schools starting their journey in Teaching for Mastery, as well as those developing their practice. In addition, Bright Pi has also provided operational external key stage 1 moderation for the Standards and Testing Agency (STA), monitoring practice in various local authorities across the country. We are accredited by NCETM as Professional Development Leads and support individual schools as well as networks with bespoke packages of support, tailored to specific need and context. Bright Pi also offers CPD sessions for all those involved in mathematics education, supporting improvement in both subject and pedagogical knowledge. We are keen to raise the profile of mathematics as a subject and enjoy working with parents, governors and the wider community.

Kingsbury High School

kingsbury high school


Welcome to our school website. Kingsbury High School is a fantastic community with a commitment to learning and achievement but also a mission to develop youngsters to become successful members of society. I hope you enjoy reading about all the exciting things happening at our school and see our students acting in the ‘Kingsbury Way’. We aim to provide clear relevant information for all, please let us know if there is anything missing or contact us if you want to know more. Kingsbury High School has many strengths and a long history of success. There is a keen understanding of the importance of values and a sense of tradition, encapsulated by the School motto, spectemur agendo. It dates back to the founding of our predecessor school, the Kingsbury County, in the 1920s, and it is Latin for, “let us be judged by our actions”. As Headteacher I seek to lead the school with this at the heart and ask students to respect themselves, others and the environment. Our students gain excellent examination results in both GCSE and across the Sixth Form. In our most recent inspection Ofsted again rated the school as “good”. Equally, the school is very proud of the way it has achieved these outcomes and the rounded education it offers to its students. We recognise our place in the community and are a key part of the partnership, Kingsbury Schools Together with our local primary schools and the Village (special) School. A great school is a combination of different things. We are equally proud of the many opportunities we provide for our students beyond the curriculum and how we develop students as individuals ready for adult life. Our aim is to develop in all of our students the love of learning, intellectual curiosity, skills and qualities of character needed to become successful, happy and engaged members of society. Our key values are: Integrity; Respect; Responsibility; Resilience; and Aspiration. Through these, we aim to combine both academic success and the development of the broader aspects of each student’s character. I hope that whatever the reason you have chosen to look at our website, as a member of the school community, a prospective parent, student or member of staff, or are simply taking an interest from afar, you find what you are looking for.

Compassion Kadampa Buddhist Centre

compassion kadampa buddhist centre

Newcastle Upon Tyne

Meditation is a mind that focuses on a positive experience, and a mental action that is the main cause of mental peace. Whenever we meditate, we are performing an action that will cause us to experience inner peace in the future. Normally, throughout our life, we experience negative states of mind day and night, and these are the opposite to mental peace. Sometimes, however, we naturally experience inner peace, and this is because in the past we concentrated on positive objects. A positive object is one that causes us to develop a peaceful mind when we concentrate on it. The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful we will be free from worries and mental discomfort, and so we will experience true happiness; but if our mind is not peaceful, we will find it very difficult to be happy, even if we are living in the very best conditions. If we train in meditation, our mind will gradually become more and more peaceful, and we will experience a purer and purer form of happiness. Eventually we will be able to stay happy all the time, even in the most difficult circumstances. girl meditating WHY LEARN TO MEDITATE? Person Meditating Usually we find it difficult to control our mind. It seems as if our mind is like a balloon in the wind – blown here and there by external circumstances. If things go well, our mind is happy, but if they go badly, it immediately becomes unhappy. Such fluctuations of mood arise because we are too closely involved in the external situation. We are like a child making a sandcastle who is excited when it is first made, but who becomes upset when it is destroyed by the incoming tide. By training in meditation, we create an inner space and clarity that enables us to control our mind regardless of the external circumstances. Gradually we develop mental equilibrium, a balanced mind that is happy all the time, rather than an unbalanced mind that oscillates between the extremes of excitement and despondency. If we train in meditation systematically, eventually we will be able to eradicate from our mind the delusions that are the causes of all our problems and suffering. In this way, we will come to experience permanent inner peace. Then, day and night, in life after life, we will experience only peace and happiness.

Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation

institute of revenues rating and valuation


In January 1882, the rate collectors of Holborn invited their Metropolitan colleagues to a meeting to discuss the effect a projected reorganisation of London local government might have on their jobs and prospects. Some eighty officers attended and at a further meeting on the 25th February it was decided to form, with effect from the 1st April 1882, the Metropolitan Rate Collectors Association. As membership grew, the title was subsequently changed to the Association of Rate Collectors and Assistant Overseers in 1911. Changes in legislation resulted in a further change in title and in 1927, the Incorporated Association of Rating and Valuation Officers was established. The association was more commonly known as the Rating & Valuation Association (RVA) and no further change to the title was made until January 1990 when, with the impending introduction of Community Charge and National Non-Domestic Rate, we became known as the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV). A key aim of the Institute is to support its members’ professional and personal development and the sharing of best practice. We keep our members informed of current issues through our magazines, publications and a comprehensive website. Our conferences and meetings offer opportunities for networking with other professionals from the UK and overseas whilst the Forum Service continues to attract new organisations each year; the current membership now exceeding 200. We seek to influence the course of legislative and professional matters through dialogue with government bodies and other professional organisations and through commissioning and conducting original research. This is led by the Institute’s three Faculty Boards; Local Taxation and Revenues, Benefits and Valuation. The Institute has a membership of over 2,400 and offers a range of qualifications covering its professional fields. It is a nationally approved awarding body for its vocational and examination-based qualifications. Each year, in excess of 300 students sit our examinations and vocational assessments. Successful students join the thousands of IRRV qualified professionals currently working in both the public and private sector within the fields of revenues, benefits and valuation. IRRV qualifications and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme are designed to meet the needs of members at every stage of their careers. A thriving network of Associations is one of the IRRV’s main strengths. Our Associations organise programmes of professional and social activities that take place regionally and provide the opportunity for all members to become more involved in the work of the Institute.

School of Criminology, University of Leicester

school of criminology, university of leicester



The University was founded as Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland University College in 1921. The site for the University was donated by a local businessman, Thomas Fielding Johnson, in order to create a living memorial for all local people who made sacrifices during the First World War. This is reflected in the University's motto Ut vitam habeant – 'so that they may have life'. Students were first admitted to the college in 1921, sitting examinations for external degrees awarded of the University of London. In 1927 the institution became University College, Leicester; 30 years later the college was granted its Royal Charter. This gave it the status of a University with the right to award its own degrees. The University won the first ever series of University Challenge, in 1963. Discover some of our finest research achievements, from genetic fingerprints to King Richard III. Find out about the University's origins as a living memorial to the fallen of World War One. Campus Our very compact campus contains a wide range of twentieth century architecture, though the oldest building dates from 1837. The main campus is a mile south of the city centre, adjacent to Victoria Park and Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College. The central building, now known as the Fielding Johnson Building, houses the University's administration offices and Leicester Law School. This was formerly the Leicestershire and Rutland Lunatic Asylum. Adjacent to the Fielding Johnson Building are the Astley Clarke Building and the Danielle Brown Sports Centre. The skyline of Leicester University is punctuated by three distinctive, towering buildings from the 1960s: the Engineering Building, the Attenborough Tower and the Charles Wilson Building. The University's Engineering Building was the first major building by important British architect Sir James Stirling. It comprises workshops and laboratories at ground level, and a tower containing offices and lecture theatres. It was completed in 1963 and is notable for the way in which its external form reflects its internal functions. The 18-storey Attenborough Tower, housing several departments within the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, has one of the very few remaining paternosters in the UK. The Ken Edwards Building, built in 1995, lies adjacent to the Fielding Johnson Building. Built in 1957, the Percy Gee Building is home to Leicester University's Students' Union. The David Wilson Library was opened by Queen Elizabeth II in December 2008, following an extensive refurbishment.

Deborah Harrison Sculpture

deborah harrison sculpture


Deborah was born in Yorkshire. She is an award winning contemporary sculptor who specialises in stone. She discovered stone carving in her middle years in the Greenbelt Festival craft tent. Later she went on to study Fine Art and do a years diploma in stone masonry after which she turned professional after the death of her mother in 2015. Her first sculpture teacher said stone was a perfect option as it limited the numerous creative choices she could make as she is led by the stone, using the technique called carving direct, following it’s grain, form and colour. She lives with the rocks until she sees the shape within, then carves until she reaches a skin and the sculpture takes on a life of it’s own. Her works are a unique combination of figurative and abstract forms. Deborah is best known for her alabaster sculptures and also carves in marble and limestones. Deborah seeks convergence between the characteristics of the stone, her growing carving skills and her faith. Carving with hands, head and heart to impute emotion and presence into her pieces. Notable sales have been to the NHS Trust with ‘The Hand of Fannie Storr’ a previous director of nursing, to Sir Malcolm Evans the Chair of the United Nations Anti-Torture Subcommittee, a luxury spa hotel in Portugal and CEO of a large company in the USA. Deborah won the Ashburner Sculpture Prize 2022 for her Stone Totem which was about Connectivity (see website page). Previously in 2020 she received the Sculpture Award and Guest Judges Award with the SWAC, was the winner of the Christian Arts Festival Award, selected for the RWA 168th exhibition and was also a finalist for the Chaiya Arts Awards (exhibited in the London South Bank’s Oxo Gallery). In 2019 she was a finalist for the online Covid-19 IMPACT exhibition. Deborah enjoys working collaboratively with organisations to raise access to the arts in the community. Her work was the basis of the Matson Sculpture festival where she gave workshops in local schools and talks to the community. Her work was part of a charity auction to raise funds for refugees. Deborah is based at Gloucester City Works who are based in an old shirt factory where she leads carving courses for all levels of ability and experience. She welcomes commissions for indoor and outdoor sculptures, for public and private clients.

Schema Therapy Institute

schema therapy institute

1. You can place an Adobe Schema eBook order DIRECTLY from this page -- just click on the Add to Cart button below the product you want to purchase below. 2. All of our products have the identical Schema Inventories and forms included, and are valid for one year from the date of purchase (but can be renewed). All Schema eBooks are available in English only. The Schema eBook is 52 pages long. Click here to see the complete contents of our Schema eBook. 3. If you plan to install the schema inventories in an institutional setting -- with its own internet connection, firewall security, and/or restricted servers -- we strongly encourage you to purchase the new Standard PDF Version of the inventories to avoid any compatibility problems. See Option 5 below. 4. If you are a past customer and your license is expiring, please contact us for renewal discounts on most Adobe products: support@schematherapy.com 5. Click here for help installing Adobe Schema eBooks on an iPad or Android tablet. We do not offer technical support for tablets, but provide extensive self-help instructions. 6. If you would like to be certain that your computer, printer, and network are compatible with the Adobe software and eBook, you can learn more about eBook compatibility and order the Adobe Compatibility Test eBook by clicking here. 7. A few customers each year request a refund on the basis that they cannot install the Schema eBook because it is too difficult for them, or because the process is too time-consuming -- but they are not willing to go through the troubleshooting process. We will not issue full refunds for these reasons unless we are unable to correct the problem. As stated in our licensing agreement, intermediate-level computer experience (or higher) is required to install Adobe eBook products. 8. We strongly recommend that you use a high-quality laser printer with at least 600dpi resolution, so that the schema inventories will print clearly and legibly. You can find information about resolution in the User Guide for your printer. 9. You can only print pages from the Schema eBook to a physical printer. You cannot print all or part of the eBook to a digital file such as a PDF, to a virtual printer, or in any other form.