347 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust

perth and kinross heritage trust


Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust (PKHT) is a registered Scottish Charity that has been established since 1988. Our Vision A Perth and Kinross that values, embraces and enhances the economic, social and environmental benefits of its historic environment We realise this vision through the development and delivery of projects, the administration of grants, the provision of information and advice, and a programme of outreach, learning and training activities. Working independently and collaboratively to preserve, enhance and increase understanding of Perth and Kinross’s historic environment Since 1988 the Trust has been achieving a wide remit encompassing historic building conservation, archaeology, access to the historic environment and interpretation. Supported by Heritage Lottery Fund Transition funding, the Trust began an organisational review in 2016 which culminated in our 2017-22 strategic plan. This document sets out our vision, values and priorities and has recently been updated with a Covid-19 response statement for 2021-22 and a further strategic plan for the 2023-2027 period. Our emphasis has always been, and continues to be, on a high quality approach, bringing economic, social and educational benefit while securing a future for Perth and Kinross’s historic environment. We realise our vision, mission and objectives through the development and delivery of projects, the administration of grants, the provision of information and advice, and a programme of outreach, learning and training activities. Conserving our shared cultural heritage is important for many reasons: maintaining ‘sense of place’, providing a resource for learning and education for local communities, and as a driver for sustainable economic development through events and destinations for visitors and tourists. We believe the rich physical heritage of Perth and Kinross, in the form of archaeological remains and historic buildings and landscapes, should be enjoyed by everyone, and we aim to facilitate this through our projects and outreach events. We are committed to developing and delivering activities and projects that increase awareness, understanding and appreciation of the historic environment. Supported by a range of funders, our outreach, learning and participation activities are often delivered as a core part of larger funded projects such as the King’s Seat Hillfort Archaeology Project. Outside of these projects, we also co-ordinate annual feature event programmes such as Doors Open Days. Please explore our website to find out more about what we do and why we do it. PKHT is a Scottish Charity (SC003139) and a company, limited by guarantee. View a copy our Memorandum and Articles of Association to find out more about our objects and governance.

New School Of The Anthropocene

new school of the anthropocene


The New School of the Anthropocene is a radical and affordable experiment in interdisciplinary higher education for the digital era in collaborative association with October Gallery in London. We are an ensemble of experienced academics from the higher educational world who, in the company of diverse artists and practitioners, wish to restore the values of intellectual adventure, free exchange and creative risk that formerly characterised an arts education in the UK and beyond.    The New School is registered with Companies House as a Community Interest Company and is run cooperatively. We think of ourselves as a purpose or condition, rather than an institution, open to collaboration and gathering. Our curriculum is dedicated to addressing ecological recovery and social renewal through the arts. Learning styles flex to accommodate the domestic and employment responsibilities of our students. The age-range within this heterogenous community extends from 18 to 75 and qualification-levels range from GCSE to PhD. We regard our participants as researchers from the start and they co-design their work with an emphasis on critical intervention fused with creative process. The collaborative work of the body – learning, for example, about food resilience at Calthorpe Community Garden and rainforest restoration in Puerto Rico - is assigned equal prominence to more conventional university-level activities such as textual analysis, philosophical discussion and filmmaking.    We opened our doors to a first yearly cohort of 26 students in September 2022. They have joined us for 28 weekly Anthropocene Seminars led by the likes of Marina Warner, Robert Macfarlane, Gargi Bhattacharyya, Adam Broomberg, Ann Pettifor, Assemble Studio, Michael Mansfield, Robin Kirkpatrick, Esther Teichmann, Anthony Sattin, Chris Petit and Mark Nelson (Biosphere 2), whose work covers the entire range of subjects falling within the framework of the Environmental Humanities. These vigorously participatory sessions are prefaced by a movement class and are run in-person and streamed on-line to enable our planetarians to join us from Tajikistan, Egypt, US, Niger, Ireland, Scotland and France. Our teachers are gathered within an ever-extending Ensemble, not an exclusive faculty, and are paid at UCU-recommended rates for their contributions.  All NSotA students also work on a research project that is individually supervised and benefits from five meetings a year with at least two Ensemble members. This contributes towards a Diploma in Environmental Humanities, rather than a degree: a means of countering an anxious culture of accreditation, which we differentiate from the principle of recognition. Our students instead carry forward a supervised portfolio of their critical and creative work accomplished over the year as testament to their development.  While seeking to maintain a genuinely inter-generational student body, our recruitment continues to prioritise applicants from those with no prior experience of university. Our pay-what-you-can-afford scheme means that our students typically pay between 0.5% and 5% of the average cost of a UK postgraduate degree and enjoy double the number of contact teaching hours. This means that no one with the aptitude and desire to participate need be excluded. We have also set aside free places for forced migrants fleeing conflict across the world, which are awarded in association with Revoke and Birkbeck College’s Compass Project.   The New School is to be simultaneously regarded as an applied research project that explores how an agile, self-organising model for higher education might be effectively constituted. Its processes have been fully archived with the intention of creating an open-source toolkit for educators who might seek to emulate this prototype and co-establish a sisterhood of corresponding initiatives. We are a contributing partner of the Academia Biospherica Alliance, which from 2024 will offer on-site educational programmes under the auspices of October Gallery’s parent organisation, the Institute of Ecotechnics, across the five main earth biomes of mountains, oceans, forests, desert grasslands and cities in locations such as Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, Iraq, Italy, Catalonia and Egypt.    This reflects our expressly collaborative ethos, as manifested further in our participation within the Ecoversities Alliance and Faculty for a Future, alongside established associations with Embassy Cultural House (London, Ontario), the London Review of Books and Birkbeck College Library, where our students enjoy borrowing rights, and prospective academic partnerships with the Central European University and Global Centre for Advanced Studies. We are also in the process of gaining recognition as a UNESCO Futures Literacy Laboratory. Our public launch in November 2021 was marked by a symposium on the future of the university in relation to biopolitical emergency, timed to coincide with COP26. It features recorded dialogues with leading thinkers available to view on our website: www.nsota.org [http://www.nsota.org].    In February 2023 the New School hosted a seminar jointly with Birkbeck’s Institute for Social Research to announce the relaunch of the Stories in Transit project founded by Marina Warner with the intention of initiating a collective research project for NSotA students. This will form a central component of a continuing second year active engagement with the present cohort following the end of the academic year in June, which is currently under collective discussion.    From September 2023 our first-year cohort size will be increased to 40 students drawn from the UK and around the world. The programme will be augmented by small-group creativity classes as a means of building a collaborative environment and preparing scholars for the intensity of their project work. NSotA's debut cohort established an additional self-organised reading group, meeting on-line on Sunday afternoons with the purpose of extending discussions broached in previous Anthropocene Seminars. For the next academic year this will be formally incorporated into the curriculum. Long-term plans include the founding of a research agency with D-Fuse intending to explore innovative multi-modal representations of biocidal emergency in civic spaces.   We are keenly aware that today’s university system is outmoded, sclerotic and wasteful; yoked to punishing systems of debt finance and managerial bureaucracy; and falling short in its responsibility to nurture future generations as confident participants within the complex universe in which we are all embedded. In proposing an affordable interdisciplinary education, the New School of the Anthropocene seeks to rejuvenate the core values of an adventurous education that are under sustained threat across the world. In so doing, it represents a genuine alternative for those who consider experimentation across the critical-creative seam to be the prerequisite to personal resilience and cultural renewal.

Pat Southwood

pat southwood



I studied B.A Ceramic Design through Anglia Ruskin College, Cambridge, graduating in 1999 to set up my workshop next to Salhouse Broad in Norfolk. My work has always been about attempting to capture the essence of the land - and the patterns imposed on it by Man. Between 1999 and 2007 I made several study trips to Mashiko in Japan to learn from potters such as Hamada Tomo-o, Matsusaki Ken and Kusakabe Masakazu and Euan Craig. The following year I was invited to exhibit in Osaka and then in Tokyo. Through a meeting with Wali Hawes at the Osaka exhibition I was invited to apply for a month long residency in Tokoname with IWCAT. This was an amazing experience and I was delighted to be invited back to Tokoname in 2010 to exhibit. I am delighted to be exhibiting in Tokoname once more in 2023- C19 allowing. In 2005, with a bursary from Creative Arts East to work with local Thatchers and make work inspired by their Craft, I developed a glaze suitable for my electric kiln using the thatching reed that had been discarded. Using the thatch gave my work an originality and a sense of place unobtainable out side of the Broads area. Beginning in 2017, Hoveton Great Broad was drained of silt by an ongoing Conservation project. With kind permission from the owner of the Broad I was able to collect some silt by boat. Now firing with my Fred Olsen design wood kiln, affectionately known as "Fast Freda" I developed a glaze from the silt. This then led to using the glaze with stretched forms and eventually to Soda firing in the wood kiln. Freda however didn't much care for this, so it was sadly a short lived soda romance. I continued to wood fire, with a small Fred Olsen design fast fire kiln until recently. In 2018 I was commissioned by the Dean of Norwich Cathedral to make an enormous piece candle stand, this huge piece is now situated in the Lady Chapel for people to light a small candle for loved ones. It is lovely to have work in a permanent presence in my home city and to continue the tradition of potters having work in Cathedrals. I revisited Japan in 2018, my 10th visit, this time with a fellow artist and the specific purpose of visiting the Temple and Shrine gardens to draw inspiration for forthcoming work and exhibitions. Having not quite seen all we needed to, a return trip was made in early 2020 providing me with superb images and memories. The exhibition ABSTRACT JAPAN finally took place in September 2021 at Mandell's Gallery in Norwich and was a great success.

Maggie's Studio - Artist, Tutor, Writer, Mentor

maggie's studio - artist, tutor, writer, mentor

maggie hollinshead Create - I have been creating things for as long as I can remember, my work is mostly mixed media and textiles. I share my creativity as commissions and artist-led garden design. Commission Client - “Wow, you’ve really understood us” Garden Design Clients - “I’m very impressed you have created something special, it’s a real garden” “I can’t believe that’s our garden” Inspire - I am passionate about my creativity and I enjoy helping others to find their creative side through creative workshops and classes Creative Workshop Student - “Maggie is the most inspiring artist/tutor, she is so generous with sharing her knowledge. She encourages you to search deeper to find your own style, she gives and receives lots of pleasure in the process.” Encourage - I also enjoy helping others through creative mentoring and my work delivering creative sessions within NHS Mental Health settings facilitated by Arts for Health Creative Mentoring Client - “I've been running my small, creative hobby-business for several years now with a relative degree of success. It's grown organically over the years without any real business planning and direction. However, in 2022, I decided that I wanted to try and change this approach so that I could start to develop a more sustainable lifestyle business and Maggie's creative mentoring sessions have been hugely beneficial in this process. The distant learning sessions encouraged me to really think about my business goals, strengths and weaknesses and understand more fully the barriers that have been preventing me from moving forward with the business. The one-to-one sessions then provided a safe space to share ideas and worries with Maggie as well as work on the all-important masterplan of things I need 'to-do-' to take the business to the next level from hobby business to professional business. We covered so much in such a short space of time from branding, product ideas and pricing structure to social media strategy and also drank a lot of coffee! It really is hard not to feel inspired in Maggie's company. Her enthusiasm, knowledge and experience is inspirational and hugely uplifting and true to her word, she does indeed have a warm and infectious smile. She really does encourage you to feel that anything is possible and I'm excited to be moving forward with my business plans as 2023 approaches. I would highly recommend Maggie's creative mentoring sessions to anyone just starting out on their creative business venture or to those who have reached a bit of a crossroads and are unsure what steps to take next. With Maggie by your side, you'll come away energised and enthused and with a list of actions to help you develop and grow your business.”

Tham Khao Gia Bao Hiem Than Vo o To

tham khao gia bao hiem than vo o to

THAM KHẢO GIÁ BẢO HIỂM THÂN VỎ Ô TÔ Bảo hiểm thân vỏ ô tô là một trong những loại bảo hiểm quan trọng mà bất kỳ chủ xe nào cũng nên cân nhắc. Giá bảo hiểm vật chất ô tô [https://carpla.vn/blog/bao-hiem-vat-chat-o-to] có thể khác nhau dựa trên nhiều yếu tố khác nhau. Trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ cùng tìm hiểu về các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến giá bảo hiểm thân vỏ ô tô và cách chọn mua bảo hiểm một cách hiệu quả. CÁC YẾU TỐ ẢNH HƯỞNG ĐẾN GIÁ BẢO HIỂM THÂN VỎ Ô TÔ LOẠI XE VÀ GIÁ TRỊ XE Loại xe và giá trị xe là hai yếu tố quan trọng nhất ảnh hưởng đến giá bảo hiểm thân vỏ ô tô. Xe càng đắt tiền, giá bảo hiểm sẽ càng cao. Điều này là do chi phí sửa chữa và thay thế các bộ phận của các dòng xe cao cấp thường tốn kém hơn. ĐỘ TUỔI VÀ TÌNH TRẠNG XE Độ tuổi của xe cũng ảnh hưởng đến giá bảo hiểm. Xe mới thường có giá bảo hiểm cao hơn do giá trị xe còn cao. Ngược lại, xe cũ thường có giá bảo hiểm thấp hơn do giá trị xe đã giảm. Tình trạng của xe, bao gồm việc xe đã từng bị tai nạn hay chưa, cũng ảnh hưởng đến giá bảo hiểm. KHU VỰC SỬ DỤNG XE Khu vực nơi bạn sinh sống và sử dụng xe cũng có thể ảnh hưởng đến giá bảo hiểm. Những khu vực có tỷ lệ tai nạn hoặc trộm cắp cao thường có giá bảo hiểm cao hơn. Ngược lại, các khu vực có tỷ lệ tai nạn thấp và an ninh tốt thường có giá bảo hiểm thấp hơn. LỊCH SỬ LÁI XE Lịch sử lái xe của chủ xe cũng là một yếu tố quan trọng. Những người có lịch sử lái xe an toàn, ít tai nạn và vi phạm giao thông sẽ được hưởng mức giá bảo hiểm ưu đãi hơn. Ngược lại, những người có lịch sử lái xe không tốt sẽ phải trả mức giá cao hơn. MỨC BẢO HIỂM LỰA CHỌN Mức Bảo hiểm bắt buộc ô tô [https://carpla.vn/blog/bao-hiem-bat-buoc-o-to] mà bạn lựa chọn cũng ảnh hưởng đến giá bảo hiểm. Các gói bảo hiểm với mức đền bù cao hơn và phạm vi bảo hiểm rộng hơn sẽ có giá cao hơn. Do đó, việc lựa chọn mức bảo hiểm phù hợp với nhu cầu và khả năng tài chính của mình là rất quan trọng. CÁCH CHỌN MUA BẢO HIỂM THÂN VỎ Ô TÔ SO SÁNH GIÁ TỪ NHIỀU NHÀ CUNG CẤP Để chọn được gói bảo hiểm thân vỏ ô tô tốt nhất, bạn nên so sánh giá từ nhiều nhà cung cấp bảo hiểm khác nhau. Việc này giúp bạn có cái nhìn tổng quan về mức giá trên thị trường và chọn được gói bảo hiểm phù hợp nhất với nhu cầu và ngân sách của mình. KIỂM TRA ĐIỀU KHOẢN BẢO HIỂM Trước khi quyết định mua bảo hiểm, bạn cần kiểm tra kỹ các điều khoản và điều kiện của gói bảo hiểm. Đảm bảo rằng bạn hiểu rõ các quyền lợi, trách nhiệm và các trường hợp loại trừ của gói bảo hiểm. Điều này giúp tránh những tranh chấp không đáng có khi xảy ra sự cố. LỰA CHỌN NHÀ CUNG CẤP UY TÍN Chọn một nhà cung cấp bảo hiểm uy tín cũng là một yếu tố quan trọng. Những nhà cung cấp uy tín thường có dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng tốt và quy trình giải quyết bồi thường nhanh chóng. Bạn có thể tham khảo ý kiến từ người thân, bạn bè hoặc các đánh giá trên mạng để chọn được nhà cung cấp uy tín. TẬN DỤNG CÁC CHƯƠNG TRÌNH KHUYẾN MÃI Nhiều nhà cung cấp bảo hiểm thường có các chương trình khuyến mãi, giảm giá cho khách hàng. Bạn nên tận dụng các chương trình này để tiết kiệm chi phí. Tuy nhiên, hãy chắc chắn rằng các gói bảo hiểm khuyến mãi vẫn đảm bảo đầy đủ quyền lợi cho bạn. LỢI ÍCH KHI MUA BẢO HIỂM THÂN VỎ Ô TÔ BẢO VỆ TÀI SẢN Bảo hiểm thân vỏ ô tô giúp bảo vệ tài sản của bạn trước các rủi ro như tai nạn, hư hỏng, trộm cắp. Khi xảy ra sự cố, bạn sẽ được đền bù chi phí sửa chữa hoặc thay thế, giảm bớt gánh nặng tài chính. AN TÂM KHI LÁI XE Khi có bảo hiểm thân vỏ ô tô, bạn sẽ cảm thấy an tâm hơn khi lái xe. Bạn không cần lo lắng quá nhiều về các rủi ro có thể xảy ra và có thể tập trung hơn vào việc lái xe an toàn. HỖ TRỢ TÀI CHÍNH Bảo hiểm thân vỏ ô tô cũng giúp bạn hỗ trợ tài chính khi xảy ra sự cố. Thay vì phải chi trả một khoản tiền lớn để sửa chữa hoặc thay thế xe, bạn chỉ cần trả một phần nhỏ chi phí (thường là khoản khấu trừ) và công ty bảo hiểm sẽ chi trả phần còn lại. Tìm hiểu thêm thông tin: Khác biệt giữa Bảo hiểm Ô tô Bắt quân và Bảo hiểm Ô tô Tự nguyện [https://www.tumblr.com/blogcarpla/756766461218996224/khac-biet-giua-bao-hiem-o-to-bat-quan-va-bao-hiem] Giá bảo hiểm thân vỏ ô tô phụ thuộc vào nhiều yếu tố như loại xe, giá trị xe, khu vực sử dụng, lịch sử lái xe và mức bảo hiểm lựa chọn. Để chọn được gói bảo hiểm tốt nhất, bạn nên so sánh giá từ nhiều nhà cung cấp, kiểm tra kỹ điều khoản bảo hiểm và chọn nhà cung cấp uy tín. Bảo hiểm thân vỏ ô tô không chỉ bảo vệ tài sản của bạn mà còn mang lại sự an tâm và hỗ trợ tài chính khi xảy ra sự cố.

Nur Academy

nur academy


Mr. Hamidi was born in Morocco, spent a part of his childhood in France and has been a Florida resident since 1998. He graduated with a dual M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering & Engineering Management from the University of South Florida, and a dual B.S. degree in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering from University of Florida. Throughout his education and work experience, Mr. Hamidi has gained valuable experience in the field of leadership, research, education & management. He also has taught in Private and Charter Schools (K-12) including Nur Academy in 2019-2020. Brother Karim is very happy to be back and look forward to a great year ahead inshallah. Amel Abosamek Amel Abosamek is a homeroom teacher at Nur Academy. She was born in Alexandria, Egypt and earned her BS in Chemical Engineering from Alexandria University. Sister Amel has completed several professional development and educator training programs. She has 17 years of experience teaching Math and Science for all levels up to 8th grade. Jamila Ali Mrs. Ali. will be our Kindergarten/First grade teacher during the 2022-2023 academic year. She was born and raised in Sarasota, Florida and have been here for 30 years! Mrs. Ali grew up within the Muslim ISSB community and she is so honored to finally be giving back to the community by teaching our young Muslim children and much more. She graduated as an Education major from University of South Florida. She loves to read, cook, and spend time with her family in her spare time. Rana Elshamy Rana Elshamy received her B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of South Florida. After graduation, she realized that she was a teacher at heart, so she decided to pursue a career in teaching. Sister Rana has more than 12 years of experience at teaching. She has taught in different Islamic schools as well as at some public/charter schools. She is very excited to be part of Nur Acade Dina Gadelhaq Dina Gadelhaq teaches Quran and Arabic at Nur Academy. She was born and raised in Egypt and earned her BS in Accounting from Cairo University. She is a certified Nuraniyah teacher and has taught Quran and Arabic at Nur Academy for the past 4 years. Dina’s favorite quote is “teach your kids Quran and Quran will teach them everything.” ABOUT NUR ACADEMY Nur Academy is an independent, nonprofit, private Islamic school located in Sarasota, Florida. We serve students in grades K-5 in Sarasota and Manatee counties. Nur Academy offers one of the finest Islamic & Academic programs in the nation. Nur Academy is a Sunni institution and follows the teachings and tenets of Ahl-us-Sunnah wa-l-Jamaa’ah. Our education philosophy is based on the understanding that all children are individuals with their own strengths, needs, likes and learning styles. Our classrooms are filled with specially designed materials and a prepared environment promoting hands on learning. Instruction is differentiated according to the ability and learning style of each child.

Czech Centre London

czech centre london


The Czech Centre's mission is to actively promote Czechia by showcasing Czech culture, innovations and creativity in the UK. Its programme covers visual and performing arts, film, literature, music, architecture, design and fashion, science and social innovations. As well as hosting its own events, the Czech Centre offers support for other groups organising intercultural initiatives among Czech and UK partners. The Czech Centre also seeks to further enhance cultural relationships between the UK and Czechia through curatorial visits, media tours and artistic residencies; helping to generate creative dialogue among artists, scholars, scientists and cultural activists from both countries. The Centre promotes instruction of Czech language and provides series of certified Czech language courses and exams. The Czech Centre, a contributory organization of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, opened in London in 1993. The Czech Centre is part of a worldwide network of 28 branches across four continents including the Czech Houses in Jerusalem and Bratislava. The Czech Centre was a founding member of the EUNIC cluster in London and currently presides its activities. The Office of the General Commissioner of the Czech participation at the General World Exposition EXPO has been part of the Czech Centres’ network since January 2023. The two institutions seek to deepen their cooperation through the merger and to create even greater synergies in the presentation of the Czech Republic abroad. For more information on the Czech participation in EXPO 2025, please visit expo2025czechia.com.

Reviews Are Matter

reviews are matter


The Importance of Reviews in Choosing a Writing Service When it comes to juggling the heavy workload, students may find that using writing services can be revolutionary. Finding a trustworthy and dependable provider might be difficult, though, given the variety of possibilities. Reviews are quite important at this point since they act as a lighthouse for students navigating the sea of writing services. Unbiased Insights from Real Customers Review offers the main benefit of impartial opinions [https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/studybay.com] from real clients who have used the service directly and whose reviews can prove that the service is legit and safe. Many facets of the writing business, including job quality, timeliness, customer service, and general satisfaction, are well-examined in these reviews. Students can make an educated choice by thoroughly understanding what to expect by reading through reviews. Identifying Reputable Services Reviews are a really useful instrument for differentiating between legitimate and maybe less trustworthy writing providers. Excellent customer service and high-quality work are key indicators that a certain service keeps its word. Negative evaluations, however, might act as warning signs and direct students away from services that might not live up to their expectations. Popular Review Platforms Students may look into writing services using a number of well-known review sites: Trustpilot [https://www.trustpilot.com/]: Writing services are among the many areas for which this site is well known for its large collection of reviews. SiteJabber: A great tool for assessing writing services, SiteJabber focuses on offering user reviews and ratings for internet companies. Reddit: Although it's not a review site specifically, students can participate in conversations and ask their peers for advice on writing services on its many subreddit groups. Scenarios Where Writing Services Are Beneficial Students could require the help of a writing service in many different circumstances: Tight Deadlines: With so many homework and tests, students may become overburdened by deadlines. Writing services guarantee that tasks are finished on time without sacrificing quality. Complex Topics: Some scholastic courses or themes might be quite difficult and call for in-depth study and understanding. Writing services frequently use subject matter specialists who can guide students through these intricacies. Language Barriers: Students from abroad or whose first language is not English could find it challenging to express themselves clearly. Writing services may help make sure their work is clear of grammatical problems and flawlessly composed. Lack of Writing Skills [https://careerlaunchpad.arcadia.edu/blog/2023/01/09/what-are-writing-skills/]: Not all students are born writers, which might result in worse scores or lost chances. Writing services might offer the help required to improve the caliber of written work. Through careful consideration of evaluations and the use of well-known review sites, students can select a writing service with knowledge. Reading through both good and bad evaluations is crucial to comparing the advantages and disadvantages and determining if the service can satisfy certain requirements. Academic obstacles can be surmounted, writing abilities can be enhanced, and academic performance can be increased by students using the appropriate writing service.

Princess Royal Training Awards

princess royal training awards


The Princess Royal Training Awards is an honour for employers in the UK who have created outstanding training and skills development programmes which have resulted in exceptional commercial benefits.Honouring employers who have created outstanding training and skills development programmes which have resulted in exceptional benefits. The result is an award that highlights the range and quality of training that exists in industry. 3  Benefits of the Awards Applying for a Princess Royal Training Award will provide you with the opportunity to reflect on what you have achieved through your investment in training. We provide you with one-to-one support through the application process and all applicants receive tailored written feedback on their application. Achieving this prestigious award allows you to be externally recognised for your achievements and sets you apart from your competitors. Recipients of the Award are invited to display the award logo on their websites, business and recruitment communications and products, bringing industry-wide recognition. You will also join the Princess Royal Training Awards Alumni providing access to a network of award holders who, like you, believe in the huge value of training and development. l How to apply The Awards are free to enter and are open to organisations of all sizes, and from all sectors in the UK and Ireland. Entrants will receive tailored support throughout the application process. Applications are open from 03 January – 31 March 2023. The first stage of the process is the completion of an online application form. If you are successful at this stage, you will progress to the second stage which comprises a virtual visit with an Assessor. A prestigious awards celebration for those who achieve the standard will take place in the autumn. Some words from our President The Awards are supported by our President, HRH The Princess Royal, who is a keen advocate of skills development. Princess Royal Training Awards ‘Many employers are making positive contributions to our wider communities and economies by up-skilling and empowering their employees. The Princess Royal Training Awards provide a platform for such employers, giving them the accolade they deserve.’ HRH The Princess Royal is the president of The City and Guilds of London Institute, the founding organisation for City & Guilds and its community of brands. City & Guilds Foundation The awards are delivered by the City & Guilds Foundation, which was set up to amplify the work we do across City & Guilds; removing some of the biggest barriers to jobs, celebrating best practice on the job, and advocating for jobs of the future. City & Guilds works with education providers, employers and governments in over 100 countries across the world to help people, businesses and economies grow by shaping skills systems and supporting skills development. Our brands include City & Guilds, ILM, Kineo, The Oxford Group, Gen2, Intertrain and TradeSkills4U. Meet the Assessors Applications will be reviewed by a team of independent Assessors, led by a Chief Assessor. The Princess Royal Training Awards Assessors have been selected for their experience in training and skills development across a wide range of organisations and sectors.