3580 Educators providing Courses delivered Online




Welcome fellow luminous beings, sisters, brothers, co-creators, and light-workers, I'm Nadia-Anne, but you can call me Nadia. I'm a Sound Visionary Artist, Healer and Coach. This means, I create and heal from sound then help facilitate space for others do the same through my immersive sound journey’s and coaching. Whilst I travelled the world as a professional dancer during my 20’s, I was lucky enough to absorb the variations of sounds, patterns, colours, textures, and cultures not only from local people, hill-tribes, remote craftsmen, Buddhist monks, and spiritual leaders, but also from the colourful souls I met along the way. I learnt that sound is the universal language, and that it is the thread that weaves humanity together. I have been deeply connected to music, sound and vision my entire life, which came to light, as a mature student at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design (CSM), London, which I started immediately after returning from living and performing in Ibiza (2006-07). During my studies, I accidentally invented BeatWoven; A transmission, weaving invisible geometric sonic soundscapes, into our artistic visual landscapes through coded woven threads and innovative technologies. The idea came to me as an epiphany on the dance-floor, at Space Ibiza in 2006. I was lost in the frequency of the music listening to the iconic DJ Carl Cox, immersed in lights and tuned-in to a moment of higher consciousness. Above our heads, I could see the laser beams weaving patterns in and out of each other in sync with the sounds, similar to threads weaving upon a loom. I instantly became excited about the concept of expanding our universal language into our decorative visual reality, through the medium of patterned fabric, bringing deeper and more meaningful connections to the world in which we live in. I learnt during my research that I had a form of syntheses, a sensory response I had shut down form a young age, where I can sense colour and pattern through sound. Working as a professional performer eventually led me to burn out in 2013. Throughout my life, I had unfortunately been exposed to external trauma’s and was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). I found myself immersed in the epicentre of psychotherapy’s and holistic remedies desperate to heal myself so I could full-fill my commitment to BeatWoven. My turning point came when I took a break, and escaped to one of my favourite Island’s called Koh Phangan, Thailand for an Intensive 200 RYT Yoga Teaching Training Course. We meditated everyday at 6.30am in the middle of a jungle with buddhist monk teachers, ate an Ayurvedic diet, participated in 4 hours of yoga a day, and studied the philosophy of yoga. It was upon my return in 2019, I began training with the lineage of Don Conreaux gong masters. As a certified sound healer, yoga & meditation instructor (RYT), I am passionate about helping other people manifest their ideas into reality, using the ancient technology of ‘Frequency Medicine’ to cleanse our emotional and physical bodies so we can live a life of being in high-frequency. The rise of the new tech age in this ever-changing world increases our need to be anchored in our human ‘truth’. Tuning - In to ignite positive vibrations, will help us navigate through, and dissolve any seeds to illnesses such as mental health, depression, anxiety, stress and trauma, as well as help us authentically co-create an incredible world for humanity.

2489 (Bridge of Don) Squadron  Air Training Corps

2489 (bridge of don) squadron air training corps

This brief history tells how the RAF Air Cadets was formed. As an essential part of the RAF, supplying better-trained and experienced personnel during times of war, it has evolved into the largest air cadet organisation in the world. The first cadets In 1859 several schools around the country began forming armed, uniformed units of adults and older boys with the purpose of protecting Britain in the event of an attack from overseas. By the turn of the century there were units in more than 100 schools and, in 1908, the units were re-titled the Officer Training Corps (OTC). Many ex-cadets and officers served with distinction during the First World War. By the 1930s the beginnings of today’s CCF (RAF) appeared in the form of OTC Air Sections. In Army uniform, but with an RAF armband, they trained very much like today. Air Commodore Chamier, the Air League and the ADCC It was a simple enough idea. The Second World War was on the horizon and if aircraft were to be used as a major combat strength, then the RAF would need a serious amount of combat-ready pilots and competent support crew to keep them in the air. That idea came from Air Commodore J A Chamier, now known as the father of the air cadets. He served in the army, the Royal Flying Corps and the RAF in 1919 (not long after it formed). With his love for aviation, he was determined to get British people aware of the RAF and its vital role in any future war. He wanted to establish an air cadet corps, encouraging young people to consider a career in aviation - pretty exciting at a time when very few people ever got the chance to fly. His experience in World War I, where training time was very limited, convinced him that the sooner training began the better prepared and experienced a person would be in combat. So, in 1938 the Air Defence Cadet Corps (ADCC) was founded by Air Commodore Chamier who was then Secretary-General of the Air League – an organisation made up of people who wanted to make the British public aware of the importance of military aviation. Demand for places was high and squadrons were set up in as many towns around the UK as possible. Local people ran them and each squadron aimed to prepare cadets for joining the RAF or the Fleet Air Arm (the Royal Navy's aircraft division). They also helped form the diverse programme of activities that our cadets enjoy today. During World War II, with many instructors being drafted into the RAF and squadron buildings being used by the military, cadets were sent to work on RAF stations. They carried messages, handled aircraft and moved equipment. They filled thousands of sandbags and loaded miles of belts of ammunition. They were invaluable. By the end of the war, in just 7 years since the formation of the ADCC, almost 100,000 cadets had joined the RAF. The ATC and CCF Towards the end of 1940, the government realised the value of the cadet force and took control of the ADCC. It reorganised and renamed it, and on the 5th February 1941 the Air Training Corps was officially established with King George VI as the Air Commodore-in-Chief.

Brighouse High School

brighouse high school


At the heart of the Brighouse community is Brighouse High School and we are delighted to start a new academic year on the front foot with you all, looking forward to another successful year working together. The summer results showed the determination and resilience of our students and staff and we were delighted to see our Year 11 and Year 13 cohorts secure the qualifications they needed to take those important next steps in life. Even more satisfying, perhaps, was seeing the development of those young people over the years into young adults ready to contribute to society. Despite the continuing difficulties of last year, our school and our community continued to thrive and we are proud of all of their achievements. A particular highlight of last year was the relaunching of our wide and varied extra –curricular activities and our trips and visits. Everyone was delighted to see the Lakes trip back in the calendar and the Year 7 students had a wonderful week up in the Lake District during that final week of June. There have also been other trips out to the coast for coursework studies in Geography and to Doe Park and Bradley Woods for outdoor pursuits as well as planning ahead for the return of the Berlin trip and the Ski trip. As we took the step back to formal examinations, we saw the incredible achievements of our students who have worked hard for many years to secure the richly deserved outcomes from the key stage 4 and key stage 5 examinations. As always, I am delighted to say that Brighouse High School students are heading into the wider world to embrace their next challenges, whether that be with us for two more years in our sixth form, in college, university or employment and the school continued to strengthen the qualification outcomes in many key areas. In our vibrant and successful sixth form college there were outstanding results in academic and vocational qualifications and our post-16 students moved on to their places in higher education, employment or training. In key stage 4 we were delighted to see that the majority of our students achieved the important GCSE benchmark qualifications in English and Maths, the vital springboard into their next stages in education and life beyond school, and succeeded across our rich creative curriculum too. As always though, I am sure that you will agree that our school is about so much more than just qualifications. From the moment our Year 7 students step foot across the threshold, they are challenged to contribute and to achieve within a warm, caring and supportive environment. The opportunities within and beyond the traditional curriculum are rich and diverse at Brighouse High School; we encourage all of our students to become part of our community and build on the sense of togetherness, which is so important to us, and importantly recognised by those who visit us. Ofsted recognised the strength of relationships in our school when we were inspected in February of this year, commenting that ‘positive relationships are a cornerstone of the school’ and recognising that ‘everyone cares at Brighouse’. It is on the firm foundations of these relationships that we build our success with our students and the community. We will continue to deliver strong classroom practice within an appropriate and personalised curriculum, a positive ethos and behaviour and, with support from home, we will continue to deliver successful outcomes for all.

Solutions for the Mind, Body & Soul

solutions for the mind, body & soul

Thanks for looking at my site. On here, you will be able to see that I offer a range of transformational solutions in the form of training courses, workshops, 1-2-1 sessions, talks and also products for Hypnosis, Regression and other Life Enhancing Modalities. As well as having long-term expertise in Hypnosis and Regression, I am also a Sound Healer (running regular sound baths), a Crystal Healer, a Reiki Master/Teacher in a few different traditions and have taught Reiki for 11 years, a Fully Accredited Spiritual Healer (trained at the College of Psychic Studies way back when), Aura Soma Practitioner, a coach and I work with a wide variety of energy management techniques for the Mind, Body & Soul. In short, I’d call myself a Transformational Energy Worker, and my goal with all that I do is to help people improve the quality of their lives by using simple and effective transformational techniques in a grounded, helpful and beneficial way. I have a private practice in a wonderful location in the Lee in South Bucks. This is most easily accessible by road, and also by rail (Great Missenden 8 minutes by car or Wendover 11 minutes by car) or by Metropolitan line tube via Chesham (14 minutes by car). I have clients coming mainly from London, and also the Home Counties and nation-wide. I also been working online for 4/5 years with clients both in the UK and overseas. In the past I have taught groups in South Africa, Mexico, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, Lithuania, Sardinia and the UK, as well as individuals from a wide range of countries and cultures. I am always interested in new opportunities in any country, or part of the UK for talks, workshops or more. Just email me to ask if you have good ideas or questions in that respect. As well as the therapy techniques that I teach, I also offer a range of expertise and workshops in many aspects of life-style improvement, such as relaxation, stress management, increasing productivity, improving your relationship with money, changing the energy of your home and many more. I haven’t always been in the holistic arena. I spent many years working behind a desk in shipping before the call of my intuition uprooted me and led me to quit my job, sell my house and car, and put all my possessions into storage and travel the world for a few years. When I came back to the UK, I had the notion that I had to get my chakras sorted out, and found my way to a place called the College of Psychic Studies in London where I did a 2 year degree as a Spiritual Healer. Around the same time I trained to be a Reiki Master, Theta healer, Aura Soma practitioner, and I also made a truly life-changing decision when I found my way to hypnotherapist to Stop Smoking. That 2.5 hour session saw me swapping one addiction for another as I undertook extensive training in hypnosis, then regression therapy and found my passion in helping people to understand and trance-form their subconscious patterns to liberate themselves from old patterns that have been holding them back for years, decades and often lifetimes. And that’s what I do now – my passion – which is helping people like you to be the best version of yourself that you can be, by clearing and releasing the past in whichever way is most beneficial and helpful for you.

Soulful Vision

soulful vision

SOULFUL VISION was born out of Steve Radley’s journey of healing as a military veteran of Iraq & Afghanistan and is informed by his training as a Priest and a Photographer. Is Mindfulness any good? We read a lot about the benefits of MINDFULNESS but chatting to people I discovered lots of us find it strange and not ‘my sort of thing’. It can feel quite inaccessible with all its talk of focusing on our breathing, letting go of our thinking and centring in the moment. I first came across MINDFULNESS whilst studying psychiatry at King’s College London and there can be no disputing the research – it’s good for us and is an ancient practice modern society has rediscovered. But I know what my people mean – it can feel hard to do because – well let’s face it – we have lots of things competing for our attention and spending time sitting cross legged meditating is not something we have the time or desire to do. Making Mindfulness accessible Through my photography training I realised this art form is an easy way into mindfulness. And this creates a wonderful possibility – we’re all taking pictures on our phones, so rather than teaching something completely new, we can simply adapt something we already do to access the benefits of mindfulness. SOULFUL VISION retreats and workshops take your photography (whether with a smartphone or camera) and help you discover how this can become a mindful activity, helping you find moments of calm within the demands of modern life. Wellbeing with a difference There are many excellent wellbeing courses and providers but many of the techniques taught are premised on self-care (eg. time management, boundary setting, kind non-judgemental thinking, etc). This is important but I believe it can only form part of the answer. There is a danger when the focus is purely self-care, that we can feel we have failed if we struggle in our life and work – we can feel we are not resilient. We will only thrive and find resilience if the environments we live and work support our resilience. Our relationships are of equal importance and we each need to support one another. For me the process of taking a picture can be both an activity of self-care and care for one another. This creates environments and cultures in which we can find resilience together, finding peace and enabling us to thrive in life. One writer on wellbeing called this a ‘virtuous circle of kindness’. Join us on a workshop or retreat. Learn a mindful approach to photography which is an act of self-care and how to share your images to learn about yourself and one another. By facilitating conversations with one another through your pictures I hope to create shared vision and understanding. This can help strengthen not only our own, but one another’s resilience and mental health as we develop a shared vision and learn about the different ways we each see life. My workshops are premised on the 5 Steps to Wellbeing, which is an approach endorsed by the NHS and described below We do not focus primarily on the technical aspects of photography. Steve will help if you get stuck! All you require is a camera you can use and an open mind to try.