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Cultivate Tees Valley

cultivate tees valley


Cultivate Tees Valley (CTV) is an environmental organisation that works in partnership to build a better world by growing food security for those living across the Tees Valley and by transforming unused urban and rural land into spaces where food is grown. Initiatives focus on combating isolation and improving mental health by connecting people through food and environmental initiatives, with a strong focus on recruiting and equipping teams of volunteers, alongside training and education programmes. Programmes incorporate art to help beautify more derelict spaces and up-cycling of items that would normally go to the landfill. Cultivate currently works across the Tees Valley developing urban food growing gardens and within ten youth centres across Stockton running an environmental education programme that aims to educate young people on the issues of climate change and how they can help change their environment for the better. The work of Cultivate Tees Valley has been partly inspired by Bonton Farms in Dallas, Texas, an organsation that one of our Directors worked alongside during his time living in the US. Bonton is located in an area with high levels of poverty, terrible health outcomes and poor access to fresh food. Bonton Farms was set up to grow fresh food for local people to combat their health and hunger issues, and put food on their tables. The other great impact of their work on their community was through the work they did mentoring local people through the running of the farm while providing meaningful activities for those facing isolation and loneliness. Growing Sites Arlington Park Arly Park is based in Parkfield and is run by the Cornerhouse Youth Project. This new initiative involves the development of an unused field into a safe growing space for local children, young people and families. CTV and Cornerhouse use this space to support pupils from Bowesfield Primary School during school time hours and work with local young people through evening drop in sessions. Thornaby Allotments Youth Direction asked CTV to develop their two allotments that had become overgrown. This growing space is used for vulnerable young people through one-to-one work, for volunteer days and for adults looking to improve their mental health through gardening. Harty Road Cafe Garden, Hartington Road Hartington Road is located in the most deprived area of Stockton. The Little Sprouts Charity have been working with residents through cooking programmes, bread making and a Pay As You Feel cafe. CTV started an urban garden on Hartington Road to provide training and education opportunities to residents while growing food for the cafe. Elmwood Community Centre Based in Hartburn, the Elmwood site has raised beds and a poly tunnel. Teesside University, NCS and Bright Minds Big Futures have partnered on this site. St Michael's and All Angel's, Norton 2020 will see us develop part of the Church grounds into a growing space that can be accessed by the local community and users of the food bank based at the Church.

Melissa Liversedge Yoga

melissa liversedge yoga

I first became aware of yoga as a child. My grandmother used to tell me to practise ‘yoga breathing’ (long, slow inhalations and exhalations) if I ever felt worried or unwell. She swore by the benefits of yoga, both physically and mentally, and although I never actually saw her practise a single pose, I considered her to be the ultimate yoga guru! After University, I worked in the City as a stockbroker, at which point I officially started going to yoga classes, seeking a counter balance to the busy lifestyle I was living. I went to all sorts of different classes - whatever the gym had on offer and whatever I could find locally: flow yoga, power yoga, bikram yoga, sivananda yoga. I soon realised that yoga could be quite a different experience depending on the type and the teacher. I had the good fortune of meeting a Japanese colleague who swore by the benefits of Iyengar Yoga. She introduced me to a senior Iyengar teacher, Maxine Tobias, who completely transformed my experience of yoga. She had spent many years under the guidance of BKS Iyengar himself and was very inspirational. I was amazed how the Iyengar method gives you a deep understanding of your own body, its strengths and its weaknesses. Although the classes looked easier, and you got to use belts and blocks, actually I found them the most challenging. Furthermore, the classes were full of real people: all ages, shapes and sizes. Each person came to understand their limitations and their strengths and were on their own journey. It wasn’t about the gymnastics of the poses, it was about the relationship between the body and the mind. After several years of practice, I applied to do my teacher training course in 2005, but then found out I was pregnant. Life and babies took over, so it was only after another 10 years and a new life in Hampshire, I felt I was ready to reapply to train as an Iyengar Teacher. The training course was long and challenging, as it should be when you are dealing with other people’s bodies, but I was lucky enough to have one of the best and most experienced teachers living nearby, Judith Jones, who pushed and encouraged me to aim for precision and quality of teaching. Judith has spent many years visiting Pune and the Iyengar family, and has always been heavily involved with the Iyengar Yoga Association UK. She is truly remarkable and continues to be a great inspiration & mentor. I am currently preparing for the next level of qualification within the Iyengar Yoga system and hope to continue my yoga journey for as long as I am able. I have a great husband, 3 kids, 2 dogs, and a fish called Martin. I like the sea, travel, fashion, shoes and people. Family is the most important thing to me.

Stoke Park School

stoke park school


Stoke Park School was established in 1919 as a grammar school and although it has changed considerably in the last 100 years, our high expectations and academic curriculum remains the same. Through providing a quality education, alongside a range of exceptional experiences, our central aim is to enable all of our students to Build Brighter Futures. We recently celebrated our best ever GCSE and A level results and to this end, we are committed firmly to the pursuit of academic development at the highest level amongst our students. We unashamedly celebrate academic accomplishment, and we seek to nurture clear thinking and scholarly curiosity. We are committed to improving the life chances of all our students and we want to remove any barriers in order for our students to flourish academically. That said, we place a high emphasis on getting to know our students and ensuring they feel happy and well supported throughout their time with us. We foster a sense of belonging within school and the wider community. We welcome students into The Bridge, a custom designed area just for them, with both social and teaching spaces and a specialist team of teachers who are experts in transition from primary and Year 7 learning and progress. The Bridge offers very high academic expectations with Latin and Classics being part of the curriculum. Students have a personalised timetable, and the curriculum is carefully crafted to ensure breadth and depth. Additional small group lessons are offered so that every student can make rapid progress. Parents can find out more about The Bridge here. Our teachers are passionate about their subjects and have a rigorous in-depth knowledge of the curriculum. They are caring and driven, and they work incredibly hard to ensure all our students are successful at each stage of their seven year journey which culminates in Post 16, our popular sixth form. A bespoke Post-16 block awaits our students and offers a highly academic and enriching experience with links to the top universities. We aim to nurture student attributes such as confidence, resilience and perseverance – qualities that will equip them to thrive at school, at university and beyond, whatever the storms of life may throw at them. This is achieved partly through our bespoke tutoring programme and carefully structured pastoral teams, and partly through our expectation that all students participate fully in the life of the School. We have an exciting, diverse range of extra-curricular activities through which every student can pursue their interests and stretch themselves as they learn new skills and talents. Sport, Music, Drama and other co-curricular activities all play a major role in our school life and offer opportunities for everyone. These activities develop excellence, educate pupils to be open minded, independent and willing to take risks. Stoke Park is a remarkable school for remarkable students. I look forward to welcoming you.

Wood Green School

wood green school


Wood Green is a true comprehensive school in the thriving town of Witney, 10 miles west of Oxford. Our motto, ‘Excellence for All’, means that we strive to create a school in which all students are motivated to learn, achieve highly and develop the wider skills and qualities necessary to be happy and successful. We are a school with strong values and everything we do - our curriculum, the wide range of enrichment opportunities and a focus on student achievement and welfare – are based on these values and contribute to ensuring there truly is excellence for all. Some features of Wood Green School include: Our GCSE results in 2018 were the best ever for attainment and progress, demonstrating year-on-year improvement. In February 2017 Wood Green and three other schools in Oxfordshire co-founded the Acer Multi-Academy Trust. This is typical of our desire to collaborate with like-minded schools and brings more opportunities for staff development and student enrichment. Our Sixth Form works in close partnership with Henry Box School and Abingdon and Witney College to ensure our students have the widest choices anywhere in Oxfordshire. Our curriculum and wider enrichment are organised into our Wood Green Baccalaureate, which ensures that every student from year 7 through to year 13 are recognised for their achievements and effort. As a lead school in the National Baccalaureate Trust, we are working with schools nationally to create the very best curriculum for all students. We develop creativity and confidence through our extra-curricular programme, including our specialist Arts provision. Wood Green is a designated provider of the Oxfordshire Excellent Musicians Programme, one of only three such schools in the county. Starting from our bespoke Academic Enrichment programme in year 7, through to our compulsory Extended Project Qualification in Year 12, and many opportunities to participate in public speaking competitions, throughout the school we develop the range of thinking, talking and writing skills to be successful life-long learners. Our excellent links with universities, including the University of Oxford, and businesses ensure that every student develops aspirations beyond school. We believe that wellbeing is vital to being successful. Wood Green was chosen in 2015 by Nuffield Health to be their partner school nationally. Some quotes from our most recent Ofsted report describe the school we are developing: Strong personal relationships between teachers and students contribute to students' learning. Students’ social, spiritual, moral and cultural development is promoted effectively across the school and strongly contributes to the school’s caring ethos All students have an equal opportunity to succeed Over their time at Wood Green School, students gain a broad range of skills and are consequently well prepared for the next stage in their education, employment or training. The more-able students achieve well. The proportion of students attaining A* and A grades is well above average in a range of subjects The conduct of sixth formers in all parts of the school is exemplary and they provide excellent role models for younger students.

Bhanubhakta Memorial Higher Secondary School

bhanubhakta memorial higher secondary school

Bhanu Bhakta Memorial Higher Secondary School is a pioneer school in the Kathmandu Valley , located at Panipokhari, Kathmandu , opposite to the Japanese Embassy, Nepal,it was established in 1967 to the blessed memory of the pioneer poet late Bhanubhakta Acharya – a renowned figure of Nepali literature. In 2016, the school completed 50 years of its establishment, and has been conducting various programmes under GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATION. Recently, on the occasion of 203rd Bhanu Jayanti, the school concluded the Golden Jubilee Year, thus, creating history and extending its legacy further. His Excellency the Ambassador of Japan to Nepal, Mr. Masashi Ogawa was the Chief Guest of the program. It is a co-educational and English medium school, catering for children with the age group of 3 (Nursery) to 18 (XII class), as well as college level students. The school follows modern methods of teaching having recently installed smart classes and CCTV cameras. Background In 1995, the school opened a higher secondary level. In 2009, it began a higher-education program leading to a Bachelor's degree . In 2013, a Masters level program was introduced in business studies and administration. The institution offers education from the primary level to the degree level. There are more than 2200 students enrolled, from all parts of the country, taught by almost 150 teachers. There is a hostel facility, separate for boys and girls. Bhanubhakta Memorial Higher Secondary School began in a rented building 39 years back and imparts education its students in the capital city of Nepal. Present day It has four modern buildings, and a building used as teacher's quarter cum hostel. The main building houses Secondary and Primary wings. The Gajurel Bhavan is used for pre-primary, the Lower Secondary for primary, and a building for college wings. The school has a boys’ hostel and a science laboratory for practical classes, and overall three computer labs. Judo Hall, multipurpose Astrid Hall, Music Hall, and Smart Class hall are other facilities in the school. The higher secondary wing is a five-storied building. With about 2200 students and nearly 150 teachers, Bhanubhakta Memorial Higher Secondary school is one of the biggest private schools of Nepal, providing both educational as well as physical facilities to day scholars, day boarders and boarders who come from every corner of the country. The school has two separate playgrounds with basketball, badminton and volleyball courts as well as five table tennis boards. There are separate cricket nets as well. The school is divided into Primary Wing (classes Nursery-IV), Middle Wing (class- V-VIII), Secondary Wing (classes IX & X) Higher Secondary Wing (classes XI&XII), and college. The instructional staff in the middle and secondary wings comprises five faculties, each under a Faculty Head. All these wings are supervised by their respective in-charges. The Higher secondary wing is looked after by a separate management under Nepal Education Foundation (NEF), whereas MBA and MBS is affiliated with Tribhuwan University .

Exploring Choices

exploring choices


Heather Rushton: Director of Exploring Choices Ltd. Heather has been a teacher, adviser, senior officer with national and international experience. She has extensive experience of working in Children’s Services within the public sector, particularly in Education but also in, partnership working and integrated services. Heather has held very senior positions in schools, local authorities and nationally. Starting working life as a teacher, Heather became a head teacher, adviser, senior adviser and Director for School Improvement. Heather has worked with and for children in areas of high social deprivation, she has a sincere desire to give children the very best start in life. She has worked in large Local Authorities, metropolitan areas and across regions as a Children’s Services Adviser. Her experience includes improving departmental performance, Health, Children’s Social care, Youth and Education. Heather is curious about what is happening in children’s lives and exploring why it has happened. Her skills to evaluate lead to pertinent identification of changes that need to be made to help them easily benefit from education, care or health programmes. Heather has significant experience with SEN, Literacy and Early Years, Prior to becoming an independent consultant Heather lead the national improvement programme with the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes working with 152 Local Authorities, and 64 voluntary agencies, SCIE, RIP, NfER and RIP. As an independent consultant. Heather inspires confidence in individuals, supports staff to see new ways of working and improve outcomes. Picture David Connor has extensive experience of working in Children’s Services within the public sector, particularly in Education but also in commissioning, partnership working and integrated services. David's experience includes over twenty years in teaching including Headships in three schools, university lecturing with a specialism in Early Years education and work in Eastern Europe developing systems and structures for the delivery of effective education. Following his work in schools, David joined a Local Authority advisory service, initially as an adviser for primary education and then as a senior adviser with responsibility for a team of forty advisers and consultants before eventually becoming Chief Adviser for a large Local Authority with over 430 schools. After a spell as Deputy Director of Education, he was promoted to the post of Strategic Deputy Director of Children’s Services with responsibility for departmental planning, evaluation and quality assurance (Education and Social Care), information and data, external partnerships, commissioning – public, private and voluntary sectors, oversight of schools and workforce development. Since 2010, David has worked as an Independent Consultant undertaking commissions for the Centre for Excellence, National Children’s Bureau, National College and Children’s Improvement Board. This has included evaluations of Local Authority structures and services and assessment against the Test of Assurance, support to Local Authorities to develop new systems and structures for Children’s services and school improvement systems, a scoping study for the development of a Knowledge Transfer Centre in Northern Ireland and the provision of support to aspiring leaders in Children’s Services.

Upcoming Workshops & Retreats with Kubi May...

upcoming workshops & retreats with kubi may...


I grew up in a little market town in the East Midlands, happily in awe of the magic buzzing beneath the tapestry of existence in the countryside surrounding me, making childhood potions from crushed herbs and flowers and sneaking home Esoteric books to read from the library. At 18, I grew restless with a curiosity about the world and quit college to save up, travel, and spend time learning from the hidden tribes and global communities I had read so much about. My travels expanded my understanding around magic and how ritual had manifested in different indigenous cultures beyond our Celtic origins. Here, I began my journey training to become a Reiki healer (and eventually teacher), with a personal earth mission to also contribute as much healing, light and joy to our planet as possible. By my twenties I had returned home, moved to the city and anchored myself back into a decade of education. I gained a PGCE qualification as a secondary school art teacher and finished a University Degree; a BA Honours in Creative Therapies where I focused my dissertation on the healing power of Creative Ritual and Art in Psychotherapy. Following this, I worked for 5 years as a Creative Therapist as part of an Intensive intervention Team for Children in Social Care, whilst also founding and managing London's Activist Art group 'The People's Tribe' to try and promote positive change in society with creativity (and of course, rebellion!) As I approached my thirties, I began to delve deep into my own shadow work and healing, which lead me to explore the healing potential of plant medicines, shamanic rituals and tincture making. One summer, I softened, decided it was time to return back to the countryside and challenged myself to set off at sunset for an overnight pilgrimage. I mapped out the leylines and followed them on foot, walking 12 hours by myself through the night, singing songs to the stars and arrived at sunrise on the mystical lands of Glastonbury for the first time, where I began my training in Celtic Shamanism.... and never left! I'm humbled to live a harmonious and gentle life here upon the mystical lands of Avalon. From this sacred motherland, I forage and make flower tincture medicines from the earth and sculpt personalised wands from the fallen branches of the ancient orchards. More than anything, I love to compassionately hold space for others walking the sacred path of initiation or undertaking healing/ shadow work. (We're at a very interesting moment in history where nothing is more important than this!) I do this using therapy, ritual, ceremony, playfulness and creativity to help alchemise and empower individuals to step into the highest version of themselves and it brings me so much joy to see the light returning, one by one, to the beautiful tribe we know as the human race. Let's rise together and remember who we really are as we make the journey back home to ourselves!

Nick Constantine

nick constantine

Whitley Bay

I began my running coaching journey in 1976 when I ran in my green flash:) but kept on coaching, attending courses and qualifications/badges throughout my life. I also hold a post-grad degree in Physical Ed, with my first degree in Theoretical physics and Astrophysics. I have practised yoga for 25 years (recently qualified to teach in 2018). I also work in Adult Education as an associate lecturer with the Open University. After 12 years as a coach I decided to further integrate and develop my own running programmes and coaching with a much stronger focus on yoga knowledge and practice (attending professional development workshops from Leslie Kaminoff (https://www.yogaanatomy.org/) and Gary Carter (https://www.naturalbodies.co.uk/), A.G Mohan ( https://www.svastha.net/) ). We are all different, creating personalised programmes that allow runners to feel more relaxed, have a greater understanding of how they move and how they can improve their running form without an increase of injury. I have coached over 2000 runners, with a very mixed profile. From National runners to starting out and broken 'lost mojo' runners, all ages from 12-80! Running with awareness, running with ease, running with relaxation and stillness will set the conditions to allow you to run quicker, pain free and have a deeper sense of 'in the moment' focus when running or walking. I focus on developing a more mindful and holistic approach to movement (using much yoga training), allowing runners to recognise 'if it is somewhere it is everywhere' and 'don't think it, feel it'. We explore 'changing our relationship with gravity' allowing us to feel more relaxed and encourage a lighter and better feeling with the ground. For the BODY, for the MIND, for the BREATH The yoga practice complements and integrates into the running coaching, I don't teach a 'little bit of running' and a 'little bit of yoga'. They two disciplines connect and I hope folk get a sense of the power of combining the two practices. I have helped many people, from beginners to cross country runners to triathletes. Whether you are just beginning a running program or training for a marathon, race, triathlon, or general all-round fitness the soulinmotion running and yoga approach is one that builds a healthy body, instead of breaking it down from misuse or overuse. The background of runners vary from15min 5K female runners, 1h 3min half marathon runners to clients who could barely run/walk. Ages have varied between 12 to 85. I have coached yogi's, cross fit, martial arts, ultra runners, Ironmen and women, clubs, private groups.....jog scotland groups appear a lot as do some sport England. My own science, maths and sports background (BSc(Hons) Physics and Astrophysics, PGCE in Sport and Mathematics together with years of coaching means I always approach any idea with a critical and clinical eye. Find out more? Keep up to date with SoulinMotion via the Newsletter, subscribe here....or link to the Eventbrite site and follow my workshops/classes OR visit the soulinmotion FB page (https://www.facebook.com/soulsinmotion) and the list of events which gives all the free tasters and workshops in Scotland and the NE.

Richard Rose Central Academy

richard rose central academy


I am delighted to welcome you to Central Academy, which is part of United Learning Trust. The United Learning motto is ‘The Best in Everyone’, and we wholeheartedly subscribe to this philosophy. Here at Central Academy, we are committed to providing an outstanding learning experience through our broad and balanced curriculum. Our curriculum is far more than just a range of subjects, in its broadest sense it provides a full rounded education for all students, with excellent enrichment opportunities that broaden horizons and create lifelong memories for our students. “The curriculum supports pupils’ personal and academic development” Ofsted 2017 In recent years we have been really impressed with how our students have performed. Most recently in Summer 2021 with our students receiving some excellent GCSE and A-level results and a large number of Russel Group offers for our Year 13’s going to university. Education is much broader than what happens in the classroom, and we celebrate this as a school through our “Education with Character” program. This program focuses on education beyond the classroom, from extra-curricular opportunities to working with the Manchester United and Carlisle United Foundation. Our Education with Character program is underpinned by our core values; Respect, Ambition, Determination, Confidence, Creativity and Enthusiasm. We have something for anyone and everyone here at Central to ensure all students can succeed in the future. We are a caring and inclusive school community who want the best for all our young people. I am excited to have such a strong body of staff here at Central Academy and really proud of the pastoral support we provide for our students. “Pupils’ personal development and welfare are good. They are well cared for.” Ofsted 2017 We pride ourselves on high expectations for all students with our main focus being on learning. Therefore, all students at Central have the right to disruption free learning. As a school we pride ourselves on this simple expectation, therefore the behaviour system is simple, easy to apply and allows staff to focus on teaching excellent lessons. Here at Central we look to strive for excellence in everything we do, never settling for just ‘good enough’. As Principal, my standard is simple “the experience we provide our students’ must be equal to the experience expected for our own children”, if this isn’t the case we must adapt and develop a better experience for our students. As a parent, I understand the importance of the choice of your child’s secondary school. At Central we provide a unique transition experience from personalised tours of our school to the transition summer school for all of our new Year 7 students. Nothing is too much to ask, therefore if you have any questions, please email the school at info@rrca.org.uk. As Principal, I operate an open-door policy and welcome anyone to contact me directly with any concerns and I will always work with my staff to find positive solutions. I hope you find the information on our website useful and would like to welcome you to our great school. Dan Markham Principal

Adrian Lloyd

adrian lloyd



Hello and welcome – thanks for dropping in. My name is Adrian Lloyd although those that know me well find that Ade is what I answer to best. I am a full-time designer, maker and teacher and am passionate about traditional handcrafts. I live and work in North West Cumbria in a tiny farming hamlet nestled mid-way between the northernmost edge of the Lake District National Park and the Solway Coast. Most of my making and teaching takes place in an original threshing barn, one of several historic outbuildings, which, along with our 300-year-old farmhouse, surround a cobbled courtyard. I specialise in creating beautiful, functional, traditional hand-crafted items from green wood (that is wood that looks like a freshly felled tree and still contains all of its moisture) using traditional methods and razor-sharp hand tools like axes and knives. My craft is for everyday use in the kitchen and around the home, it is designed to be used hard and for a long time, hopefully by generations of the same family. I developed my passion for handcraft from a very young age and thrive when being able to ignite a new passion for creativity in others. After a design-based university education, I then spent nearly the next twenty years teaching children and adults in both formal and informal education settings, indoors and out. However, I then took the decision to pursue craft on a full-time basis and now earn my living from all things Slöjd! I have been carving on and off for the best part of probably thirty years and have added turning, furniture making, basket weaving and anything else green wood along the way. I also do some blacksmithing, bladesmithing and tool making and make all of my own bowl turning tools. I can normally be found somewhere along or between the length and breadth of this great island teaching some aspect of this wonderful craft we call greenwood, or holed up bothering some wood in my farmhouse workshop in Cumbria. I try to use only locally sourced British hardwoods in my craft that are harvested from either wind-blown trees or from sustainably managed woodland as part of a natural thinning and woodland regeneration process. I have favourite woods for specific purposes but will generally use any wood that is suitable for the function and form of the piece being worked on. I have a real interest in the way our relationships with the natural environment develop and have studied for qualifications in bushcraft leadership, practical ethnobotany and plant identification, wildlife identification and tracking and woodland management, including the identification and management of veteran trees. I draw on this knowledge and experience to ensure my teaching provides rich, holistic and rewarding learning opportunities. If you are looking for a piece of traditional craft work that will last for many years to come and want something that you can enjoy using every day then you have come to the right place. I update products on a regular basis – although sell out quickly, so if you sign up for my mailing list you’ll often get early notification of updates and are less likely to miss out!