3298 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Bristol Art For All

bristol art for all


My name is Amy Powell and I am a catalyst for reconnecting people with their innate creativity. At Bristol Art For All we facilitate friendly, inclusive learning environments where people can explore their creativity. We started in 2015 running an open access drop in face-to-face community art class in Easton in Bristol. From December 2019 to March 2020 sessions moved to Hamilton House in Stokes Croft Bristol and since April 2020 have been online. Online sessions are run in partnership with local charities as well as sessions open to all adults. Current partners include Age UK and St Mungo’s Recovery College. All online sessions are around a theme selected by the participants, who use the art materials and skills they already have to devise their own projects. Support is on hand to give input on what is made. The sessions act as an online art studio with time for making and opportunities to share and get feedback on artwork. Participants are seen as artists first with the acceptance that we are all on our own life journeys. The focus is on creating learning environments where people enjoy the process of making. With this strong foundation people can have the confidence and resilience to develop further skills. This website gives a taste of the work made over the course of Bristol Art For All. Myself and Rosa Hewitt began Bristol Art For All in 2015. In 2017 Rosa went to the University of Hertfordshire to study Art Therapy. She now works in London as an art therapist with children. I continued with the project in Bristol with the support of volunteers, building my knowledge, experience and skills by studying courses in teaching, facilitation, communication and social enterprise. As well as volunteering with Arts and Health organisations including Studio Upstairs, Bristol Art on Prescription, Workers Education Association (WEA), Milestones Expressions programme and St Mungos Recovery College where I currently run their online art class. I love being a catalyst for people to reconnect with their creativity. It is a great privilege to have worked with over 200 people across Bristol and beyond. Some have attended for years others for one session but all have been welcome and encouraged in their art making. I am currently in the process of making Bristol Art For All into an online art school to reach people who would otherwise struggle to access mainstream arts education. I am interested to connect with organisations, which work with clients who would benefit from exploring and developing their creativity with the support of being in a group.




Imagine you are driving into work, knowingly 5 minutes late and scheduled to meet with an important client. You feel pressed for time, but are optimistic that you can still make the appointment on time. Then you hit road works and you can see the time slipping away, now your are 12 minutes late, 15 minutes late, 18 minutes late. You start to feel hot as the second click by. Just as you get past the roadwork’s you end up stuck behind a car going 20 miles under the speed limit and it’s making you even later than you already are. You are now 25 minutes late and you can’t get past the car that’s holding you up. How do you see yourself reacting to this? Would you be angrily beeping your horn? Yelling or gesticulating? Would you be distraught, shaking the steering wheel and crying “Why me? Why now?” Would you be crying and pleading for the car in front to just get out of the way? I ask this because our day to day life will always have stressful and unpredicted issues pop up and it’s how we respond to them that reflects what kind of stagnant and trapped emotions we are storing. Was your response angry? Frustrated? Hopeless? Disgusted? Disproportionate? If so, then you may be ripe for an emotional detox. So many of us repress our emotions or get stuck in a repetitive cycle. When we are hurt by someone or something it often appears easiest to ignore it and suppress it deep within or to get angry. Anger is a strong emotion that makes us feel in control and powerful so it’s hard to move away from anger to the other more vulnerable emotions like grief. It also takes little to no work at all to draw out your anger but to forgive, to experience and release, that can often be a painful or uncomfortable experience that takes lots of work to achieve. An emotional detox allows you to rid yourself of toxic, stuck, stagnant emotional patterns, barriers and stored traumas. By removing the negative baggage based in fear, anger, sadness, disgust, envy, and indignation you create room to add more joy, love, trust, anticipation, inner calm and kindness. Releasing negative emotions allows you to experience bliss and to become a more open, free and joyful person that exudes and attracts positivity. I encourage you to let go of negativities and to stop your past defining or weighing you down through the power of emotional detox.

Vg Training & Consultancy

vg training & consultancy


VG Training was created and is led by Director, Vicki Gwynne, who lives locally with her partner (Nick) daughter (Jess) and their slightly unsociable rabbit (Speedy). She has worked across Stoke on Trent in a variety of roles over the years, has a vocational background in education, psychology, support for adults and young people with multiple needs, and is a qualified teacher and trainer. Vicki is passionate about Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire – the area, the people, and the skills and experience within it. VG Training was created after she realised how many local companies paid for out of area ‘experts’ and ‘specialists’ to train their staff and provide advice… paying high travel and accommodation costs, big city prices, and having to explain local history and requirements as the ‘experts’ didn’t understand the local dynamics. Vicki knew colleagues and other local trainers who had similar qualifications and experience and the ability to deliver good quality learning or advice, so built up a fantastic, local team of specialist trainers and consultants to deliver a variety of training courses, learning experiences and consultations at affordable prices! Vicki is proud of the quality of training delivered through the company, “All trainers have dual specialism – experts in the subject matter (either through qualifications or experience) and have a training or teaching qualification which helps to plan learning objectives, create appropriate resources and keep learning active. Because we are local, understand the different sectors, and can relate to the attendees, our training and consultancy services remain current, of interest and with practical examples provided.” When she’s not working, researching new theories or checking legislation and good practice is current for VG Training, Vicki is either ‘playing taxi’ to her daughter and friends, reading an excessive amount of books (she’s on her 3rd full kindle!) or carrying out one of her many voluntary roles. She further shows her commitment to the local area and residents by being a Trustee of a local young person’s charity, Member of Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership (Prevention & Engagement), Panel Member of Stoke North Safer Neighbourhood Panel (PCC), and active as representative of her local residents’ association. Vicki leads a busy life! “I love the work I do as well as the voluntary roles I perform… it feels like I’m part of something bigger, and it’s great meeting new people and hearing their life stories. At VG Training, we put 100% into everything we do, and look forward to continuing our work across the area!”

Wildawood Forest School

wildawood forest school


Wildawood is set within five acres of both dense and open forest, with a beautiful stream running through it. It is the perfect place to enjoy a range of fun-filled activities and experience everything the natural world has to offer. Based near Newmarket, just outside Cambridge, we are easy enough to find, whilst being tucked away in a safe and secure private facility. While the fun and excitement at Wildawood is endless, we know that sometimes children need a break to get some rest, even though they might never admit it! With that in mind, we have a spacious yurt with comfortable furnishings and a log burner so there’s somewhere to stay warm and dry. They can even curl up and have a nap if they want. What you might experience at Wildawood; Den and shelter building Woodland craft Scavenger hunts Cooking Tool use Mini beast hunting Mud sliding Puddle making Trust games Making natural art Building bird boxes Bush craft Nature walks Story telling Our Forest Leaders Whilst the Wildawood experience is all about the children, our Forest School leaders, Darren and Melissa help bring this experience to life. Here’s a little bit more about them! They have 7 children ranging from 1year old to 18 years old and 3 dogs! We are very busy but have lots of family fun which is filled with laughter and love. After training as an Early Years teacher at Cambridge University, Melissa became a teacher for a couple of years and then opened Rainbow Day Nursery over ten years ago. Darren used to be involved in the building industry and changed his career in 2014 to work alongside Melissa at Rainbow Day Nursery to develop and enhance their outdoor provision as they both realised and understood the importance of this for children. They have also successfully run a Forest School programme at the nursery in their local nature reserve for almost two years. The two of them have always felt strongly about the benefits of Forest School learning. Our Team: Ond Finneran - Ond is our Nature Nursery manager. She has lots of experience with early years and forest school. Ond has her level 3 childcare qualification and has almost completed her level 3 forest school training. Her passion is the outdoors and she loves nothing more than being in the forest. Sam Hayward - Sam is our deputy at Wildawood. She has level 3 in both childcare and her level 3 forest school award. Sam loves facepainting with the mud!

Steve Nobel

steve nobel


We are passing through interesting times. This is a dimension (one of countless many) where personal and spiritual growth happens through an interplay of dark and light forces. ‘Light’ is an evolutionary force that reconnects us to our divinity, higher frequencies of light and our true multidimensional nature. ‘Dark’ is an anti-evolutionary force that seeks to keep us in separation and locked within a lower density. This is how the game of spiritual growth has been played out within this 3D density dimension. This is all about to change in the coming years. We are coming to the end of a period of great spiritual darkness on the earth. In this period between 1987 and 2030 a great shift of consciousness has been initiated. We are moving rapidly towards a 5D paradigm of existence where the old game of dark and light will no longer play out in the same painful way. The challenge for lightworkers is one of spiritual hygiene and clearing out karmic patterns that can be released to the light. Now is a time of ascension, both for the planet itself and many millions of souls on the planet. Not everyone has chosen this path and many will continue their spiritual growth elsewhere. There are many starseeds on the planet who are waking up to their mission here. In this dense dimension it has been very difficult to maintain a high consciousness. This is because the underlying energetic structures of the earth have not supported it. This has been changing over the past decades as a new high frequency grid has been established on the earth. Many star races have contributed to this new grid, in particular the Arcturians, Pleaidians and Sirians are very active in this regard. This site includes a FREE Online Resource Library containg all of Steve’s work to support those going through the ascension/awakening process. A simpler way of putting it is this planet is going from fear to love, from separation to unity consciousness. This shift has been planned for some time. Many Starseeds have incarnated here to help with the shift. This is not an easy mission as many of you may have gathered. Starseeds come from a higher density dimension and are here to take part in this shift. As you may have discovered 3D density is tough. Some Starseeds have been here for many lifetimes and some are here for the first time. This website offers resources in the form of information, Ebooks, meditations and transmissions to help Starseeds awaken and get on track with their mission here on the earth.

Reach Your Pawtential

reach your pawtential


Hello! My name is Ashley Szafranek and I’m a clinical dog behaviourist and trainer based in central Scotland. I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Applied Animal Science awarded by the University of Glasgow in 2012 and began my career in rescue, working for a UK wide animal charity. I quickly identified a need to help people and their dogs before getting to crisis point, preventing the heart breaking decision to rehome, and in 2014 I set up Reach Your Pawtential. Alongside my work in rescue, I have worked with a variety of livestock, wild and domesticated species, spending a year as a primate keeper at Edinburgh Zoo, and even travelled to South Africa to train veterinary clinic staff on welfare and behaviour. In 2019 I became a full member of Britain’s leading professional dog trainer organisation, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT membership number 01411) and I’m an Animal Behaviour & Training Council (ABTC) registered Animal Training Instructor. I have a Masters Degree in Clinical Animal Behaviour, graduating with distinction from the University of Lincoln. I am now a candidate member of The Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians (FABC) and I am a provisional member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC). Provisional members have demonstrated that they have the appropriate level of Knowledge and Understanding for the professional role of Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB). I am now gaining the practical experience necessary to be assessed as a CAB and therefore become a full member of the APBC. The APBC supports its provisional members undertaking behaviour consultations. I am also working towards Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB) status and I’m pre-certified as a Clinical Animal Behaviourist with Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB). I use positive, reward based training methods informed by the latest science. Sessions are relaxed and fun, with a focus on training in ‘real life’, helping you and your dog ‘reach your pawtential’ together. I’m fully insured and a human and animal first aider. I specialise in working with rescue dogs - if your dog has any additional behaviour requirements for the sessions, simply get in touch to discuss! Sessions are taken at each dog and owner’s pace and not only build the dogs confidence but owner confidence too, equipping you with the necessary skills to navigate life together. I’ve owned working collies for years and currently live with my rescue dog Magic Merlin, the blue merle Border Collie! In our spare time we love adventuring when we’re not trick training!

Budokai Karate

budokai karate


By Sensei Kevin Allmond 3rd Dan Hakuda Ryu Karate Senior Instructor & Technical Director - Budokai Karate Member of the BMABA (Pictured right) Every instructor at Budokai Karate realises that the martial arts is not simply about kicking and punching, but more about encouraging physical fitness, self confidence, self discipline and ultimately achieving a set of goals that we look to achieve together. We genuinley believe that in developing an individual both physically and mentally, they will reap the rewards in every aspect of their lives and it's because of this we are dedicated to not only producing excellent martial artists but outstanding members of the community. Budokai simply means "many styles" and as can be seen from the instructor profiles below, the main instructors all come from different backgrounds. Martial Arts are all essentially the same as there are only so many ways to perform a kick or a punch, however, there are subtle differences between styles which help people of varying abilities to perform each technique. With the wealth of experience that we are now gaining as an organisation there are very few techniques, if any, that can't be taught to people of any level. Whether they saw it on the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, on the Power Rangers, or on Yu Gi Oh, children today have been exposed to martial arts from an early age. From karate to kung fu, martial arts provide a powerful workout, but some parents worry that these sports are too violent for children. While it is true that martial arts originated as fighting systems in Asia, today's martial arts provide children with physical exercise, a chance to gain self confidence, an opportunity to interact with others, and worthwhile lessons in self defence. For children of all ages, martial arts are an exciting alternative to more traditional sports. We teach karate, or empty hand, which is perhaps the most well known martial art. Karate is a Japanese discipline used for self defence. In addition to throws and blocks, karate also incorporates punches and kicks as well as weapons. Karate competitions take place at all levels across the UK, and more information can be found from the British Karate Association. No matter in which martial arts your children become interested, all martial arts build confidence, encourage self control, motivate self esteem, and teach self defence. Martial arts are also incredibly safe when taught in an appropriate school, and all qualified instructors will be more than happy to share their qualifications and training philosophies. Finding the right school for your child could well be the first step to a long love affair with the martial arts.

The Henrietta Barnett School

the henrietta barnett school


The Henrietta Barnett School (HBS) is a non-denominational grammar school for girls aged 11-18. We became an Academy in April 2012. Founded in 1911 and situated in the peaceful surroundings of the Hampstead Garden Suburb, the school is a charming Lutyens-designed Grade II* Listed Building. HBS is a warm, friendly and vibrant community that prides itself on happy and productive relationships. We are consistently one of the top state schools in the country and have an exemplary local and national reputation for academic excellence. Dame Henrietta Barnett strongly believed in the power of education to shape people’s lives and founded the School to provide educational opportunities of the highest quality for its students. She built the School on the principle that education should be open to girls from different backgrounds to study and learn together and from each other. This principle is alive and well at HBS. We provide a broad education that is ambitious, varied and stimulating. Academic excellence and a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities are offered in an open, caring and supportive environment, enabling each individual to thrive and achieve her potential. We are committed to developing the whole person, encouraging students to explore their interests in a wide variety of ways and promoting curiosity of mind, independence of spirit and a love of learning. In a culture of respect for others but without the need for bells or lists of imposed rules, HBS students are driven by self-motivation, self-discipline and a common purpose, a thirst for learning and a strong sense of pride in belonging to the diverse, inclusive, high-performing, friendly and supportive school community. They leave HBS full of integrity and ambition, ready and equipped to make a positive contribution to society, with the world at their fingertips. This website will enable you to discover more about the School, but none of this replaces an experience of the School itself. Over recent years we have completed ambitious refurbishment and new build projects, including the complete refurbishment of the Queen Mary Science Wing involving the replacement of 6 outdated labs with 8 contemporary ones and the opening of two new state-of-the-art buildings that house a new Music and Drama School and an Art and Design & Technology Centre, with a Mac Suite and Cafe. Our most recent development is the extension and refurbishment of our Library, which is now an inspirational space, fit for purpose and loved by all.

Oak House Kitchen Consultancy

oak house kitchen consultancy


Here at Oak House Kitchen, you can learn all about specialised diets and how to integrate them into your lives, whether at home or at work. With a love of food and drink, and well over 25 years of experience in hospitality, healthcare catering and care service provision, we invite you to look at medical diets in a new way. Working with clinical, governance, and patient service experts we have developed proven practical solutions from whole site and organisational implementation to technical know-how that works. Oak House Kitchen is the best place to find the most up to date and innovative, practical information around. Dysphagia Management and Foodservice Delivery We have supported health and social care organisations striving to develop robust and quality dysphagia foodservice teams over many years. Our understanding of what is needed has led us to collaborate with East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust to develop clinically supported training in EDS dysphagia management and foodservice delivery. Anita Smith and Laura Jones and the team at the trust continue to support the training package to ensure it is always up to date and changes in guidance can be integrated for all our learners as they happen. Dysphagia Management Solutions – We have developed eLearning courses that are aligned to the EDS at levels 1 to 3, covering the needs of all staff involved in dysphagia management across health and social care services. Advocated by clinical services across the UK at NHS Trusts and private care providers. With 1000’s of learners nationally, this training is proven to be accessible to staff and provides the outcomes heath and social care providers’ demand. Dysphagia Foodservice Solutions – Providing food and drink for dysphagia diets, suitable for the IDDSI Framework, is an integral and important part of EDS implementation. A robust management strategy is ineffective if the food and drink provision does not consistently meet clinical recommendations. Our ORAL approach to catering for dysphagia diets makes it easy to understand how to provide a varied and high-quality service that meets the IDDSI Framework, covering cultural requirements, allergen requirements and plant-based choices. Implement with the Site EDS Training bundle – We understand the needs of care providers when trying to ensure a well-trained team is always available to provide the best quality care possible. This is why we have developed the Site EDS Training Bundle allowing all team members requiring EDS training access to ALL our courses, while allowing the integration of new starters too, with no extra cost. Be in control of your team’s training needs in one validated solution.

The Bump Class

the bump class


Doing the Bump Class is the start of a relationship and for that reason we prefer to have a conversation with you on the phone rather than online. That said, we are often out of the office, teaching classes so if you think that you’d like to hear more about the Eight Week Antenatal Course please to submit your details here and one of the Bump Class Team will give you a ring to discuss which of our courses best suits your needs. You are of course, more than welcome to go ahead and book any classes that you wish to online but also feel free to contact us for a chat at any time as we’d love to hear from you. Submitting this form does not oblige you to sign up and since discretion is paramount to us, your details will be kept secure and not shared with third parties. We never have and never would share your details with any third parties. Furthermore, we would never use the details you give us to send you unsolicited emails. The only emails you’ll get from us contain important information about your Bump Classes while you are on the course. Dr Chiara Hunt is a GP based in Sloane Street, Knightsbridge. She has worked on the labour wards at St Mary’s hospital, Paddington and Chelsea and Westminster hospital, as well as in paediatrics. She looks after many young families in the central London area and maintains a keen special interest in paediatrics and women’s health. She is the mother of two young children and lives in Notting Hill. Marina hosts the Eight Week Antenatal Course in South Kensington. She supports and gets to know the participants over eight weeks, supporting the professionals and providing the practical advice and skills honed as a mother. She has two children, Ludo and Iona, and in spite of tragedy, (her son Willem was stillborn in 2014) she has become motherhood’s biggest advocate. As well as teaching Bump Classes, she writes regularly for various publications including The Telegraph, The Times, Baby London and Nurture Magazine about pregnancy and motherhood. She lives with her husband, the TV presenter Ben Fogle in Notting Hill. A former Bump Class girl herself, she knows first hand the benefits of such a comprehensive course, as she says it prepared her for birth, motherhood and everything in-between! Having formed strong friendships with her own Bump Class, she emphasizes the importance of the participants getting to know one another as a strong support group