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Oak House Kitchen Consultancy

oak house kitchen consultancy


Here at Oak House Kitchen, you can learn all about specialised diets and how to integrate them into your lives, whether at home or at work. With a love of food and drink, and well over 25 years of experience in hospitality, healthcare catering and care service provision, we invite you to look at medical diets in a new way. Working with clinical, governance, and patient service experts we have developed proven practical solutions from whole site and organisational implementation to technical know-how that works. Oak House Kitchen is the best place to find the most up to date and innovative, practical information around. Dysphagia Management and Foodservice Delivery We have supported health and social care organisations striving to develop robust and quality dysphagia foodservice teams over many years. Our understanding of what is needed has led us to collaborate with East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust to develop clinically supported training in EDS dysphagia management and foodservice delivery. Anita Smith and Laura Jones and the team at the trust continue to support the training package to ensure it is always up to date and changes in guidance can be integrated for all our learners as they happen. Dysphagia Management Solutions – We have developed eLearning courses that are aligned to the EDS at levels 1 to 3, covering the needs of all staff involved in dysphagia management across health and social care services. Advocated by clinical services across the UK at NHS Trusts and private care providers. With 1000’s of learners nationally, this training is proven to be accessible to staff and provides the outcomes heath and social care providers’ demand. Dysphagia Foodservice Solutions – Providing food and drink for dysphagia diets, suitable for the IDDSI Framework, is an integral and important part of EDS implementation. A robust management strategy is ineffective if the food and drink provision does not consistently meet clinical recommendations. Our ORAL approach to catering for dysphagia diets makes it easy to understand how to provide a varied and high-quality service that meets the IDDSI Framework, covering cultural requirements, allergen requirements and plant-based choices. Implement with the Site EDS Training bundle – We understand the needs of care providers when trying to ensure a well-trained team is always available to provide the best quality care possible. This is why we have developed the Site EDS Training Bundle allowing all team members requiring EDS training access to ALL our courses, while allowing the integration of new starters too, with no extra cost. Be in control of your team’s training needs in one validated solution.

Cameracal Ltd

cameracal ltd


West Sussex

The importance of camera and lens calibration has increased in correlation to the increase in pixel count of camera sensors as well as the camera’s technical sophistication. Your photographic equipment is not only expensive and highly sophisticated. It’s performance is extremely delicate. Such is the sophistication of your DSLR cameras that even brand new lenses straight out of the box, let alone lenses that have had light knocks and bumps, can need calibration with your DSLR camera body. WHY DO YOU NEED LENS CALIBRATION? There are many reasons your photos aren’t sharp….. It could be because you are using a poor quality UV filter or protection filter. Blog – Focussing with Filters It could be you have the wrong focus settings on your camera for the genre of photography you are doing. It could be warping of the lens mount. This can occur when using very large and heavy zoom lenses without handling and supporting the camera and lens properly. A knock or a bump on the lens may have put a glass element out of alignment. This is surprisingly easy to do depending on the build quality of the lens. An astigmatism test ( commonly known as a ‘stig test’) can quickly confirm this. We often use it for customers who have recently bought a used lens and want to make sure of its quality. However, one of the most common reasons your pictures aren’t pin sharp is because your lens needs calibrating. Camera and lens calibration can dramatically improve your focussing and thus your success rate in getting those important shots. Read More on Why calibrate