3171 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Marshall Assessment

marshall assessment


End point assessments are the final tests given to an apprentice during their apprenticeship. The goal of this activity is to offer an impartial, objective review of individual skills, knowledge, and behaviours. Although the activities are different for each apprenticeship, end-point assessments follow the same general structures. The end-point assessment is performed after a minimum of 12 months after the start of the apprenticeship. It must be successfully completed before the issuance of an apprenticeship completion certificate. Every training provider delivering on Apprenticeship standards must have an agreement with an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO). Assessment Organisations must be registered on the Government approved register (RoEPAO). If you have apprentices in the life science, chemical science, physical science or in the science education sector, our fair and straight-forward EPA process provides a cost effective, quality-assured assessment solution for your business. Marshall Assessment has over 30 years’ experience of work based learning and assessment. We make the unfamiliar structures of end-point assessment easily navigable with comprehensive customer support and assessment resources. We have a broad range of occupational competence that spans most of the UK science sector. Our industry-competent assessors focus on precise communication, clear expectations, and rapid reporting of assessment decisions. Assessment activities depend on the apprenticeship under evaluation. Individuals might participate in professional discussions, complete skill-based challenges, or perform in situational judgement tests. Portfolios and practical observations are sometimes part of the process, as are presentations, showcases, and interviews. Each assessment activity works to evidence the knowledge, skills and behaviours that each learner has developed during their apprenticeship. This complete and careful evaluation of their skills, knowledge, and behaviours is an impartial, yet rigorous process that tests the candidates core ability to perform their job role effectively and safely. The unique benefit that the end-point assessment brings is its holistic design. People retain knowledge and learn new skills in unique ways. Instead of trying to fit each candidate into the same profile, this process looks at the competency of the individual from all facets. Assessment Plans Achieve Crucial Outcomes. Assessment plans are delivered by the training provider with guidance from the EPAO. This provides structure to the EPA and signposts our assessors to maximise our assessment opportunities. End point assessments remove managers being the sole decision-makers on the competencies of a candidate. Although, that change can be challenging for some, working with our team ensures that your assessment plan achieves the best possible outcome. Our assessment team are flexible and will rapidly understand the requirements of your business. We will partner with you to give your apprentices the best possible chance to shine and demonstrate their competencies. This partnership begins with initial assessment and progresses to EPA and beyond, as we will stay in touch with you regarding your apprentice’s progression. Now is the time to link up with your EPAO. Our future depends on the expertise that your apprentices demonstrate in the science sector. Together we are responsible for building a brighter, safer world through a highly trained and competent scientific workforce. Use the experience our team provides to help your organisation and the science sector to bounce forward.




We envision a world in which children with developmental disabilities are fully able to access the health and education services they need to achieve their full potential. Mission To change the lives of some of the world’s poorest people living with developmental disabilities, and the lives of their families, by improving access to and better quality of healthcare and education services and support. Aims The aim of MAITS is to improve the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable individuals living with disabilities by helping them to reach their full potential, be healthy and have an improved sense of well-being, through access to family support, quality healthcare and education. We do this through a team of trainers from all over the world, who are experienced professionals, and who give their time to provide capacity building, training and resources to those caring for and providing health and education services to individuals with disabilities in community or institutional settings. Our team We do this through a very small staff team, training consultants and a team of qualified volunteers from all over the world, who are experienced healthcare and education professionals. Our volunteers provide training and support to those caring for and providing health and education services to individuals with disabilities in community or institutional settings. We also have a small grants programme which enables training to take place in any location where there is a need globally. The aim is to enable individuals to reach their full potential, with improved health, well-being and quality of life through access to family support, quality healthcare and education. Overview We work with and help some of the most marginalised people globally –those with disabilities living in some of the poorest countries in the world. There are 150 million children living with a disability and of these the majority live in developing countries. Since 2011, we have provided training to 4675 staff working in the disability sector in 21 countries and helped over 600,000 individuals living with disabilities. The people we have trained include therapists, nurses, special educators, staff working in children’s homes and community health workers. Part of our work involves providing training at the grass roots level, to community health workers and care staff, on conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism and learning disabilities to enable early identification, referral to specialists where possible and the provision of home support to promote development and independence, using training packages and tools we have developed specifically. Some of our training can be life-saving, especially in the case of infants and children with feeding difficulties, which often leads to malnutrition, severe respiratory problems and early mortality. With the right training, these consequences can be dramatically reduced, improving the child’s quality of life and their life expectancy. MAITS’ specialists have developed and delivered training and resources for healthcare staff to address this issue, both in children and infants, the latter at the request of medical colleagues working on measures to prevent infant mortality. Our training also provides other innovative solutions to improving the lives of those with disabilities.




Thank you for visiting touchtennis.com, and welcome to the tribe. touchtennis was founded by Rashid Ahmad in 2002 (or it may be 2003 depending on how many slams he wants to credit himself with) and his initial vision was simple – to create a sport that works for every age and every ability, possible to play anywhere, that will foster fun and connection above all, as well as of course getting people fit, energised and moving. Played on a 12 x 6 metre compact court with foam balls, a foldaway and easy to set up net and 21 inch tennis racquets, you can set up to play wherever you like from your school, park, garden or even the beach. Although the game is particularly attractive to beginners and less experienced tennis players looking to improve their hand-eye coordination, if you want to take it a step further from your garden, you might be interested in joining the growing touchtennis world tour. With Slams and Masters Tournaments, the tour has attracted players of all abilities who compete like lunatics for ranking points and prize money. But mainly just for the larks! Because, you see, the key to touchtennis is the amount of spin, deft stroke-play, chess-like tactics and unique, sometimes even silly, rules like using your body to make shots after (and only after) you’ve made a shot by throwing your racquet at a ball you couldn’t reach. It’s a game that is brains over brawn, touch over power, spin over strength, flair over fighting. And this is where the bigger vision comes in and why we would love you to join us – we believe as people soften their approach to sport they can soften their approach to life and that touchtennis can become about connection, community, purpose and a sense of belonging in something fun and healthy instead of to violent gangs or peer pressure activities or just to break the habit of your life stressors. We all have them. The bigger picture is to see touchtennis being a force for change and good around conflict and violence. A court straddling the borders of warring countries where individuals from those nations are seen battling their feelings through the skill and expertise of touchtennis and having fun doing it, perhaps even sharing a doubles partner with someone from the opposite country would be Rashid’s dream. (We are also striving to make our products sustainable and cheap for the whole world to be able to afford to play.) touchtennis shows that what divides is not as great as what unites us in this instance via a playful, intricate but easy sport. As Gandhi said “The golden way is to be friends with the world and to regard the whole human family as one.” We would love you to join the tribe. The touchtennis website is packed with further information including where you can give it a go and how you can set up your own court, but if you want to know more or to get involved don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing here. We hope you enjoyed the pun!




Our founder, Stine Dulong, quit her corporate lawyer job in 2013 to become a full time potter. For her, clay was a gateway into transformation. Not only did it become her career, and change the structure of her life on the surface, but it fundamentally shifted who she is and how she perceives the world. She had tried yoga and meditation, but it never “clicked” for her. Yet through pottery, she found a way into a slower, more mindful and joyous way of existing. Having experienced such a powerful transformation through working with clay, Stine decided that she had to share this magical material with the world, so she started offering classes at her studio. Little did she know that the demand would be so great that SkandiHus now consists of three studios, a team of 26 and more than 350 happy students every week. Bearing witness to the profound effects working with clay has on almost everyone who walks through the studio doors, is the greatest privilege of Stine’s life. When she isn’t busy teaching and running the business, she makes tableware for the likes of Nigella Lawson, Anna Jones and Tom Kerridge, and her work is in many high-end restaurants, including The Connaught Hotel, The Hand & Flowers and Nobu. When Stine first touched clay in an evening class in 2013, she felt like she had arrived home. Whilst she never intended to become a full-time potter, she decided somewhere along the way to trust the journey and continue to follow her heart no matter what. She is now a firm believer that the world would be a better place if everyone did more of what sets their soul on fire and that when we allow ourselves to follow our dreams, we indirectly give people around us permission to do the same. She often gives talks about following your passion and living a more present, slower and fulfilling life. She has recently signed with Rachel Mills Literary and will be writing a book about pottery and her journey. STINE’S WORK Stine’s work is inspired by a love for Scandinavian design in which beauty is radiated through light colours, the ample use of natural materials, minimalism and functionality. Like many Scandinavian designers before her, Stine believes that quality design should stylish and relevant to the modern human being by providing minimal distraction and maximum aesthetic value. Stine both throws and hand-builds her pieces, using a broad range of techniques to create her finished pieces. She also uses a wide range of clays and materials, but most of her pieces are made from reclaimed studio clay, as she is a firm advocate of minimising waste and our impact on the world. She finds great joy in making something beautiful from something once considered waste. When Stine is not busy making her own designs, and running the business, she teaches classes and events as she feels that she has been given this gift to share it with the world. She is slowly building the clay revolution, one ball of mud at a time.

Real First Aid Ltd

real first aid ltd


There is more than one reason to choose REAL First Aid: Find out how we justify our claim to providing the best possible First Aid and pre-hospital medical training for remote, industrial and hostile environments. 0001 Quality Assurance To begin with our teaching and business practices are measured against stringent national and international standards. It's all very well saying we're different but you need to know that you are engaging with a credible training provider that will provide valid and recognised outcomes. 0010 Stealth Learning At the heart of our business is rock-solid educational theory. Whilst we pride ourselves on our unique approach to training it is not superficial novelty or fashionable gimmicks; our professional understanding and application of student centered learning ensures the most effective and engaging training. Effortlessly. 0011 Scenario Based Training We chose the company name "REAL First Aid" for a reason. The best way to learn is to do it and the best way to do it is as realistically as possible. All of our courses take the theory out of the classroom and provide opportunities for candidates to apply knowledge and skills in realistic, work-related scenarios to develop true understanding. 0100 Casualty Simulation Casualty Simulation takes the concept of Scenario Training a stage further by introducing realistic visual stimulus. This makes treating casualties easier (as you can see what you are treating as well as the outcomes) and can desensitise the candidate; preparing them for the realism of treating actual casualties. All of our courses feature an element of casualty simulation but our more advanced courses include professional quality moulages and casualty prosthetics. 0101 Less PowerPoint, more to the point We love PowerPoint! But only when it used effectively and unfortunately it rarely is. None of our basic courses, including First Aid at Work feature slideshow presentations. Step away from the tedium of watching a trainer read a script and get involved in practical training. 0110 Technology: Applied We avoid an unnecessary reliance on PowerPoint but embrace technology when it can be applied to add value to learning. Here are some examples of how we use technology in outdoor environments to provide the best possible education experiences. 0111 Stay Connected When you leave us, the learning continues. We employ several channels to provide you with regular updates including the latest developments in First aid and pre-hospital care as well as drip-feeding you with short articles. for as long as you want to receive them. Things change and three years is a long time to go between training - regular exposure helps prevent knowledge fade and ensures that while your certificate may be gathering dust, your abilities remain fresh. 1000 Our Clients This all sounds great. But how do you know these ideals mean something in the real world? Here are just some of the organisations who have benefited from a different way of learning. 1001 Testimonials Don't just take our word for it, read what some of our previous candidates think of how we do things.

Lou @L-Healing Zone

lou @l-healing zone

I am a Healer, a Mastery Facilitator and trained as a Life Coach Practitioner and Professional Stress Management Consultant so my approach is rooted in more deep dive coaching approaches around mindset shifting and (energy) healing. I use a variety of modalities to help people heal themselves in creative ways. I genuinely want to offer not just my skills as far as my training is concerned but most importantly my life experience. I now feel that I want to be able to share this with others to help them heal themselves. My approach is about getting to the root cause of the problem through building on fundamentals that involve radical self love, forgiveness, acceptance and compassion. What I offer is a more bespoke process, working with clients with several modalities to help them unlock their own dynamic and creative solutions within themselves. My focus is always results driven, and I usually assess clients closely to see that it's a good match and that the client is ready to do the work and change. If they are not, that is okay too, but I will usually invite them to return another time where they are in a better position to do the work. I have been on a healing journey myself having lived with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)for many years undiagnosed until a few years back, when I was finally diagnosed and started therapy. Therapy made me feel worse. In the middle of my therapy journey I got diagnosed with Leukemia and what followed was several gruelling months of chemotherapy. I am thankfully now in cancer remission and fully recovered from PTSD. It was my determination and willingness to heal and thrive from what felt like a life sentence of a chronic mental health condition and a serious physical illness that led me to undertake the journey to get better and that led me to do the work I am doing now: helping others to access their own healing abilities and not just overcome and heal, but thrive too. I have always been someone that tried out various modalities (from Energy Healing to Neuroscience)at different points of my recovery and I use this same approach in my coaching practice too. I work with clients that are looking for a different approach to healing themselves. Many that are in therapy work with me alongside therapy to boost and supplement their inner work and for those that choose not to be in therapy, my approach offers a lifeline of accessing untapped potentialities. My passion in life is to help people who are serious about making make real, permanent changes and help them get to the heart of their issues by following the path of effortless flow with life in a more creative way. The result is an embodiment of wholeness, joy, vibrancy and aliveness in their lives. I believe EVERYONE is creative however each of us accesses our imagination and creative process in very different and unique ways. But it is with creativity, and using the imagination, the body and all our senses that makes healing and growth possible and fun!

Triple A (All About Autism)

triple a (all about autism)


Triple A is an autism charity working across all of Cumbria. It was set up as a charity in 2016 as a response to a perceived ‘360 degree’ vulnerability within the autism community in Cumbria, and to provide better support among autistic adults living in Cumbria. Triple A was founded by Helen Storey, who has a long and successful record of developing projects to support marginalised communities. Helen has first-hand experience in the field of autism, underpinned by accredited learning (University Of Cumbria). Helen went on to become our first CEO, overseeing our incorporation as a CIO (a Charitable Incorporated Organisation) in 2018 and leading the charity until 2021. Our journey since 2016 has involved two office moves (we’re now based right next to Penrith bus station, in a lovely pink building), the development of a range of services to support autistic people right across Cumbria, and a range of autism awareness training programs. We now have a small team of dedicated staff, and in 2022 we welcomed Nick Rosenthal to the team as our new CEO – just in time to help us roll out two major new projects: running an NHS-funded post-diagnostic course to support newly diagnosed autistic people and launching a scheme to help autistic adults across Cumbria into paid, long-term employment. In the background we have a team of committed Trustees, many of whom are neurodiverse. We don’t want to point out which of our trustees and staff are autistic, as many people consider that to be very personal information, but lived experience of autism lies at the very heart of Triple-A. The Triple A team has designed a pathway of support for autistic adults (shown below), which focuses on social support, criminal and social justice but also on health and well-being for autistic people in Cumbria. Our charity aims to facilitate positive and sustainable change for autistic people – to raise awareness of the issues & challenges that autistic people face, and to bring people together to create and develop solutions. We may have seen a few changes as we’ve grown since 2016, but our core values remain the same!

St. Kevin's College

st. kevin's college

St Kevin’s College is an all boy’s secondary school under the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust and is located in the heart of the Ballygall community on Ballygall Road East, Finglas, Dublin 11 where it has served the community in education since 1967. The school currently has an enrolment of 528 students. We provide a wide range of subjects which are expertly taught by a team of highly dedicated teachers who work diligently both inside and outside the classroom. Our primary focus is on teaching & learning with emphasis on both high academic achievement and learning support. An average of 70% of our students proceed to third level with degree courses. Another 20% access further and higher education Our six care teams, which comprise of our Form Tutor’s for each class and the Year Head, report to our Student Services Support team. This ensures that all of our student’s welfare is catered for both in the academic and pastoral areas. We strive at all times to provide opportunities for our students which values the student’s personal, social, spiritual and academic development during their time in the school. Our dedicated teachers also encourage students to get involved in extracurricular activities such as our extended range of activities including sports, drama, debating, green school committee and much more. There is a book club for 5th and 6th years. There is also a library in the school. Our Literacy and Numeracy strategies focus on improving the student’s skills in both areas and this improves student participation in all subject areas. We also value partnership which is essential to a successful school. We believe in a working partnership between the school and the home and we have many initiatives to maintain and develop this partnership into the future. We also would like to encourage partnership within the wider community of Ballygall which will help enrich the learning experience for all parties including our students. St Kevin’s college has DEIS 2 status. The 8 DEIS Strands covering Attendance, Retention, Transitions, Examination Attainment, Literacy, Numeracy, Parental Engagement, Partnership with others while designed for target students are applied on a whole school basis and benefit all of our students. St. Kevin’s College:  Proven academic success Comprehensive range of subjects State-of-the-art IT facilities. St Kevin’s uses VSWare education platform which is available to parents. We also provide the Edmodo Virtual Learning Environment. Every student has a personalised account on each platform. 100Mbps high speed Broadband Wi-Fi access throughout the school. Supervised after school study Optional Transition Year Programme Homework Club Breakfast Club Canteen Facilities providing healthy lunches for all students. (Junior Cert 1, 2, & 3 students are not permitted to leave the school at lunchtime.) Book Rental Scheme Anti-bullying policy, procedures and charter Home School Community Liaison Coordinator Links with the Home There are several opportunities for parents to link with the college formally throughout the academic year: Parent/Teacher Meetings School Journal Login to your sons VSWare account. Login to your son’s Edmodo account. Assessment Reports. (E- Portal and post.) Information Evenings Parents’ Council Email and text message Home School Community Liaison Coordinator The college operates an open door policy where a parent can make an appointment to meet with a Year Head at any stage if they have concerns. The Principal and Deputy Principal are also available to meet with parents should the need arise. We focus on partnership with the parents and believe that a co-operative relationship between the college and home best fosters the development of the student. First Year Induction Moving to second level is a time of great change for young children and their families. Here in St. Kevin’s College we are mindful of this transition and the challenges it brings. We offer a comprehensive first year induction which includes a ‘phasing in’ programme. Our Home School Community Liaison coordinator has strong links with all our feeder primary schools. This induction programme supports students as they make the move to our college. It helps them to get to know their new surroundings, make new friends, meet their teachers and learn the rules in close contact with their Form Tutor and Year Head. Our aim is to make first years feel confident and happy coming to school each day. The college is reputed for its high level of pastoral care which supports students in achieving their best. For students who experience small difficulties integrating in First year we offer them the Transition programme which helps them cope with the change. We provide a course for all students and their parents on Cyber bullying and internet/social media safety. Book Rental Scheme The college operates a very popular book loan scheme. This gives students the opportunity to rent most of their text books for a very reasonable charge. The books remain the property of the college and are always in excellent condition. Policies & Procedures The college operates policies that are fair and consistent, promoting equality for all and active participation in learning. These policies will be outlined to parents on information evenings and in the student journal. All policies are referred to Parents Council, Student Council and Staff prior to ratification by the Board of Management and publication. See policies here. School Canteen The school canteen delivers hot lunches, rolls and drinks and is an area for all students to have lunch. St. Kevin’s College promote healthy eating for students. Breakfast Club The student canteen also hosts a breakfast club before school serving cereals, tea and toast. Evening Study Students preparing for State Examinations are encouraged to attend supervised Evening Study held on four evenings per week. Extra–Curricular St Kevin’s aim to provide a wide of range of experiences to our students both inside and outside the classroom. We have a strong sporting tradition offering Gaelic football, Hurling, Basketball, Soccer, Rugby, Athletics to name just a few. We have a number of debating teams, a book club, Art installations at holiday times, Healthy eating/Keep fit “boot camps”. We run an annual international school tour and numerous day trips to reward students for excellence in subject areas. Our Transition Years go hillwalking and on many outdoor pursuit activities such as canoeing and sailing. We promote cultural activities whenever possible with students attending plays in the city’s theatres whenever possible both for subject related and general education purposes. Religion Our Mission Statement provides for education in the Catholic tradition although we accept students from all faiths and none. This provides for healthy and lively debate among our students during religion classes and contributes to the holistic development of all students. We hold religious services and Mass throughout the year led by our chaplain, Catriona Keegan, with contributions made by all students and staff. St Kevin’s college is a community which welcomes all our partners to participate in the spiritual life of the school

Arch & Co Training Academy

arch & co training academy


We are VTCT qualified teachers and assessors and all of our training courses are all accredited with ABT. Our trainer Sophie, has a teaching background (having been a primary school teacher for a number of years), before venturing off into the crazy world of SPMU. It‘s needless to say, Sophie is extremely experienced when it comes to guiding you through this new and exciting journey. She will put you at ease from the get go and bring out your very best potential whilst guiding you into this new career or developing a new skill set. Here at Arch & Co, we have a very long and reputable client list, including many well-known celebrities and models. Our goal is to provide our clients with the upmost natural outcomes, by using our signature techniques. We would love to teach you how to provide these results for your clients, along with how you can keep them coming back for more. Our training course isn’t your standard training course. It was designed to set you up for success. The course is very personal and tailored to your needs. Our classes are small to allow for maximum learning potential. You will get LOTS of hands on tattooing practice and LOTS of support. No question is a stupid question. We will teach you the in and outs of the industry and you will learn from Sophie’s beginner mistakes. With our beginner training, a top of the range kit is included. This includes the best tattooing machine on the market today! Along with everything that we personally use in our very own clinic. There are no secrets here, you will learn everything we know. Starting a new career can be very daunting – Sophie left her training with a small black case of equipment and a hefty £10,000 loan! She rented a beauty room, practised until she could no more and made sure her work was good & consistent. She now has her very own clinic and training academy in Manchester and a fabulous clientele. With hard work, dedication and the right training and support, you CAN achieve this too and we would love to share this journey with you. Our courses run monthly and have a very high success rate. We offer finance to students, with Kandoo. To apply you need to fill in the application using the link below. We cannot give any guidance on the application as it is solely done through Kandoo themselves. Once the finance has been confirmed, the funds will be transferred directly into your account. From there you can get in touch with us to make and secure your payment for a chosen course. www.kandoo.co.uk/personal-loans/arch-co-training-academy To secure a space on one of our courses there is a £1000 non-refundable deposit to secure any of the selected training dates. Please be aware that when booking any course, we require a deposit this is a NON-REFUNDABLE payment. The remaining balance is scheduled to be paid 14 days before the course start date. In the unlikely event of failed payments, we reserve the right to retain your deposit. There is a 3-week notice period in which we request to be contacted if you wish to change your course dates depending on if alternative course dates are available. Failure to meet these requirements will lead to the loss of your deposit.

Theresa A. Kahn

theresa a. kahn

Thus far, it has been an incredible journey through life with its challenges, obstacles, and great insights gained on the way. I began both my life and spiritual journey from when I was born in West Germany in a military hospital outside of Wiesbaden, Air Force Base. My father was in the U.S. Air Force. Children born from military parents were considered military brats. I suspect that was the case because we were given the opportunity to travel the world, see how others lived, learn about different cultures, peoples, and religions. We were certainly spoiled in that way. It was a very colourful upbringing, having had the opportunity to live in and travel to so many countries. After my father’s deployment in West Germany and where I was born, we moved to France for several years, then Japan for a further 5 years, then back again to Germany for another 5 years, where I completed my high school years. Those experiences certainly gave me the impetus and even perhaps memories from past lives as being a traveller and explorer of sorts. I grew to love traveling because it opened my eyes to a greater world where endless possibilities were reachable. Navigating My Way Through Life in London I was never a child to follow the crowd, always an observer and very curious. I was born extremely sensitive, an empath, very intuitive, which was both a help and a hinder as I navigated my way through life. When we finally moved back to America after spending most of my early years overseas, I could feel almost immediately and instinctively I would not remain in America for long. I was being ‘called’ back to Europe and when an opportunity arose in the form of studying as an exchange student in London, England, at the University of London, there was no way that I was going to ignore this inner pull. London was to become my home and has been my base since I arrived those 30+ years ago. Living in Europe gave me the space to spread my wings, further my life experiences and delve deeper into my spiritual quest. As we all go through this unique time in history with the world changing so rapidly, it is also an opportune time to explore and expand by joining together in our spiritual journey through meditation, healing, and discovery. Allow Me to Reach Out My Hand and Open Heart to You I have been immensely blessed that my studies and experiences, in Education, Holistic Healing, Meditation, Spiritual and Personal Development have led me to teaching, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring, as well as being able to offer a beautiful array of ‘Energy- Based Interventions’. Clients, students, and those wanting spiritual guidance have come to me from all walks of life, from different belief systems, gender preferences, professions, and cultures. It has always been an enormous pleasure to learn from one another and share our commonality; an invisible thread that binds us together, through our desire for inner peace, comfort, good health, and above all, LOVE! Image I continue to work in this way and so grateful to offer my expertise to those who are genuinely committed in wanting to make this world a better place, by having the deep desire to do the inner work needed for healthy, conscious positive change.