3580 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Tynedale Transformed

tynedale transformed


We send you our best wishes at this unbelievable time… COVID, Boris, cake, taxes, Brexit, Climate Change, lies, corruption etc.etc. It is truly appalling but we are still here shining a light on all this and more. However, the team have decided that because we are at a point where people are tired of Zoom, but not ready to get together, that we will concentrate for a while on posting items of interest to keep us going. We currently publish a monthly e-newsletter called Second Sunday News. It will be on our website and a copy be sent out to our mailing list via Mailchimp on the second Sunday of each month. It will feature opinion, local and national triumphs and links to articles and videos. Obviously, it will also link to our website, especially our regularly updated resources area. We will continue to do this until we can arrange meetings and events face to face, indoors or out. So, until we meet, keep looking at our Second Sunday postings. Stay safe and thank you for your support and contributions so far. All the best The TT team Tynedale Transformed is about re-imagining a fairer and sustainable future and making it happen. Tynedale Transformed is about pushing the boundaries of what political participation looks like. Strategy games, treasure hunts, reading groups, and theatre workshops, talks, events, walks, lectures…. anything is possible. TT will be based on inclusivity and a shared wish to examine the issues facing our communities and our world, encouraging a politics based on creativity, open mindedness and comradeship. We want to transform the way we live together. We want to start the conversation. Our aim is to draw on existing networks and connections, locally, regionally and nationally as well as providing a platform for new ideas new groups and individuals. Tynedale Transformed 2020

Transformance Music

transformance music

We are a group of teachers, musicians and technologists who specialise in composition, improvisation and performance using iPads. Ben Sellers and Travis Snyder began running music workshops with iPads in a Hackney community centre in 2011, developing an approach that combined outstanding musical outcomes with implicit development of musicianship and theory. They transferred this approach to both formal mainstream and SEND/ALN contexts, codifying their methods into what became the 2014 textbook ‘Teaching Music with Garageband for iPad’, and a popular teacher training scheme. In 2016, Travis returned to California to become the head of Assistive Technology for the San Francisco District School Board. 2017 saw the publication of several new resources, including a second edition of the Garageband textbook and an increased focus on training partnerships with Music Education Hubs. Since 2018 we have gained an increasingly strong reputation as SEND/ALN specialists, working with MEHs up and down the country to improve provision through co-delivery and bespoke training and resources, including a complete ‘SEN/D Curriculum’ with Leicester-Shire Music Service, and a set of projects for the Charanga education platform. We were nominated twice in the 2019 ‘Music Teacher Awards for Excellence’. Though our reputation has grown, we remain a small and focussed team, working hard to develop in young people the skill, desire and drive to use music to enhance their lives.