323 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

selena lovett

selena lovett

Selena's spiritual journey has taken her to many different places and through many experiences which have led to her being able to offer different spiritual modalities. She offers spiritual readings using tarot cards offering insight and guidance, mediumship readings to bring healing messages from your loved ones and focuses on leading healing courses to enable others to experience the magic of healing. Through her own healing journey she discovered that so many issues and imbalances began in the sacred area of the womb where she has spent time exploring and healing. After this incredible transformational journey where she gathered information on how to heal the divine feminine she now shares her unique formula for healing using Sacred Symbols, Angel and Reiki energy to heal ancestral lineage, releasing past traumatic experiences and issues that block people from connecting to their true being. If you feel called to begin your healing journey you can arrange a treatment with Selena. If you would like to really step into your power - start a life-changing healing course with Selena guiding you through an 11-week program through different healing modalities, the chakra system and sacred symbols. Selenas' courses are accredited by the IPHM. Selena is a Reiki Master, Energy Healer trained in Quantum Healing, Hands of Light, Chakra Balancing & Cleansing, T:I:M:E - Angel Healing, Pendulum, Chios, Karuna Reiki, Shamballa Reiki and has studied Chinese Medicine, Hypnotherapy, EFT, CBT, NPL, Mindfulness & Life Coaching. If you feel you are in need of some peace and balance in your life - please contact her to arrange a healing session Have a look at the services offered, readings and healings can be custom-made to suit and fulfil your need. You are not alone - reach out and begin healing. Selena was blessed with the gift of connecting with her spirit guides and loves having the opportunity to guide people through difficult situations and give insights into their life. Her focus is to empower people on their journey and to help heal and move any blocks that hinder their path. Selena is the author of the book Steps to Enlightenment and the Tarot Deck - The Journey to Enlightenment and co created The Art of Compassion Oracle Deck. When giving a Psychic reading; Selena will tune into your aura to gain insight and information about your life and your future to enable her to give you insight and guidance about certain issues in your life and to empower you with knowledge of how best to move forward and achieving your goals. A psychic reading can help you gain clarity in your current situation, when faced with decisions for your future or when you want to get a better understanding of the big picture. Whatever your issue, romance, career, or soul purpose - contact to organise a convenient time to connect online and talk about what you need, guidance through a psychic reading will be able to help understand what you are going through and what we can do to improve your situation. Learn Tarot to empower yourself!! In these classes, from Beginner to Pro. you will learn all about tarot and how to use it to guide yourself and give insightful readings for others, healing yourself along this journey with Tarot and then being able to use it as a tool to add to your business or to set up a new business as a Psychic Tarot Reader. Selena has produced a Tarot Masterclass taught at the Watkins Wisdom Academy. ¨Watkins has been an authority in the Mind Body Spirit field for over a century. Our teachers are all professionals in their field and each course is unique to their teaching styles. So you know that you are learning from the best!¨

The Socent Connection

the socent connection


Our mission is to promote social enterprise to people and give them the opportunity to connect with the many amazing companies within the sector. We want to inspire the next generation of change makers, whether as consumers, employees or entrepreneurs. Commited to Growth 100 % Passionate 100 % Friendly 100 % The Founders Story Meet Anthony Veluz The journey so far… Summer 2012- National Citizen Service EBP My social enterprise journey started in 2012. At the end of my Law and Business degree, I worked as a Mentor on the National Citizen Service (NCS) for their summer programme. I supported and coached a group of young people, through a programme of personal and social development, which culminated in a social action project in their local area. This programme consisted of team-building activities at an outdoor activity centre and skills development week at a University. For social action, my group carried out a project in their local community, providing a positive impact. Although NCS encompasses social impact, I wasn’t aware of social enterprise at the time. I didn’t even realise that the NCS provider I was working for, The Education Business Partnership (EBP), was a social enterprise themselves. It was only during the following year that I realised EBP were a social enterprise. I worked for them on NCS as a mentor across 13 different programmes over the years. 2013 – Elephant Branded It was during my Masters that I came across Elephant Branded, the first social enterprise I actually knew about! I had an interest in ‘good business’ and it was whilst I was watching ‘Be your own Boss’ on BBC3 that I discovered Elephant Branded. They make these amazing products out of recycled material, which in turn funds school kits in Africa and Asia. They also support the communities who make these products. I researched them online and discovered they had a student rep program. This is where the journey began. I started doing events on campus such as talks, lectures, pop-up stands, promoting Elephant Branded online and offline. This caught the eye of James Boon, Elephant Branded’s founder who offered me further opportunities across the country. Opening doors to lectures, talks, workshops and events in places such as Nottingham, Boston, Cardiff, Surrey and London. I really enjoyed what I was doing. I was able to meet many other social enterprises at events and learn more about social business. I gained new contacts, new skills and newfound confidence. Working For Other Social Enterprises Elephant Branded got the ball rolling. Other social enterprises were seeing what I was doing which led to me promoting them. I started working for GiveMeTap and LSTN Sound Co in addition to Elephant Branded. The skills I obtained with Elephant Branded were transferred to my newly appointed roles. I was offered a unique opportunity to represent all three social enterprises on the NCS programme, which I had previously mentored on. I delivered the Business Challenge on NCS across the East Midlands and Yorkshire, representing Elephant Branded, GiveMeTap and LSTN. It was The Apprentice meets Social Enterprise meets NCS. I had great fun promoting social enterprise to the young people on NCS. The challenge encouraged them to think about social enterprise ideas in their local areas and pitching new business ideas. During Global Entrepreneurship Week, again I represented all three social enterprises at an event hosted by Enterprise Zone and UnLtd at Boston College, celebrating social enterprise, Go Social. It was at this event I met people from UnLtd and discovered they funded social enterprises. I looked into this and eventually pitched for both pre-start-up funding and start-up funding. In between, I also successfully pitched for start-up funding from my University in Lincoln, leading to the next piece of the puzzle, setting up The Socent Connection.



City Quay Business Centre

Elevator is Scotland’s leading private sector organisation dedicated to supporting the entrepreneurs, inventors, disruptors, game changers and business leaders of today and tomorrow. We have a desire to make a difference. As a social enterprise, we work to support entrepreneurship and employability across Scotland. Our mission is to recycle wealth back into the communities we support. Our profits are reinvested into developing and delivering programmes, events and initiatives around the themes of enterprise, employability and entrepreneurship. Our aim is for anyone who is starting or growing a business to have access to all the support they need to make it a success. Our thriving Centres for Entrepreneurship offer a safe space to help ambitious entrepreneurs accelerate their businesses through a range of highly effective accelerator programmes. From the Elevator Programme and Academic Accelerators to our sector specific programmes for creatives, company creative programmes for the energy and sustainable mobility industries to our rural offering – there is something for everyone. We deliver vibrant and inspiring business support to nearly 40% of Scotland’s start-ups - covering both rural and urban space. The largest provider of Business Gateway services in Scotland, we deliver support across Aberdeen, Dundee, Angus, Perth and Lanarkshire. In addition, we have a network of Business Centres, providing flexible, professional office space at 21 different locations across the North of Scotland. These offer valuable community workspaces containing a mixture of small businesses, training and meeting facilities. Our vision for Scotland is clear - a national, connected approach that will stimulate and support the development of an innovative, pioneering, progressive and entrepreneurial society. Engaging and collaborating with partners, founders and alumni, we are collectively making Scotland an inclusive, sustainable and inspiring place in which to do business.