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Liz Tyler Consulting

liz tyler consulting


You need to be sure that we feel like a good fit before you book a session, so let me tell you a little about me Early influences I was fortunate enough to grow up always surrounded by animals and nature, where no two days were ever the same and different challenges popped up constantly. Whether it was dealing with the weather or having to help birth an animal in the middle of the night, I learned to deal with the situation in front of me and respond accordingly. It helped me feel confident to think on my feet and give the situation whatever it needs, rather than stick to a prescribed reaction because that was what was ‘expected’. There is no sitting back and waiting for things to happen in farming life; you need to get on with things and make them happen and I love that I can bring that energy and those skills across into my coaching approach for you. My early start in farming and the love for animals and the environment that followed sparked a keen interest in understanding the relationship between ourselves and the planet and the interconnectedness of the cycles of life, whether that be farming cycles, the changing seasons, lifecycles of flora and fauna, of the human race and even on a spiritual level, an interest in the life cycle of the seven chakras. These core values underpin everything I do both in my personal and professional life, and have informed the ‘whole-person’ coaching approach that I have developed. All change After a career working in the corporate world for almost a decade, something shifted and I wanted more. I wanted to do something which was more aligned with my own personal values, reconnecting with the influences of my early life on the farm. So over the following years I retrained in beauty therapy, personal training, sports therapy and sports massage and headed in a completely different direction.

Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences

ajanta vihara institute of spiritual sciences


At Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences, we believe every individual deserves to experience peace, joy, harmony, abundance and love in every aspect of their lives. We also know what prevents us from moving forward on the path towards abundance; these are experiences long-held, habitual behaviours and dominant-negative thought patterns. These patterns must be identified and healed. These habits must be transformed and replaced with new, more self-supportive and self-honouring ways of being. Our therapies, courses and workshops are highly experiential and designed to transform you at the core of your being. It is our intention that every participant will have an experience that allows them to remember the truth of who they are in order to be more peaceful, joy-filled and loving in the midst of any situation or circumstance they encounter in their lives . Ajanta-Vihara’s team of energy mentors use their combined years of study, practice and experience in the fields of behavioural therapy, psychology, hypnotherapy, energy therapy and their diverse life experience to guide individuals through compassionate conversations and powerful, transformational exercises. Our mentors undergo rigorous training under the AVISS Faculty Development program with a focus on continuous self development, knowledge and skill building; this ensures they are able to cultivate a holistic approach to our practices while providing practical information and tools to use once the engagement ends. What individuals experience, hear and learn creates a solid foundation and gives the inspiration they may seek to improve their careers, relationships, sense of purpose and, most important, their sense of personal power. We offer classes and workshops facilitated by founder director Ms. Jyoti and the faculty of the Institute. Our therapies, courses , workshops, energy camps, personal coaching sessions and the happiness collective series are designed to support individuals in having a deeper experience of themselves in order to understand their life’s experiences through elevated human consciousness. We invite you to explore one of our signature programs for an experience that is sure to change your mind, heart and life forever.