3046 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

dbb coaching

dbb coaching

Rediscover your strengths and find the fulfilment and freedom you deserve Life is busy. You have a busy career and a lack of passion has crept in to your daily routine or you just don't feel fulfilled in what you are doing. It may be impacting your wellbeing, your work performance and your relationships and you are feeling stuck? Many of us are at crossroads in our career or emotional life? We can feel lost, unsure, ambivalent, or unhappy at times and burnt out with our job. As a Fulfilment Coach, I can help you understand and rediscover your strengths so you can find the career you want and the life of fulfilment you want to lead & deserve. I will help you find what you want to do and how to achieve it successfully. I believe that all of us have the strength not just to survive, but to truly thrive in our career and life overall . ABOUT ME Hi. I'm David, personal & professional qualified coach - here to help you find meaning, fulfilment and freedom in your life and career! I love helping individuals find their goals and then go and achieve them so that they grow in their career and find fulfilment. We have one life. Happiness and fulfilment are all about aligning the three facets in your life - self, relationships and work. I worked as a sales leader in corporate, tech and startup sales for 20 years and was very successful! Then through a mixture of wanting to be a better husband, Dad and friend; then losing 2 jobs in 15 months in a global pandemic, I rediscovered my strengths - a passionate curiosity and ability in helping people. Coaching can be tranformative and can enable us to live the life we really want. We can absolutely be happy and have the life we want! If you are ready to grow and go on that journey, then I can help you find the fulfilment and happiness for which you strive for in life and work. Here's how: ℹ️We DELIVER tailored 1:1 coaching packages that are focused on your unique challenges Through proven techniques and tools we HELP you go from surviving mode to thriving in your life and career by helping you discover your strengths and working with you to achieve the goals you need to reach to lead a fulfilled and happy life. We SUPPORT you throughout the program so you are in control of the changes you want to make ⬇️ Interested in learning about how we help? ⬇️ Email me on: david@dbbcoaching.com or BOOK TIME IN MY DIARY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION - https://calendly.com/dbbcoaching/intro Get in Touch Book a free consultation THE MENU TO MAKE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE Get back that feeling of fulfilment THE STARTER 60 minute 1:1 starter session to focus on you and one specific problem you are currently feeling - be it in your life or career. Using proven coaching techniques, we will explore the issue and together work on a plan so you leave feeling revitalised with some clear actions to move forward Studying at Home Image by Denys Nevozhai THE MAIN COURSE A 3-month opportunity to transform how you feel about yourself and make the changes to rediscover YOU. Invest in yourself and transform your life so you get your passion back for life and find the fulfilment and freedom you desire, be it at home or for your career. What's included: - 6 x 60 min 1:1 coaching sessions that works around your busy schedule - We will identify the areas of your life and career where you want to see improvement - Address those limiting beliefs and understand why you feel the way you do - Discover your strengths and align those to your career - Unlimited support via Whatsapp / Email and phone during the 3 months

Pownall Hall School

pownall hall school


I am delighted that you are considering Pownall for this very important stage of your child’s education, and I hope that our website will introduce you to all the academic, sporting and co-curricular opportunities available here at Pownall Hall. As a preparatory school, we thoroughly prepare our pupils for the top performing independent schools in the North West. Our ‘up-levelled’ core curriculum allows pupils to aspire and achieve the results required to attend the very best academic schools in the region. This combined with a rich and diverse range of specialist taught subjects means that we provide the very best academic opportunities possible: science in our laboratory, art and design and design technology in our studio, music and drama in our very own Boddington theatre, three languages and extensive grounds, an astro and a sports hall for our specialist PE and Games lessons. Our co-curricular programme of wellbeing, mental health and growth mindset enables us to educate the whole child, developing them both socially and emotionally to become curious, hard-working, aspirational, inquisitive, kind and caring children. Many families aspire for their children to attend top performing schools for their senior phase, yet still wish for them to be at a co-educational, local school in their formative years. At Pownall, we are the very best of both and will provide your child with the strong academic foundations required for the demands of 11+ whilst remaining a small class size, nurturing and family based school. At Pownall Hall we are a family, a family of pupils, staff, parents, governors and friends, all working together to ensure an excellent academic outcome in a caring, safe environment. Our curriculum is creative, broad, active and diverse, wrapped in a caring ethos and all of this is underpinned by a no-compromise approach to the safeguarding of our children, ensuring a happy and safe place for your child to flourish. We are very fortunate to have over 8 acres of beautiful grounds allowing us to have outdoor classrooms, a wildlife pond and forest school provision within our woodland areas; all of which provides excellent learning opportunities for all ages, with free flow inside/outside learning in all our early years provision. Pastoral care is paramount at Pownall. Our staff really get to know your child and will always encourage them to talk if there is something on their mind; this of course will be shared with you, transparency is key. It is crucial that each family knows and understands their son or daughter in the same way that our teaching and support staff do. We will work together to ensure your child’s happiness. We also operate a buddy system between the children from the lower and upper parts of the school, further encouraging the importance of kindness. We have a whole child approach at Pownall. Your child’s social and emotional development is very important to us and has a direct correlation to their personal progress and success. As well as the bespoke areas, there is an essential focus on wellbeing and mindfulness that enables your child to develop a growth mindset that will ensure that they flourish. We believe that these values as well as mental health and wellbeing are just as important as the academic rigour we provide to achieving success in life. We want our children to see themselves as part of a bigger picture, we want them to see beyond themselves and how social values and the qualities of humility, kindness, compassion, discipline, and honesty, are such a very important part of who they will become and what they can be.

The Rochester Grammar School

the rochester grammar school


The Rochester Grammar School is a high-performing secondary which is part of the TSA Trust where diversity is celebrated as we create a safe and inspiring place for children to learn; where their rights are respected and they are able to develop their talents and abilities to their full potential. We started our RRSA journey in September 2021 and have achieved the Bronze Right Respecting School Award (RRSA) and are now working towards achieving our Silver Award. The RRSA (Rights Respecting Schools Award) is awarded by Unicef. Unicef is the world’s leading organisation working for children and young people and their rights. In 1989, governments across the world agreed that all children have the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential. The Award recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of a school’s planning, policies and practice. All children are taught about their rights at the Rochester Grammar School. Rights are the focus each week during form time with key discussion points and reflections activities. We also have a steering group where children come together to discuss their Rights. We celebrate our diversity as a school community as we endeavour to develop young people who are fully cognisant of their rights whilst respecting the rights of all members of our school community. As we work towards the SILVER accreditation we have: Weekly form assemblies where students use RRSA’s resources to explore the articles from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. These are linked to mental health, online safety, identity or equality and other topics. Planned for each form to create their own Form Charter that encourages children to behave in a 'rights respecting' manner. Established a 'Steering Group' of adults and children who help to drive the programme across the school. This captures the voice of the child and adds to the important jobs our Student Leaders already do. Undertaken staff CPD to secure a commitment from the whole staff to the principles of the RRSA and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Conducted a planning review: We are in the process of reviewing the KS3 curriculum to embed issues and themes of the UN Convention across our subject areas so that the children visit and revisit important concepts throughout their learning journey.

The Diaspora Community Projects (Diaspora)

the diaspora community projects (diaspora)


We are pleased to announce that ,The Diaspora Community Projects (Diaspora) is now approved by VTCT Awarding body to deliver Beauty courses. Also proudly announce that we are also approved for Barista Training and Hospitality and Catering Diploma Courses We a BME led community organisation that has been at the forefront of the economic development, training and career advancement of people from local communities with particular focus on employment support for the marginalised communities. Aim to benefit adults and children and their families every year, through live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment, aim to driven in over many remote villages and slums across the world. Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life: the means because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one's awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behaviour to understanding one's rights – and in the process help him/her evolve as a better citizen. We are accredited training providers for a number of job-related skills training programmes including NVQs and apprenticeships. They include Health and Social Care, Business & Administration, Security (SIA) As part of our employment support scheme, we work in partnership with various national and local organisations to offer training and employment opportunities to the local community. This service comes with our bespoke quality one-2-one career advice and support to give the long-term unemployed an opportunity to kick-start their career. Currently, we have on offer a number of training and employment support courses which include Free NVQ levels 2&3 in Health and Social care, Business & Administration, Leadership & Management and Customer Service. On employment opportunities, we are now delivering Security, Cleaning and Health Care recruitment services. Through our very successful training programmes which include work placements, we can guarantee highly trained and motivated staff in cleaning, healthcare Assistants/Support Workers and Security Officers under our new win-win work programme. Under this programme, established businesses get our highly trained and vetted staff from ourselves to work for them. with minimal cost for the labour as well as offering an opportunity to improve living standards of local people. In addition, working with us helps your businesses in contributing to highly valued social responsibility strategies embraced by most national and international organisations. Since 2005, DCP has developed itself as a social enterprise ie engaging in trading activities to support most of its community work. Working as a social enterprise DCP has managed to win confidence within the public and private sector alike and with this we have seen sales increase steadily in the past few years despite the economic down turn that has made many charitable organisations and businesses close. Because of our unique market target as well as our excellence in quality service, many private and public organisations have been able to work with us as we provide a vital link to working with the most vulnerable and marginalised members of the society. At DCP we have our fingers on the pulse of our communities, ready to help transform how they learn, how they find jobs and how they do them, how they access public services and how they develop creativity to make the most of time and effectively contribute to the economy in the UK an abroad. We also specialise in offering a wide range of development and support services to individuals (employed and unemployed) and businesses, (consultancy) both in the private and voluntary sectors. Due to the nature of our business, we work with a team of highly skilled and experienced people –paid and on voluntary basis to provide the best service you can expect in the third sector. We have a clear commitment to diversity and experience achieving a balanced social mix for the youth and adults and partnership with key stakeholders like the Department of Work & Pension (DWP) , Job centre Plus, local colleges and schools. When it comes to recruiting quality staff and trainees, our success is partly due to our approach to embedding IAG and skills development throughout our programmes combined with 1-2-1 personal support and continuing counselling, mentoring, coaching and inspiration. Together with our associated partners in the UK, DCP is continually testing and pioneering new ideas in different development spheres such as training/assessment, regeneratio

Manchester Montessori House

manchester montessori house


Manchester Montessori House is the first bilingual English- French kindergarten in Manchester, in the United Kingdom for children ages 3 to 6. Initially it had started as a Montessori group for Home Educating families in Greater Manchester in 2008. There was, and still is, a big demand for alternative education and Montessori is one of these options. Montessori methodology, well known worldwide, does offer holistic approach and supports all areas of children’s development. It places the child in the centre, where he/she can develop his/her full potential through carefully and purposefully offered ‘hands on’ activities. The highly qualify staff ( with a lot of teaching experiences), implement valuable principals of Montessori philosophy while educating young children in their formative years of grow. The staff aims are to provide Prepared Environment that enables children to express their full potential over the most important and crucial first six years of life, but also later on. Teachers are ‘to offer the child an environment rich in motives for activity, in which he/she can choose what he/she will take and use. In this choice he/she is free from any teacher’s control, or indeed from adult control in general’ (Montessori, 2007, p. 186). Children who attend to our setting are carefully observed and ‘scaffold’ by the experienced practitioners on the way to ‘Normalisation’ as Dr Montessori called this process and cited it as “the most important single result of our whole work” (Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, 1949). Children natural phenomena, potential and internal energy horme, – ‘this universal force is not physical, but is the force of life itself in the process of evolution’ (Polk Lillard, 1972, p.42), are directed on the most natural way of holistic development. All the little learners are treated with the respect, are given attention they deserve, are being looked after as a unique individuals. Peers in our setting are given opportunity to grow in consistency and harmony which helps them to progress in all areas of grow ‘to follow the child, adapting himself to the child’s rhythm and the psychological needs of his growth’ (Polk Lillard, 1972, p.39). It is important for us that children grow in calm, safe and beautiful environment and are learning to be creators of the world around them. They acquire how to develop self-discipline, motivation and love of work as a natural response to their internal needs. Educational materials in our kindergarten are purchased from the licensed manufacturers of Montessori materials and are the same, which are taught in all over the world. The furniture are comfortable and accessible for children. All the apparatus are made of wood or natural resources and comply with high safety requirements. We focus on each child individually to help him/ her evolve the curiosity to the nature and to the surrounding world. We promote individuals who grow free, are independent, be self-motivated and confident. They are empathic and tolerant, can recognize their own feelings but also, which is very important, can respond to the needs of others. We give children the opportunity to develop according to their respective capabilities and to easily adapt themselves in multicultural societies. The Montessori system of education provides an environment rich in activities for every area of learning. Montessori called her schools “Casa dei Bambini” or “the children’s home”. In their home from home the children find room full of mysteries, challenges and discoveries. Our Montessori approach is holistic and aims to develop the whole child when they have the greatest capacity to learn. Follow by Montessori we aim to: help children become confident, compassionate, happy, calm, purposeful, free and independent, empower them and be creative. Awaken children’s interest in all subjects and to encourage in them a love of learning. Give children an understanding of the world and respect for all they find in it. The Montessori Method is a dynamic and complete approach to the enrichment of young children and as such represents the very best that a parent can give during these formative years. ‘The child is in a continual state of growth and metamorphosis, where as the adult has reached the norm of the species’ (E.M. Standing, 1984, p. 106).

Traveller Pride

traveller pride


A brief description of who we are, who we aim to be and some guiding principles. In short, we want to be the service we could've done with as teens. We are a collective, this means if you want to get involved with us but feel something below needs to change, we can discuss that. Contact us We are a UK-Based collective made up of LGBT+ Travellers working to provide support, representation and a platform for LGBT+ Travellers. Our focus is both on local action/solidarity and gaining wider recognition for issues faced by those of us in this particular intersection. “Travellers” is used as inclusively as possible. There is enough commonality of experience and discrimination to make this inter-group solidarity important. We still recognise the differences between the groups but believe there is enough shared experience, including discriminations, to make us effective allies for one another and to mean we’re often fighting the exact same battle. We operate on a self-identification policy rather than relying on ethically dubious ideas of racial purity. There is no hierarchy of settled vs nomadic, but we do acknowledge the different issues that can occur as a nomadic/peripatetic Traveller vs a settled one (and again, the difference between settled on sites vs settled in housing). Traveller in this context can mean Romany Gypsies, Welsh Kale, Irish Travellers, Scottish Travellers, New Travellers, Van Dwellers, Boaters, Bargee, Showmen, Circus People. Anyone who positively (but not necessarily publically) identifies as LGBT+ and a Traveller is welcome. We are a loose collective rather than a codified charity because we feel this makes it easier to respond quickly, without as much red tape. Despite this, we want to operate as transparently as possible. To this end: We have meetings at least quarterly, minutes are available to whoever requests them unless we have good reason to believe the request is vexatious or malicious. We do have a bank account & paypal, our finances can be looked at and explained upon request unless we have good reason to believe the request is vexatious or malicious. We welcome scrutiny and will attempt to be transparent when questions are asked of us unless we have good reason to believe the request is vexatious or malicious or if it would infringe on an individual's privacy. We reject the stereotyped oversimplifications of “Travellers are Homophobic/Transphobic”. It can be difficult to come from some more traditional backgrounds among Travellers but there is enough variation within the groups to make this meaningless. We don’t exist because Travellers are bad people, we exist because there’s currently not a space for us at all. This is more because until recently Traveller activism has been focussed on the essentials of survival (a place to stay, access to sanitation) or very base human demands (education etc.) and it is only now that we have wanted to shine light on the diversity within our communities. Equally, we reject the stereotyped oversimplifications of “LGBT+ people are anti-Traveller”. This can be the case, but is not the rule. We aim to provide regular space for our community to meet, network and build links of solidarity. We want to represent LGBT+ Issues in Traveller spaces and Traveller issues in LGBT+ Spaces. Given our particularly inclusive definition of Traveller, we also aim to shine a light on the communities that have been often overlooked by mainstream Traveller activism or Traveller charities. Decisions are made either at our meetings or by consulting with the general steering group “Pridesters”- You may request to join this. We value inter-group solidarity. This looks like actively welcoming collaborations with others and actively challenging prejudice when we find it, regardless of it impacting us. In terms of direct help: we offer outreach phone calls to offer advice and combat isolation, a solidarity fund and logistic help with leaving difficult situations. We have access to a network of Traveller-friendly safehouses (which we’re looking to build upon) to get you safe if needs be.

Alder Grange School

alder grange school


Our school is a unique and special place. There is a real sense of family and community within the school. Alder Grange is a school where everybody is inspired to be the best they can, where excellence is nurtured by everybody and a community in which everybody cares. Our desire is to successfully develop the whole child. We place considerable emphasis on developing the foundations of personal achievement; their emotional and physical health and well-being, their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development, creativity and individuality. Our intention is to help our young people grow to become outstanding, independent, resilient and effective citizens in an uncertain, global 21st Century world. We strive to deliver a personalised curriculum alongside a rich offer of extra-curricular activities, enrichments and life skills for all our students. Naturally, academic progress and attainment are also extremely important to us, and you will find our results reflect this. This is due to a total commitment to excellent teaching and learning by a highly skilled and dedicated staff, constantly reflecting upon and developing their own practice. Many members of staff are former pupils. Our school is inclusive in nature and values young people of all abilities from year 7 to year 13. We encourage them to care for one another and the school, to work as a team and to take on leadership roles. There is also a genuine care for and partnership with the young people in our care and their families. Our current priorities in school include a focus on wellbeing, particularly mental health for both staff and pupils. The development of a curriculum intent that ensures all pupils are able to develop their knowledge and passions is taking place within all subject areas in school. During the seven years our pupils are with us they are given the skills and access to opportunities needed to make the next steps in to their adult lives. As a school we are never quite satisfied and build ongoing self-evaluation in to the school calendar to allow us to constantly review and reflect on our practice in order to improve. Alder Grangers are rightly proud of their school and our often repeated phrase, ‘once an Alder Granger always an Alder Granger,’ reflects the strength of feeling our young people have for their school. I have been a member of staff at Alder Grange since 1998 and I feel immensely proud and privileged to be Headteacher. I love the school and am passionate about ensuring it continues to go from strength to strength. You would be welcome to visit and see our wonderful school in action at any time.

Hike Services

hike services


Hike-On is a recruitment agency based in Delhi, with offices in Delhi and Bangalore. We are a multi-disciplined employment agency, where our consultants are experienced in a wide range of professional industries and sectors, so that our candidates can find their perfect job which is best suited to their experience and skills set. At Hike-On, we are also dedicated in placing good quality candidates with the right employers. We are in the RPO (Global business Model), we understand out Client manpower requirements and procuring the candidate with the desired profile and helping you recruit them with our industry expertise. We understand that companies today require more than a skilled candidate. They reach for employees who are productive, exhibit a positive attitude and have the ability tobecome a member of their team. Apart from traditional practices to source candidates, we are also in corporate innovative means to procure right professionals. Our experts leverage the power of technology-based recruitment and focus on online media to make sure that our clients receive the most suitable candidates for their organization. Hike-On recruitment specializes in the following job sectors:  Sales & Marketing  Engineering & Design  Civil Site Engineering  Accounts & Finance  Banking and Investment  IT To find out more about our current job roles simply visit our career page. Developing long term working relationships with both our Candidates and Clients is something we do best. At Hike-On, we like to stay connected with our clients and continue to help them find the best candidates for their business. So whether you are looking for a suitable candidate now or in the future, Hike-On can help you! Staying in contact with our candidates is also essential; we like to make sure that all our candidates are happy with their roles and the career path they have chosen Additionally we at Hike On Management Recruitment aim to offer a unique service to businesses, where we can provide up to date market information and pre-screen all applicants based on your specification to identify the ideal caliber of candidate. We aim to make the process for Candidates and Clients as straightforward as possible. At Hike-On recruitment, our expert consultants understand that looking for a job or embarking on a career change isn't just about sending out CV's and doing interviews, it can be a stressful and time consuming event. Therefore our recruitment consultants are always on hand to offer both guidance and support. The key aspects of all our working relationships are: Knowledge: We know and understand our clients and their companies, our candidates and their prerequisites and maximize that knowledge for the benefit of both. Quality Service: We stand by our principles, client’s requirements and candidate’s desires, to ensure we always meet and exceed our high standards...and yours. Trust: We respect our clients and candidates alike and always operate with integrity and professionalism, whilst building rapport to ensure optimum communication all-round. Motivation: We always aim for excellence. We actively seek feedback. We’re innovative and compliant at creating and building effective working relationships. Our services are only a call away. Please reach us on 011-43022183 or drop your query to info@hikeonservices.com VISION Hike-On Management’s long term philosophy and goals are best reflected by our purpose of "Hire. Train. Retain". We are one of India's leading providers of human resource services in the organized segment delivering a broad range of human resource services to various industries. To ensure clients identify Hike On Management as their preferred service provider by providing quality services. To expand operations and to have Global & Pan India presence. To provide cost effective, efficient and professional HR Solutions for all needs Our Mission Hike On Management Services is built on the back of entrepreneurs. To provide comprehensive recruiting services and maintain a standard of excellence based on mutual respect. Share accountability for aligning Business Client HR strategies with their business and mission goals. Champion and advocate service, quality, value and on-going continuous improvement to develop a reputation of excellence that generates repeat business. Our Values We are judged, collectively and individually, we choose to provide that return with the following values: We are personally responsible for our actions, outcomes and reputation. We own and resolve customer and candidate issues with urgency. We treat every customer, employee with respect and integrity. We continuously seek opportunities to innovate and improve the Hike ON Management Services experience.

Minerva Consulting Services

minerva consulting services


The VUCA environment demands that dispersed organizations are agile – able to focus, organize and engage people efficiently and effectively as the operating context changes. Covid-19, resilience and business continuity demands the same. Beyond the C-19 pandemic; employees will expect more choice in how they work; regular remote working will become the norm, and Artificial Intelligence will soon make many current jobs redundant. Agility requires collective leadership capability – an adaptable, durable enterprise approach to leading and leadership which develops, executes and evolves strategy in the face of changing context and unexpected progress while pursuing change, transformation, innovation and business performance improvement. Agility requires the creation of 'directional clarity' and 'emotional engagement' on a dynamic basis; this is harder to do in dispersed and remote working conditions. Yet remote working can enable greater participation and collaboration as perceived hierarchical power is eliminated when everyone is a '2 inch box on a screen', and leaders are forced to trust their people more than they have done. This increases people's feelings of 'psychological safety' which is an essential pre-condition for learning and changes to ways of working. Distributed leaders in a team of teams make strategy meaningful to align thinking and priorities; shared leadership, facilitated de-centralised decision making and collaborative planning harnesses peoples’ expertise and commitment, and releases energy and creative thinking and ideas. Doing this remotely requires 'meeting leaders' to develop their basic coaching and facilitation skills while keeping calls focused and minimising 'repetition and deviation''. Structural agility influences how quickly decisions are made, and how co-ordination and collaboration are enabled. Rapid reconfiguration is facilitated by a common approach to defining role-relationships and aligning accountability and authority (both vertically and laterally). Influence, not 'telling' is essential in human relationships, and roles lacking accountability-authority alignment, are ultimately untenable. Our approach to decision-making practice , informed by and combined with digital exploitation, builds cognitive and competitive advantage. VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity; a term first used in the US Army War College, 1987. Practical, Scalable, Adaptable Initiatives Embedded with Speed and Accuracy We are a network of experienced senior consulting, business, public sector and academic professionals. Our mission is to provide clients with cost-effective, scalable, coherent and sustainable leadership, transformational change and organization design solutions; in order to address and exploit the strategy, digital, resilience and people challenges and opportunities facing enterprises. The speed, accuracy, economy and effectiveness with which we deliver results set us apart from process-driven and high cost alternatives. With a track record of innovative, pragmatic and effective delivery, the difference we bring is in our depth of understanding, speed of response and cost-effectiveness. We operate without ‘administrative drag’, but with the experience and wisdom to understand our client sectors and the understanding of leadership, strategy execution and culture change gained from personal experience of ‘doing it’ rather than ‘advising about it’. Our ethos stems from our backgrounds of service and motivation to 'add value'. We harness ICT and our network to disrupt large consultancies. We ‘horizon scan’, think strategically and personally lead tactical delivery with speed, accuracy, agility and practical fit to the client requirement. We deploy 'clever creatives' and 'disruptors' who are committed to their work, not to career advancement, to challenge and question the unquestionable. We exploit our combined business, public sector and research experience and insights to anticipate needs and to propose simple, practical solutions to improve the moral, conceptual and physical components of business competitive advantage and organizational effectiveness. Our services deliver real value. We collaborate, research, question and challenge to co-create and embed scalable, durable and adaptable consultancy and applied learning solutions. We fuse live challenges —transformation and change, business continuity, innovation, market disruption— with leadership and strategy execution capability development. We don’t do the transformation to you; we help you to make the transformation yourself and develop your internal expertise to ensure that initiatives are holistic, embedded and sustainable. We support participants and their line leaders in making 'new ways', the 'new norm' by exploiting 'exposure and experience' and not by relying on programmes of 'education and training'. Where are we based? We are based in the Reading, UK area; with associates around the UK, Australasia, Asia, USA and Europe. We have delivered large scale initiatives ultimately reaching 2,500 participating leaders with teams delivering services concurrently in Asia, USA and UK. These teams have comprised mobile subject matter experts, local associate consultants, coaches and actors, and trained client internal consulting and L&D personnel.

Gianpietro Pucciariello

gianpietro pucciariello

"Photography is a tool to give voice to the voiceless and to give light to shadows within ourselves and in society“ Hello, my name is Gianpietro Pucciariello and I am an Italian visual storyteller and participatory facilitator based in London. My main work focuses on pushing the boundaries between social impact, dialogue and human conditions. This means that I work following ethical conduct to bring dignity and hope to people's faces and lives. Through my work, I want to celebrate, using empathy, respect but also playfulness, the beauty of the human soul along with its daily struggles and vulnerabilities. I use photography as a medium and a tool to give a voice to marginalised communities and organisations that want to address social and environmental issues in the places they operate by telling stories that mainstream media formats do not often tell, to encourage critical consciousness and influence policy. To do this I usually combine four themes, 1) Human beings, 2) places, 3) food 4) actions for impact, and five elements 1) focused questions, 2) metaphors, 3) storytelling, 4) Participation 5) Action-Driven Challenges. I grew up in the Lake Como area, where I got used to beauty already at an early age, in a family that, despite not being particularly affluent, provided me with a rich and safe place for growing my never-ending curiosity and learning, the value of an authentic soul, and the fundamental importance of social justice. I was lucky enough to have my mother, a kindergarten teacher, leading me by example with playfulness, self-expression and empathy and my father, working for the Italian railways, sustaining my development with strict rules and pushing my need for achievements, but always supporting my learnings with travels and books. I grew up as a really serious and introverted child - many people wouldn't believe so, as I developed more into a shy extroverted character through the years - with a huge inner world and having difficulties expanding outside in words. This is how I first discovered art and particularly photography. What I liked about taking pictures was mainly the idea of using an organic process for self-expression and for absorbing, summarising, explaining and creating knowledge around the social and environmental causes I cared for, and I was involved in since my teenage years. My need for expression became even more evident when my father was diagnosed with a rare neurodegenerative disease in 2003, after 5 years of unusual emotional outbursts, apathy and depression, tremors and personality changes. I put myself more and more on the front line of volunteering in the communities I was part of, and I focus my University Studies on the social sector and welfare, but at the same time, it became even more difficult for me to communicate my inner feelings on the outside. Despite this difficulty, I'm glad I took Economics as a Major subject. This gave me the chance to reflect and work deeply on human behaviour, motivational science, mental models of choice and root causes of oppression. Though, Economics gave me fewer opportunities to express my artistic side. I moved to London in my late twenties, and after a few years, I got stuck between a career I felt detached from, and together with my family situation, I got into a period of severe anxiety and inner chaos. One evening in October 2012 thought, returning from work, I found a leaflet about a course in photojournalism with the City & Guild in Tower Hamlets. That's how my journey in photography restarted. With and through photography, I restarted again to explore in deep the world around me, the condition of human beings and the causes I cared about. Even more important, I rediscovered myself, and my artistic skills, and boosted my self-confidence. Without rediscovering photography I wouldn't have gone back to practice facilitation and I wouldn't discover and loved other practices I work with right now, like coaching, social impact and innovation consulting. Without photography, I would have never become an entrepreneur and I wouldn't have nurtured other creative skills, like sketch noting & doodling. Photography helped me meet inspiring human beings that became friends, mentors, and some of the most important people in my life. That night in 2012 I drew a line in my life with a simple decision. I strongly believe that photography is one of the best ways we have to discover ourselves and the world around us, focusing on the present moment, one shot at a time. This is why I want to support you in using photography differently.