3334 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Yoga By Noel

yoga by noel



I first found yoga in 2007, while travelling Asia, and the physicality of the practice caught my interest right away (such as supporting my weak lower back at the time), but also to quieten my mind and centre myself through my adventures.   Soon after, I trained in Ayurvedic Medicine as well as Ayurvedic Massage and found a holistic way to combine Ayurveda, Hatha Yoga and modern practices into enhancing my everyday wellbeing, as well as teaching others how to do the same. I have immersed myself in many sound therapy sessions. The feeling you get from being surrounded by intense sounds and vibrations is of grounded serenity. This helped me thrive through this time, bringing stillness to my mind and body. I incorporate this sound bowl therapy into all my yoga classes, so you too can experience the benefits. I am based in Stafford, where I have formed a fun, cool and welcoming yoga community. My intention as a professional yoga instructor is to help students listen to their inner selves and find the courage to step out of their comfort zone. Just like playing an instrument or sport needs practice, so does yoga. Nobody will be able to do all the yoga postures in the first class, even as an experienced yoga teacher, I still need to practice. Yoga is more than just getting into a posture and stretching the body. Yoga teaches you to be present and shows you ways to calm the mind. It is not at all competitive.  On the Path of Mindfulness You may practice yoga as we do in the UK, to relax, stretch and become more flexible. But yoga can be more than that. When you truly get into it and take the time to focus on your breathing, within an extended hold of the pose (as we do in Hatha Yoga), you adjust, you feel, you listen, you focus.  A light bulb starts to shine somewhere in your mind, your endorphins take over, you start to surrender, you may smile, you become one with the present moment - that’s when the true magic occurs.   Being present is a lifelong journey in itself and something I am still focusing on daily. It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight, but through yoga, mindfulness and gratitude we lean closer and closer to being ever so present.  This is something I bring a lot of focus to in my yoga classes. It helps us to feel what is happening right now - not what happened or will happen, but what is happening. Take a deep breath right now - what do you feel? You feel the gift of the present moment.    Smiling is mandatory in my yoga classes - as I do believe humour and fun are key to experiencing the present moment and to releasing fabulous uplifting hormones. Believe me: this approach has helped me through many tough times.  Yoga has been a life changer for me, in times of worry, anxiety, the lows and the highs…it’s provided me with the opportunity to reflect, go within and come out of those times feeling totally nurtured and ready to take on every single chapter. My only hope is that you also feel this from the yoga practice.  I offer in-person yoga classes in Stafford, for small groups or 1-2-1. I am also qualified to offer holistic coaching, Massage Therapy and chakra energy balancing.

StretchLAB UK

stretchlab uk



StretchLAB has been created to deliver relief and recovery to exercise junkies, office workers and everyone in between. Our mission is to bring 1 on 1 assisted stretching to the mainstream through a collection of neighbourhood wellness studios across the UK where our trained Stretchologists work with clients towards flexibility and mobility goals. StretchLAB aims to make stretching a regular part of self-care routines in the UK through an accessible price point, convenient locations and unrivalled client experience. WHY STRETCH YOURSELF WHEN WE CAN DO IT FOR YOU? Stretching for 50 minutes is a big ask for anyone. Visiting StretchLAB makes the process enjoyable, but more importantly safe and effective. Our expert Stretchologists will take you through various stretches while doing all the hard work for you – building your flexibilty and range of motion leaving you loose and relaxed. WHO SHOULD GET STRETCHED? Assisted Stretching is for every age group, every lifestyle and every body. Whether you’re a gym junkie, desk based office worker, or even a couch potato, everyone can benefit from stretching, and stretching correctly. WHO WILL BE STRETCHING ME? All of our Stretchologists have bodywork experience and are certified in our proprietary stretch method. They come from a variety of backgrounds, including personal training, massage therapy, yoga instruction and professional dance. They are then complete our in house- training with our Director of Education and Head Stretchologist before under going many hands-on practice hours. WHEN SHOULD I GET STRETCHED? Any time is a good time to get stretched! Whether pre- or post- workout, or whether you just need some time to focus on yourself and recover. If you are feeling stiff it’s a great way to get yourself moving again. A pre-workout stretch warms up your muscles, can reduce risk of injury and boost your performance. A post-workout stretch speeds recovery by flushing out metabolic waste, increasing blood flow and lengthening muscles that have just been contracted. On top of it all it’s super relaxing. WHAT TO GET STRETCHED We can take you through a series of stretches that focus on the entirety of the body. This is a great way of getting started. As you work with your Stretchologist together you will be able to identify areas that need extra attention and show them the love the deserve. Alternatively if there is something you already know needs some attention just let us know! WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? Anything you are comfortable in, and isn’t too restrictive. What you would wear to work out in is a simple answer. Your Stretchologist will move you into some open positions so please ensure you are concealed. You won’t get sweaty or need to shower. We do ask that our clients wear a fresh pair of socks, which we also have available for purchase in the studio.

Levitate Meditation & Wellbeing Studio

levitate meditation & wellbeing studio



1 in 6 of us is experiencing a mental health challenge right now. We think humanity can do better. Modern life can at times leave every one of us stretched very thin or near breaking point. If you are anxious, depressed or stressed, we are here to help you change that. No one should have to do it alone — we know firsthand how very hard it is to help yourself. But if you’ve tried all the obvious things (like healthy diet, good sleep hygiene, journalling, therapy and exercise), real change might involve trying something you haven’t tried before. If the thought of that is exhausting, our founder Ryan’s story might just inspire you to start: Ryan Nell on stage at Wilderness Festival leading a mass meditation Ryan Nell Founder of Levitate. I spent the first half of my life trying to hide my anxiety from everyone. Although I was outwardly successful, with lots going for me, I was really unhappy and didn’t know why. I didn’t want my friends, family or colleagues to worry, but hiding it took huge energy. Inwardly, I was constantly exhausted because my mind would never stop running. Unsurprisingly, my twenties and thirties were beset by frequent crises, bad dreams and doomed relationships. Not talking to anyone about it, left me feeling really lonely and isolated. I was yearning to feel whole again. I tried many an escape — travelling, quitting jobs, changing partners, and probably drinking too much — but I learnt the hard way that running away only led to more anxiety, worry and struggle. Then, almost by chance, I found meditation. A friend told me about a retreat, and, though I was skeptical, I must have also been rather desperate, because I signed up and went. And over the course of one weekend, I fell in love with the practice. Back in London, and back at work, I found that the meditation apps were great but I couldn’t stick to them and I didn’t want to be on my phone. There always seemed to be something more important to do. But I found that practising in a room with a brilliant teacher and fellow students brought mindfulness to life. It’s not an exaggeration to say that meditating in a group transformed me. I wanted it to be easier for other folk to benefit without so much agonising soul searching along the way. And without the dogma or religious trappings that had been so off-putting to my younger cynical self at the start. I couldn’t find a place like that, so I felt compelled to build it myself, to start Levitate and share the joy with people just like you.

S L Goy's Art Club

s l goy's art club

An interdisciplinary UK based visual artist, educator and researcher exploring the potential breaking disciplinary boundaries and finding new ways to approach communication. Exploring how art and science can come together to benefit our health and wellbeing. Sarah has a personal interest in Neurology and Neuro diversity due to having drug resistant Epilepsy. Artist's Practice: Sarah L Goy MA, (Dis) - Animation Production. Sarah initially studied Fine Art and then Natural History Illustration, she now embraces the potential of the moving image. Her focus has always been on emotions, nature and her environment, with a specialisation in drawing and painting from life. Inspired by her travels she aims to capture every day moments in her sketch books, which are the foundations for all her other works. Although taking an analogue and tactile approach to her practice Sarah has become interested in the possibilities and potential of technology, experimental animation and the moving image and how they might be used beyond pure entertainment. This became part of her post graduate research in 2021 and continues to be the core of her research interest. As a visiting lecturer at Arts University Bournemouth ( AUB) and Southampton Art Gallery, she creates and presents new courses, with the emphasis on ' art for all'. Encouraging students to enjoy the process of creating and getting in touch with their inner child. Sarah also creates and runs online art therapy styled creative sessions, again, encouraging a sense of play through which new skills are gained, whilst encouraging a sense of community and inclusivity.