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297 Courses delivered Online


By Inclusive Solutions

Learn how to create easy to read accessible person centred profiles for children of all ages and young adults. COURSE CATEGORY Person Centred Planning Inclusion DESCRIPTION Person centred planning is a way of expressing a set of inclusive values through a unique range of tools and techniques. The most easily used approach is called creating a one page plan or a person centred profile. All person centred planning tools and processes are driven by a commitment to achieve inclusive outcomes for the person whose plan it is, and the young people involved are always present throughout their planning session. The focus of all person centred approaches is the whole person irrespective of the label they carry. Two people, a process facilitator and a graphic facilitator, typically facilitate plans. The role of the support service staff in this work is as a facilitator not as an expert participant, problem solver, assessor or provider of consultation. One Page Plans are especially effective tools in planning and supporting children and young people with additional support needs and for through-care planning for young people who are looked after or accommodated. Over time person centred working will reveal areas of unmet need in current provision and thereby inform the ongoing strategic planning within any particular region. TESTIMONIALS > Be the first… LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To Explore the values underpinning person centred working 2. To show how One Page Plans naturally capture young people’s strengths and capacities 3. A demonstration of how person centred planning encourages meaningful consultation and participation with young people (particularly for those who cannot make their views known in typical ways 4. To show how Person Centred Planning leads to the building of stronger parent/school partnerships 5. To indicate how person centred planning can promote multi-agency teamwork and shared responsibilities 6. To increase understanding the how of process and graphic facilitation in person centred work. WHO IS IT FOR ? * Teachers and School Staff * Education Services * Social Care Staff * Health Professionals * Transition Coordinators * Family Support Workers * Link Workers COURSE CONTENT An introduction to the person centred planning tool of creating a One Page Plan We would stress that this is an introductory day and that participants will be expected to make plans for their own follow up and further practice of the tools covered in the course of the day. If you liked this course you may well like: PERSON CENTRED REVIEWS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/person-centred-reviews/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Person-Cenred Care

By Prima Cura Training

Person-centred approaches are a core skills framework that articulates what it means to be person-centred and how to develop and support the workforce to work in this way. Developed in partnership with Skills for Health and Skills for Care, the Framework aims to distil best practices and to set out core, transferable behaviours, knowledge and skills. It is applicable across services and sectors and across different types of organisations. Person-centred approaches underpins existing dementia, learning disabilities, mental health and end of life care core skills frameworks. This subject forms standard 5 in The Care Certificate.

Person-Cenred Care
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Person centred planning with children and adults with learning difficulties

By Inclusive Solutions

All you need to know about person centred planning with people with learning difficulties. We use the PATH process as a model of good practice.

Person centred planning with children and adults with learning difficulties
Delivered Online On Demand

Transition Strategies

By Inclusive Solutions

One of the most frequent telephone queries we receive at Inclusive Solutions is from parents whose disabled son or daughter is about to make the transition from Primary to Secondary School. Typically there is a tale to be told of LA planning procedures that are too little and too late, and a severe lack of confidence from all parties that the transition will be successful. Little wonder that transfers from mainstream to special schools continue to peak at Year 7! COURSE CATEGORY Peer Support Strategic Work Visioning and Problem Solving Person Centred Planning DESCRIPTION One of the most frequent telephone queries we receive at Inclusive Solutions is from parents whose disabled son or daughter is about to make the transition from Primary to Secondary School. Typically there is a tale to be told of LA planning procedures that are too little and too late, and a severe lack of confidence from all parties that the transition will be successful. Little wonder that transfers from mainstream to special schools continue to peak at Year 7! Because of this we have put together a different kind of support plan that aims to maximise the chances of Primary/Secondary transitions being successful. In essence our approach brings together a person centred planning tool called ‘MAPS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/maps-process-step-by-step-guide/]’ and a ‘Circle of Friends’ recruited from within the Year 7 tutor group. The Circle of Friends forms the core of the MAPS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/maps-process-step-by-step-guide/] session and are central in developing (with parents and staff) a Plan for embedding the focus child in the new school setting. Community Circles bring together disabled and non disabled pupils in a network of mutual support. Peer support is an approach to impacting on inclusion and transition in primary and secondary schools by actively involving other pupils. Enjoy participating in a multi media workshop that will challenge, entertain and reach for your emotions. Watch young people doing their stuff! TESTIMONIALS > ‘It had a huge impact on all levels’ > ‘Very user friendly’ LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To be able to understand the values and wider context of peer support 2. To be able to set up and run a peer counselling scheme to reduce bullying 3. To understand and be able to maximise the power of the peer group in supporting relationships, achievement and behaviour change WHO IS IT FOR ? * Primary and secondary teachers * Heads and Deputies * SENCOs * Learning Support and Guidance staff * Advanced Skills Teachers * Parents * Local Authority Support Services * Community Development workers * Early Years and School based Practitioners COURSE CONTENT The course explores the questions : * How can we improve our transition arrangements? * Practically how do we go about involving pupils in this process? * Do you have any fresh ideas on transition processes? Take a tour through this range of strategies for bringing about smooth transitions, meeting challenging emotional needs and to develop inclusion. * Circles of friends: peer support and inclusion. Pupils work to problem solve with and actively support the inclusion and behaviour change of one of their peers * Community Circles of Exchange and Mutual Support set up between disabled and non disabled group * Peer support, counselling and mediation: reduce bullying and address emotional needs as older pupils offer active listening support and interventions * Cross Age Mentoring: older pupils offer supportive mentoring to younger pupils in the same school or in feeder primary schools * MAPS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/maps-process-step-by-step-guide/] and PATH [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/path-process-step-by-step-guide/] as person centred planning for transitions

Transition Strategies
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Chairing Meetings

By Inclusive Solutions

COURSE CATEGORY Team Building and Leadership Visioning and Problem Solving Strategic Work Online Course now available via Teachable Platform [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/courses] – Chairing Meetings [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/p/chairing-meetings] Learn at your own pace… lots of text and video support DESCRIPTION Meetings can be dreadful and bad chairing makes them worse. On this day we look at transformational person centred approaches to approaching the chairing of meetings. We provide deeper insights into the psychological processes that make this role challenging. ‘Best Saves’ for those really difficult moments when chairing meetings are creatively explored. We provide a practical, skill based and creative approach best delivered over 2 days. TESTIMONIALS “One of the most valuable things I have come across in the whole year” LEARNING OBJECTIVES * To identify characteristics of meetings that matter- what excellent chairing looks like * To strengthen person centred dimensions to chairing meetings * To clarify the meetings we never want to be part of * To create a visual graphic and words that uniquely illuminate what great meetings and chairing looks like * To explore the various hats that group members and chairs can wear * For participants to improve their chairing skills by receiving feedback * To explore how to bring creativity into stuck meetings * To Explore psychodynamic processes of resistance, projection, splitting and transference- as well as how to process these dynamics WHO IS IT FOR? * Anyone who has to chair meetings COURSE CONTENT * Setting a Good tone/Exploring the ‘whole elephant’ – story so far of experience in chairing meetings – good and bad meetings – graphiced timeline and highs and lows of story so far * Meetings I do not want – negative chairing…. * Thinking Hats and Values – linked to role of chair – where are hats when things are going well and where are they when things are not? * Our shared vision for great meetings and excellent chairing? * Personal planning for future chairing – what do I need to get better at – what should I manage? * Specific skill teaching – re when things go wrong – eg tears, personal attacks, talking in side conversations, silent members, lack of contribution, anger and so on…‘best saves’ explored with group – using live role play – with one chair * Solution Circle demonstration – chairing skills/problem solving modelled – approach when teams stuck… * Emotional elements of chairing – ‘its not personal’ – splitting, projection, transference explored and ‘handling projections’ activity * Vision and Road Blocks – small groups chaired and minuted – creative problem solving – Blocks to vision of great meetings creatively removed or worked around

Chairing Meetings
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Therapy Harley Street

A playful, active, experientially based form of supervision that is deeply and specifically grounded on Sartre's philosophy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This group is a place to hone skills and consider important issues of therapy from the perspective of existential philosophy. Combining the leader’s experience with the wisdom of the group fosters an active experientially oriented and interpersonally open way of doing supervision. It includes role-playing clients as well as looking at stuck points in therapy – stuck points that may belong to the therapist or supervisor as well as the client. It uses body-oriented as well as verbal interventions to get beyond words to the pre-reflective bodily-lived intentionality of all three. Applied Existential Supervision is rooted in a psychotherapeutic approach developed and taught by Betty Cannon at the Boulder Psychotherapy Institute for more than 30 years. Thoroughly and specifically grounded in the philosophy of Sartre, Applied Existential Psychotherapy also draws inspiration from Gestalt Therapy, Rogerian person-centred therapy, body-oriented psychotherapy, and classical and contemporary psychoanalysis. Betty agrees with British object relations theorist D.W. Winnicott that psychotherapy is (or ought to be) a very special form of ‘two people playing together. When one of them, hopefully, the client, is unable to play, therapy becomes two people learning to play together. Both Winnicott and Sartre view play as arising in what Winnicott calls the ‘transitional space’ between the subjective and objective worlds. This is the place where, phenomenologically speaking, this world becomes my world – or your world. Focusing on this transitional space allows us to move from doing therapy in what Sartre calls the ‘spirit of seriousness’ (which is the deterministic mechanistic approach of a great deal of contemporary psychotherapy) to what Betty has elsewhere called the ‘spirit of play’. It is a perspective that encourages us to recognize and support our own and our client’s freedom – in situation. And it can help open us to new more creative and authentic possibilities for living, loving, and being with each other. Because taking this perspective makes room for the radically new and the unpredictable and relieves us of the burden of trying to ‘fix’ our clients, it is less tiring and less likely to produce therapist burnout. It can also make therapy more satisfying, joyful and exhilarating for both client and therapist. But therapy done in the spirit of play becomes at the same time less certain and predictable. We cannot know the outcome of the therapy because our client is free. For this reason, approaching therapy (and supervision) in this way can be anxiety-provoking or even terrifying. Moving from the spirit of seriousness to the spirit of play makes us aware of the lightness as well as the heaviness of being – and that can be challenging as well liberating. Of course, no one can live with the full awareness of freedom, responsibility, and possibility all the time. The temptation to bad faith is universal for all humans, including therapists. But if the challenge to do so at least some of the time appeals, please come play with us in Applied Existential Supervision Group. Betty Cannon, PhD, licensed psychologist, is the founder of Applied Existential Psychotherapy (AEP). Her book on Sartre and Psychoanalysis (1991) is often considered a classic in the field, as Ernesto Spinelli predicted it would be. She has published many articles and chapters on existential philosophy, psychology, and psychotherapy. Betty’s mentor, Hazel E. Barnes, translated Sartre into English and was the world’s foremost Sartre scholar until her death in 2008. Betty is Hazel’s literary executor, and her book on Sartre is dedicated to Hazel. She is currently working on a new book: In the Spirit of Play: Applied Existential Psychotherapy. Betty is the president and founder of the Boulder Psychotherapy Institute, an emerita professor of the Colorado School of Mines, a senior adjunct professor at Naropa University, and a member of the editorial boards of three international journals: Sartre Studies International, Existential Analysis, and Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry. In addition to Applied Existential Psychotherapy, she has recently introduced an Applied Existential Coaching Class at the Boulder Psychotherapy Institute. Betty has taught AEP to hundreds (if not thousands) of students over the past years. She has also done therapy with individuals, couples, and groups in Boulder for the past forty years, as well as presented at many professional conferences and workshops. She is particularly interested in an existential approach to relationships and groups and leads 15 to 20 groups (therapy, practice, process, and supervision) each month. All dates: Saturdays 13 January, 10 February, 9 March, 13 April, 11 May, 8 June, 14 September, 12 October, 9 November and 7 December 2024 Fee: £1260 the whole year (£140 per session) Time: Saturdays from 3 pm to 6 pm (UK time) Venue: Online – Zoom CPD by Therapy Harley Street

Delivered Online3 hours, Sept 14th, 14:00 + 3 more
£140 to £1260

Learning Disability Awareness-CPD Approved

By BAB Business Group

Learning disabilities, however they are acquired, are lifelong. They are neurological disabilities and as such affect how an individual understands and remembers information, how they learn and communicate. People can be born with learning disabilities or they may acquire them later in life. There are many differing types of learning difficulty and they can exhibit in many different ways and with many different characteristics. This course will start by giving you an overview of some of the common types and causes of learning disabilities and how they affect people. It will touch on how a person centred approach to care will get the best results and look at how management must perform, and at the needs of the individual. It will also discuss overcoming the stigma attached to learning disabilities and much more.

Learning Disability Awareness-CPD Approved
Delivered Online On Demand

Person-Centered Practice & Positive Outcomes in Adult Care Course

By Training Express

Enter the vital adult care sector with this comprehensive course, offering deep knowledge in person-centred practice and positive outcomes. With an emphasis on promoting health and well-being through EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) in adult care, the course prepares you to make a real difference. The importance of relationships in EDI is emphasised, providing the necessary skills to enhance caregiving and support. With the sector proliferating, opportunities abound for those able to understand and respect individuals' sexuality and relationship needs. So, enrol today and start your journey towards a fulfilling career in adult care, where every day presents an opportunity to impact someone's life positively. Learning Outcomes: * Gain insight into person-centred and outcomes-based practices. * Understand the importance of positive outcomes and overall well-being. * Learn strategies to promote individuals' health and well-being. * Develop skills to foster relationships aimed at promoting health and well-being. * Understand caregiving and support mechanisms to optimise care. * Recognise and respect individuals' sexuality and relationship needs. This course introduces the foundations of person-centred and outcomes-based practice in adult care, focusing on the importance of positive outcomes and well-being for care recipients. It provides strategies for promoting individuals' health and well-being, using a holistic approach that values every person and their unique needs. The course also emphasises the importance of relationships in promoting health and well-being, highlighting the ways that strong, caring relationships can contribute to positive outcomes. Additionally, it explores caregiving and support methods, preparing students to provide optimal care within a person-centred framework. Lastly, the person-centred practice & positive outcomes in adult care course recognises the importance of understanding and respecting individuals' sexuality and relationship needs. This is essential in ensuring that all aspects of a person's well-being are attended to in adult care settings. Certification Upon successful completion of the course, all learners will be eligible to receive a certificate titled EDI in Adult Care to acknowledge their achievement. We are delighted to offer two formats for your certificate: PDF and Hardcopy. * PDF Certificate: This digital version of your certificate will be available for you to download and print for totally FREE. * Hardcopy Certificate (UK Delivery): For those who wish to have a physical token of their achievement, we offer a high-quality, printed certificate. This hardcopy certificate is also provided free of charge. However, please note that delivery fees apply. If your shipping address is within the United Kingdom, the delivery fee will be only £3.99. * Hardcopy Certificate (International Delivery): For all international addresses outside of the United Kingdom, the delivery fee for a hardcopy certificate will be only £10. CPD 10 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is aimed at individuals interested in working within adult care, either as a healthcare assistant, support worker, or similar roles. It would be beneficial for those seeking to improve their understanding of person-centred practice and positive outcomes. Whether you are a current care professional looking to enhance your skillset or someone considering a career in this rewarding sector, this course will offer valuable insights and knowledge. This course would also suit family members of adults needing care, providing them with the understanding and strategies necessary to support their loved ones. CAREER PATH * Health Care Assistant - £18K to £22K/year. * Support Worker - £18K to £25K/year. * Adult Care Worker - £20K to £28K/year. * Care Home Manager - £28K to £45K/year. * Social Worker in Adult Care - £28K to £40K/year. CERTIFICATES DIGITAL CERTIFICATE Digital certificate - Included HARD COPY CERTIFICATE Hard copy certificate - Included Hardcopy Certificate (UK Delivery): For those who wish to have a physical token of their achievement, we offer a high-quality, printed certificate. This hardcopy certificate is also provided free of charge. However, please note that delivery fees apply. If your shipping address is within the United Kingdom, the delivery fee will be only £3.99. Hardcopy Certificate (International Delivery): For all international addresses outside of the United Kingdom, the delivery fee for a hardcopy certificate will be only £10.

Person-Centered Practice & Positive Outcomes in Adult Care Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Care Plan Coordinator Course

By Training Express

Are you looking to take your career to new heights in the field of Care Plan Coordination? Look no further! Our comprehensive Care Plan Coordinator Course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this dynamic role. Dive deep into the nuances of person-centred care, where every interaction is infused with empathy and respect. Explore the intricacies of adult care management, bolstered by insights into dementia awareness, end-of-life care, and diabetes management. Also, according to [Reed], the average annual salary for a Care Coordinator in the UK is between £24,375 and £29,250. This might vary depending on factors like experience, location, and employer. Key Features * CPD Certified Care Plan Coordinator course * Instant e-certificate * Fully online, interactive Care Plan Coordinator course with audio voiceover * Developed by professionals in the field * Self-paced learning and laptop, tablet, smartphone-friendly * 24/7 Learning Assistance This Care Plan Coordinator Bundle Includes: * Course 01: CSTF Patient Moving and Handling * Course 02: Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care * Course 03: Adult Nursing & Social Care Training * Course 04: Patient Customer Service * Course 05: Dementia Awareness * Course 06: Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Training * Course 07: Adult Care Management * Course 08: Nursing & Prescribing * Course 09: Health and safety in Care * Course 10: Person-Centred Care * Course 11: Diabetes Awareness * Course 12: End of Life Care * Course 13: Mental Health and Wellbeing * Course 14: Pathological Demand Avoidance Diploma * Course 15: Psychotherapy and Counselling * Course 16: Substance Use Disorder Counselling * Course 17: Control and Administration of Medication Diploma Level 3 * Course 18: Health Science * Course 19: Clinical Psychology * Course 20: Responsibilities of Care Manager Learning Outcomes: * Apply nursing principles in creating comprehensive care plans effectively. * Implement health and safety protocols for optimal care provision. * Demonstrate person-centred care practices in various healthcare settings. * Utilise clinical psychology knowledge to support patient well-being. * Manage care plan coordinator responsibilities adhering to professional standards and regulations. * Employ appropriate techniques for patient moving and handling safely. Accreditation All of our courses, including this Care Plan Coordinator course are fully accredited, providing you with up-to-date skills and knowledge and helping you to become more competent and effective in Care Plan Coordinator. Certification Once you've successfully completed your Care Plan Coordinator Course, you will immediately be sent your digital certificates. Also, you can have your printed certificate delivered by post (shipping cost £3.99). Our Care Plan Coordinator certifications have no expiry dates, although we recommend renewing them every 12 months. Assessment At the end of the Care Plan Coordinator course, there will be an online assessment, which you will need to pass to complete the course. Answers are marked instantly and automatically, allowing you to know straight away whether you have passed. If you haven't, there's no limit on the number of times you can take the final exam. All this is included in the one-time fee you paid for the course itself. CPD 250 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Care Plan Coordinator This Care Plan Coordinator course can be taken by anyone who wants to understand more about the topic. With the aid of this course, you will be able to grasp the fundamental knowledge and ideas. Additionally, this Care Plan Coordinator course is ideal for: * Aspiring Care Plan Coordinators * Healthcare Assistants seeking career advancement * Individuals aiming for roles in care management * Those interested in providing specialised patient care services * Professionals seeking comprehensive healthcare training REQUIREMENTS Learners do not require any prior qualifications to enrol on this Care Plan Coordinator course. You just need to have an interest in Care Plan Coordinator. CAREER PATH Care Plan Coordinator After completing this Care Plan Coordinator Course you will have a variety of careers to choose from. The following job sectors of Care Plan Coordinator are: * Care Home Manager * Care Quality Commission Inspector * Health and Social Care Assessor * Clinical Support Worker * Community Mental Health Worker * Dementia Care Coordinator CERTIFICATES DIGITAL CERTIFICATE Digital certificate - Included Once you've successfully completed your course, you will immediately be sent a FREE digital certificate. HARD COPY CERTIFICATE Hard copy certificate - Included Also, you can have your FREE printed certificate delivered by post (shipping cost £3.99 in the UK). For all international addresses outside of the United Kingdom, the delivery fee for a hardcopy certificate will be only £10. Our certifications have no expiry dates, although we do recommend that you renew them every 12 months.

Care Plan Coordinator Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Level 3 Health & Social Care with Care Certificate Preparation Course

By One Education

Are you considering a career in the health and social care sector? Do you feel frustrated with the limited opportunities available to you without proper certification? We understand your pain and we are here to help. Our Ofqual regulated Health and Social Care with QLS Endorsed Care Certificate Preparation course will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in this growing industry. Our course curriculum covers essential topics such as the structure and overview of the health and social care sector, principles and regulation, human growth and development, and personal and professional development. With our comprehensive training, you will be well-prepared to tackle any challenge that comes your way in this rewarding field. Our course is designed to equip you with the skills needed to make a positive impact on people's lives and the community. The ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care is acknowledged as a regulated qualification that satisfies national criteria for education and training by Ofqual and the British Government. The regulated qualification package includes the following: * Qualification Specification * Support Materials * 24/7 access to the Course Library * Assessment Guidance * Tutor Support * On-Demand Customer Service * Assignment, Observation, and Report Templates. These additional benefits ensure that you have all the necessary resources and support to complete your qualification. The qualification number for the ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care is 603/0390/6. The total credit value offered by this qualification is 60 credits, with all of the units being level 3. The normal age range for this qualification's learners is 16 and above. By enrolling, learners will also be able to develop study skills like critical thinking, planning, organising, research, analysis, reflection and IT skills. Individual learners will be able to identify their strengths while improving areas that need more attention. The Care Certificate Preparation course is endorsed by the Quality License Scheme (QLS), which means that it has undergone rigorous quality checks to ensure that it meets their high standards. This course covers essential standards such as understanding your role, personal development, duty of care, equality and diversity, work in a person-centred way, communication, privacy and dignity, fluids and nutrition, mental health, safeguarding adults and children, basic life support, health and safety, handling information, infection control, and more. With this additional certification, you will stand out from the crowd and be better equipped to provide high-quality care to your patients. So, don't hesitate any longer! Begin your journey towards an exciting career in social care by enrolling in the ATHE Level 3 Health and Social Care with Care Certificate Preparation course. Take the initial step and unleash your true potential as a proficient health and social care worker. Curriculum Breakdown of ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care * Unit 01: Structure and Overview of the Health and Social Care Sector * Unit 02: Principles, Values and Regulation in the Health and Social Care Sector * Unit 03: Human Growth and Development * Unit 04: Working in Health and Social Care * Unit 05: Research in Health and Social Care * Unit 06: Personal and Professional Development in the Health and Social Care Sector Guided Learning Hours(GLH) -360 Total Qualification Time(TQT) -600 Further Progression for ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care After successfully completing the course, learners may progress to: * employment or have increased opportunities for progression in their current role * a higher level ATHE qualification at Level 4 or above, in a related subject * the first year of a degree programme * higher level apprenticeships Curriculum Breakdown for Certificate in Care Certificate Preparation at QLS Framework and Information Leaflet * Standard 01: Understand Your Role * Standard 02: Your personal development * Standard 03: Duty of Care * Standard 04: Equality and Diversity * Standard 05: Work in a Person Centred Way * Standard 06: Communication * Standard 07: Privacy and dignity * Standard 08: Fluids and nutrition * Standard 09: Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disabilities * Standard 10: Safeguarding Adults * Standard 11: Safeguarding Children * Standard 12: Basic life support * Standard 13: Health and Safety * Standard 14: Handling information * Standard 15: Infection control Assessment For the ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care, learners will have to prepare written assignments for knowledge-based units and show practical demonstrations or submit observation reports for Competence/Skill-Based units. All evidence will be initially assessed by a qualified assessor and further assessed by an Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) to ensure that all the learning outcomes of the qualification are properly accomplished by the learner. For The Care Certificate Preparation Course, learners have to submit an assignment and obtain at least 60% marks. After successful completion, the student will be deemed competent in the subject matter. Furthermore, he/she will be eligible for a highly sought-after QLS-endorsed certificate for a predetermined fee. Certification After completing the assessment, learners will receive a prestigious ATHE certificate that has been approved by The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). This certificate holds a Level 3 status in the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). This is an impressive achievement that hiring managers hold in high regard, and they actively seek candidates who possess RQF qualifications on their resumes. So, not only will you gain valuable knowledge and skills in health and social care, but you'll also boost your employability with a sought-after certification! REQUIREMENTS Entry Requirements for ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care For professionals who have recently gone through education or training, the entry requirements include the following: * 5 or more GCSEs at grades C and above * Other related level 2 subjects * Other equivalent international qualifications * Professionals must have good English skills to access resources and complete the unit assignments

Level 3 Health & Social Care with Care Certificate Preparation Course
Delivered Online On Demand