4570 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

M7e Community Interest Company

m7e community interest company

As of 2018, 13.7% of primary school children attending state schools are eligible for free school meals. In sponsored academies this rises to 21.3%. According to school leaders, the financial support of pupil premium (PP) has replaced other revenues of funding, with the schools becoming increasingly stretched with its resources. An Ofsted survey into PP funding found only a third of the revenue was being used to help subsidise educational trips despite the benefits being huge for the children. M7 Education CIC tackles the problems of funding by providing free school trips to PP children and their classes. One stumbling block for teachers has been finding the extra time organising these trips. M7 Education CIC also removes this barrier by organising these trips on behalf of the teachers. We will also provide lesson plans and ideas for teachers to use based around the educational trip. This will allow schools to allocate PP funding towards other educational purposes. Furthermore, it will help teachers to allocate their time into creating thoroughly engaging lessons. What is different about our approach? M7 Education CIC provides a holistic approach to the issue of educational experiences. Not only will the trip be paid for, but the teachers will receive support and documents to minimise the planning needed for each trip. Lesson ideas will be sent to teachers as well as example lessons for free. Each experience will be related to the curriculum that the class will be learning either at the time or the term following the trip. This level of experiential learning has been shown to have great benefits for the children and the approach M7 Education takes in order maximise learning is what separates our approach.

Shabbat Walk

shabbat walk


Shabbat walk was founded by Eliezer Gilbert in November 2015. Eliezer had been visiting the Royal Free on a weekly basis. The idea emerged when a group of volunteers wanted to also visit the Royal Free hospital on a Shabbos afternoon. The search was on to find volunteering opportunities for young volunteers. This quickly expanded to include care homes and visiting many other hospitals across London. From this idea a concept was born – Using a time that teenagers are free to have them actively engaging in acts of Chessed whilst simultaneously helping those who are in need of visiting. Avi Dubiner a volunteer for the Shabbat Walk (who was just 15 at the time) was instrumental in its growth. He encouraged over 200 young volunteers from his school and the community to get involved by volunteering regularly. This enabled the Shabbat Walk to expand its services into helping families on Shabbos afternoons and weekdays. Michal Morgenstern took charge of the girls side of the Shabbat Walk and coordinated over 200 female volunteers. The Shabbat Walk then recruited more coordinators to match the increase in the number of volunteers and volunteering activity. There are now 17 teenage volunteer coordinators who have specific duties and responsibilities and without them none of the volunteering activity would be possible. In April 2018 Chaya Hoff, a regular volunteer for the Shabbat Walk officially begun the Hospital project facilitating 100’s of volunteers 18+ to offer some respite and visiting of those in hospital. In September 2018 Avi Dubiner launched Shabbat Walk Israel. Over 50 volunteers from yeshivas and seminaries volunteer their time at local families. The Shabbat Walk also introduced regular Chaburah’s for the regular volunteers to learn about the torah values and concepts surrounding the topic of ‘giving’. This added the dimension of thought and intention behind the actions of volunteering.