3447 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Governance Gurus

governance gurus

Training and workshops to engage your employees and build future leaders Training and workshops are essential for developing future leaders. We understand the value that facilitated workshops and in-house training courses and masterclasses can add to employee knowledge and their over all effectiveness and engagement. Very few small or medium sized businesses invest in formal professional workshops and training for employees. The reason being that these organisations see training as a cost rather than a value added service. Well facilitated training and workshops can really go a long way to engage your employees and provide them with valuable knowledge and skills. Accredited training and workshops in Dubai and Malaysia Professional training and workshops for your leadership team Learning, continued development and training and workshops at the Director and Senior Executive level is vital to keep your organisation’s key leaders up to date on core areas of expertise and knowledge. We provide training and workshops, masterclasses and in-house training for leadership development. We focus on Corporate Culture, GRC, Change Management, Corporate Governance and also softer skills training too. We are specialist in designing, facilitating and implementing training and workshops, masterclasses or in-house training programs. Our team of experienced and qualified professionals provide training and workshops on corporate governance, directors’ duties, advance board secretary, change management, board evaluations or board performance, GRC, leadership development and soft skills training such as effective communication, emotional intelligence and corporate culture. Our trainers have a mix of commercial, professional services, in-house and private practice experience across a multitude of different industries. From banking and financial services, professional services and consulting, construction and facilities management, human resources and employee engagement plus manufacturing, IT and ISO policies and implementation.

Profile International Consultancies

profile international consultancies

Profiles International is “The Assessment Company” for employee assessment solutions (Talent Genetic Performance Engineering). We provide services in the domain of talent assessments and talent management strategies. We have a distinctive offering in the arena of implementing online assessment solutions; as well as, offline Full Assessment Centers. With a global presence in over 120 countries and a two regional offices, in Dubai and Amman - serving more than 23 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, we assist clients throughout all phases of the employee life cycle to enhance the productivity and performance of individuals, teams, and organizations. Since our establishment in the M.E.N.A. region in 1999, thousands of organizations from different sectors have used Profiles International products and services to manage and reduce their human resources challenges. Our Employee Assessment Solutions Our employee assessment solutions can help clients: Screen-out unsuitable candidates Match others with jobs that fit their inherent capabilities Understand the strengths and limitations of successful onboarding Identify opportunities to enhance performance and maximize their long-term contribution to the organization Our Team We are constantly working to improve and expand our products and services. Our research and development professionals anticipate market needs and respond to client requests by creating new products and developing our existing assessments. Our Client Service team in the Middle East and North Africa are bilingual with a minimum of 7 years regional exposure in general, and to the Gulf in particular; hence making our approach meaningful, valid, and relevant to the region's culture and that of the industry. We completely train our clients on every aspect of using assessments. With Profiles, we ensure you are completely comfortable using any of our tools that you have purchased. How we Differ We stand out from our competitors—and can help you do that, as well.

Cornerstones Coaching

cornerstones coaching

Back before Zoom calls were all the rage and I worked as an executive director in the public sector, I founded Cornerstone Coaching & Training LLC. I was training my own staff and being asked to train others and decided I wanted to share my executive leadership and coaching experience to help make others a difference. It's my passion and my calling! Despite today’s demands, I help individuals (like you) create and sustain positive work relationships and contribute toward a positive work culture that boosts morale and increases productivity. I specialize as a workplace communication and career coach, HR and small business consultant and trainer. My professional work background includes 32 years as a public servant in widely diverse workgroups: Director of Washington State 529 Plans and Chair of the national College Savings Plan Network Client Services Manager at the Public Works Board Washington State Emergency Manager - Training Officer and Public Information Officer Career Counselor at The Evergreen State College I hold a Green Belt in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement and I’m focused on how you can better lead and communicate with confidence, clarity, and gratitude. I'm an author and expert in corporate and government communication, human resources (I am a nationally certified SPHR), am a certified Performance Coach, hold a Master of Education in Counseling, and Personnel Administration, and am a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). My goal is to inspire confidence and empower individuals and teams to learn how to bring out the best in each other - and to become more skilled and confident communicators and business leaders. I’ll help you develop practical communication skills to power your performance in your role as an employee, team member. supervisor, and executive leader.

Lumiere Coaching

lumiere coaching

I thought I would share a few things about myself, to help you get to know me before we work together: I have come to coaching, counselling and mindfulness training via a long career in Human Resources, in which I worked my way up to HR Director level. I have personal experience of the pressures, and joys, of a senior business role, and have worked as colleague, HR support and coach to some high performing board, executive and senior management teams. I restrict the number of clients I work with so I can always be at my best for them - and I don't work with everyone, only those who are really committed to making the changes they want. I have a dog and a cat (they don't participate in coaching sessions)! I do mindfulness meditation for around 10 minutes most days (sometimes longer, sometimes not at all) - every little helps, and even a little makes a big difference to improving focus, performance, stress management... My favourite cocktail is an Old Fashioned. I have a strong interest in psychology and neuroscience - particularly focussed on how we can get our minds to work their best and how we can be happy. I have my own coach - because having a coach is great! My qualifications and training include: Workplace Mindfulness Trainer Training from TME (The Mindfulness Exchange) Diploma in Personal Transformational Coaching from Animas Centre for Coaching (ICF approved) Certificate in Small Business Coaching from Animas Centre for Coaching Master NLP Practitioner from Life Spheres Life Coaching & NLP (ANLP & ABNLP accredited) Master Hypnosis Practitioner from Life Spheres Life Coaching & NLP (ABH accredited) Master Time Line Therapy Practitioner from Life Spheres Life Coaching & NLP (TLTA accredited) Practitioner of NLP and Practitioner of Hypnotherapy from NLP World (ANLP & AIP accredited) Introduction to Mindfulness (MBSR introduction course) Certificate in Counselling Skills (CPCAB accredited) BSc (Hons) Psychology

Making Education A Priority (Meap)

making education a priority (meap)


Founded in 2013, we are a consortium of African and African Caribbean-led supplementary schools delivering high quality educational, social and cultural provision across the Greater Manchester area. Our consortium consists Highway Hope Supplementary School, Grace Incorporation Faith Trust (GIFT) Academy Supplementary School, Highway Hope Social Enterprise, Twilight School at MMU and Nurturing Foundations. Black Man and Woman in Coffee Shop Our Vision and Mission Our vision is to promote community-led, heritage-inspired education and community lifelong learning as key drivers for urban regeneration. Our mission is to build capacity within the community education sector. We aim to: Grow our consortium of supplementary schools across the Greater Manchester area. Share teaching, research, capital and human resources across the consortium. Focus on teaching core curriculum subjects (English, Maths and Sciences). Use digital, creative education and training as well as heritage studies as media for teaching core curriculum subjects. Provide high quality, academically relevant extra-curricular enrichment activities across the consortium. Support volunteer teachers across the consortium with their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Initial Teacher Training (ITT). Support CPD and ITT with high quality community-led research Form partnerships with educational, cultural and social providers to continually strengthening our educational provision within the communities we serve. Expand our programme of community lifelong learning initiatives. Mentor young people in employability and enterprise skills. Develop education and enterprise programmes which include apprenticeship programmes. Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills success at MEaP With our joint responsibilities for teacher training plus curriculum and teacher mentoring, we are very excited about our plans for the Continuing Professional Development of all of our staff. We believe that our school offers unique professional growth opportunities for all of our teaching staff, enabling them to develop high levels of cultural competence and excel in community teaching.

Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly

technological educational institute of thessaly

T.E.I. of Thessaly was established as a tertiary education institution in 1983 (under Act 1404/83), along with all Greek T.E.I.s which replaced the existent Higher Technical & Vocational Centres. In 2001 (under Act 2916/2001) all Technological Educational Institutions were established as Higher Education institutions along with the universities, in compliance with the Bolognia declaration. According to Act 3549/2007 Higher Education in Greece consists of two parallel sections: The university section comprising all Universities, Polytechnics and the Athens School of Fine Arts The technological section comprising all Technological Educational Institutions and the Higher School of Pedagogy & Technological Education Mission of T.E.I.s, as well as all Higher Education institutions, is: to produce and transmit knowledge through research and education and to promote arts and culture. to contribute to the shaping of responsible citizens, capable of dealing with all fields of human endeavour, based on their scientific, professional and cultural adequacy while having respect for justice, freedom, democracy and solidarity. to properly respond to meeting the social, cultural, educational and developmental needs of society with dedication to the principles of viable development and social cohesion. to provide the necessary environment for the development and dissemination of new knowledge and the promotion of new researchers, through cooperation with other research bodies in Greece and/or abroad, participating in the utilization of knowledge and human resources for the welfare of both the country and the world society. to contribute to the implementation of equality, equal rights and equal opportunities practices between the two sexes. In order to accomplish their mission all Higher Education Institutions ought to assure and improve the quality of the services offered and disseminate all information regarding their activities to the community, ensuring the highest possible transparency.