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Rachel Lee Coaching

rachel lee coaching

Coaching for creators innovators change makers & rebels Find and follow your own path Are your emotional needs being met? Sign up to the newsletter and get your FREE workbook → Hello, I'm Rachel. I'm a qualified coach on a mission to help my clients live and work on their own terms. Everyone has their own unique version of success. I work with individuals, teams and organisations to get what they want, even when it means challenging the status quo. I can help you too. What is coaching? Coaching gives you time and space to explore what's going on for you and what you want to be different. It's a conversation to help you discover and deal with anything that stands in your way (including yourself). Coaching increases your self-awareness and resilience so you can use your unique, awesome strengths to get what you want. You bring the topic. I'll ask the questions you haven't thought of yet or challenge you with the ones you don't want to ask. Together, we'll get you where you want to go. Everyone can benefit from coaching. As long as you're open to it, coaching is for you. Working together I'm supportive and caring. I'm curious. I believe in your potential. I'm honest. I don't sidestep difficult topics. I don't judge you. I really listen. I get to the heart of what matters. I treat you as an equal. We work as a team. You're unique, and your coaching sessions will be too. I pull from a wide range of proven coaching models and techniques based in positive psychology, neurolinguistic programming, business innovation and more. I believe creative activities boost learning and development; doing something a bit different helps us think differently and see something we couldn't before. We'll work together to find the approach that helps you get the most out of your coaching sessions.

Scottish BPOC Writers Network

scottish bpoc writers network


Scottish BPOC Writers Network (SBWN) is an advocacy and professional development group for Scottish or Scotland-based writers and literary professionals who identify as BPOC (Black people, People of Colour).* Contact us Frequently Asked Questions Membership Membership is free and open to any BPOC* writer or literary professional who is Scottish and/or based in Scotland and participates in our online or venue-based events or spaces, or publishing or literary opportunities. Membership may be extended to BPOC writers or literary professionals based outwith Scotland on occasion. Commissioned artists will typically be from the BPOC and/or SBWN communities. SBWN may work with volunteers, partners and allies who identify as BPOC, or white, or another racial or ethnic identity. Some events or activities may be open to the general public or the wider literary community. We have adopted a Constitution. We operate a Safer Spaces Policy during all events, projects and initiatives. *Please see our Mission and Values page for who we are talking about when we say ‘Scottish BPOC writers.’ History Formerly known as Scottish BAME Writers Network (2018-2021), SBWN was co-founded in 2018 by Alycia Pirmohamed and Jay Gao, and aims to connect Scottish BPOC writers with the wider literary sector in Scotland and beyond. Weaving together collaborative literary partnerships, cross-arts co-creation and an intersectional approach to inclusive and participatory programming, SBWN is a sector change-maker, facilitating necessary conversations around inclusive programming in an effort to address and overcome systemic barriers. Professional development programming includes publishing and performance opportunities, workshops, masterclasses, curatorial roles, training and seminars, industry panels and partnerships, feedback and mentoring. Run by BPOC writers for BPOC writers, and informed by member surveys, consultation and feedback, SBWN uplifts, validates and provides safer spaces for marginalised voices, nurturing and promoting the current and next generation of Black and POC writers based in Scotland.



Free yourself from unconcious habits and patterns which are no longer of use Through skilful and experienced 'hands on' and verbal direction, your body and mind are enabled to let go of attachment to habitual patterns of holding, tensing, tightening and shortening. This is replaced by a general freeing, easing, lengthening and expanding tendency in both body and mind. Regain, through consciousness, what we used to have, as small children, through innocence With balanced body and balanced mind (the one goes with the other) performance and pleasure in all our activities is enhanced. Perfect balance, poise and freedom of movement To find out more about the Alexander Technique, how it may help you and what happens in a lesson, please contact me or click here to visit the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) Look after your back and your back will look after you The Alexander Technique Can Help You to heal your back or other physical discomfort to regain freedom, poise, ease and elegance in movement and posture to improve performance and prevent injury in music, sport, drama, singing to enhance your public speaking and presentation skills to change the conditions that stop you enjoying a happy and healthy life The Art of Running Having undergone further specialised AT training and become an 'Art of Running' instructor I am able to help you * improve your running style * avoid injury * run further and faster * enjoy your running more A three session package is recommended. Video analysis is utilised to identify unhelpful habits and monitor progress over the 3 sessions. There will be general 'postural' work as well as specialised bespoke guidance to help you improve your particular running style. Please contact me for more information and booking and feel free to browse my website.

Wilnash College

wilnash college

In 2018, I went along to the Potters Bar carnival and despite never having done this type of work before, I decided I wanted to join as a carer after seeing all the information and talking to the staff. I was invited to an interview and the rest is history! The company is great, so friendly and flexible to work for. My typical day consists of checking my rota and visiting my regular clients. Each client is different, with morning visits getting people out of bed and feeding them breakfast, lunch time visits can be more about companionship, with evening visits a time to ensure everyone is ready for bed and happy to settle for the evening. I was so scared of changing jobs after 18 years working in retail, however over the past 12 months I’ve built up some amazing relationships with my clients and I know they are so pleased to see me when I visit them in their home. The company has a real open-door policy - all the carers meet on regular basis, and discuss ideas, improvements, clients and have a general catch up over a cuppa. The role is different every day as you are dealing with people and building trust, but it’s so rewarding and I would thoroughly recommend Wilnash – a great family feel company, who have given me the confidence and skills I need to carry out this role. Wilnash accelerated my training and helped me to qualify for the Care Certificate in under a year - I am so happy having made the change in careers; I am so much more fulfilled than I ever was plus I have more time with my family.

Tots Play Hull

tots play hull


Hi, I’m Angharad and I live in Hull with my husband Paul, our two boys Caden and Colby and dog Phoebe. Since having my sons, I longed for a career change that gave me more time with my family. With being in the hairdressing industry for 19 years I knew what I enjoyed most was working with people. After much research I found Tots Play. Not only had I found a class that appealed to me as a mother with all the variety it offered, but also made me excited at the thought of being able to help parents or carers develop their connection to their child with all the benefits baby massage, yoga, signing, music, movement and sensory play provides. I will also make sure you take away lots of fantastic ideas to carry on the fun times at home. Having my youngest in the first lockdown has shown me how important baby and toddler classes are, not just for little ones but for helping parents bond with their child, as well as building invaluable supportive relationships with others in the same situation. Being a parent can be incredibly challenging and lonely sometimes so finding a class where you can share stories, laugh about the adorable or cringy moments and feel part of a community is irreplaceable. Have a look at the classes below to find the class that is best for you. Book your place and let the fun begin. If you have any questions you can contact me by email at angharadh@totsplay.co.uk or call/text me on 07816501552. I can’t wait to meet you and your little one at a class very soon Happy playing Angharad

Contender Charlie

contender charlie


A school system which is the most inspirational and supportive environment possible for the physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual development of young people. OUR MISSION To support young people in the exploration of their emotional development and creative potential. To support those who mentor, teach or lead students in the promotion of inspiring, effective and ethical practice. WHAT IS MYTHODRAMA? The purpose of playing is to hold the mirror up to nature. William Shakespeare – Hamlet Mythodrama is a unique form of experiential learning that allows participants to “act in” desired behaviours and attributes. We employ a powerful combination of theatre practice, psychology, mythology and organisational development. It provides inspiration and learning for lasting change. So much is at stake and so much depends on the psychological constitution of modern man. Does the individual know that s/he is the make weight that tips the scales? Carl Jung The psychological aspect broadens perspective and unleashes new possibilities in individuals and organisations. It creates a context to find greater meaning in our work. The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins Remorse from power William Shakespeare – Julius Caesar Shakespeare’s genius provides timeless insights into the human nature of leadership, at all levels. Each of his plays contains a great mythology on the human condition. We can project our own issues on to these mythologies, to gain deeper insight into the nature of the challenges we face in our own lives and work. All this is done in a practical, relevant and down-to-earth manner and is designed to engage even those who would normally feel out of their comfort zone with a theatrical metaphor. Mythological symbols touch and exhilarate centres of life beyond the reach of vocabularies of reason and coercion Joseph Campbell Mythodrama extends the range of participants’ thinking, behaviour and action.

The Red Rubber Ball Company

the red rubber ball company

 Choice CHOICE is what underpins your success. Choice encourages people to take responsibility for how they think, how they behave and therefore what they achieve. If there’s something you want, its down to you to make it happen. And if things are not going the way you want, then it’s for you to change what you’re doing. Choice puts you in control of your life – making time for the things that are the most important, that make the most difference to your life.  Passion PASSION provides a purpose to what you do, so you are committed to the things you do and the actions you need to take. We do things that interest and excite us more enthusiastically, we do them longer and we are more focused. We get better. We might become expert. And if you’re unsure what to do or where to go next, start with your passion. Where might that take you?  Vision VISION is about being clear where you are going, and having a plan to achieve it. This might be a vague sense which allows you to make decisions, or clear goals so you can work out the steps needed to achieve them and ensure you are committed and motivated. Passion and Vision combined gives you a good reason to do something and achieve results – rather than looking for reasons to do nothing or procrastination.  Action Finally take ACTION. Develop the “just do it” mind-set which gets things done. Learn to deal with the fears and doubts which have been holding you back, focus on what you need to do now and take things one step at a time, and cope with set-backs if they arise as feedback to help you improve. Whatever your age and whatever the situation you face, our leadership coaching can help you achieve more of what you want.

Plymouth Dance

plymouth dance


Plymouth Dance connects, creates and celebrates dance in the city. Our mission is to engage people and communities within Plymouth with the transformational power of dance and to connect, create and celebrate dance in Plymouth by delivering citywide partnership projects that use dance as a vehicle for individual, cultural, organisational and social change. Why the community needs us We create and deliver the most exciting, innovative and accessible dance offer for our community. So many people don't have access to the transformational benefits of dance as part of their everyday life: such as the freedom to create; the opportunity to improve mental, physical and emotional health and well-being, whilst decreasing social isolation and exclusion. We know that it's vital that more people and communities have opportunities to watch, be part of and perform dance. Our impact on the community A total of 23,445 people have participated in Plymouth Dance workshops and events since 2009. 109 young people have volunteered for Plymouth Dance since the volunteering scheme began in 2014, logging 2,207 volunteering hours in total. Tea Dances with a Twist! is an intergenerational and inclusive social dance event that has attracted people aged 3.5 weeks to 104 years old. A total of 7,815 people have participated in our TDT events and TDT branch projects since 2016. Plymouth Dance has engaged 1,438 local, national and international artists and practitioners since 2009. Audiences for Plymouth Dance projects have ranged from 300 to 55,000. Over 13 years, Plymouth Dance has invested in excess of £1.27m into the city; 26% through trusts and charities, 50% through Arts Council England and 24% through earned income and commissions. Plymouth Dance is a member of the Plymouth Social Enterprise Network.




aiHitdata - a brief introduction aiHitdata is a unique source of company information. It stores and continually updates huge amounts of company data. Much of this data is unique, it will not be found in any other database available on the Internet. Below we briefly answer all the hows and whys, so that you could understand the power of aiHit and how it might help you. What is aiHitdata? aiHitdata is a massive, artificial intelligence/machine learning, automated system that has been trained to build and update company information from the web. What makes the data different? aiHitdata not only extracts data. It can monitor and understand the changes that occur on company websites; afterwards, it records these changes as time series transactions. This information is incredibly powerful. What are the benefits? Most company information databases might tell you the name of a company’s CEO. aiHitdata will tell you when the CEO changed and show the resulting transaction, date and change details. Most query engines and company databases simply tell you what a company currently says on its website. aiHitdata shows you how the company has changed over time. Most company databases quickly become out of date. aiHitdata is constantly being updated. This enables you to understand what is happening to companies and to perform queries such as… “show me all the engineering companies in California with a new CTO appointed in the last 9 months.” Hence, you can find and list companies by what they are and see what is happening to them. This makes aiHitdata an extremely powerful tool. Click here to see an example What else is different about aiHitdata? It is up to date, and we mean really up to date. There are no humans involved in compiling its data. It is all fully automated. aiHitdata’s servers scour the Internet continually, 24/7, monitoring and updating company data.

In Command

in command

In Command is an ethical organisation that respects the diverse needs and cultures of our global client base. We are sensitive to issues of culture, religion, gender, race and political affiliations. We value our approach and total support of equal opportunities. In the commercial world we offer business and industry leaders the opportunity to work together with highly trained men and women from business specialisations and military backgrounds to look at your business through a different lens. Our highly trained experts all have international experience and many enjoyed hugely successful second careers in business. They understand how business works and operates. Those of our team from a military background have spent 80 per cent of their careers being trained. They are now sharing that training to help business leaders appraise dilemmas, assess risk, decide on action and respond in the most ethical and appropriate ways to achieve their aims. In support of a client’s commercial confidentiality we keep all client documentation and records secure to prevent third party disclosure. We support the benefits of personal development, training and career progression utilising some of the most qualified personnel who train global leaders. At the same time we respect professional boundaries by not encroaching into personal areas. We are transparent about all coaching techniques. Our military speakers are all achievers and inspire and stimulate new thinking that effect behavioural change, encourage higher performance, engender team work and better communications – or simply entertain. Business is increasingly recognising the skills of the military and turning their recruitment sights onto bright, ambitious and skilled personnel to tackle performance, leadership, logistical, engineering and Cyber security roles. Our special military events are fully covered by public liability and personal insurance. MEET THE TEAM MEET OUR PARTNERS © 2018 IN COMMAND LTD.