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Sounds Together

sounds together


Sounds Together is a complete, systematic, synthetic phonics programme for use in Reception and KS1. The Programme is the 'step-up' from 'Letters and Sounds'. It provides a fresh, thorough and systematic approach to teaching and learning phonics that builds on previous professional experience and understanding, without requiring teachers to 'unlearn' the positive principles and methods of 'Letters and Sounds'. Sounds Together has its roots in 'Letters and Sounds', but has been extensively developed and creatively elaborated in the light of all the feedback and learning from the thousands of schools that used 'Letters and Sounds' in the national 'Communication, Language and Literacy Development Programme' (CLLD). Sounds Together is the only fully DFE approved phonics programme to draw on this knowledge base. Sounds Together, with its strength of structure, guidance and support, makes phonics teaching and learning consistent, engaging and effective from its beginning in YR, right through to KS1. Some key features Sounds Together sets out the complete sequence of all the phonic knowledge and skills that need to be taught to meet the requirements of the new National Curriculum. It provides strong classroom support for teachers because it includes fully detailed planning for each session of the Programme in Reception and KS1. The planning has been carefully designed to ensure that previous learning is progressive and cumulative and is repeatedly revisited and reinforced. The planning is completely integrated with a full suite of on-screen resources for the interactive whiteboard (Smart Boards only). It's easy to use because the planning fully describes each step of the teaching sequence for each day's phonics session. It's engaging for children because the teaching resources for each session include vivid interactive whiteboard materials that will capture children's attention and keep it focused on what they need to learn. It minimises the amount of time needed to prepare for each phonics session, because all the IWB materials needed are immediately ready for use for every single daily phonics session. The Programme includes an electronic library of decodable captions, sentences and other short texts that can be printed out as handy-sized reading cards. The Programme includes the materials children need to practise and apply their phonic knowledge and skills. There is also a wealth of extra IWB resources that can be used for additional practice, including materials for individual or group work. All the Sounds Together materials can be used with a complete class or smaller groups. The Programme is provided on disc, with an individual school licence that allows the school to make unlimited lifetime use of the materials, provided only that none of those materials are not shared, copied or passed on to a third party.

Locksley Education

locksley education


Founded in 2010, Locksley Education is an international educational organisation with a clear aim: to create pathways in order to provide students with the skills and confidence they need to develop and succeed academically. We offer a range of services worldwide, including tailored private tuition, both online and in person, school and university placements, bespoke individual learning courses and clear reliable advice about all aspects of education for parents and students. Our experience working with students from outside the UK and US has given us a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by international students, particularly when studying in a second language and when adapting to a new and unfamiliar system. This experience, combined with our data-driven analytical approach, allows us to deliver a first class service worldwide. OUR ETHOS Locksley Education takes a very particular approach to private education, using tried and tested methods developed over the many years working in this field. All of our students, whatever their goals, receive individually tailored tuition based on our three-stage philosophy of Strategy, Preparation and Support. Prospective students are thoroughly assessed before commencing tuition and a bespoke study plan is drawn up. Each student’s progress is closely and carefully monitored throughout the learning process, and once specific goals have been achieved, all students are offered ongoing support to ensure their academic success continues. Our founders have amassed thousands of hours of teaching experience and this ensures we have a full understanding of who will make a good tutor before hiring, clear ideas of how tuition should be delivered, and an up-to-date insight into changes and developments within the world of education. All our tutors are highly qualified graduates from top UK and US universities with relevant experience and a track record of success.




Psychological Operations (PSYOP) and Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR), these words generate thoughts of North Vietnam's "Hanoi Hanna", Japan's "Tokyo Rose" and more recently the Iraq's infamous "Baghdad Betty" of Desert Storm. To others the words psychological operations and psychological warfare conjure up images of our military playing mind games with the enemy. PSYOP is all this and much more, for you see there are essentially two great forces in warfare:-the physical and the moral. These two forces suggest two distinct approaches to warfare. One a "direct" approach, concentrating on the opponent's physical forces, and the other an "indirect" approach, focusing on moral forces. Both of these approaches have been tried throughout history, with a noted lack of emphasis on the indirect approach until more recent times. This website will attempt to give new emphasis to the indirect approach by conveying a better appreciation for the application of psychological operations. So sit back and join me on a tour of the history of Psychological Operations, and what PSYOP is today. - The Life and Times of the "Psywarrior" - A Brief History of Psychological Operations - Links on the use of psychological operations/warfare during World Wars I and II, Korean War, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama (Operation Just Cause) Gulf War (Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Haiti (Operation Uphold Democracy), Somalia (Operation Restore Hope), Bosnia & Kosovo (Operation Allied Force), Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom). Also samples of leaflets and unusual PSYOP themes used by both sides in conflicts from World War I to the present, information on the 4th Psychological Operations Group, the Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (USACAPOC), the Psychological Operations Veterans Association (POVA), the PSYWAR Society, a Gulf War Photo Gallery, the Son Tay POW Rescue Raid, plus stories about two of our nation's heroes, and much more.