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Highcliffe School

highcliffe school


We believe this atmosphere stems from the ethos passionately promoted by the Governors, school leaders and staff. Our Prospectus aims to give you an insight into the ethos which animates everything we do and how we do it. Caring, Supporting and Encouraging Firstly, we believe young people learn best when they feel safe, supported, and encouraged. Our pastoral care system, alongside our approach to behaviour management and to Rewards, creates a ‘one big family’ feel among students and staff where negative behaviours are not accepted and positive attitudes and successes are celebrated daily. Students say that ‘this is a friendly school’. This view is endorsed by parents who are extremely positive about their children’s safety and the care and guidance they receive. - Ofsted Passionate about Learning Secondly, we believe a first-class education will make a huge difference to every Highcliffe student, opening their minds, developing their powers of reasoning and deepening their knowledge and understanding of the complex world around them. We believe education changes lives and that educated people can change the world. We are passionate about learning, and we communicate our passion for learning and its benefits in everything we do. We encourage students to throw themselves into the experience of secondary school and achieve excellence. We use education to prepare our students for life and equip them with the intellectual powers and personal awareness to aspire to make a difference to the world around them. Our daughter has embraced starting at Highcliffe School. The experience has been extremely positive and most importantly she is very happy. - A Highcliffe Parent The academic rigour of learning at Highcliffe underpins our students’ excellent examination success. Our year groups always achieve well above the national average in GCSE and A Level results. We believe in 2013 and 2015 the proportion of Highcliffe students achieving at least 5 GCSE Grades A*-C including Maths and English by the end of Year 11 was higher than any other nearby Dorset, Bournemouth or New Forest comprehensive school. Our Sixth Form students regularly achieve the top grades, often gaining places on the most academic degree courses at the most prestigious universities. We have an exemplary record gaining college places, apprenticeships or employment for our vocationally talented students at age 16 or 18. As a consequence according to government figures we have one of the very highest proportions nationally of former students now securely in further education, training or employment compared to schools similar to Highcliffe.

Hinchingbrooke School

hinchingbrooke school


It is my privilege to welcome you to Hinchingbrooke School; a remarkable school in many ways Hinchingbrooke is set in acres of beautiful grounds and adjoining a country park. Hinchingbrooke House was formerly the family home of the Cromwells and of the Earls of Sandwich. The school finds inspiration from its heritage and gives both staff and students a very special pride and a sense of identity that we capture in the phrase: We are Hinchingbrooke. Our Mission is a clear statement of why the school exists; our Values provide solid foundations for our work to develop our students as great people; and our Key Focuses make clear that we understand well what matters most in school – you will find the detail of our Mission, Values and Key Focuses below. School is about much more than examination results, important as those are. Our students’ wellbeing is paramount: we aim to know every one of our students, we want them to be happy, and we also want every one of them to feel there is someone in school to whom they can turn, if and when they need to. Our strong sense of community is captured in our pastoral work through HBK.COM. Beyond the classroom, we aim to provide a wide range of high-value extra-curricular opportunities for our students to meet their needs and interests, to develop them as well-rounded young people and, crucially, to enable them to have fun! The educational experience at Hinchingbrooke brings change, challenge and opportunity. Our students’ personal response to these goes a long way to determining their quality of life after leaving school, which is why from day 1, we emphasise Hard Work, High Standards, and Kindness. The school is well served by a team of highly committed teachers and support staff, working in partnership with governors and parents to provide the very best possible education for our young people. There is an immense vitality here and a real sense of togetherness. Hinchingbrooke students develop their confidence and skills to become well-rounded young adults, ready to take their next steps, whatever those may be. By being a part of history they develop a sense of heritage and, by looking forward and preparing for their very different and exciting futures, they develop a sense of destiny too. We are proud of our students and if you take the opportunity to come and meet us, we believe you will see why.

Reality Based Training

reality based training

The Reality Based Training Association was initially formed in an effort to address issues specifically related to Reality Based Training safety. As the mission of Law Enforcement, the Military and various segments of the Emergency Services has evolved, training for these missions in many ways has not. In some instances the direction that has been taken by some organizations or individual trainers has been misguided, dangerous or deadly. Part of the mission of the RBTA is to examine training systems as well as overall system designs in an effort to move training in the most effective direction. The cost of ineffective training systems in terms of money and loss of life has been immense. Much of the discussion that led to the formation of this association was due to the number of serious injuries and senseless killings of military and law enforcement personnel during training exercises. In many instances of near tragedy, the trend has been to bury the incident and attempt to ensure it is not repeated. Sadly, this is exactly what NOT to do. Once such incidents are uncovered it is possible to understand the root cause of the system failure so that it can be repaired or replaced. Upon a more thorough examination of various tragedies, dangerous training trends and paradigms were discovered. In many cases, where certain training practices did not lead to the injury or death of training participants, such practices had the propensity to programme participants for future failure during dangerous encounters. Due to the deep entrenchment of many of these trends and philosophies inside the cultures where they were developed, it has been determined that the faulty architecture of many of these systems or the individual training philosophies of certain trainers is not easily changed. The RBTA was founded as a means to an ongoing investigation into how such systems CAN be changed so that personnel can be trained in the safest, most cost effective manner possible. To that end, the RBTA is an organization dedicated to the unification of the trainers and organizations tasked with supplying the soldier on the battlefield, emergency services worker or officer in the street with the most current information availble with regards to training philosophies, systems and products. Where systems, organizations or individual training practices are found to be defective or dangerous, the RBTA will direct its resources to the correction of those defects. Where defects are not correctable, it will inform its membership of the perceived dangers so that such systems can eventually be corrected, removed from service or avoided.

Sprawling Buds ICSE School (Best School In Jammu)

sprawling buds icse school (best school in jammu)

We are delighted to have this opportunity to introduce SPRAWLING BUDS ICSE SCHOOL, THE FIRST CISCE AFFILIATED SCHOOL in J&K, to you and thank you for expressing an interest in our school. We believe we provide a very special environment in which both our pupils and staff grow and develop, and I hope what you see here will convey a small sense of what we have to offer. Our purpose is simple: We want to develop confident, articulate young men and women, who are interesting, balanced and independent people who care for each other. Our school provides an outstanding learning experience, but we are so much more than just our examination results. Although we do pride ourselves on our academic success, the outcome of a school should never be measured only in statistical summaries, but rather it is the journey, as well as the destination of our pupils, that is key to our success. This means we focus on every aspect of the development of our young people – their cultural, physical, moral and social development. We recognise the importance of developing a strong sense of belonging and believe in educating the whole person and teaching traditional values. This is reflected in our diverse and full extra-curricular programme and we expect our pupils to embrace the opportunities offered to them. By encouraging pupils to take part in the wide variety of activities available, we can nurture their leadership qualities, promote high moral values and encourage excellent communication skills. We want our pupils to be simultaneously competitive, co-operative and caring, as this will ultimately prepare them for life. At Sprawling Buds we have high standards, and we expect the same of our pupils; we want them to be ambitious for their own development, and apply themselves to their studies with intellectual curiosity and academic endeavour. The celebration of success is important to us and we take every opportunity to commend our pupils for their achievements, whether they be at house, school, regional or national level. Our pupils are an inspiration to others around them. Education is a lifelong journey, and we have the privilege of being able to prepare young men and women for the next part of that journey. If you share our values and aims and are interested in learning more about Sprawling Buds, then we invite you to pay us a visit, meet some of our inspirational pupils and spend some time with us in school.

Sheldon School

sheldon school


Expectations and aspirations are high here and we are committed to developing the young people in our care, whatever their talents. Children of all abilities succeed at this school and are encouraged to develop academically, physically and spiritually, fulfilling their potential in a happy, caring environment. When Ofsted last visited, it commented: “The all-pervading caring ethos ensures that pupils are happy and able to thrive from the moment they arrive at school. Pupils are very keen to share their pleasure of being at school and went out of their way to let inspectors know.” That is every bit as true today as it was then. Examination performance is very strong. At A level, students reach exceptional levels in a thriving Sixth Form of 350 students. Students routinely progress to Russell Group universities, including year-on-year to Oxford and Cambridge. In 2022, two students progressed to Oxford and Cambridge to read medicine, with a further moving to Oxford to study mathematics; in addition, one student is embarking on a degree in veterinary science. We are proud of the numbers of students who move on to university education, typically around 75% each year, and even more delighted in the variety of subjects that are chosen, following a rich A level experience here. Increasing numbers are also progressing to some prestigious higher-level apprenticeships, including one this year in software engineering with Lockheed Martin. At GCSE, students also perform well, both in value-added terms and in raw attainment. As a consequence, we have large numbers moving in to our Sixth Form, complemented every year with a number of students from other schools who choose to join us for their A level programme. Ofsted confirmed the strength in pastoral care alongside provision for purposeful learning by adding that we “have established a school that holds the academic success and emotional well-being of each pupil at its heart.” As a parent of four children myself, I am acutely aware of the increasing importance of education in today’s world and the role that we, as teachers, have to play in developing our children so that they are fully equipped to make positive contributions to society. The staff at Sheldon School are extremely committed and dedicated to ensure that this is the case and I am personally determined to see all children flourish here. I also value enormously the links between school and home, success being built on strong partnerships with parents and ourselves. My door is always open and prospective or existing parents are very welcome to visit the school; I look forward to meeting you.

St Dominic's Sixth Form College

st dominic's sixth form college


I am pleased to welcome you to the St Dominic’s website. We are a 16 to 18 co-educational Catholic College, situated in Harrow on the Hill, North West London. We specialise in delivering high quality level 3 courses, offering some 29 different A-levels and BTEC courses, suited to the needs of all our learners. St Dominic’s has provided post 16 education in Harrow since 1979 and over that period of time has developed specialist teaching and support that is recognised for its excellence in the local area and beyond. In our last inspection, we were judged to be an ‘outstanding’ College and have been awarded many national accolades over recent years. The campus gives us a university feel and allows students to concentrate on their studies and to make the very best use of our superb academic facilities. The two years of study post 16 are the most important of any to date in a young person’s educational journey. Post 16 courses remain a benchmark qualification. When students arrive with us in September each year it is my expectation that they will work hard from day one in order to fulfil the demands of their courses. The support both in and out of the classroom is exemplary and providing the partnership between student, College and home are right then they will be successful with us and achieve highly at the end of the two year programme. We provide all our students with the best opportunity to achieve the highest possible examination grades as well as to develop spiritually and personally. We are a confidently Catholic institution, clear in our beliefs and values and the importance of Jesus Christ in our daily lives. We are also welcoming of other faith groups and believe that our diverse faith community is enriching and makes us the very distinctive community that we are. We give priority to students from our two partner schools, Salvatorian College and Sacred Heart Language College. We then offer places to Catholics from the local area and to other faith groups who wish to pursue their sixth form education in a Christian context and who will support the ethos and mission of our College. It is a tremendous privilege to lead this community. Our students are hard-working, dedicated and ambitious for their futures and my staff team are wholly committed to achieving excellence for every one of our young people with whom they work each day.

Status London Services

status london services


Mr. Andreas Annopoulos is the Managing Director of the firm. He is a member of the Athens Bar Association (AM:17324), as well as a member of the UK RFL-SRA (ID: 665134). He completed two Masters Degrees in the UK at the Universities of Leicester and Reading. His specialism is international relations (Geneva) and he is a qualified DPO (Data Protection Officer). He has been responsible for the administration of public services and several firms. He has been teaching UK common law to interested students since 1998. Mr. Nikolas Xiros is the Director of the firm and an experienced legal consultant. He completed his LLB at the University of Middlesex and his LLM at City University of London. Moreover, he has attended legal master programmes at King’s College, University of Law and Harvard University. His specialism is intellectual property and personal data protection in new technologies. STATUS LONDON has offices both in London and Athens. We speak Greek and English and we are at your disposal all the time -24/7! The procedure we follow in order to respond quickly at your matters is the following: 1. Firstly, you should send us an email (using the following address: info@status-london.com) and describe in detail your matter by clarifying what kind of support you need from our team. It should be noted that you should always be careful not to reveal third party’s personal data and details. At the same time, our firm does not ask from anyone to reveal his personal details in case they do not want to (Personal Data Protection). 2. One of our legal experts, after thorough examination of your matter, will reply usually within 24 hours to give you the appropriate advice about your case. 3. If needed, we will contact you via telephone or arrange an in-person meeting. 4. Most of your matters could be dealt with online and in this way you can save both money and time. 5. Please read our website for the possibility to arrange a free of charge meeting and use one of our innovative and advantageous subscriptions.

Ranelagh School

ranelagh school


The opportunity to educate other people’s children is a rare privilege, bringing with it a huge responsibility to provide the best all-round education possible as we aim to prepare young people for happiness and success in their adult lives. At Ranelagh we take this responsibility extremely seriously. We care about the individual and pride ourselves in the warmth of a community in which all our students feel valued. We live in exciting and fast changing times and this means that providing an outstanding, progressive and well-rounded education is more important than ever. Of course examination results matter and at Ranelagh our students consistently achieve excellent results in all areas of the curriculum, giving them access to the top universities in the UK and overseas. In its latest Ofsted inspection report of March 2015, Ranelagh is judged to be an outstanding school that ‘provides an excellent education for all of its students, preparing them well for their futures and for life in modern Britain.’ However, this is just one aspect of the education at Ranelagh and students are supported to show ambition both within and beyond the classroom. As a Church of England School, supported by the diocese of Oxford, education at Ranelagh is provided within the context of Christian belief and practice. In its latest SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) report of April 2019, Ranelagh is referred to as ‘a school in which a deeply held, strongly Christian vision shapes all aspects of its work’; the school is described as a place in which that vision is lived out as ‘a harmonious, vibrant, and successful learning community’. This is a happy school in which we encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian values through the experiences we offer each individual. School should be fun and happy children are more likely to be successful. We see it as our responsibility to bring out our students’ talents, to broaden their interests and to develop their personal qualities. The Ranelagh Student Learner Profile qualities underpin everything that we do and are an integral part of our culture and ethos. We aim to foster confidence, resilience, curiosity, creativity, empathy and independence so that students are ready to make a really positive contribution to their wider community. Tradition is important at Ranelagh and still shapes some of our guiding principles but we seek to build on the past while looking to the future. This is, and will remain, a forward-thinking school that enthusiastically embraces innovation and new opportunity. I hope that you will accept my invitation to visit Ranelagh. It is a truly remarkable school, and it will be a privilege to welcome you here.

Newquay Tretherras

newquay tretherras



You will always be guaranteed a warm welcome at Newquay Tretherras, an inspiring and vibrant school at the heart of our Newquay community. Tretherras students are a pleasure to teach and learn with. They understand that their education is important for their life chances, and they take full advantage of the incredible range of clubs, experiences and facilities offered to them at our school, both within and beyond the classroom. We are ambitious for every single young person and your child will be offered an array of opportunities to grow and develop into a responsible, well-rounded individual. We aim to equip all our young people with the necessary resilience, confidence and aspiration to challenge themselves, and us, to achieve the highest standards possible. We want our students to be healthy and happy young people and so we offer an inclusive and extensive curriculum which offers aspirational opportunities for all to succeed. The aim of the Tretherras curriculum is to enable our students to Achieve Highly, Communicate Convincingly, Decide Wisely and Engage Fully. Our holistic curriculum is rich, ambitious and well-sequenced and is designed to take students on a creative, exploratory and inspiring learning journey. As well as studying a body of academic knowledge, our specialist subject areas also focus on developing transferable skills such as communication, leadership and empathy. We focus on developing students’ reading and vocabulary, to give them the confidence to express their ideas meaningfully in order to progress and succeed. We understand how challenging it can be to be a teenager and we have strong and caring people and structures in place to support students pastorally and academically. We are committed to developing students’ social, moral, spiritual, cultural and economic confidence in order to prepare our young people for further education or training, employment and successful citizenship. Our strong belief is that Tretherras is a place where dreams can come true, and we put our students at the heart of everything we do. We are an inclusive learning community, working hard together to support our students to succeed in every possible way, whatever their talents or ambitions. Our relationships at Tretherras are inclusive and special: we are a family in which everyone matters. This is, without doubt, a very happy place to be. As a school that achieves great examination results for our young people, we know it is the quality of our relationships with parents and students, our high standards and our inclusive ethos, which is the key to this success. We look forward to meeting you personally and to us working in partnership to ensure that your children are inspired, achieve remarkable things and become the best they can possibly be at Newquay Tretherras.