3171 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Sunshine Sensory

sunshine sensory


My name is Tracy and I am the founder of Sunshine Sensory. Sunshine Sensory was not something I ever envisioned in my life, but I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity and want to share my journey with you. I began my work career working as a teaching assistant with mainstream and SEN children while studying part-time for my degree. This allowed me the opportunity to work in a wide range of settings and develop a greater understanding for what was available and the different types of support. After qualifying as a teacher, I spent over 10 years specialising in EYFS and the development of children from birth to five. I loved working as a teacher and being able to reach children through a wide range of resources and approaches. In 2001, at one year old, my daughter was diagnosed with severe learning difficulties suddenly teaching became a lot harder and my life begin to change beyond my imagination. I spent huge amounts of time researching special needs resources, training and activities, only to find that at the time it was very limited, that had to change. So, in 2019, after a lot of soul searching, I left teaching and set up Sunshine Sensory. My aim with Sunshine Sensory is to provide parents / carers / teachers and anyone else interested with the skills to support their child, mainstream or SEN, with the appropriate sensory experiences to allow them to reach their potential. Every child is unique and the classes I have created reflect that, there is a structure but if you child chooses to explore the resources in a way different than I had planned that is fine. We have to appreciate that each child will have different tolerances to sensory resources, some children might like the light touch of feathers, some may dislike it and that is also fine. Through the whole session I provide support, reassurance and model ways for you to interact with your child in a variety of ways. Ultimately having fun and creating that special bond with your child. Just as the classes were getting going, I was contacted by several adult centres (SEN and care homes) asking if the sessions would be appropriate to their residents. With some adaption over the use of the stories and music we use I was able to create sessions that supported the adults. Supported by the use of a wide range of sensory materials and songs that would be familiar to them and encourage active participation in the activity. Leaving teaching was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make but as I see the children supported meeting their sensory needs and the adults developing more confidence and understanding about the area of development it is worth it. Parents, carers and key workers have gained confidence from attending session and seeing just what they can continue to use at home on in their setting to support their child/adult’s development. This mean that although I may no longer educate in a school, I am now able to educate a wider range of adults and children, continuing to positively impact on the lives of children/adult’s that need support. It is amazing and I feel so privileged to be part of all these people’s lives and I want to thank everyone that has supported me in this journey so far. I hope you come and join us on our journey and enjoy the magic that is looking at the world through a sensory perspective.

Decolonise The Curriculum

decolonise the curriculum


Decolonizing the Curriculum Project (DCP) at UoK (funded by Teaching Enhancement Award and led by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj, Senior Lecturer in Law) Students are increasingly demanding a ‘liberated curriculum’ that represents their diversity as we see from #liberatemydegree, ‘Why is My Curriculum White?’ and other movements mentioned above as well as Kent Student Union campaign ‘Diversify My Curriculum’. Also at UoK law and politics students on the Race, Religion and Law module (convened by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj) have relished the opportunity both in workshops and through their assessment to explore both historical and contemporary issues that enable them to acquire ‘consciousness of their own position and struggle’ in society and education. The UoK EDI Project phase II strategy acknowledges this need in affirming that the ‘white curriculum acts as a barrier to inclusivity’ including because ‘it fails to legitimise contributions to knowledge from people of colour’. Phase II therefore seeks to ensure that ‘our curriculum reflects and addresses a range of perspectives’ and asks how this can be operationalised specifically at UoK. Modules like RRL and others in KLS are already operationalising a more inclusive curriculum requiring students to engage with key works from critical race/religion and decolonial studies which offer alternative perspectives to those heteronormative and euro-centric perspectives of white, able-bodied men dominating the western canon. This project will go one significant step further by placing students of colour as well as knowledge produced by people of colour at the centre. Being a student led project is crucial as it empowers them to become change actors and co-producers of knowledge, shaping the agenda and curriculum that seeks to include them. Moreover, it enables them to be ‘assets’ rather than see themselves represented as quantitative data in University diversity reports which does not capture the nuance and complexity of their lived realities. Empowerment for self-determination at the grassroots level is key as is apparent from student led movements that have already effected change in the curriculum. The desire for self and culturally intelligible knowledge is now well documented including in the University of Kent, Student Success (EDI) Project, Phase I:Report 2 ‘Theory and research on race and attainment in UK higher education’ by Hensby and Mitton (2017). This project seeks to operationalise this further and more broadly through the following three interlinked activities: 1) Focus groups: · Up to five stage 3 students will lead focus groups of five to ten BAME students from across the KLS UG programme. · The focus group leaders will form a research team and design the format and questions collaboratively, under the supervision of Dr Jivraj, using naturalistic methods and going through the KLS ethics approval process. 2) Publication of findings: · The data from the focus groups will be collated by the research team and will produce an accessible output such as a ‘manifesto of suggestions’ on making the curriculum more inclusive and a co-authored e-book. · The research team will also be supported in publishing findings via a blog and social media. 3) Student led conference · The workshop committee will organise a half day student led conference to discuss the findings and invite speakers from campaigns such as the NUS #liberatemydegree campaign; Why is My Curriculum White? (based at UCL); Decolonising our Minds SOAS; and the #Rhodesmustfall student movements and at least one academic speaker. Watch this space for further details.

Carole Capon Consultancy

carole capon consultancy


Carole Capon Consultancy works closely with all its clients so together we can build the right solutions to meet your needs. Having over 30 years of business experience to draw on helps to make this possible. Our services include: Offering executive and employee coaching sessions. This can be done on a 1:1 basis, for group or team sessions. They can be for 30, 90 or two hours and offered on an adhoc basis or through an agreed programme. We can support your business with any workplace disputes. Being certified in workplace mediation means conflicts and grievances can be resolved quickly to ensure there is minimal impact on business and reach a win-win solution. According to Forbes, 60-80% of all difficulties in organisations come from strained relationships among employees. This results in colleagues taking time off because of stress, anxiety or workplace conflict resulting in a total of 21 days of absence. A typical manager will spend 25-40% of their time dealing with workplace conflicts. As MHFA England mental health practitioners, we can offer you professionally prepared courses to either train your people to be mental health first aiders, or mental health champions. We also offer half-day mental health awareness training which is a must for all people managers so they can spot the signs early and learn how to have what they might feel is a difficult conversation. Being MHFA England approved means you will be recognised by the MHFA England and receive a certificate at the end of your course as well as receiving their books and training material. If MHFA isn't for you, we can develop our very own one-day or half-day programmes for mental health and wellbeing support, as well as working with you to develop your Wellbeing strategy. Certified in PROSCI Change management methodology has meant we have been able to work with companies to help with transformational change in a more structured and people focused approach. With the expectation that worklife will never go back to work it was before, never before has it been more important that your managers and leaders can adapt their styles to support their teams in the workplace as well as at home. We offer workshops to establish your teams values, mission and vision and breakdown of any barriers to establishing a successful team charter. These can be individual workshops or delivered through a leadership and management programme. Our HR consultants have years of experience working with corporates through to start-ups offering expert advice throughout the entire employee cycle. We bring all our knowledge and experience and work with you to help identify issues, develop engaging content and deliver it in a practical, friendly but professional way, to ensure maximum engagement and achievement of your goals. All of our solutions are developed with you in mind, so getting to know your business and your desired outcome(s) is paramount to our mutual success. We truly believe that everyone has the ability to be their best self and excel at what they do. We just need to tap into your strengths and help with anything that may be getting in the way. Want to experience the expertise of Carole Capon Consultancy for yourself? Give us a call today or email us at carolecaponconsultancy@gmail.com and let’s discuss what we can do for you.

Helen's Driving School

helen's driving school

I founded Helen’s Driving School in 2009. Initially teaching on my own, I was joined by Jacqui in January 2020, due to the growing number of pupils on my books. Together we worked under the umbrella of Helen’s Driving School and strive to get all our pupils to pass first time. Since surviving all the challenges the pandemic brought, Jacqui and I decided 2022 was a good time to change the set up of the driving school into a partnership and create Top Hat Driving School. I am passionate and enthusiastic about safe and eco friendly driving, and enjoy sharing these skills with my pupils and I thoroughly enjoy meeting such a variety of people. Having lived in Bristol all my life, I have great local knowledge of both Bristol and surrounding areas, including the test areas. Lessons with me are always relaxed and friendly with a laugh or two along the way. I pride myself on my approach to teaching and I feel that with my style pupils learn quickly and successfully because they feel at ease. I have taught many nervous pupils over the years and have found the best way to overcome the fear and nerves experienced whilst learning to drive is simply to maintain a calm and relaxed atmosphere in the car at all times. It is normal to feel anxious and as I have much experience in dealing with pupils anxiety, and have many tools and techniques to help manage these feelings whilst driving. Over our lessons, I will help you build your confidence and develop your driving skills to enable you to become a safe and confident driver for life. Jacqui Barr I worked in the film and tv industry for many years, but in a complete right turn (pun intended!) decided to retrain as a driving instructor. I qualified in 2018, and absolutely love the job. Every day is different, and I look forward to spending time with my pupils who teach me just as much as I teach them. I met Helen in the Avonmouth Test Centre at the end of 2019 and thought she was brilliant. She asked whether I would be interested in driving for Helen’s Driving School and of course I lept at the chance. The pandemic hit almost immediately, and lessons ground to a halt. Weathering the storm has not been easy, but (in the main) we have come out the other side: Helen and I decided we wanted to reflect the changes we’ve been through, and so created Top Hat Driving School. In addition to becoming an instructor, in 2019 I took a further exam with the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) to become an Advanced Driver, putting a spotlight on driver safety and skills. I bring these advanced driving techniques to my teaching, as well as being assessed as a DVSA grade A instructor (Standards Check 2021). I am conscious of Climate Change and the impact driving has on the environment. Therefore I am commited to giving all my learners methods for driving in a more eco-friendly way, reducing our impact on the environment, and saving money too. I carbon offset all my annual mileage with Carbon Footprint, choose petrol over diesel, and in the not too distant future intend to go fully electric.

Honour Being Reiki

honour being reiki


HONOUR BEING: CREATING BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL AND BALANCED LIVES... I am a shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way, a Classical Homeopath and Creatrix. I am a Wisdom Keeper, Key Holder and Walker of the Old Ways. Since 2004, I have been assisting others to make transformational change in their lives, leading to positive, lasting and sometimes extraordinary results. I am passionate about helping my clients evolve and grow into the bright, beautiful beings they were always intended to be. Having passed through many personal dark nights of the soul, I combine empathy, deep compassion and understanding with many years of professional expertise in my field. I believe in the regenerative power of hope, listening and healing touch. “Sessions are well-paced, Elizabeth listens intently and genuinely cares. I would defy even the most hardened of sceptics not to be touched by Elizabeth’s magic.  I came to her a wreck of a man, physically and mentally. Elizabeth put me gently but firmly back on the path to self-healing with enormous compassion and deftness of her art.“ (Alex C, Gloucester, Jan 2022) TREATMENTS (Available in person and via Remote Healing): ~ Golden Way Reiki Treatments ~ Crystal Reiki Treatments ~ Golden Energy Treatments (Angel Fire and Golden Ray) ~ Shamanic Reiki Treatments ~ Soul Retrieval  "Distant Healing with Elizabeth is amazing... a wonderful and positive experience..." (Teresa H, Oxon, May 2020)  COURSES AND TRAINING: (For all details please contact me direct) ~ Reiki Exploration Sundays: An Introduction to Golden Way Reiki (Includes Sitting Reiki Treatment) ~ Honour Foundation First Attunement & Training Course: Return To Joy (Healing for the Wounded Feminine and learn how to give Golden Way Reiki to yourself) ~ Honour Sacred Healing Journey Second Degree: Empowerment, Protection, Practice (Healing for the Wounded Masculine and leads to Professional Practice Qualification) ~ Sacred Art Workshops & Retreats (Dreaming Your Inner Child Work) OTHER OFFERINGS: Healing Journey Guided Meditations to download Honour Being Mandala Gifts to order.

The Body Happy Organisation

the body happy organisation


The Body Happy Organisation is a social enterprise dedicated to promoting positive body image in children and young people. Through student workshops in schools, staff training CPD workshops, learning resources and peer support, we help schools - and all organisations that work with children and young people - create environments that nurture the body esteem of the kids in their care.  We're the only body image education organisation in the UK made up of a multi-disciplinary team of professionals, including educators, doctors, counsellors, nutritionists, dietitians, media professionals, health psychologists, body image researchers and weight inclusive fitness trainers. We have a rigorous impact measurement process and a high level of in-house accountability with a Board of Directors that includes a GP, a teacher, a project manager and our founder - author, campaigner and journalist Molly Forbes.  Our focus is on prevention and culture change, and we are currently working with The University of Lincoln to delve into the science behind our approach and framework.  Our framework consists of:  * CPD staff training workshops * Student Sessions workshops for children and young people  * Learning resources  * Peer support * Books and bespoke designed physical resources, including our signature affirmation activity card deck, stickers and posters We also have an Online Masterclass for parents, and run quarterly interactive webinars for parents and caregivers.  We can run in-person workshops in most parts of the UK. All of our facilitators are trained to deliver our programme and are highly experienced in running training and workshops with both staff and children and young people, and have specialist professional expertise and qualifications in body image / body image adjacent disciplines.  We have worked with many schools - in both the UK, Europe, US and Middle East. We have also worked with councils, eating disorder services, charities and sports organisations.  Find out more about us and how we can support you, via our website. We're looking forward to helping YOU to help the kids in your care be friends with their bodies! 

Step Into Learning

step into learning


V Learning Network is a charitable company originally set up in 2001 as the lead of a consortium created to deliver adult and young people mainstream funded education. The consortium was made up of independent training providers in the Third Sector throughout Devon and Cornwall. In August 2021, due to some changes in funding, the nature and focus of the company shifted slightly. We are used to working in a proactive and agile way so have been able to adapt, evolve and innovate, and continue to do so. To fit the growing needs of the business and to strengthen our brand identity, we have changed the company name to V Learning Network trading as Step into Learning – Step Into Learning will be the sole, public facing name used across all our touchpoints going forwards. We still offer young people mainstream funded education and we currently work with three charities and Community Interest Groups (The Outdoor Place, Transferable Skills Training, Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change), enabling them to deliver high quality training by providing sustainable funding. The funding allows our partners to offer a range of training opportunities and deliver quality programmes within Cornwall. Step Into Learning also delivers quality, in-house training, projects and services via its own training division. Step Into Learning is based in Launceston, Cornwall, however, our reach extends much further. We offer training across Devon and Cornwall and have the scope to cover any geographical location due to our flexible delivery – face to face, blended learning (mix of face to face and online) and online. Step Into Learning specialise in working with learners looking to open up new career pathways, or those looking to get back into work. We are committed to giving back to our local community: * SILC is our counselling service providing free, confidential counselling for the Launceston community. * Our community larder for Launceston opened in May 2022. The focus of the community larder is reducing food waste and giving local people access to nutritious food that would otherwise go to waste.

The Pilates Movement

the pilates movement

At the Pilates Movement, with studios in the heart of Godalming and Guildford we offer a comprehensive timetable of varying levels of Reformer Pilates, alongside a fully dedicated Personal Training Studio. Our classes are of the highest standard, delivered by our amazing team of instructors. The classes are a variety of mixed levels, along with Personal Training we have something suitable for someone starting out or looking to simply get more out of their training in a stunning studio setting. Our classes are designed to get amazing results, from weight loss, mobility and body tone, always fully supervised by our experienced trainers. We strongly believe that every single person deserves to feel good about themselves, move freely and comfortably within their bodies without being restricted by their surroundings in any way or form. Pilates, one of the most versatile forms of physical fitness, is a great way to achieve that flexibility in the body and develop increased core strength. Our training sessions and classes are clearly aligned with our beliefs, where we aim to offer a great variety that caters to different kinds of people no matter what stage they are with their fitness. All our sessions are always conducted by a fully qualified instructor whose main objective is to help you set foot on a beautiful Pilates journey and bring about a great change in the way your body moves. To top it all, we make sure that there are a limited number of people in our classes in order to make them highly personal and guarantee that you achieve the very best results. After all, we want you to feel better, move better, and heal from within.

First Step Training And Consultancy

first step training and consultancy


About us First Step Training has been established since 2006 and we takes a proactive and positive approach to learning and education. Our team have over 50 year experience between them, and have extensive experience in the following areas: • Health and social care (Adults and Children) • Business development and change management • Health and Safety • Senior management and leadership • Training and education Our dedicated team are committed to inspiring excellent standards of practice through common sense, practical and professional training and business support. We have the ability to provide a specific course to your industry sector or bespoke courses tailored to your organisation. First Step Training and Consultancy aims to ensure that your organisation or team is empowered and confident to deliver a first class service to your customers through exceptional training supplied by a pragmatic and sensible approach to business management. At First Step we aim to offer competitively priced training and support, whether 1/2 a day or a full days training or a package of training/support sessions designed for your workforce, based upon up to date legislation and practices. Our team aim to empower your workforce to be confident and skilled practitioners within their industry sector. Having worked in various business sectors we are very realistic about time management and we are acutely aware that most businesses do not start at 9 am and finish at 5 pm on a Friday. Our training courses and business support are not only run during the weekdays, but we can offer training and business support advice on weekends and in the evenings as well.

Monifieth High School

monifieth high school

Welcome to our website. Here you will find information about our school including the opportunities available for young people, how we support and promote learning and who to contact with any queries. Monifieth High School has a rich history of success in supporting young people to learn, develop and succeed through a focus on relationships, respect and aspiration. Our values of compassion, integrity, justice and wisdom are at the heart of everything we do. Recent experiences have taught us the importance of living out these values to support one another during challenging times. Our community is central to our life as a school. As we continue to recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, now is a time for taking stock, building on previous success and developing our vision of where we want to go in the future. As a school community we are thinking together about our vision and about how we continue to improve our learning experiences, how we ensure even higher levels of achievement and attainment and how we promote healthiest living. We will utilise the potential of our exciting new learning campus to focus on sustainability and ensure our young people lead the way on climate issues. We will also continue to develop our offer and our partnerships to ensure every young person moves on into inspiring and successful destinations beyond school. We believe that everyone in this school can impact the world and the lives of others. It is our job to support our young people to develop their values, skills and abilities to be the change they want to see and to be successful in their lives.