446 Educators providing Courses delivered Online




I’m Matthew and I’ve been helping my students succeed at school and university since 1992, including over 13,000 hours of one-to-one tuition to over 400 students. My philosophy is: more than higher grades. I teach A level Maths and Further Maths, A level Statistics, and A level Physics. At GCSE level I have worked very successfully with students aiming for a grade 6 and above. I also help undergraduates on courses with mathematical content, such as Economics and Business Studies. My focus is on achieving high grades through understanding the material. I tailor my approach depending on individual needs and interests and I believe in making the subject as simple and enjoyable as possible. I am enthusiastic, friendly and approachable. I really want my students to succeed and I’m very happy to be contacted for help outside of their lesson time. I was recently invited by Talksport Radio to be their “maths expert” to speak on the topic of coin tossing, in the context of determining who bats first in a cricket match. You can read a fuller version of what I said here. UCAS + OXBRIDGE ADVICE It is not enough simply to do well at A level, of course: students need to be given the tools to succeed at university. To that end I take a very full interest in their education generally. As one student recently put it, I am “so much more than just a maths tutor”. For example I give guidance and support with university entrance, including the UCAS personal statement, applying to Oxford and Cambridge, and interview preparation, and I have personal experience of working in both the legal and accounting professions. I’ve written a detailed guide for university applicants: Writing your UCAS personal statement. ACADEMIC HISTORY + TEACHING EXPERIENCE I have an outstanding academic record and over twenty-five years experience as a teacher and examiner, during which I’ve received excellent feedback from my students and their parents. I have tutored over 400 students in Harrogate: that’s over 13,000 hours of one-to-one teaching since I started tutoring in 2006. FEES My fees are £220 per month, which covers four one-hour lessons and ongoing continuous support and help outside of lesson time. I do whatever I can to help my students succeed: I’ve even answered messages from a frantic student at midnight, and I’m always happy to talk to parents and guardians. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Because I tutor full-time, I only teach from my home on Victoria Avenue, in central Harrogate, and online. I teach on weekdays from 4pm to 9pm. FREE RESOURCES In addition to my UCAS guide, I have produced a set of ‘cribsheets’ — revision flash cards for A level Maths students — and there is a whole section of the site devoted to the Solar System: part of my project to build a model solar system in Harrogate. I am also currently writing a book about Probability and Statistics. The text is available here.

Southern African Social Policy Research Insights

southern african social policy research insights


Policy Relevance and Impact It is part of SASPRI’s objectives to conduct research which is of direct relevance to policy. Indeed, it is hoped that our research will form part of the evidence base for evidence informed policy-making. To this end we aim to keep a record of how our research has been used by government, civil society and academia. The following list gives some examples. We would be grateful to hear of any other ways our research has been useful to researchers, policymakers, academics or civil society. The South African Index of Multiple Deprivation 2011 (SAIMD 2011) and ward level poverty data for 2011 Health Systems Trust have used the SAIMD 2011 in the District Health Barometer and South African Health Review at district and local municipality level. The SAIMD 2011 was used by Prof Francis Wilson in a seminar on Mining and Migration presented to the Marikana Commission of Inquiry on 9th April 2014 Click here for a copy of the presentation. The Human Sciences Research Council have used the SAIMD 2011 to examine the relationship between deprivation and homicides. Ward level poverty data were used in the estimation of small area take up estimates of Child Support Grant by EPRI for the national Department of Social Development. KZN Department of Health have used the poverty data to examine the relationship between poverty and trauma. A charity which provides nutritional support to school children in deprived areas have used the SAIMD 2011 as one of the data sources used to target areas for support. The SAIMD 2011 has been used by the Medical Research Council in a study looking at the relationship between multiple deprivation and low birth weight. National Treasury – contributing to work examining the basis of the equitable share. The SAIMD 2011 has been used by researchers at the University of Cape Town (UCT) to examine the relationship between mining activity and poverty/deprivation. The SAIMD 2011 has been used by the Rural Health Advocacy Project as regards their advocacy work in the former homelands. The SAIMD 2011 has been used in a case relating to tribal levies supporting the Legal Resources Centre. The SAIMD 2011 has been used by the UCT Health Economics Unit to explore the relationship between deprivation and obesity. The UCT Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health has used the SAIMD 2011 to explore the relationship between deprivation and depression. The SAIMD 2011 has been used by the University of Virginia, Department of Politics in their research on the determinants of health outcomes in South Africa. Utrecht University Department of Sociology have used the SAIMD 2011 in research to examine and explain patterns of vigilantism across South Africa. The Western Cape Department of Health have used the SAIMD 2011 for their Annual District Health Expenditure Review reports and in their Annual Perfomance Plan.