3171 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Cultivate Tees Valley

cultivate tees valley


Cultivate Tees Valley (CTV) is an environmental organisation that works in partnership to build a better world by growing food security for those living across the Tees Valley and by transforming unused urban and rural land into spaces where food is grown. Initiatives focus on combating isolation and improving mental health by connecting people through food and environmental initiatives, with a strong focus on recruiting and equipping teams of volunteers, alongside training and education programmes. Programmes incorporate art to help beautify more derelict spaces and up-cycling of items that would normally go to the landfill. Cultivate currently works across the Tees Valley developing urban food growing gardens and within ten youth centres across Stockton running an environmental education programme that aims to educate young people on the issues of climate change and how they can help change their environment for the better. The work of Cultivate Tees Valley has been partly inspired by Bonton Farms in Dallas, Texas, an organsation that one of our Directors worked alongside during his time living in the US. Bonton is located in an area with high levels of poverty, terrible health outcomes and poor access to fresh food. Bonton Farms was set up to grow fresh food for local people to combat their health and hunger issues, and put food on their tables. The other great impact of their work on their community was through the work they did mentoring local people through the running of the farm while providing meaningful activities for those facing isolation and loneliness. Growing Sites Arlington Park Arly Park is based in Parkfield and is run by the Cornerhouse Youth Project. This new initiative involves the development of an unused field into a safe growing space for local children, young people and families. CTV and Cornerhouse use this space to support pupils from Bowesfield Primary School during school time hours and work with local young people through evening drop in sessions. Thornaby Allotments Youth Direction asked CTV to develop their two allotments that had become overgrown. This growing space is used for vulnerable young people through one-to-one work, for volunteer days and for adults looking to improve their mental health through gardening. Harty Road Cafe Garden, Hartington Road Hartington Road is located in the most deprived area of Stockton. The Little Sprouts Charity have been working with residents through cooking programmes, bread making and a Pay As You Feel cafe. CTV started an urban garden on Hartington Road to provide training and education opportunities to residents while growing food for the cafe. Elmwood Community Centre Based in Hartburn, the Elmwood site has raised beds and a poly tunnel. Teesside University, NCS and Bright Minds Big Futures have partnered on this site. St Michael's and All Angel's, Norton 2020 will see us develop part of the Church grounds into a growing space that can be accessed by the local community and users of the food bank based at the Church.

Oasis Academy Enfield

oasis academy enfield


Everything within Oasis Community Learning is framed by our ethos. Our ethos is rooted in what we believe and who we are. Grounded in our story, it is an expression of our character; a set of values that inform and provide the lens on everything we do. A passion to include A desire to treat people equally respecting differences A commitment to healthy, open relationships A deep sense of hope that things can change and be transformed A sense of perseverance to keep going for the long haul It is these ethos values that we want to be known for and to live by. We are committed to a model of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope, and perseverance throughout all the aspects of the life and culture of every Oasis Hub and academy community. We encourage every member of our family, be that staff or student, to align themselves to these ethos values. The values themselves are inspired by the life, message and example of Jesus but we make it clear that we will not impose on anyone, the beliefs that underpin our ethos values. We recognise and celebrate the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community, respecting the beliefs and practices of other faiths in the hope that we will provide a welcoming environment for all. The Oasis 9 Habits The Oasis Ethos is aspirational, inspirational and something that we have to constantly work at. It is important to remember that every organisation is made up of its people, and people don’t always get things right. This means that there can sometimes be a dissonance between what we say we are, as stated in our ethos values, and what we actually do and experience. Recognising this is helpful because it reminds us that we each have things to work on; we have space to grow, develop and change to become the best version of ourselves. To help us in this process of personal growth and development we have the Oasis 9 Habits. It is our bespoke and unique approach to character development. We know that by living the way of the Habits, the Oasis Ethos will become second nature to us. We also believe that this process of continually developing our character and being transformed to become the best version of ourselves is really important for every student and staff member alike. Therefore, we actively promote and practice the Oasis 9 Habits which are an invitation to a way of life characterised by being compassionate, patient, humble, joyful, honest, hopeful, considerate, forgiving and self-controlled. We believe that by becoming people who live this way, by becoming the best version of ourselves, whether we are a staff member or students, we are transformed, and we are also able to play our part in bringing transformation locally, nationally and globally.




Action4Youth is an ambitious, proactive charity focused on driving forward the crucial youth agenda to transform lives for the better. Every child should have the opportunity to be heard, to be safe and to succeed. Collaborative We believe change is most impactful when delivered in collaboration with other youth agencies and key partners. We build partnerships across sectors so that we can share resources and expertise to secure the best possible outcomes for young people and their communities in Buckinghamshire and beyond. Empowering We listen and engage with our young people to give them a voice in developing our work and agenda. Our Youth Board and groups have a fundamental role in ensuring our programmes meet the needs of young participants across a wide spectrum of differing backgrounds including young people from the most deprived areas of society, those with disabilities and additional needs, and those who need support and inspiration to reach their goals and surpass limitations. Everything we do engages the rising generation of our community to work together in helping not only themselves but each other. For us it’s about inspiring young people to become Inspiring Young People. What we do As a charity, we rely on the generosity of grant-giving organisations and individuals to enable us to deliver the following: Policy and Change We are leaders within the youth sector and we are actively engaged with local government, the police, and other stakeholders to shape policy across Bucks. Our annual conference is a crucial opportunity for key representatives from the wider charity and statutory sectors to come together to discuss and share ideas on how we can make an impact on the lives of young people. Intervention and Inspiration We deliver a wide range of programmes including holistic support for vulnerable and disadvantaged young people, employability and enrichment programmes such as The Inspiration Programme, leadership and life skills initiatives, as well as delivering national programmes such as National Citizen Service and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Many participants are signposted to other Action4Youth programmes on a pathway to opportunities they did not believe were possible through disadvantage or disability. Leadership and Training We provide valuable leadership and training to our membership organisations: around 70 local voluntary youth groups so that they can operate effectively to safeguard the young people of their communities. Courses include safeguarding, diversity and inclusion, health and safety and others. Outdoor Learning Additionally, we operate an outstanding outdoor learning centre, Caldecotte Xperience, in Milton Keynes which offers a range of adventure learning activities that deliver measurable improvements in educational attainment, as well as building teamwork, bonding and trust. It is the leading centre in the region for young people with complex needs, with SEND trained staff and specialist equipment that enable those with disabilities to learn new skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Starry Rose Education Company

starry rose education company


The Rose Education Foundation was set-up by Margaret and Maurice Dimmock following the tragic and sudden loss of their youngest daughter Emma. Emma was dedicated to uplifting and empowering, getting alongside young people and helping them to reach their full potential. This passion, shared by Margaret and Maurice, who have both been involved in youth-work and education for many years, led them to set up a charitable trust. The Rose Education Foundation continues to build on the example that Emma had set for many, by supporting the work of projects in the North-East of England and Thailand which build up and empower young people. Margaret and Maurice tell their story here, in their own words… Watch the ‘Our Story’ video Video Player 00:00 00:00 The story so far… had been a very happy one, for us, as a family, although we experienced the usual ups and downs of life nothing too devastating had happened. All of this changed in June 2007. For nearly 3 years, Emma our youngest daughter had been battling with a severe form of ME and although her life was very difficult and painful she was expected at some point in the future to make a full recovery. Sadly on June 17th of 2007 Emma died suddenly of a burst ulcer and acute peritonitis. Our world was shattered, our hearts broken and life would never be the same again. There are no words to adequately describe to you the pain or the extent of our loss as we travel a path we would never have chosen. It is only the continuing help and support of our family & friends combined with the outpouring of the love of God which sustains us on this journey. We cannot change what has happened but we can control our reactions and responses to this overwhelming tragedy. We are confident that Emma is now living in heaven and is happy and content and we feel that to honour the person she was whilst she lived here with us we must in some way work to bring some good from such sadness. Emma was a very caring person who above all else loved God, her family and friends and sought to help others wherever and whenever she could. Following her example and approach to life we have founded the Rose Education Foundation which seeks to improve, enrich and enhance the quality of life for children and young people both in the UK and abroad. At the foundation we believe that education is one of the keys which will help alleviate many of the problems facing children and young people of this and future generations. The need is different in each country and area but as Nelson Mandela is quoted as saying “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” and the Rose Education Foundation endeavours to prove this truth by demonstrating Love in Action.

Nina Cooke Business Growth Mentoring

nina cooke business growth mentoring

Hi, I am Nina Cooke. I’m a Mindset Coach for entrepreneurs. I help entrepreneurs breakthrough limiting beliefs to achieve their business goals, to create more impact & make more money. I’m a coach for business owners who have internal blocks around growing their business. My superpower is DIGGING DEEP to find the root cause of why they’re struggling. And then showing them how they can clear out their resistance. So they can charge their value, serve a wider and deeper audience, and have easier relationships. I get a huge kick out of seeing my clients have a 180 degree turnaround – from looking to the outside world for the solution to their business struggles to looking within themselves and finding the answer. And then they experience richer, freer, and easier lives which is a bigger result than they signed up for. (And they aren’t complaining 🙂 ). And I’d love for you to have that, too I know you’re a busy business owner and don’t have much time to work on yourself . Which is why my coaching doesn’t require you to carve out any prep or homework time. All changes happen within the sessions. And you make the changes deep within your subconscious, so you don’t have to use will power or effort to keep the changes in place – they’re permanent. Here’s what Linda has to say after working with me: “I loved working with you, Nina. The work that we did together was the most transformational of any work that I have done with anybody – ever. It went way beyond mere concepts, and answered the toughest question I have run across to date – how do I change my limiting beliefs? The change that you facilitated is at such a deep level, and affected the ‘me’ that I am, to such a degree that I quickly ‘became’ the change that we created. With that kind of freedom, I’m excited about how much fun and success I will be experiencing as I keep on stepping out to grow my business.” – Linda Flynt Why I started to coach people like you I’ve always been curious why some people are courageous and see a world of opportunities, while others are fearful and see a world of limitations. I trained in NLP and hypnotherapy to sort out my own fearful stuff and find my courage. But my life changed when I bumped into Morty Lefkoe because he showed me how to clear out my limiting beliefs that had kept me small and fearful. A couple of years after training with Morty, I worked with a successful business owner. I’d known her for quite a while and I’d always thought things were going really well for her. However, she was frustrated because her business wasn’t growing the way she wanted it to. She thought it was because she kept hiring the wrong team, when really it was something internal keeping her stuck. Since then, from the many conversations I’ve had with successful, but stuck, business owners, I’ve seen, time and time again, that one of the biggest reasons they’re struggling to grow is this: They believe it’s something practical, something that’s going on out there in the world (virtual or in-house teams, systems, etc), when actually it’s an inside job, something in their head they’re doing unconsciously. Working with business owners on a one-to-one basis allows me to go deep and help them breakthrough their hidden blocks so they can build a deeply satisfying and fulfilling business. My favourite things (in this order): My family – especially when we’re sitting round the table enjoying my husband’s delicious food (I bought him a cookery course for his birthday – best money I ever spent). My friends – I’m grateful to live in friendly Saffron Walden. Green tea (I carry my green tea bags in my handbag, just in case) – in my favourite giant-sized plain white mug. Yoga – it’s hard work but I know it’s doing some good 🙂 Knitting – I picked up my needles after 12 years, encouraged by Ann, my patient knitting mentor and friend. I’m excited to see my stripey jumper grow day by day! Meet Eddie. His favourite things (in this order): Long walks – particularly if squirrels and rabbits are around. Swimming – he likes to swim in circle, barking. He looks crazy, but he’s happy. Food (especially his favourite snack, a juicy sausage, after a long walk)

The Business School (UK) Ltd

the business school (uk) ltd

Thurcaston, Leicester

We are The Business School UK and our passion is training and development. We work with all groups: from individuals through to public sector and blue chip organisations.  Above all, we deliver a first-rate learning experience designed to ensure success.  We provide training in all its forms, from face-to-face through to use of our extensive Virtual Learning Environment. We are approved by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK), and by The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management to deliver approved courses from Levels 2 through to 6.  We also provide bespoke training to meet the needs of individuals or organisations, which can be accredited by The Institute of Leadership and Management, as we are an accreditation partner.  As well we can offer further courses through the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment, and through Focus Awards .   A particular speciality of ours is to provide only the training that is necessary to achieve a requirement; we do this by accreditation of prior learning and working closely with the appropriate professional institute to create a cost-effective, bespoke but relevant course that meets professional standards. Our aim is to work closely with employers to design training and support to meet specific needs, within the culture of the organisation, whatever size and sector.  By establishing strong relationships and partnerships, we are proud of our ability to ensure learning is fully applied in the workplace, adding value to both employers and learners.  Studying with us, you are never alone; we have expert tutors who are on hand to provide guidance with all aspects of any of the courses and are always happy to help.  The quality of our tutors is a particular strength of ours; we select only the best quality and most experienced, who are dedicated in the delivery of the best performance, leading to excellent results. We work in a variety of sectors, but in particular we have excellent strengths in the public sector (including Defence, Local government, NHS and the Emergency Services), oil and gas, manufacturing, logistics, communications, education, Logistics/Supply Chain and Facilities Management.  In addition we have strong roots in Leadership and Management across all sectors.  Our Operations Director, has more than 30 years education, learning and training experience, covering the design, development and delivery of leadership and management, HRM, communication and soft skills, business coaching and strategy. She is a Fellow of The Institute of Leadership and Management, a former visiting lecturer at The University of Wales (Trinity St David) and at the National Fire Service College, and was the Chief External Verifier for CILT (Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport) in the UK. She is also a licensed Myers Briggs Type Indicator® practitioner, and is accredited as a Stress Management Consultant. Helen has held trustee positions at a variety of charitable organisations, including the Federation of Holistic Therapists, Citizens Advice Bureau and the Psychosynthesis Trust, in addition to work on various governing bodies.  David Ockleton, our Business Development Director,  has had successful careers both in the Armed Forces and Industry, working in most parts of the World. He has extensive experience of Supply Chain and Logistics in general, Business Change, Leadership and Management, Security and Counter Terrorism. David is a Chartered Fellow of CILT (UK) and a former CILT (UK) External Verifier. He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, a Member of the City and Guilds Institute and a Member of the Institute of Explosive Engineers.  He was previously the Chairman of the Qualifications Development Assessment Committee for CILT(UK).

HD Beauty & Business Academy

hd beauty & business academy


I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself; My Name is Hannah and I am the face behind the academy.  I come from a normal hard working family orientated family. I have dyslexia, dyspraxia, and irlen syndrome (learning difficulties) & undiagnosed ASD/ADHD. I finished school with 5C's 5D's and a E - I failed maths and English and I was told I'd never accomplish anything. I am a mum & career, I have to two happy, healthy, very chalk and cheese, strong-minded boys who both have they're own challenges but I wouldn't change it for the world I am a salon owner - HD Beauty and Aesthetics I've been in the industry now for nearly 8 years working my way though the industry, paying for my first course and working to pay for my next and so on. I started with body waxing 8 years ago and I'm still learning and adding to my knowledge.  I started in the back room of a local hairdressers & opened my own salon 5 years ago, recently moving to even bigger premises! I LOVE my job! I love making people feel good about themselves again, giving them confidence in their body. I am a business mentor - I have a passion for teaching and mentoring others coming into the beauty and aesthetics industry whether it's own salon goals or working within a salon, everyone needs support and guidance. It's a daunting and bitchy industry to be in and you should never feel like your alone. I support clients in various ways to smash their business and goals and help them achieve anything they want on a 1-1 bases!  I am a beauty training academy owner - pulling my passion for teaching and lashing together to offer the opportunity to others to build their very own career in the beauty industry. Beauty has changed mine and my families life. It's given me the flexibility to work around my kids, watch them grow up and attend the important events while feeling like I have something for me and bring in my own money. I have alot more exciting things planned with this - I can not wait to share it!  This is me! I have so much planned for each of my businesses , working everyday to achieve my goals.  The most important thing I have learnt is to never give up.. don't let your past shadow your future.  You can achieve ANYTHING you want and I love supporting others to do the same.

Bike For Good Glasgow West

bike for good glasgow west


Bike for Good is a charity and social enterprise which started in July 2010 in a small stall in Glasgow’s Barras market. With a few donated bikes, a cobbled-together tool kit and a team of volunteers with a huge amount of passion and drive, Bike for Good (then known as Glasgow Bike Shed) was born! We now have three thriving Community Hubs in Glasgow and an amazing team of 42 staff members and 50 + volunteers who are changing thousands of lives through cycling. We have a West Hub, a South Hub and a hub on Civic Street which you can read more about here. You can learn more about the members of our amazing team. Many of our wonderful volunteers have shared their experiences of working with Bike for Good through our online case studies. Bike for Good provides access to low cost but good quality bikes whilst diverting tonnes of waste from landfill. These bikes are kindly donated by members of the public and are then refurbished and sold in our two Community Hubs. Find out more about how to donate your bike. On average, our team of mechanics refurbish over 1000 bikes per year, diverting tonnes of waste from landfill while also providing access to affordable bikes to the public. Find out more about how to buy a refurbished bike. As well as the environmental impact of this work, the income from bike sales helps to fund our work in the community. To keep your bike in tip-top condition, our expert mechanics offer a comprehensive bike maintenance and repair service. The aim is to keep you cycling all year round. In addition, we offer a comprehensive programme of inclusive projects which promote, support and encourage greater levels of cycling. Cycling has a multitude of benefits for society, from environmental improvements to health promotion and financial savings. We have created a series of projects and services which seek to highlight this to the public and fill a gap in current provision. Our work is structured under three impact themes: Active Travel – promotes cycling as a sustainable form of transport through the delivery of: Refurbished bike sales and bike servicing Bike and e-bike loans Community Dr Bikes (pop up bike maintenance sessions) Maintenance classes Bike Buddies programme Weekly cycle training sessions E-cargo bike loans Confidence building led rides Extensive film and speaker event programme Skills and Development – improves the life chances of young people and adults who are not engaged in full time education or employment through the delivery of: Maintenance classes City and Guilds qualifications Build your own bike courses Fix your own bike sessions, including ones for young people Govanhill Gears Kids Club (led ride and learn to ride activities) Bespoke volunteering and development programme Women and non-binary specific maintenance programme Health and Wellbeing – improves the mental and physical wellbeing of people with long-term health conditions through the delivery of: 1:1 cycle confidence building sessions Weekly group rides Supporting partner organisations and participants to create their own cycling groups/hubs Providing an affordable transport option to those on a low income via reduced price Nextbike memberships Weekly women and non-binary specific cycle training sessions You can find out more about these services and how to access them through the Get a Bike, Repair a Bike, Get Cycling and Develop Your Skills pages. Recently we launched a subsidiary organisation (in partnership with Vélogik) called Motion Forward which provides business to business service and fleet maintenance. A share of the income from Motion Forward will help deliver our charitable work. vision, mission and values Our projects and services are all designed to help achieve our vision and mission: vision A healthy and inclusive environment where everyone in the community benefits from more people cycling. mission We enable people to ride a bike. We believe that cycling is the most effective and sustainable form of transport; we believe it enhances our chances for a healthy life and environment. values Passionate – We are passionate about cycling as a tool for positive change. Supportive – We work at the heart of communities, empowering people and building partnerships. To make this happen, we nurture a collaborative work environment. Environmentally aware – We protect and preserve the environment for the benefit of all. Expertise – We continuously develop our skills and share them with our volunteers and staff, and throughout the community.