3046 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Sutton School of Performing Arts

sutton school of performing arts

AT SUTTON SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS, WE BELIEVE WE CAN HELP YOU DISCOVER YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL Sutton School of Performing Arts offers opportunities from two and a half years to teens in classes ranging from ‘Mini Movers’ to ‘Majors’ in various styles of dance, singing and drama. We believe that there is a performer in everyone, with our focus being on having fun, performing, learning new skills and making lifelong friends. We have two beautiful large, mirrored studios and are located just 2 minutes from Cleckheaton Town centre. All staff are fully trained and incredibly passionate about teaching. Lessons are available in Musical Theatre (Singing, LAMDA Drama and Jazz), RAD Ballet, ISTD Modern, ISTD Tap, Commercial, Conditioning. We also have guest teachers on a regular basis therefore offering our students a range of styles and classes to develop their knowledge and skills further. We also offer our students plenty of opportunity to perform in our large productions as well as local community events and cabarets. The training we provide is aimed at those individuals who want to exercise, have fun and perform in addition to also offering structured guidance and support for individuals aiming to enter a serious career in performing. Whatever your path, our varied classes act as a fantastic insight into the world of dance, musical theatre, and the performing industry as a whole. Our students gain confidence, self-esteem and thrive in the classes and training we offer. By joining our fantastic school, you become part of the Sutton School family, whilst making new friends, gaining confidence, and learning new lifelong skills. Why not join us? No audition required and you will receive a free trial. We look forward to welcoming you…Call us now on 07725731444 for further details.

The Red Rubber Ball Company

the red rubber ball company

 Choice CHOICE is what underpins your success. Choice encourages people to take responsibility for how they think, how they behave and therefore what they achieve. If there’s something you want, its down to you to make it happen. And if things are not going the way you want, then it’s for you to change what you’re doing. Choice puts you in control of your life – making time for the things that are the most important, that make the most difference to your life.  Passion PASSION provides a purpose to what you do, so you are committed to the things you do and the actions you need to take. We do things that interest and excite us more enthusiastically, we do them longer and we are more focused. We get better. We might become expert. And if you’re unsure what to do or where to go next, start with your passion. Where might that take you?  Vision VISION is about being clear where you are going, and having a plan to achieve it. This might be a vague sense which allows you to make decisions, or clear goals so you can work out the steps needed to achieve them and ensure you are committed and motivated. Passion and Vision combined gives you a good reason to do something and achieve results – rather than looking for reasons to do nothing or procrastination.  Action Finally take ACTION. Develop the “just do it” mind-set which gets things done. Learn to deal with the fears and doubts which have been holding you back, focus on what you need to do now and take things one step at a time, and cope with set-backs if they arise as feedback to help you improve. Whatever your age and whatever the situation you face, our leadership coaching can help you achieve more of what you want.




Little Yoga Studio aims to empower children and adults, in mind and body, through a fun, creative and inspiring approach to yoga. My children’s classes focus on exploring a child’s natural flexibility. Improving their own strength and poise, while helping them nurture a strong sense of self and awareness of others. The journey isn’t dissimilar with my adult classes. With each class, we work on bringing inner harmony through movement, breath and meditation. Uniting the body, mind and spirit to awaken our true Self. My teaching journey began shortly after the birth of my daughter. Having practiced yoga for 10 years, I found motherhood gave me a new perspective. Wanting to deepen my practice, I found myself taking to the mat in between my classes. And as I moved through poses or paused in meditation, I noticed her watching with curiosity. Before long she was on my mat, copying the poses and demanding more ‘mummy yoga.’ Soon she had her own mat (in her favourite colour, purple, of course) and we were practicing yoga together daily. Really I have her to thank for setting me on this path. As watching her little character flourish in our practices together has inspired me to share this with both little and bigger minds alike. My 200-hr training with Avani Yoga Academy and Yoga Bananas means I am now honoured to share the ancient practice of yoga in an authentic and heartfelt way to adults, children and families alike. Of course yoga is a lifelong journey that is forever evolving. I am honoured to continue my own discovery with a 50-hour Yoga Nidra Immersion with Avani Yoga Academy and Naomi Absalom’s 6-month Liberate mentorship, among others.

UK Language Project Glasgow

uk language project glasgow

Before delivering courses nationwide and internationally (via online – don’t you just love online!) we offered English courses in Newcastle in the UK. (as English in Newcastle Ltd.) English in Newcastle grew over 20% each year so we knew we were on to something. In 2013 UK Language Project was born, and we started offering Spanish lessons in Leeds. Amongst other offerings. We essentially wanted to help more and more people. So we started to build a network of tried and tested expert language trainers offering: German courses in London Spanish courses in Manchester French courses in Bristol German courses in Edinburgh To name but a few. The list continued to grow and now we can service over 1000 language / location combinations! If you’re in an English language learner, or have staff who need to improve their English then our English courses in London may be for you or your employees if you are based there. We’d love to help you improve your language skill or pick up a new language with a private tutor. On your terms. One of our passions is to promote language learning. It’s not about rote-learning of grammar tables and repetition of pronunciation until perfect. All of this trash you were no doubt “taught” at school. Welcome to a new approach. The communicative approach. You actually learn a language by speaking it! Who knew? We are passionate about igniting interest in languages and promoting learning. Particularly adult learning of languages. Our tutors bring the process alive for you. Giving you real skills and confidence. You can then use these during everyday interactions in the target language. In short, lessons will focus on practicing the language. You or your employees will make real progress.

Change Grow Live Manchester

change grow live manchester


At Change Grow Live, above all else we believe in people. It's the one thing that acts as a foundation for all our work. If you use our services: we understand what you're going through. We won't judge. We believe you can make positive changes in your life. If you work or volunteer for us: we believe in your potential. We believe you can do brilliant, life-changing work. If you're one of our partners: we believe that together we can deliver real value and positive change in our local communities. Our mission and vision Our mission is to help people change the direction of their lives, grow as individuals, and live life to its full potential. The vision we're working towards is to develop, deliver and share a whole person approach that changes society. Values Our values work together, as principles that guide the way we act and the choices we make. Be open, be compassionate, be bold. Make a difference We exist to help people achieve their goals, to be the best that they can be and to help change society for the better. This is true whether we are talking about the people who use our services, our staff or our volunteers. We are not in control of everything that impacts upon the people who use our services. However, we are in control of what we do, how we behave and where we focus our expertise, resources and energy. Our aim is to work together to challenge stigma and oppression. We want our charity to be a place where our staff and people who use our services are respected and engaged. Ultimately we want to make life safer, easier and better for as many people as we can.

Hubbard College of Administration Sussex

hubbard college of administration sussex

Admissions — Degree and Continuing Education Making the Decision Whether you’re a high school student choosing a career and considering an Associate Degree or already in business and want to improve your prospects through continuing education, the college you choose is an important decision. During our admissions process we do our best to help you make the personal and important choices that are right for you. If you need help planning a career or clarifying your goals, we’ll help you. And we’ll make sure you understand exactly what is offered here and exactly what is expected of you. We’ll also do everything we can to enable you to achieve success and happiness in your career. Facts to consider The Hubbard College of Administration Internationals Associate Degree program offers knowledge and practical application that are vital in todays challenging business environment. L. Ron Hubbard’s Administrative Technology is used throughout the world because it has been found to work with effectiveness and success. Our method of education, using Study Technology, is also in broad use in many countries. We don’t simply fill your head with facts and figures. Our Externship programs ensure a strong focus on practical application. You will be able to use what you learn. No matter what your career goals are, whether you want to work in the non-profit sector, in business or as an entrepreneur, even if you want to go into politics or become an artist, your education here will prepare you for success. You will have to weigh these facts, and others. And you will have to decide. As part of this process, we encourage you to contact us and get briefed on what we have to offer, talk to our faculty, see what our graduates have accomplished and speak with students who are already enrolled.

Strength And Conditioning Academy

strength and conditioning academy


We have spent over a decade supporting the growth and development of coaches and practitioners within organisations and more recently with small groups and individuals. We recognise excellent content is a cornerstone in all our development. However, it is the transforming of this content into our personal context which is most impactful. Many learning opportunities will simply provide content. Learning is the acquiring of knowledge and insights and its application. Strength and Conditioning Academy utilises our diverse experiences in coaching and coach development to provide learning opportunities which place you and your context at the centre. Our focus is to ensure relevant content is related back to your context, allowing you to take practical steps in your world. Strength and Conditioning Academy provides frameworks and processes which allow you to seamlessly take the relevant content to your context and help you identify the steps to apply your solutions. Strength and Conditioning Academy wants to provide accessible learning opportunities which allow you to better problem-solve around strength and conditioning to better support those you work with. We want to democratise our diverse knowledge and experiences in strength and conditioning so we can all can benefit from these. We want to provide learning opportunities which actually make a difference in the real world and can be applied across all our contexts. We want our opportunities to truly put you at the centre of the learning process so you can direct your learning where you want it to go. This inspires us to create and offer learning opportunities which uniquely focuses on you and your world and positively impacting what matter most to you. “The problem-solving course was led by outstanding and industry leading experts who designed easily digestible and impactful content spanning key domains of physical preparation.”

Finaltouch Training

finaltouch training


We are daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, learners, teachers and massage therapists. We believe in the profound power of gentle touch at all phases of the human journey, including advanced illness and at the end of life. We are eager to share what we are learning with others who feel called to serve with hearts and hands. Meet the Instructors Our Mission With the support of palliative care and hospice, a growing number of people are choosing the kinds of experiences they want at the end of life. Massage can offer moments of comfort, wellbeing and beauty at a challenging time for patients and their families. Yet most of us are not prepared with the right skills or knowledge to offer this help. Our mission is to offer top-notch education for professional and nonprofessionals who seek to provide safe, supportive touch for people with advanced illness. We also seek to connect people with other exceptional resources to support end-of-life massage – including books, websites, products and other trainings. We are passionately devoted to this mission, because we have seen firsthand the extraordinary benefits of gentle touch during advanced illness and at the end of life. Learn About Documented Benefits Our Classes Final Touch Training is a nationally approved continuing education provider (NCBTMB Provider #1146). Our workshops focus on adapting what therapists and caregivers already know to meet the needs of people with advanced illness, such as: -awareness of “healing agendas” and why these may not be helpful in end-of-life care -the stages of dying, including early decline, late decline and active dying -common symptoms in advanced illness, including pain, anxiety, shortness of breath, edema, skin changes, digestive issues, confusion and nearing death awareness -coping with loss and practical self-care strategies for preventing burnout More About Classes

Helena Clayton

helena clayton


Things are complex, messy and paradoxical, right now. Challenging and difficult for many in organisations. So as a leader or someone responsible for navigating tough and changing times, it can be helpful to have someone alongside you, to help work with the tricky stuff. And most of it is tricky stuff, let’s be honest. I work as a coach. And I design and run leadership development programmes in addition to my work in the field of Organisation Development. And so: • Would you welcome a coach or ‘critical friend’ to support you as a leader? Maybe with a leadership transition? Or wanting to find new ways of working? Recognise that you need to show up differently? A place where you can be an unedited version of yourself. • Would you like your team to work more effectively together, be better than it currently is? Would you like the whole to be greater than the sum of its parts? For there to be more honest communication, or greater collaboration? • Or maybe you want to shift the culture of your leadership population and develop a particular strength in that group to move the organisation on? Or help people see the bigger picture, help them handle the pressure and complexity they face? Coloured 1 Whether it’s coaching, team or leadership development, I can help you face into what’s going on – within yourself, your team, the wider business and in society – and support you in making change, if that’s needed. My clients are as diverse as EY, Wickes, Jaguar Land Rover, the Civil Service and Diabetes UK. My work has a solid psychological underpinning to address personal change, plus a high-level systems thinking lens to ensure that my clients flourish within the bigger picture of their teams, organisations and wider lives. I also bring a strong focus on behavioural practices to create and embed change.

Esag Events Uk

esag events uk


The European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology | ESAG is a premier professional organization of cosmetic gynecologists located in Europe as well as worldwide, who specialize in aesthetic (cosmetic) surgical gynecology. ESAG aims to decisively contribute towards the promotion of innovation in aesthetic surgical gynecology in Europe and beyond. The mission of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology | ESAG focuses on the provision of medical and public education in the field of aesthetic gynecology, as well as the contribution, in a charitable way, to challenged patient groups who may benefit from the organization’s expertise. ESAG is a registered non-profit organization and operates under the statutes governing such organizations' activities in the European Union law. The key values of ESAG include: Structured Knowledge Distribution ESAG aims to promote, expand and improve at a Europe-wide and worldwide level education related to, and exercising of, aesthetic gynecology, especially female cosmetic surgery. Targeted Medical Innovation ESAG intends to facilitate and enable its members to implement cutting-edge aesthetic gynecology techniques, improving and replacing traditional scientific techniques where there is merit in doing so, with a focus on reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the labia and outer female genitals. Medical Education ESAG intends to provide and promote modern techniques related to the field of aesthetic gynecology in educational sessions or courses or similar events aimed at medical practitioners in Europe and beyond, who wish to expand their scientific knowledge of given subjects. Charitable Action ESAG intends to provide relief, via consultation meetings, pro bono advice sessions, and pro bono reconstructive surgery treatments, to challenged patient groups who may benefit from the organization’s expertise – These may include sexual assault victims, patients subjected to operations by force, et al.