284 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

West Coventry Academy

west coventry academy


In practice, this means that we expect students, staff, parents and governors to model these core values. Student Expectations Respectful Students show respect for themselves, their peers, staff and the community. Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Listen and respect other people’s views Have respect for the school site and learning environment Have a healthy, active and proactive lifestyle, with self-respect and self-discipline Recognition that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Students are responsible for their own behaviour and their consequences. Students are responsible for their own learning Students are responsible for wearing the correct uniform, bringing the correct books and equipment to school. Students are responsible to complete their work (including homework) Students are responsible to attend/complete any sanctions issued due to inappropriate behaviour or missed work. Students are responsible to report any inappropriate behaviour to an appropriate adult Resilient Students become more resilient when they realise that it is important to make mistakes and learn from them When finding work difficult, students should not just give up Re-read the work, look at previous work, have another go! Only ask for help when the above has been done Have high expectations of yourself Learn from experiences, in order to become stronger and better at tackling the next challenge Ready to Learn Students attend school in correct uniform, on time and with the correct equipment books Be punctual for all lessons, enter rooms calmly, take out equipment and start the Do Now in silence Make sure all home and prior learning tasks have been completed Have the right attitude to learn and actively engage in lessons Staff Expectations Respectful Staff model respectful behaviour to promote a culture of mutual respect Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Feedback on work respectfully, showing students that their work and effort has been valued. Show respect through being fair and consistent when dealing with students Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Staff are responsible for creating a positive and calm learning environment Teachers are responsible for delivering well planned and meaningful learning experiences Teachers understand the responsibility of their role as a tutor Staff understand the responsibility of working in a school Staff are responsible for modelling expectations Staff are responsible for challenging poor behaviour and uphold school policies consistently. Resilient Support the whole school community to build resilience Identify vulnerable students that may have barriers to learning, support them in reducing barriers and equip them with the skills to build their resilience Praise student’s efforts Teach students that we learn from make mistakes Be open and flexible to new initiatives Develop a Growth Mindset Ready to Learn Ensure lessons are well planned and have impact for all students Ensure you are punctual to lessons and greet the students in a positive way Ensure school rules are applied consistently and fairly Listen to student concerns and help students overcome barriers to learning Empower students to become independent learners Parent Expectations Respectful Promote respectful behaviour within their families Communicate with the school in a calm and respectful manner Respect that all school decisions they are made with best interests of the students Respect the school rules and explain to their child the importance of them Respect the importance of education and teach their child the value of it Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Parents are responsible for their child’s attendance and behaviour Parents are responsible to ensure their child is kept safe and well. Parents are responsible to ensure their child has the correct uniform and equipment. Parents are responsible for communicating with the school to flag any issues that may affect their child’s learning. Parents are responsible challenge poor behaviour and celebrate success Resilient Build up their child’s resilience through supporting them emotionally and helping them to show determination in the face of adversity Promote the importance of “Learning from mistakes” Demonstrate a positive attitude about education and their child Praise their child’s efforts and not just their academic achievements Ready to Learn Ensure their child attends school on time, in the correct uniform and with the right books/equipment Support their child with their learning Develop a partnership with the school Keep track of their child’s homework and behaviour by accessing classcharts regularly Encourage their child to read and to become an independent learner

Health Futures Utc

health futures utc


Our vision is to provide a broad, inclusive health and science curriculum, delivered to the highest standards in partnership with our employer partners. This will ensure that our learners receive personalised, practical experiences, offering opportunities that enrich their experience above and beyond that normally expected and enhancing their employability WE OFFER TOMORROW’S EDUCATION TODAY We’re excited and proud to be the first UTC in the UK to specialise in health care and health science, offering learning and career opportunities for young people like no other school or college in the region. By combining academic study with real-life work projects, personal development activities, and career opportunities our young people will become well-rounded work-ready individuals. They will benefit from a combination of qualified national curriculum teaching and putting their learning into practice in exciting, work-focused projects that are delivered in partnership with employer professionals. We’re able to deliver this ‘tomorrow’s education today’ concept through robust partnerships with major health, education and public sector organisations. This approach supports the development of academic, practical and life skills in our young people, equipping them to meet the demands from employers for good qualifications, transferable skills and a professional attitude to work – whatever career path they eventually choose. We believe that the UTC can provide a set of opportunities and qualifications that will provide an excellent foundation for students to enter the health and care professions. WHAT IS A UTC? University Technical Colleges (UTCs) are government-funded schools with a science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) focus. They provide a unique and relevant approach to education, which addresses the changing needs of students and employers in the 21st century. UTCs were established by companies and universities in areas of high demand for talent. Alongside national curriculum teaching, UTCs also offer sought-after vocational and technical qualifications, and benefit from industry-standard equipment and specialist staff to provide students with skills that are valued by employers. The UTC curriculum has a strong emphasis on ‘real life’ project-based learning, which engages students and develops their personal character. Because of this unique offer, UTCs allow for a broad choice of pathways when a student reaches 18 years old: university, higher or degree apprenticeships, or directly into a career.

Little Minions

little minions


Our mission is to provide children on the west rand with caring early childhood education, to prepare them for primary school and beyond. Dear Prospective Families, We are delighted to welcome you to our website and provide a brief introduction of Little Minions Academy. Located on Walker Avenue in Discovery, Little Minions Academy is a private preschool caring for children ages 3 month old through Grade R. Our state-of-the-art facilities include a preschool library, outdoor playground / sprinklers, garden, and all classrooms with natural light. We are currently accepting registration forms. The school hours are from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm and during this time follows a set routine. We offer enrichment classes through our suppliers, such as Monkeynastix, drama, pottery, Abacus Maths, and soccer! Established as a preschool in 1970, it has been under new management of Little Minions Academy since 1 September 2016, to respond to the growing need for quality, affordable, private preschool education in the area. The school is founded by a husband and wife, who are committed to providing our parents with high quality services. We understand the importance of helping a parent map out a pathway to successful outcomes for their children and the importance that early learning has on the development of the “whole child.” We are committed to the education of children at Little Minions Academy by meeting the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs of each individual child. Our vision is to provide a strong sense of community with a nurturing, progressive educational environment where children can learn through play. Our teachers are committed to excite, motivate, and challenge young minds. We want to teach our very young minds the importance of discovering, learning and respect for others. Our goal is also fully committed to make every effort to develop the personal and social growth of our students. The reinforcement of fundamentals such as “treat others as you would like them to treat you”, courtesy, and good manners is part of each school day. We encourage an attitude of mutual respect and acceptance of diversity. We believe that building a solid foundation from the start is key to any future success.

Industrial Technology Systems Ltd

industrial technology systems ltd


When I sat down to formulate the concept of the company, I had a specific target in mind. My vision was to create a genuine one-stop-shop for all forms of industrial computing and control. I had seen other companies attempt to achieve this and fail, so I was determined that my new company would be successful and able to offer a comprehensive range of services from 24/7 support through to full systems design, for Management Information systems – through a full range of Validation Services and in control systems from the smallest PLC to the largest DCS. I knew from my own experience that what was needed was a company that could deliver, had the right attitude and was flexible enough to respond, whatever the customers’ requirements. It had to make the customer the primary concern, and consistently offer the same level of quality and service on all projects, from small upgrades and support contracts to major capital investments. It was from these initial concepts that ITS was formed in 1991. In the years since then a great deal of hard work and effort has been invested by all the staff of ITS. When I look around the company today, I am proud that we have assembled what I consider to be a superb team of staff. Between them, they are capable of achieving everything initially envisaged. I am also encouraged by the fact that they are now driving the company forward, making it not just a place to work but the place to work. In recent years many people have told me that ITS is an organisation with large company ideas, and I regard this as a compliment. Whilst I realise that we must not lose sight of our roots, it seems right that we are aiming for the top, and our plans must reflect that. It is for this reason that ITS has created an infrastructure not just for today but for the coming years. It is our intention that ITS develops into a world class company and that we continue to improve and equip ourselves for the future. I am confident that ITS can benefit your business, and hope that by visiting this website you will find what you are looking for. If not, please call us. You have my word that we will do whatever it takes to help.

Louise Crockart

louise crockart


For over 2 decades I’ve been supporting my clients in their health and wellbeing through various forms of massage and healing. I offer effective treatments in my clinic and stimulating education in the classroom. Leaving my past life as a graphic designer, I went back to college and studied Aromatherapy. Fast forward many years and experiences, I have gone on to train in Abdominal Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Thai Yoga Massage and On-Site Acupressure Chair Massage (Amma Massage). Constantly striving to improve my skills has lead me to various exotic places, from the Thai jungle, rainforests of Central America, throughout North America, and then the rolling hills in Surrey, UK. I first learned about Abdominal Therapy in 2004, after a chance meeting with Dr. Rosita Arvigo, whilst on holiday in Belize, Central America. This inspired me to seek Abdominal Therapy when I returned home to the UK. Driven by personal health issues, I received regular treatments which supported and reframed my attitude to my own pelvic health. Abdominal Therapy not only transformed my health, but also my outlook on life. Years later, and after working with hundreds of clients, I now teach Abdominal Therapy, running workshops at personal and professional level, both in person and online specialising in the art of gaining and maintaining abdominal health. I run Abdominal workshops for those who seek a deeper understanding and healing from digestive or pelvic issues, and train professional therapists in the art of Abdominal Therapy within The Abdominal Therapy Collective. I was a graphic designer for 15 years, immersed in the discipline of explaining concepts, products and events in a way that was easy to understand and visually striking, I bring these qualities to my teaching, always seeking simple and effective ways to explain healing concepts and methods to my students. I have created a beautiful haven for healing and learning in my home in leafy Twickenham, South West London, UK. Offering treatments at the top of my home in my cocoon-like therapy room, and a fun and engaging workshop space at the bottom, in my kitchen and garden studio. My passion for pelvic health education draws me near and far, for those seeking personal healing or professional growth alike. I’d love to chat with you if you'd like to host a workshop for your community or attend one that’s already listed. Click below and I’ll get back to you soon.

Aerial Training Services

aerial training services


Aerial Sim Training is a new innovative company with a fresh approach to Flight Instruction. Founded by Dr. Robert T. Longo & Captain F. Jefferson Strouse; between them more than 100 years of flying experience. Not bad for two young guys. Bob and Jeff possess a true love for flight, as most aviators do. They want to share with others the joy aviation has bestowed upon them. The best way they feel they can attain their goal of sharing their love for flight is through innovative, safety oriented, Professional Flight Training for General Aviation Pilots. With that idea in mind, together they founded Aerial Sim Training. The unique idea is to provide Professional, SAFE Flight Simulator Training to ALL General Aviation Pilots. This is accomplished by providing use of the simulators to Flight Instructors so that they may be used for training their current students. Traditionally, most flight simulators are reserved for flight school instructors' use to conduct "in house training", while the Independent Instructor is left out; not to mention the fact that most small flight schools cannot afford the cost of purchasing a simulator. Aerial Sim Training is the solution. The simulator we utilize is the Precision Flight Controls DCX Pro Motion. This state of the art Sim is designed for the General Aviation Pilot. The DCX will emulate 32 different general aviation aircraft, both single and multi-engine. The simulator has motion & dynamic feel, a 225 degree display and is FAA Part 61 approved for logging Instrument Initial Training, Instrument Currency and Instrument Proficiency Checks. Listed are the approved hours towards specific ratings: 2.5 hours toward the Private Pilot Certificate 20 hours toward the Instrument Rating 50 hours toward the Commercial Pilot Certificate 25 hours toward the Airline Transport Pilot Certificate Aerial Sim Training also offers many enrichment courses such as: Unusual Attitude Recovery close to terrain Pinch Hitter Courses for the non-flying companion Crew Resource Management / Single Pilot Resource Management (CRM / SRM) Transition & Upgrade Training Aircraft Transition / Upgrade Training is far easier to accomplish in a simulator, not to mention the reduction in cost. Training is enhanced with REAL LIVE Air Traffic Control communication, through the use of The Pilot Edge. This amazing feature allows for training to be as effective and practical as possible.

Mr Happiness 2000

mr happiness 2000


WELCOME TO MR HAPPINESS 2000 TEACHING THE POWER OF POSITIVE EMOTION TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE. HELPING YOU GET YOUR HAPPY BACK. EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE HAPPY! BUT UNFORTUNATELY, THE WORLD DOESN'T TELL US HOW TO BE. And as many people are finding out: you can't buy happiness; relationships don't necessarily bring happiness; and in the workplace the concept of happiness can often seem elusive. So much of your life can be spent in a state of unhappiness! To become a consistently happy person, you've got to awaken your consciousness. You need to become aware of the power of the thoughts you think and their connection to creating your emotions and your perception of reality. The information presented in my coaching isn't taught in schools; it isn't on TV; a great many medical professionals don't know about it. And you won't read about it in the negatively focused press. So how do you get happy? And stay happy? My coaching is designed to help you achieve that. The world has been duped into believing that 'positive thinking' is the answer. Yet anyone who tries it still finds themselves feeling bad and feel their life is going nowhere. The solution is positive feeling. Only when you begin to manage your mind and your emotions - so you feel relaxed, smooth, energised and happy in the moment - can you truly begin to move calmly through life with the genuine confidence and motivation to achieve effortless and joyous success. Your individual level of happiness is decided by the amount of positive energy you are allowing to flow through you on a moment-by-moment basis. This is decided by the choice of thoughts you think. The more loving and appreciative the thoughts you chronically think, the better you will feel. It's as simple as that!  CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO BE HAPPY? The benefits of knowing how to be happy - and most importantly how to stay happy - are enormous. They include: * Greater enjoyment of life on a moment-by-moment basis * Improved attitude towards the self and the world - guaranteeing greater success in life * Improved relationships and friendships * Increased productivity and motivation - helping you achieve your aims and ambitions * Increased energy levels * Reduced sickness levels * Greater resilience to the stresses and challenges of daily life Find out more about us at http://www.mrhappiness2000.com [http://www.mrhappiness2000.com]

Rise Smart Holdings

rise smart holdings


Disheng Overseas Education Center is a professional counseling center for studying abroad in the UK, Australia, the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Switzerland. We have cooperation experience with more than 500 private boarding schools, government colleges and universities, and we are constantly going out to investigate and analyze the best way for students to enter higher education. Since its establishment in 2006, it has been serving students who are interested in studying abroad, providing one-stop consulting services, and actively organizing diversified overseas study activities, such as international student sharing sessions, study exhibitions, etc. Over the years, we have received support from hundreds of students and parents, making us fall in love with this industry even more and helping students better grasp the future. The education consultants of Disheng Overseas Education Center have rich experience in overseas education services and have also studied abroad. Therefore, they can provide professional and comprehensive advice to help students choose the most suitable institution. We firmly believe that high-quality education is the key to children's healthy growth, so we have always taken this into consideration, and we promise to provide students with different academic levels with tailor-made advice on studying abroad with a sincere, serious, and professional attitude, and implement " Disheng's future starts today" spirit. Established in early 2006, Rise Smart Overseas Education Center has been a professional agency serving motivated individuals who pursue overseas study. Rise Smart has a wealth of information on institutes in the UK, Australia, United States, Canada and New Zealand, covering 500 more than independent boarding schools, colleges and universities. We are dedicated to providing one-stop services for prospective students. We also hold activities related to overseas education regularly, such as seminars and interview sessions. With student and parent's positive feedback, we love education much more to help student to overcome struggles in study. Rise Smart Overseas Education Centre's education consultants are experienced in overseas education services and could give comprehensive advice, as they personally were overseas students before. We persist in reviewing every student's profile objectively and to give a detailed analyzation. students select the most suitable institute that meet their educational needs. Rise Smart believes that education holds the key to future success of an individual. We promise to offer sincere assistance and tailor-made advice to students with our ultimate concern. We keep striving to live up to our slogan "Rise Smart - The Futures Starts Today ". We always place your dreams at our hearts.

Doncaster Book Awards

doncaster book awards

The Doncaster Book Award strives to promote reading for pleasure among our young people, in order to create a positive attitude towards books and reading and to extend reading choices. This will, in turn, lead to improved literacy levels, better educational outcomes and thus improve future economic prospects for Doncaster’s children. We also strive to provide children with opportunities for new and exciting experiences based around books and reading, to encourage positive social interaction between young people from all parts of the Borough and thus help make Doncaster a thriving reading community. All About Us The Doncaster Book Award (DBA) is a not-for-profit Social Enterprise Company Limited by Guarantee. It is run by a committee of five volunteers who give their time free of charge. We are fully inclusive and all our events and activities are open to everyone and free to attend. ALL of the funding generated goes to cover running costs and provide our young people with fun and exciting reading-based activities. We are now into our 14th year of operation and have gone from 13 schools in our first year to over 75 in 2018. The DBA is unique in that it is entirely child-led; the website, logo and slogan have all been originally designed by the young people of Doncaster; they also choose the books on our lists, and they vote for the shortlist and winner each year. No adult gets a say! Our website is designed to give children a voice about what they are reading via our Reviews page and to showcase their activities. We are developing this idea further by providing slots for our young people on our monthly radio show and podcast on Sine FM. We provide an exciting and varied programme of events, activities and competitions that keep the profile of reading high, generate enthusiasm and the idea that reading is fun. These have been extremely varied and have included: visits from hugely popular authors such as Cressida Cowell, Andy Cope, Darren Shan, Simon Mayo, Cathy Cassidy and many more illustrator talks and workshops from artists including Chris Riddell, Viviane Schwarz, Liz Million, Chris Mould and Martin Brown Drama and Dance workshops working with a local theatre company, Talegate Theatre Vlogging workshops Poetry slams Ceramics workshops Sports-themed events ... the list goes on! Check out our Events page to see pictures and reports of our activities over the years. None of this would be possible without the generous support of our sponsors and we’d like to thank you all for helping to make it possible.