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The Foundation University Islamabad (FUI), a project of Fauji Foundation, was established under a Federal Charter in October 2002. The University has been rated as category 'W4' (the highest rating category) by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. The academic programmes offered by FUI are duly accredited by Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC), Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC), National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC), National Technology Council (NTC) and Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC). As a higher education institute (HEI), FUI, on priority, establishes linkages with other HEIs at national as well as international levels, local community and corporate sector, especially Fauji Foundation industries. FUI has signed number of MoUs with various local and foreign organizations including universities, industries, both public and private. We are regularly pursuing these deeds in order to establish a vibrant knowledge economy for the benefit of students, faculty and alumni. An MOU with University of Bedfordshire (UOB), UK, under which a 3+1 Transnational Education program has been materialized for the students of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS), Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSSE), Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) in Psychology, who shall complete their first three years of education at FUI and the last year at UOB. The graduates will be eligible for a grant of UOB (UK) recognized degree, duly approved by the accrediting bodies of both UK and Pakistan. The strength of FUI lies in its highly qualified and experienced faculty and well designed academic programs, supported by state-of-the-art academic facilities such as fully equipped labs, libraries, lecture halls, video conferencing facilities, digital library, medical laboratories, auditorium and seminar halls, etc. FUI has also established a Media House, an FM Channel 101.8 and a Psychology Clinic. Furthermore, counselling and career guidance is available for students along with substantial opportunities for participation in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, to turn them into well rounded personalities. Additionally, the University strongly emphasizes on character building and instilling ethical values in students. Financial Assistance in the form of scholarships is available to deserving, underprivileged but outstanding students. University has also established Alumni Association which provides a platform to the graduating students to interact, inspire and benefit from the Alumni of the University.

Way2BetterBusiness Coaching

way2betterbusiness coaching

I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw ~ Proverbs 24:32 My extensive professional experience in the various aspects of business has set me on a mission to help business leaders turn their vision into reality – one step at a time. Throughout the years, I have had successes, learnt from costly mistakes, made wise decisions, learnt from not so wise ones, all of which have contributed to who I am today and prepared me for my mission. So basically, I'm not perfect. However, I'm grateful for every experience because there was always a lesson to learn. I remember years ago my dad once said to me, "Whether your experience is a good or bad one, there is always a lesson. Your job is to learn from it and move on". I've never forgotten that since. As a result, I am a much stronger person today and in a much better position to serve my clients and of course, you. Although my role as a coach is to help you to help yourself by giving you the ownership of change, I can guarantee you that I will not sit there and watch you make the same mistakes I've made in the past. Some of my experience are in the following fields: Business Coaching Entrepreneurship Chair of Committee of a passionate Community Group Board member of Charitable Organisations Steering Committee of a Funding Organisation School Governance Business Management Business Finance Project Management Public Speaking Operations Customer Service Over 10 years Banking and Finance Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights ~ Proverbs 18:15 I take self-development seriously and I’m on an on-going quest to be the best business coach to my clients that I can possibly be. Therefore I try to keep up-to-date with training in areas which I know will help me to better serve you. Here are some of my qualifications: Certified in Business Coaching and Mentoring Certified in Life Coaching Governing Business Activities Business and Leadership Business Analysis Business Organisation and Environment Business Finance 1st class degree in International Business and Level 3 in Teaching Adults in Life Long Learning Sector My coaching training has been with the UK Personal Development Academy (UKPDA), The Coaching Academy as well as Renaissance Training Academy.

Sew Easy Bristol

sew easy bristol

We offer a low price guarantee on all our sewing machines, sergers, and embroidery machines. We offer free lessons on the use of any machine for the first two years when purchased in our physical store. Online purchases do not qualify for free instruction. If you already have an embroidery machine you can find free sample designs in our online store BestSewingDeals.com. We have more free samples in our Yahoo! chat group: Ark and Dove and we have class updates on our announcement only Yahoo! group: Sew Easy Sewing. You can show off your projects in our gallery, we love to see what you've created with sewing and embroidery techniques. We carry a large variety of Baby Lock® embroidery machines and sewing machines too. Stop by one of our physical stores or call us for more information and to see the new Destiny II! Destiny II™ the newest innovation in sewing and embroidery. You won't believe what the new Baby Lock® Destiny II™ can do! Please note: Baby Lock® does not allow their products to be sold online or over the telephone under any circumstances; you must be present in the store to purchase Baby Lock® products. We offer embroidery design packs, notions, parts, manuals, sewing classes, sewing lessons, embroidery lessons, fun project classes, an embroidery club, a quilting club, free demonstrations such as the foot of the month demo and much more. We do repairs on most sewing and embroidery machines too. Check out our classes and special event updates and don't forget to sign up for our new email updates! Be the first to find out what's new, what's on sale, and get exclusive embroidery design freebies. We will match any competitor's price, ship* to you for free if you can't come in to our store, plus we will teach you how to set up and use your machine with free machine lessons for the first two years on any sewing or embroidery machine purchased from us! If you find a better deal, call us at and see what we can do for you. Buy your all your Baby Lock® sewing & embroidery machines and accessories from Sew Easy sewing; we won't be undersold! * Baby Lock® products which cannot be shipped at all, they must be purchased in store.

Social Life

social life


What makes a boundary? How we circumnavigate London is often imagined through its hard materiality of bricks and roads, staggered by open, green spaces and meandering waterways. Yet the sensory experience of moving through the city plays a significant role in how we percieve place, define neighbourhoods, and establish routes and routines. In mid June, Social Life hosted a workshop as part of the London Festival of Architecture, which aimed to explore how sight, smell and sound impact our perceptions of boundaries. Our approach drew closely from a toolkit developed by Saffron Woodcraft and Connie Smith at UCL's Insitute for Global Prosperity - the 'Sensory Notation Toolkit' - which was created with the intention for 'researchers to become alert to their different sense and how these are stimulated by particular environments.' Workshop participants walked with us on a short route around Elephand & Castle. At each stop we asked participants to record their sensory stimulation on a scale of 1-5 for each of the six sense: visual, aural, kinetic, thermal and chemical. We used a visual sensory chart to capture the data to understand what the concurrent themes were for each space and overall which space had the highest and lowest level of sensory stimulation. Building on Social Life's earlier work on sensory stimulation and psychgeography in our local area, our 2017 'Feeling of the Place' project, the workshop aimed to look more closely at the relationship between our sense and how this guides our perception of boundaries. The sensory walk was an exercise on connecting sights, smells and sounds as elements of boundary making and unmaking. Two boundaries were chosen for the exercise, Strata Tower by Elephant and Castle roundabout and a pedestrial barrier in the Newington Estate close to Peacock Yard where Social Life is based. Participants were asked to stop on either side of the 'boundary' and record their sensory stimulation. The stops differed dramatically. Whilst one was located in the middle of a blooming community garden others were located right at the foot of Strata Tower, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of urban life. They were however only a short walk apart. The responses were fairly predictable. Participants noted feeling unwelcome and feelings of unpleasantness in areas that were less human scale and contained less greenery. Aural stimualtion - negative or positive - scored highly for many participants with many connecting unpleasant feelings with wind, loud noises and also temperature.

Dome Club

dome club


We also sell fisheye projectors. Yet customers hardly ever buy them because they are TRIPLE the cost of spherical mirror projection, with significantly lower resolution Why then do people sometimes buy fisheye projectors? possibly they’re not aware of the relatively new spherical mirror projection option fisheye projection produces a full, uninterrupted horizon (whereas a spherical mirror creates small shadows on the dome behind it) Yet consider this: although some audience members may prefer a full, uninterrupted horizon; most won’t mind (or even notice) if you use the software to spin the sky around to show North, for example it may be quaint to have the audience sit in a circle looking up at the sky (as if they’re outside), yet after 10-15min most people get bored of seeing stars (and very likely the sound of your voice!) so next you’ll project astronomical images and video clips. Yet with fisheye projection such content needs to be radially symmetrical and positioned at dome zenith if the concentrically-seated audience is to enjoy it equally; limiting your choice of content you’ll soon run out of radially symmetrical visuals (plus by now the audience is truly weary of your voice), so you decide to screen a fulldome film yet 99.9% of fulldome films are unidirectional, which means at least half your audience will be watching the film upside down (see example here) you therefore ask everyone to move to the rear of the dome this of course means that, as with a spherical mirror system, you can never completely fill your dome With so many restrictions and limitations, is it worth paying up to $20,000 extra for a fisheye projection system, just so you can offer a 'full, uninterrupted horizon'? Your expensive fisheye system will risk falling into disuse and begin collecting dust in a storeroom somewhere we are occasionally approached by fisheye system owners enquiring what they can do to make their systems as versatile as a spherical mirror system we've had audience members who saw the same film in a 7m dome with spherical mirror projection, and then a 7m dome with fisheye lens projection, say: 'the fisheye projector being at the centre of the dome made us, the audience, feel of secondary importance, as if we were pushed out to the side'.

First Aid at Work (Training) Associates

first aid at work (training) associates


The Courtauld works to advance how we see and understand the visual arts, as an internationally-renowned centre for the teaching, research of art history and a major public gallery. Founded by collectors and philanthropists in the 1930s, the organisation has been at the forefront of the study of art ever since, through advanced research and conservation practice, innovative teaching, the renowned collection and inspiring exhibitions of its gallery, and engaging and accessible activities, education and events. The Courtauld cares for one of the greatest art collections in the UK, sharing these works with the public at The Courtauld Gallery in central London, as well as through loans and partnerships. The Gallery is most famous for its iconic Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces – such as Van Gogh’s Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Manet’s A Bar at the Folies-Bergère. It showcases these alongside an internationally renowned collection of works from the Renaissance through to the present day. Academically, The Courtauld faculty is the largest community of art historians and conservators in the UK, teaching and carrying out research on subjects from creativity in late Antiquity to contemporary digital artforms – with an increasingly global focus. An independent college of the University of London, The Courtauld offers a range of degree programmes from BA to PhD in the History of Art, curating and the conservation of easel and wall paintings. Its alumni are leaders and innovators in the arts, culture and business worlds, helping to shape the global agenda for the arts and creative industries. Founded on the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to engage with art, The Courtauld works to increase understanding of the role played by art throughout history, in all societies and across all geographies – as well as being a champion for the importance of art in the present day. This could be through exhibitions offering a chance to look closely at world-famous works; accessible and expert short courses; events bringing art history research to new audiences; digital engagement, innovative school, family and community programmes; or taking a formal qualification. The Courtauld’s ambition is to transform access to art history education, by extending the horizons of what this is, and ensuring as many people as possible can benefit from the tools to better understand the visual world around us. After an ambitious three-year transformation project, The Courtauld Gallery reopened in November 2021.

Ladywood Community School Of Music

ladywood community school of music


The Ladywood Community School of Music is surviving on a shoestring, the grace of Birmingham City Council and the enduring good will and dedication of our two remaining tutors, Paul and Curtis. We currently run classes in Guitar and Saxophone between 6 and 7 pm on Thursdays at the Community Centre in St Vincent Street. Xhosa Cole Our mission is “to bring affordable, quality musical tuition to the heart of Ladywood. We cater for children and adults of all ages and abilities”. In the past we have offered classes in Piano, Drums, Violin and Trumpet and showcased our students and tutors in events at the Community Centre, Birmingham Artsfest, the Botanical Gardens and elsewhere. As a project we are a place where people often come to pick up an instrument for the first time and, as such, we don’t attract the attention that more high powered projects do. However, students who started with us have gone on to play in their own bands, The Notebenders and even MYJO. Most recently Xhosa Cole, who first picked up a saxophone at our Music School a decade or more ago, won the prestigious BBC Young Jazz Musician of the Year. We make a difference! If you think you can help or would like to try, please get in touch by phoning Richard on 07905 559 167 or emailing ladywoodmusic@gmail.com The video is of an Artsfest event we put on back in 2008, and feature Students, Teachers and people who just came along on the day and picked up an instrument. As a school we’d like to get back to where we were then. There's plenty more about us in the old website which I’ve archived, though you may find it doesn’t all work as much of the old HTML 3 & 4 code is deprecated

The Smokin' Elk BBQ School

the smokin' elk bbq school

I’ve been cooking on BBQs for the last 20 years in one form or another. Up until 7 years ago, most of my experience was on gas BBQs, usually the cheap type that you buy off the shelf one year and it rusts out before the following ‘BBQ Season’. This all changed after watching programs such as ‘Man vs Food’ and salivating over all of the American BBQ that was often on the show! I had to get me some of that, but where? There weren’t exactly any BBQ restaurants around in the UK so the only option was to do it myself. I found myself on forums, on Facebook groups, on YouTube and with my head in many books but nothing beat the experience and education of just getting out there and getting on with it. Cue lots of mistakes along the way on a very steep learning curve but here I am today, a whole lot more competent than I was back then. I don’t think its possible to master BBQ or cooking with fire. There is always more to learn and that’s why I love it. There are hundreds of ways to achieve the same end result – good tasting food that puts a smile on your face. Everyone will have their own methods, secret recipes, tips and tricks that work just great for them. I like to try and learn as many of these as possible, inhaling as much fire cooking knowledge as I can along this amazing journey I’m very proud to represent some amazing brands that share my passion. I’m a Fire Squad brand ambassador for Kamado Joe and a Team Temperature brand ambassador for Thermapen. I also work closely with several other brands that share the same principles and together, we help to spread the word of BBQ as far and as wide as we canI’ve decided its now time to share some of the tips, tricks & techniques I’ve learnt over the years, in the hope that it’ll ignite the same passion within you that I feel every day. This is why I’ve created The Smokin’ Elk BBQ School, a project that I’m absolutely buzzing about. This is a school where you’ll learn but almost as importantly, we’ll have fun. And we’ll cook up some damn tasty food along the way! Check out the ‘Classes’ section to check for available classes & dates. I look forward to welcoming you to The Smokin’ Elk BBQ School!