2802 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

St. Michael Archangel, Uk

st. michael archangel, uk


The Society of Saint Pius X is an international society of priests dedicated to the maintenance and celebration of the Traditional Catholic Mass. Its main purpose is the formation and support of priests who conduct apostolic work in schools and parishes all over the world. The worthy celebration of Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a central tenet of Catholic spirituality. Our apostolic activity is centred around the Holy Sacrifice and all that pertains to it and our dedication to the formation of priests comes of devotion to the Mass. In 1991, in answer to families seeking a good Catholic education for their children, a small boarding school was opened in Hampshire. Staff and children were, and continue to be, able to experience the unique privilege of a Catholic environment centred around Holy Mass. With the passage of time, families and faithful have moved to the area, desirous of regular access to the sacraments. With the permanent presence of priests and religious, the school community has grown and developed into a thriving Catholic parish centred around the Tridentine Mass - the largest of its kind in the U.K. The small school chapel has long become insufficient to cater for the needs of the ever-growing number of souls in need of pastoral care. It has become urgent to relieve the school from the demands of parish ministry and to provide a dedicated space for parish growth. With over 40 baptisms in the past 3 years, it is time to rise to the challenge. We wish to build a church worthy of the Divine Guest Who seeks to give Himself to souls, a church where everyone can come to visit Him Who resides within. St. Michael’s forms the largest traditional Catholic community in the country and yet it has no church. The project is underway to give God a new house and home.

Lighthouse Futures Trust

lighthouse futures trust


Lighthouse Futures Trust is an innovative and forward-looking organisation with a mission of changing the lives of young adults. We do this by designing and delivering engaging employability programmes that include opportunities to work with a range of local employers via a supported internship. Our curriculum focuses on two areas – Liveability and Employability – and is aimed at students aged 18+ with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). We start by getting to know each of our interns so that we can understand their skills, experiences and aspirations for the future. We then devise a bespoke programme for them which combines a range of different elements including: working on-site at a range of local employers; 1 to 1 coaching & mentoring; group work; support in gaining qualifications in Maths and English; participating in an enterprise project where they learn to create and launch a new product and service. Our talented students have a range of support needs. Some have mild to moderate learning disabilities, others are on the autistic spectrum or have social, emotional or mental health support needs. They join the programme because they want to move into paid employment and showcase their many skills and talents and just need some extra support in order for them to fulfil their potential. Our role – and our passion – is to help unlock their talents and shine a light on their abilities. From the beginning of their journey with us, we support or students to develop skills so that they can forge their own pathways in work, accessing specialist support as and when they need it, but taking ownership of their future, from the start. We believe that this helps them to find and keep paid employment more easily, and thus create a more sustainable future.

Contender Charlie

contender charlie


A school system which is the most inspirational and supportive environment possible for the physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual development of young people. OUR MISSION To support young people in the exploration of their emotional development and creative potential. To support those who mentor, teach or lead students in the promotion of inspiring, effective and ethical practice. WHAT IS MYTHODRAMA? The purpose of playing is to hold the mirror up to nature. William Shakespeare – Hamlet Mythodrama is a unique form of experiential learning that allows participants to “act in” desired behaviours and attributes. We employ a powerful combination of theatre practice, psychology, mythology and organisational development. It provides inspiration and learning for lasting change. So much is at stake and so much depends on the psychological constitution of modern man. Does the individual know that s/he is the make weight that tips the scales? Carl Jung The psychological aspect broadens perspective and unleashes new possibilities in individuals and organisations. It creates a context to find greater meaning in our work. The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins Remorse from power William Shakespeare – Julius Caesar Shakespeare’s genius provides timeless insights into the human nature of leadership, at all levels. Each of his plays contains a great mythology on the human condition. We can project our own issues on to these mythologies, to gain deeper insight into the nature of the challenges we face in our own lives and work. All this is done in a practical, relevant and down-to-earth manner and is designed to engage even those who would normally feel out of their comfort zone with a theatrical metaphor. Mythological symbols touch and exhilarate centres of life beyond the reach of vocabularies of reason and coercion Joseph Campbell Mythodrama extends the range of participants’ thinking, behaviour and action.



Tropical Coast Languages is a Spanish school located in Almuñécar. Since 1992 we have been dedicated exclusively to teaching Spanish as a foreign language. Studying Spanish at TCLanguages has all the guarantees. Backed by more than 20 years of experience, our school is an Accredited Center of the Cervantes Institute, so our Spanish courses are adapted to its curricular project and, therefore, to the levels and competencies of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. (Council of Europe); complies with the quality requirements of the UNE-EN 14804 Standard "Providers of trips and stays for the study of languages" (European standard EN-14804:2006) of the CEN (European Committee for Standardization). We are an Examination Center for DELE (Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language) and EFE (Spanish for Specific Purposes) certificates and diplomas from the Madrid Chamber of Commerce (Spanish for business, tourism and health services) WHAT DO WE DO? TCLanguages is a Spanish school that combines language teaching with cultural and leisure activities through courses and stays aimed at all those interested in learning about the Spanish language and culture. Through specific courses, it prepares for the certification of linguistic competence of validated exams related to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (DELE, Official School of Languages or Exams of the Madrid Chamber of Commerce for Spanish as a foreign language ). The courses, stays and activities are aimed at all types of students: from adults, adolescents and children from the age of 3, who are interested in knowing the Spanish language and in deepening their knowledge of its culture, history, customs, way of life. of life or any aspect related to language and culture.

Shabbat Walk

shabbat walk


Shabbat walk was founded by Eliezer Gilbert in November 2015. Eliezer had been visiting the Royal Free on a weekly basis. The idea emerged when a group of volunteers wanted to also visit the Royal Free hospital on a Shabbos afternoon. The search was on to find volunteering opportunities for young volunteers. This quickly expanded to include care homes and visiting many other hospitals across London. From this idea a concept was born – Using a time that teenagers are free to have them actively engaging in acts of Chessed whilst simultaneously helping those who are in need of visiting. Avi Dubiner a volunteer for the Shabbat Walk (who was just 15 at the time) was instrumental in its growth. He encouraged over 200 young volunteers from his school and the community to get involved by volunteering regularly. This enabled the Shabbat Walk to expand its services into helping families on Shabbos afternoons and weekdays. Michal Morgenstern took charge of the girls side of the Shabbat Walk and coordinated over 200 female volunteers. The Shabbat Walk then recruited more coordinators to match the increase in the number of volunteers and volunteering activity. There are now 17 teenage volunteer coordinators who have specific duties and responsibilities and without them none of the volunteering activity would be possible. In April 2018 Chaya Hoff, a regular volunteer for the Shabbat Walk officially begun the Hospital project facilitating 100’s of volunteers 18+ to offer some respite and visiting of those in hospital. In September 2018 Avi Dubiner launched Shabbat Walk Israel. Over 50 volunteers from yeshivas and seminaries volunteer their time at local families. The Shabbat Walk also introduced regular Chaburah’s for the regular volunteers to learn about the torah values and concepts surrounding the topic of ‘giving’. This added the dimension of thought and intention behind the actions of volunteering.

River And Sea Sense

river and sea sense


Since Christopher drowned I/RASS have educated over 500.000 young people and adults across North Wales UK and Ireland as to the dangers of open water. From the beginning I wanted to create a Legacy which would leave a memorable impact on both young people and adults in making them more aware of their own and others safety. The strain on our emergency services over the years and ongoing research has proved that CPR First Aid and SABL Education particularly in Wales was not on our curriculum and therefore in 2021 RASS in Partnership with Ajuda Training will provide this extra service across Wales. This would help in many ways to reduce incidents where people were rescued and aid in the saving of lives using the education taught on a peer to peer basis. RASS works with all the emergency services across the UK and is proud to be involved in the – All Wales Drowning Prevention Strategy of which members are RLSS RNLI ROSPA CFOA MPA to name but a few. Awards RASS has received recognition from Emergency Services across the UK and beyond. Awards such as Free To Network Resilience In Business – Finalist Pride of Britain – Special Achievement Award National Lottery Awards – presented By Bear Grylls – WCVA Award – Liverpool Lifestyle Award – Special Achievement The project is needed as there is not enough Water Safety and Lifesaving Education. Young people take risks, drink alcohol, and put their lives and others in danger. There are a number of ‘Hot Spots’ in the local area and across North Wales where young people visit on a regular basis to have fun and which often are having to be chased away or rescued by our emergency services.

The Power of Touch Training

the power of touch training


tpot: the power of touch was founded by Michelle Hammond in 2013 as a result of the UK's first in-depth research in to 'the challenges of treating clients with cancer in UK & Irish spa's and salons. After the initial research Michelle worked with clinicians and specialists in the field of oncology and medicine to understand what we could do and how complementary therapies could be utilised more effectively for those living with dis-ease and life limiting health conditions. Now an active ambassador for integrative health and lifestyle medicine, Michelle works alongside numerous charities and health focused organisations to bring the pillars of wellness front and center. Prior to launching tpot, Michelle was responsible for leading, educating and designing luxury spa, health and wellness teams and brands around the world. Building on her initial and multi-disciplined range of clinical complementary therapy skills. In addition to leading and evolving tpot (something she has always proudly called her passion project), Michelle spent 7 years curating the health and wellness concept and experiences, through design and deliverables, throughout the Pegasus Life community living portfolio - with the aim of revolutionising retirement living in the UK. She has also spent the last few years in her consultancy capacity supporting the future of workplace wellness strategies and meaningful wellness experience curation for large financial and tech led institutions. All whilst still leading her private talking therapy practise clinic one day a week supporting clients with their mental and emotional wellbeing - particularly when faced with life limiting health conditions, trauma and disease. Michelle has recently embarked on a field of study in Traditional Chinese Medicine in the hope of achieving her doctorate in the future and deepening the insights and experiences she can bring to her wellness consultancy, teaching and private practise.

St Thomas Aquinas Catholic School, Birmingham

st thomas aquinas catholic school, birmingham


We have highly-qualified, experienced and dedicated teaching staff and a proven track record of progression onto higher education and employment. The St Bernadette Centre has recently undergone significant refurbishment and investment. Students have exclusive access to a group work room on their study day which doubles as a social space at break and lunch. They also have access to computer facilities in our new library which provides a modern learning space to aid them as they become more independent learners. Our curriculum offers the very best in both academic and vocational courses to match the needs of all our students. All Sixth Form students study Core RE across their two year career with us and complete the Extended Project, applying Catholic Social Teaching to a moral and ethical issue of their choice. Whilst we believe in allowing greater freedom to our students, we strive to have a true partnership between students, parents and tutors. Excellent pastoral care is provided by experienced tutors who advise, encourage and monitor student progress. The Duke of Edinburgh Award remains a strong feature of our school into the Sixth Form. The award gives students the chance to experience physical activities, volunteering, whilst developing life skills through expeditions; it is valued by universities and employees alike. During May half-term, Sixth Form students join the annual Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes to care for and assist the sick and disabled pilgrims. This is a very popular extra-curricular opportunity which really demonstrates the faith of our students in action. Throughout the week God’s love in action is seen through the selfless service of the young people and their generosity of spirit, sharing their talents and energy and time willingly with others.

North Tyneside Music Education Hub

north tyneside music education hub

North Shields

North Tyneside Music Education hub engages with all 76 schools in North Tyneside. As well as ensuring that over 9,500 young people regularly engage in our wider opportunities whole-class tuition programme each year, we also support a network of self-employed music teachers who deliver small-group and individual instrumental lessons in schools. CPD We run programmes of CPD for music teachers and associated staff, provide curriculum support and design services and are always on hand to advise schools on how to make music provision the best it can be in each individual setting. Tutors Our team of NTMEH tutors also work to lead and support ensembles and choirs ran in schools, with over 3,000 young people regularly taking part in extra-curricular musical activities across the borough each year. Young Musicians Over 5,000 young musicians are regularly involved in our North Tyneside based hub events each year, and we also provide further opportunities for our young people to engage in other regional and national events with the support of our broad network of partners. Music Centre NTMEH Music Centre provides over 300 young people with the weekly opportunity to attend a wide range of bands, orchestras, choirs and a music theory group. All of these activities are free of charge. We also facilitate the Youth Music funded Standing Upright project, which provides access to musical opportunities for disadvantaged young people from across the borough, offering them the opportunity to work towards Arts Award qualifications and to train to become a NTMEH Young Leader. NTMEH is always keen to hear from you! Our music hub strives to offer as broad a range of opportunities as possible so that we can meet the musical needs of all young people in our borough. Please do get in touch for further information, or to find out more about working with us.

The Small Woods Association

the small woods association

About Small Woods » Our History Our History Small Woods are experts in the field of sustainable woodland management and social forestry, developing to meet the needs of these growing sectors, and work in partnership with other organisations. In the beginning 1988 - National Small Woods Association (NSWA) established aimed at supporting woodland practitioners, raising the profile of the UK’s under managed small woodlands and networking best practice amongst woodland projects. With strong support from the then Department of the Environment (DOE). 1994 - NWSA and Green Wood Trust (GWT) create a woodland college in Coalbrookdale near Ironbridge 1997 - NWSA Ltd becomes a company limited by guarantee and extends work to input on national and regional policy, while increasing the range of woodland management courses on offer. 1998 – Increasing public concern for sustainable management of local and ancient woodlands Small Woods Association becomes a charity 2000 – NWSA change direction and Small Woods Association (SWA) is established as a registered charity ‘to further education in the conservation of small woodlands’ 2001 – SWA are asked to host ‘Herefordshire Sustain Project’ - a partnership of woodland sustainability projects and policy context, following a seminar hosted by HRH the Prince of Wales and the Duchy of Cornwall 2001 – SWA establish Heartwoods Ltd - to re-link the timber supply chain, requested by the Forestry Commission as a follow on to the Marches Woodland Initiative. 2002 – SWA host a new Woodland Initiatives Co-ordinator role, funded by the Forestry Commission and Countryside Agency (now Natural England), to support a network of woodland initiatives. 2005 – SWA and GWT merge based at the newly re-named Green Wood Centre in Coalbrookdale, and become a focus for the coppice and greenwood sectors.