3649 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

The Stay Safe Initiative

the stay safe initiative


About us In 2013, following many years of working with local young people through martial arts, self-protection as well as life skills training, Richard Pomfrett created ‘Stay Safe! Workshops’. His vision was to help educate and protect as many young people as possible on the subjects of bullying and abduction prevention. It was by starting off working closely with a handful of local schools, that gave him the opportunity to develop and create such unique and effective programmes for both. Since 2013 Richard’s passion for his work as pushed him to continually evolve and shape ‘Stay Safe! Workshops’ to fit the needs of young people today. It is through these specialised and unique sessions, that we aim to educate as many young people as possible. Raising awareness and passing on vital skills and knowledge at key stages in their development and helping prevent them from becoming part of the future dire statistics. The Birth of The Stay Safe Initiative.cic In 2019 ‘Stay Safe! Workshops’ become ‘The Stay Safe Initiative’. To further benefit the community in which we work, we made the decision to take our work from the private sector into the public sector. By doing this, we aim to take the valuable work we do with young people, into building stronger relationships with everyone we work as well as giving us scope to grow and play a bigger role within the community. Growing with the times, The Stay Safe Initiative continues to works with young people on the original subjects of Bullying and Abduction Prevention (Stranger Awareness) but now also provides relevant Internet Safety advice as well as training up many young people within schools to be Stay Safe! Mentors (possibly to become future members of #teamstaysafe themselves one day). As times move forward we continue to evolve and stay relevant ensuring we are delivering the best, most up-to-date education on the subjects we now specialise in.

Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences

ajanta vihara institute of spiritual sciences


At Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences, we believe every individual deserves to experience peace, joy, harmony, abundance and love in every aspect of their lives. We also know what prevents us from moving forward on the path towards abundance; these are experiences long-held, habitual behaviours and dominant-negative thought patterns. These patterns must be identified and healed. These habits must be transformed and replaced with new, more self-supportive and self-honouring ways of being. Our therapies, courses and workshops are highly experiential and designed to transform you at the core of your being. It is our intention that every participant will have an experience that allows them to remember the truth of who they are in order to be more peaceful, joy-filled and loving in the midst of any situation or circumstance they encounter in their lives . Ajanta-Vihara’s team of energy mentors use their combined years of study, practice and experience in the fields of behavioural therapy, psychology, hypnotherapy, energy therapy and their diverse life experience to guide individuals through compassionate conversations and powerful, transformational exercises. Our mentors undergo rigorous training under the AVISS Faculty Development program with a focus on continuous self development, knowledge and skill building; this ensures they are able to cultivate a holistic approach to our practices while providing practical information and tools to use once the engagement ends. What individuals experience, hear and learn creates a solid foundation and gives the inspiration they may seek to improve their careers, relationships, sense of purpose and, most important, their sense of personal power. We offer classes and workshops facilitated by founder director Ms. Jyoti and the faculty of the Institute. Our therapies, courses , workshops, energy camps, personal coaching sessions and the happiness collective series are designed to support individuals in having a deeper experience of themselves in order to understand their life’s experiences through elevated human consciousness. We invite you to explore one of our signature programs for an experience that is sure to change your mind, heart and life forever.

JCI United Kingdom

jci united kingdom


JCI (Junior Chamber International) is a global, not-for-profit organisation for 18 to 40 year olds, run by its members for its members. JCI’s mission is to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. JCI members are from many different backgrounds, cultures and professions, but all share common values and passion to develop themselves and support and improve their communities. Through workshops, projects and organisational boards, members are able to gain practical experience not always available in their work environments. They can develop new skills outside their usual day-to-day experience, take on leadership positions years ahead of when they might be offered in the workplace and learn from people with different personalities, perspectives and experiences. JCI events offer a open and supportive environment, where members are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones, experiment and learn by doing. What does JCI give you? 1. A network of business contacts: We all come from different areas including finance, marketing, business development and startups businesses. We are here to help each other to succeed. 2. A chance to travel to international events: Junior Chamber International (JCI) is the biggest youth leadership development organization in the world and as a global network it unites 150,000 young people spread in 5,000 communities, 100 countries. Get in touch to learn about upcoming international conferences. 3. An opportunity to get involved in community projects: At JCI we meet on a regular basis for fun and friendship and we voluntarily run inspiring events and initiatives. See our events section what is coming next. 4. Trainings and workshops for your personal development: Public speaking, events management, project management, networking. At JCI we believe in learning by doing. We invest in our members personal development through training and workshops once a month or more. What do you do next? – Check out your nearest Local Organisation or drop us a mail for more info.