2803 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

West Central London Fixers

west central london fixers


West Central London Fixers bring together volunteer repairers and the community to fix their electronics for free. The idea is to nurture repair culture in the community, rather than throwing away electronics – indeed e-waste has become a huge environmental problem. The events are open to volunteer learner repairers so are educational as well. WCL Fixers currently organise monthly free repair events at the Dalgarno Trust and the Space in North Kensington as well as at the Livat shopping centre in Hammersmith. The idea however is to have three branches: WCL Fixers – North Kensington WCL Fixers – Hammersmith WCL Fixers - Westminster - from April 2023 We are supported by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the London Borough of Hammersmith Fulham. We work in partnership with the Restart Project. West Central London Fixers also engages in the private repair and recycling of laptops. Please call or email us for further details - wcl.fixers@gmail.com. We love fixing things at our free electronic repair events. However, as we do not stock spare parts for all electronics, it may be at times best to seek professional advice. Click on the link to locate your local repair shop. Trainee sessions now available at our repair events - (2 hours). Scroll down to the events in black and white. Reuse things: Library of Things, also present at Livat Hammersmith, helps you save money and reduce waste by affordably renting out useful Things like drills, sound systems and sewing machines from local spaces. You can also learn skills like DIY and repair.

Northumberland Community Development Company

northumberland community development company


Northumberland Community Development Company are proud to have been awarded funding by The Prince’s Countryside Fund for a two year project. This award will be used to support business growth in the rural communities in the west of Northumberland. We aim to work with people who are considering self-employment as a viable alternative to employment. We are particularly interested in assisting people from the farming community looking to diversify, home working to support young families and helping older people stay in their communities. We want to contribute to vibrant, economically stable communities, enabling people to live, work and socialise in their community. So………. 1.  If you think you may have an idea for a business and would like to talk to someone about it, 2.  Or if you have a new business and would like some mentor support and be part of a network of like-minded people to help it grow, 3.  Or, if you already run your own business and would like to be part of a local business network,  Then please do get in touch Back of Beyond Business Support offers:  1 to 1 mentoring  Business plan advise  Business Builder workshops addressing common learning needs to starting and running a business  BOBBS Network. Quarterly get together for all business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs for mutual support, business to business trade, collective learning and up to date information Interested, but would like to know more? Contact Louise Northwood on 07961895813/ louiseN@ncdc.org.uk Follow our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/backofbeyondbusiness for up to date information of workshops, networking meetings and events.

The Nelson Thomlinson School

the nelson thomlinson school



The local context (a small industrial town in rural northern Cumbria) is, perhaps, not one you might associate with academic excellence and yet we were the first secondary school in the county to have been judged “outstanding” by Ofsted under their revised framework. You will probably want to see for yourself what we have to offer and, to this end, I would be delighted to show you around. Emotional Intelligence – Plus (EQ+) I have always been a firm believer in the promotion of so-called ‘soft skills’, in Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and in improving the ability of pupils to interact effectively with others in different contexts. Many pupils suffer when they find themselves in a different social context (e.g. a discussion with an adult, a classroom presentation etc.) and find it hard to adapt. So, a few years ago, as part of the School Development Plan, we promoted this across the school through normal lessons and Form Periods to help pupils recognise its importance, and encouraged pupil progress in eight key areas, using where possible pupil role-models as teachers. These days, we regularly revisit EQ, albeit informally, encouraging pupils to be ‘EQ-competent’ and ‘interview ready’. And more recently, we have also embarked on a related project with an external company keen to promote Oracy Skills. Initially, we focussed on the whole of Year 8; latterly, we have adapted the programme to target around 100 pupils (from Year 7 to Year 12) who we believe might benefit more than others from this kind of intervention.




We offer customised training opportunities on a range of open courses for a wide variety of job and life skills opportunities through one-to-one learning support, individual learning plan, progress reviews and advice and guidance. We have delivered programmes ranging from privately funded courses to ESA, EFA 16-18, Traineeship, Apprenticeship, Advanced Learning Loan and Adult Education contracts from entry level 1 to level 7. Our excellence in quality assurance, leadership, and project management have enabled the sustainability of our business, timely completion of our learners' courses and in getting to their destinations. Our average success rate since 2014 is ninety-eight percent. Zurbel Training works with local communities such as the Job Centre Plus, Connexions, Advice & Guidance and the Outreach Team in making sure candidates are guided on the right path. Our gratitude to our business partners working with us for our learners' work job placement, 95 per centre. With the support of our centre partners, courses are now delivered closer to learners' vicinity within their community. They also have the opportunity to study from home via our online E-portfolio assessment system. On completion, all our learners supported with progression route into further education or employment, where we offer them workshop activities on their CV writing, confidence building and job interviews techniques. General feedback from stakeholders i.e learners, employers, staff and funders have been so encouraging, in seeing learners achieving their aims. Our main aim is to increase our provisions to the hard to reach target group in the country and to secure direct funding.

The National Energy Foundation

the national energy foundation

Milton Keynes,

The National Energy Foundation was established in 1988 by Milton Keynes Development Corporation to continue its work on energy efficient housing through its Energy World project. Energy World was a demonstration of 51 low-energy houses designed to be at least 30% more efficient than the Building Regulations then in force. The Foundation was set up to increase public awareness on the safe and efficient use of energy through demonstration and research. From 1993 to 2001 NEF worked closely with the Energy Saving Trust in setting up the UK’s network of Energy Efficiency Advice Centres (EEACs) and managed the network for the first five years. NEF went on to develop the National Home Energy Rating Scheme, which was run by a trading subsidiary (National Energy Services) from 1994 and in 1998 NEF established the Energy Efficiency Accreditation Scheme for businesses which was transferred to the Carbon Trust in 2005 and later became the Carbon Trust Standard which continues to run to this day. Renewable energy was relatively unknown at this time and NEF became a thought leader as awareness began to grow and was at the forefront of educating the public on the latest developments. Through outreach events and working with schools, the team was introducing local people to the benefit’s renewable energy. When USEA (United Sustainable Energy Agency) merged with NEF in 2013, NEF started doing a lot of work on advice on domestic energy efficiency and fuel poverty which grew into the projects still running today.

Montague Consulting

montague consulting


Montague Consultants is focused on combining governmental experience and expertise with an in-depth and profound appreciation of private sector concerns to offer cutting-edge solutions to today’s business challenges. Montague Consultants combines an array of professional skill-sets at its disposal through its principal and its network of associates to offer an exceptional quality of service covering a range of business-related matters. Keith G.E. Worrell, F.C.C.A P.A. LLB (Hons) Principal Keith G.E. Worrell is a UK-qualified Chartered Accountant (F.C.C.A.) and a licensed member of the Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants (B.I.C.A.). He is a former lecturer at the London School of Accountancy and has had extensive experience locally in both the public and private sectors. Keith played an integral role in the evolution of the tax administration system in The Bahamas. Keith formerly headed the Department of Inland Revenue’s office in Grand Bahama, having joined the Value-Added Tax Implementation Project as a consultant in April 2014. He served as the Director of Tax Policy with the Department of Inland Revenue in New Providence from September 2017 until November 2021. Considered by many as the premier authority on taxation in The Bahamas in general and Value Added Tax in particular, Keith was instrumental in interpreting and applying tax laws and policy, participating in negotiations with major investors and taxpayers. In addition to his accounting qualifications, Keith holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree and completed a Graduate Diploma in Legal practice (GDLP) from the Australian National University in Canberra.

Health Research & Service Consulting

health research & service consulting

Health research and health service quality improvement consultations (including project management) as related to: - Operational aspects such as implementation, monitoring, workforce, financial, legal and regulatory matters - Research strategy and policy from scratch to updates - Clinical Trials Management (from EOI and study feasibility to closure, ICH-GCP standards audit and monitoring) - Research funding support for planning, bids, applications and management (incl. International/EU funds) - Development planning, horizon-scanning, service needs assessment and evaluation (incl. SWOT analysis and SMART goal setting) - Quality assurance and improvement: Clinical audit, Clinical effectiveness and Service evaluation - Patient safety: medical error prevention, errors monitoring/analytics and incidents investigations (RCA method) - Innovation in healthcare (strategy, policy, implementation, management and IP issues) - Quantitative and Qualitative research - epidemiological and large health data-sets (incl. RWD) analyses/management, observational studies, surveys, focus groups, etc. - Systematic and pragmatic literature reviews - Custom training/workshops for health service and health research: Health improvement/assurance (Clinical audit and Clinical effectiveness); Research methodology with basic statistics; Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) masterclasses; Good Clinical Practice and research governance training; - Medical writing (incl. protocols, SOPs, TMFs, other technical documentation, regulatory submissions and briefings, clinical pathways and guides) - Academic writing (incl. structuring, language, format for peer-reviewed journals, conferences, reports and dissemination) - Teaching English to speakers of other languages for use in medical setting (with communication skills and OET prep; CELTA qualified) - ICT in healthcare (HCI, UX, UI, IT architecture) incl. Clinical Decision Support Systems (development, feasibility, usability, audit, safety) - Customised Portal/website (incl. intranet development, file content management, front-end/interface design)

The Holistic Psychotherapist

the holistic psychotherapist


’m Kerry Watson, a psychotherapist, coach, mum, and wife. I support people who are having difficulties in their lives due to anxiety and stress through 1:1 therapy sessions and coaching programmes. I also teach people how to heal themselves and look after their mental wellbeing. I live in Dunfermline, Fife and work UK wide offering in person and online therapy sessions. I hold a Degree in Psychology and am working towards a MSc in Forensic Psychology. I’ve been immersed in self development for over 9 years- learning Psychology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Eye Movement Therapy, Holistic Wellbeing, Shadow work, Hypnotherapy and more. I am a passionate advocate for mental wellbeing and have been involved in various academic research projects around the topic of military/veteran mental health. In 2018, I was awarded a research internship where I designed and conducted research into "Understanding Military Spouse/Partners Support Needs and Online help seeking strategies". In 2019 I completed the research project "A thematic analysis of the barriers and facilitators which impact Veterans willingness to engage in mental health support services". Both of these projects involved investigating areas of mental health experiences, stigma and toxic masculinity. I hope to publish both of these research papers in the future. Although I do not follow a particular religion, I resonate well with Humanism. Working on my own personal development and wellbeing for over 9 years, I recognise the importance of emotional wellbeing, and this is a key aspect of the way that I work.