426 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Tai Chi and Meditation Centre

tai chi and meditation centre

The Founder of the Tai Chi and Meditation Centre is Shifu Andy James (Wu Andao), who in 1984 gave up a career as a chartered accountant to teach fulltime. Shifu James was trained as a teacher of Insight Meditation (Vipassana) by the renowned Thai meditation master and author, Dhiravamsa. His first and main teacher in the Internal Martial Arts of Taijiquan, Baguazhang and Xingyiquan was Miss Rose Li ( see Lineage) Shifu James has studied medical and martial under Professor Jerry Alan Johnson and is a qualified Medical Qigong Therapist. He is also a Zen Shiatsu therapist. He is a member of the Forge Guild, an international association of trans-traditional spiritual leaders and teachers. Andy James is the author of The Conscious I: Clarity and Direction through Meditation, Ageless Wisdom Spirituality: Investing in Human Evolution and The Spiritual Legacy of the Shaolin Temple: Buddhism, Daoism and the Energetic Arts. Served as president of the Canadian Practitioners' Association of Asian Medicine and the Canadian branch of the Wudang Internal Martial Arts Association, vice-president of the Canadian Taijiquan Federation and director of the Canadian Kuo Shu (Martial Arts) Association. He was a member of the Canadian masters' demonstration team at the World Wu Shu Championships. Andy has been a passionate, interesting guest as well as a sensitive interviewer. He is now retired from the Tai Chi and Meditation Centre and offers his teachings at his retreat centre, Harmony Dawn. Although his time is limited, he does schedule media time throughout the year. For more information on how to request an interview with or by Andy, please write or email Andy.

Maria Afentakis

maria afentakis

Maria has an MSc in Neuroscience from the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London. She has worked in prestigious scientific institutes throughout her scientific career, including The institute of Neurology, UCL, London School of Pharmacy, Imperial College and The Royal Marsden Hospital, London. She has been an author in many scientific publications, including a first author paper, which is recognition for her scientific research. This paper is listed below: Afentakis M, et al. ‘Immunohistochemical BAG1 expression improves the estimation of residual risk by IHC4 in postmenopausal patients treated with anastrazole or tamoxifen: a TransATAC study’. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2013. Maria has taught many medical doctors and students scientific concepts in biology, physics and chemistry. She has supervised them, and helped them pass examinations and obtain MDs and PhDs. Through her writing and teaching, Maria's aim is to educate others in gaining the scientific background to help them understand the importance of connecting the mind, body and soul with mindfulness techniques to bring them peace and balance in their everyday lives. The spiritualist Maria is a gifted third-generation spiritual psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive reader, angelic reiki practitioner, animal reiki practitioner, crystal healer, channel, public speaker, teacher and author. From a young age, Maria has been highly sensitive to energetic fields of places and people, and has been blessed with spiritual gifts to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, to educate others in gaining the scientific background to help them understand spirituality, and to bring them peace and balance in their everyday lives. Maria offers advice and angelic reiki treatments to people to make them feel balanced and energised. She is able to explain to them how their energetic aura and chakra system works, by explaining the biology and physics behind them. She provides workshops and runs guided meditation classes. For high-value speaking engagements and workshops As a scientist and academic, it is my passion to help improve your well-being in life; to help empower you with new-found energy and spiritual awareness and to bring about positive changes in your life. Upcoming events will include talks and workshops on energy and how people can balance and restore their chakras so they feel energised, happy and at peace in life. You can find me at events including the Mind Body Soul Experience at Alexandra Palace in London, where I have a regular speaking engagement. Keep a close watch on my website for the next speaking event. Email angelicmagic@outlook.com to receive information on FREE new moon/full moon meditations, information and upcoming events

Cambridge Supervision Training

cambridge supervision training


Anthea Millar MA, Dip IIP | CST Partner, Course Tutor Anthea is a co-founder of CST, a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor of 38 years experience, and also a supervisor and counselling & supervision educator. She is a Vice President of the Adlerian Society, a training moderator and assessor, and author of a number of publications including co-author with Penny Henderson and Jim Holloway of Practical Supervision (JKP 2014). As well as her work in the UK, she is on the board and faculty of ICASSI, an international psychology conference, and is regularly invited to provide training abroad, most recently in Germany, USA, Malaysia, and Greece. Picture Kathy Mitchell MSc, Dip | CST Partner, Course Tutor With a background in psychology and as a BACP Accredited Counsellor of almost 20 years experience, Kathy is also an experienced supervisor and trainer. She has a thriving therapy practice and has worked in a supervisory context with experienced and trainee counsellors, and other allied professionals across a variety of settings including Centre 33 and the University of Cambridge Counselling Service. In 2007 she established an in-school counselling service at Chesterton Community College, and as a teacher and trainer she has taught A level Psychology, delivered courses in counselling and presented numerous workshops. Picture Julia Herrick DipIIP | CST Associate Partner, Observed Practice Julia is a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and also works as a supervisor and trainer. She has a background in nursing and the NHS, having specialised in substance abuse for over 25 years. She now has an independent practice combining varied client work, supervision and training as well as offering supervision for organisations such as Centre33, Stars and Choices, she has a particular interest in encouraging supervision in fields such as medicine, nursing, teaching, the legal profession and faith leaders . She is a counselling Diploma assessor for ASIIP and has been involved as a visiting tutor for CST since its inception. Picture Jim Holloway BA DipIIP DipH | CST Associate Partner, Supervision of Supervision Jim is a BACP Senior Accredited Supervisor with over 20 years’ experience in counselling, including NHS and local authority EAP contracts. He has worked in various roles for counselling charities in Cambridge and has an independent practice specialising in anger management, and for many years ran personal development groups for men. He joined the Cambridge Supervision Training partnership in 2012 and with CST founders Penny Henderson and Anthea Millar, Jim is a co-author of Practical Supervision (JKP 2014). He currently writes the supervision column in BACP’s Private Practice journal.