265 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Gemini Gymnastics Club

gemini gymnastics club



We have decided to cap sessions at 16 participants, to allow for space in the gym. As much as Covid regulations have eased, we believe that it is worth keeping the space in the gym. In addition to this, it makes for a better training environment if the gym is not too crowded. However, at times we may allow additional attendees at the coach’s discretion. We will continue to monitor this. We currently are not requesting participants to show a negative test before training. We would ask however that you are sensible. If you are showing covid symptoms, then please do not attend a session. If you do test positive please do let us know as soon as possible so we can contact other members so everyone can test themselves. Please do maintain social distancing as much as is possible in the gym. We will continue to review this and if we are unfortunate enough to have cases in the gym, or if government guidance changes, then we may have to think about asking for a negative test result before attending. Gemini run semi structured sessions as these sessions are for adults. There will be a group warm up and basic lines and/or conditioning at the start of each session. After this, participants will be able to use the gym as they see fit. However, there is always a coach in the room who will be more than happy to offer coaching advice and guidance if requested of them and please don’t be afraid to ask us – it is what we are there for! Coaches will also monitor the room and if a particular piece of apparatus is busy we may ask you to rotate to a different piece if you have been on the same one for a while. Whilst we make every effort to ensure sessions go ahead, please be aware that there may be times that sessions will have to be cancelled. If this happens every effort will be made to make up the missed session, either by rolling over your session to another day or adding an additional session to make up for this. This usually only happens due to staff sickness or unavailability due to training courses or competitions. BG Membership We do require all our members, whether casual or regular, to be BG registered. This is for insurance purposes as gymnastics is a high risk sport and accidents can occur. The membership is £19 for the year. If you chose not to become BG registered, then you accept that you are training entirely at your own risk and Gemini are not liable for any accidents that happen. We also reserve the right to deny entry to anyone who is not registered. https://www.british-gymnastics.org/renewal-options Missed Sessions If you cannot make a session, we understand! Life happens. However, we would appreciate it if you could let us know at least 24 hours before the session so we can fill your space. We do quite often have a waiting list due to the capped numbers. If you let us know 24 hours or more in advance that you cannot make a session, we are more than happy to roll your session over to another one WITHIN THE SAME MONTH. However, if you do not let us know then we will not allow the session to be rolled over and you will not receive a refund. Of course, if there are extenuating circumstances, we will judge these on a case-by-case basis. New Members We are always happy to welcome new members. However, I would ask that you please don’t share the booking link with anyone. If anyone is interested, then please do give them Becky’s contact details so she can set them up on the system before booking in for sessions. Behaviour and General Etiquette At Gemini we have worked hard to create friendly and fun adult sessions, where we can genuinely say most of our members become friends. To this end, any unsociable behaviour will not be tolerated. All our members and staff have a right to be respected and treated fairly. Any abuse (verbal or physical), disrespect, bullying etc will never be tolerated and if this happens you will be asked to leave the club immediately.

Inova Consultancy

inova consultancy

Sheffield City Centre

Inova has been running since 2001 and provides consultancy services, training and coaching programmes in the areas of entrepreneurship, employability, career development and wellbeing, with a focus on diversity and equal opportunities. We work with a wide target group for which we provide a variety of training and support programmes. Much of our work focuses on supporting those who are under-represented or who face challenges to fulfil their potential, and many of these are co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. Our funded programmes have helped many of those who are most vulnerable, including migrants, NEET young people, older people and women who have been victims of violence, trafficking, homelessness or abuse, to name a few. We have worked extensively with entrepreneurs, artists and women in non-traditional fields such as Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM). Our director, Marina Larios, is president of WiTEC, the European Association of Women in SET. Our programmes use coaching and mentoring to support individuals to develop their ‘soft skills’, build confidence and self-efficacy and reflect on and achieve their goals. Our in-house trainers have over 50 years of experience between them and can provide one to one coaching, workshops and Enterprise/Career/Mentoring and Mindfulness Circles™. Meet them at our “Our Team” page! Our Circles are a series of products developed by Inova which combine mentoring, coaching and action learning to support individuals to reflect on and develop either a new or existing business, change or progress in their career or consider their personal life goals. This methodology was recognised by Aberdeen University business academics as a successful programme for the development of entrepreneurial skills and they have since been adapted to support many other people in different areas of life.

Universal Truth

universal truth


The founder of Universal Truth, Nyla Khan, was forced to marry and subsequently desensitised from her own feelings for over 15 years. Her story is more than the typical narrative of being taken to Pakistan and forced into a marriage - she is a woman who cannot be put into a box no matter how hard family members and communities may try, about being disowned by her family and suffering abuse and community coercion from her own community. She has conquered every block that has been put in her way and now feels that her purpose in life is to demonstrate that all women can follow the same path. Nyla’s spiritual awakening has healed herself and presented her life’s purpose which is to gain the correct knowledge and experience to share her story and start Universal Truth so to be a role model that most ethnic minority women don’t have or can use more of – a successful and independent woman who surpassed tradition and limitations that were placed on her by archaic cultural conditions which resulted in community isolation tactics and silence in the name of honour. Nyla went from feeling like a failed unworthy daughter to the knowledge that she is just a soul who was made in the light of God. There is no box in which she belongs, she is a soul that was born to be free learning hard lessons. With so much fear instilled in victims, Nyla and Universal Truth bring a unique spiritual approach to these women. Through Universal Truth, Nyla seeks to break a cycle, to lead, to teach and heal others through her wisdom - as through her journey, she now lives a life of self-expression and truth - a birth right which belongs to all of us. Bringing Universal Truth to life is a path to support and inspire not only all the women of colour who are wanting to defy all odds but need strength and inspiration to do so, but also to inspire women from any background who have suffered similar trauma to give them hope and the courage to be loud and speak their truths. We understand that society’s structures and systems must embrace change in order for change to be effective and sustainable. That is why Universal Truth's focus is strongly dedicated to leading policy changes so that ethnic minorities are systemically supported and protected.

Bricolage Consulting

bricolage consulting

I see individual growth and development as being both fragmented and interlinked. By applying the concept of bricolage, a term used in anthropology meaning taking things which are available to create something new within a cultural context, I aim to co-create a safe space for individuals to explore this fragmentation. I would support and encourage individuals to see themselves and life more holistically.  Training, supervision and therapy is available in person, online or through blended online therapy with face to face therapy. Therapy can be short term or open-ended. I find open-ended work most effective and satisfying. We usually meet weekly at a regular time, as this tends to be the best way of being able to support the work. I offer daytime and evening therapy and supervision sessions.. Initially I suggest we meet for an exploratory session, to give us both the chance to find out whether we feel we can work well together. As well as exploring what has brought you to therapy, we will discuss confidentiality, privacy of information, cancellations, holidays, reviews of the work and payment arrangements.  If you decide to work with me, we will discuss and sign a written contract together, including privacy and data protection aspects, then review our work regularly thereafter. Salma Siddique, PhD, FHEA, FRSA, FRAI is an academic and clinical (psychotherapist) anthropologist based in Scotland. She obtained her doctorate in anthropology from the University of St. Andrews and later qualified as a UKCP registered psychotherapist and clinical supervisor.  Research areas Her main research teaching is based on the dialogue between psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and anthropology. This is influenced by her clinical experience working with people in trauma resulting from oppression, abuse, torture, fleeing disaster and conflict zones. Salma actively encourages engagement in research based on the philosophy of indigenous epistemologies. Child observation is at the heart of training and enhancing on-going practice-based evidence. Emerging research practitioners will gain a greater understanding in the application of self-analysis to the research. They will apply a diversity of methods such as psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and (auto)ethnography when considering intersubjectivity and its experience of the 'other' within their own configurations of meanings She is a contributor to research writing as a clinical anthropologist. Her work and practice engage with the tension between collective guilt and personal responsibility examined from the witnessing of identity and belonging through displaced lives, racism and systemic oppression.

Charmaine Pollard

charmaine pollard


In my own life I have had to face many challenges, find my own strength and rely on my inner resources. This is why I became a counsellor, I qualified in 1998 and later achieved my registered/accredited status with British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Personal counselling helped me accept myself and gain a better understanding. It has also made me much more resilient in dealing with whatever issues life threw at me. Now, I help others to find their own strength and sense of self through counselling and more recently, poetry therapy. We are all unique and follow our own paths towards change. I know you can change, if that’s what you desire. Having a confidential space, where someone listens to you attentively, and in a non -judgemental manner is the first step. Together, we can explore the sensitive issues which you would prefer to put to the back of your mind, but which keeping nagging at you. I have been on this journey myself, and for over twenty years I have worked in various capacities with people from all walks of life and have seen great results. Contact me for an initial conversation. Additional experience In addition to managing a counselling service working with trauma and abuse. I have extensive experience as a supervisor of other therapists. I also teach personal development courses at City Lit, adult education college in Central London. I have also facilitated personal development groups for counselling diploma students. Poetry therapy Over the past decade, I have come to experience the transformative power of words. I have facilitated poetry therapy groups and therapeutic writing workshops in a wide variety of settings, including clinical settings, schools, churches, libraries, museums, prisons and The National Archives. I am one of a handful of Certified Poetry Therapists in the U.K, who have completed their training with the International Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy in U.S.A.I trained under the mentor ship and supervision of Victoria Field. Currently I only offer poetry therapy in groups. Do visit my workshop page to find out about current workshops / groups or sign up to my email list below. My Book: Writing for Resilience After implementing therapeutic writing programmes in a wide range of settings. I have used this expertise to produce a workbook. The book began its life during a poetry therapy group that I facilitated for women survivors of trauma in Central London. Together the group decided that they wanted to offer hope to those who had been through similar circumstances and introduce other people to the fantastic resource that is, writing as therapy.

Caring Dads

caring dads

Since our start in 2001, the Caring Dads intervention program has been firmly situated within the realm of gender-based violence, and, indeed, within the framework of gender equality in general. There are unquestionably very clear connections between violence against women on one hand, and children’s experience of violence, whether as victims or witnesses, on the other. Global estimates published by the WHO indicate that one in three (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime [1]. We know that young children are frequently present when this violence happens or live in households where it takes place. An alarming statistic published by the US Department of Justice indicates that 1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence every single year, and that in 90% of those cases children are eyewitnesses to this violence [2]. In Canada there are over 100,000 substantiated child maltreatment investigations every year, with over half involving fathers as perpetrators [3]. Police reports further confirm that fathers are perpetrators in the vast majority of cases of domestic violence. Of even greater concern, men clearly predominate as perpetrators of severe, injury-causing physical abuse of children and women and commit the majority of family-related homicides [4]. Yet, when one speaks about gendered violence, we're not only speaking in terms of the physical actions of women and children being hurt by men. Underlying these undeniably deplorable acts are the social factors that shape our conceptualizations of masculinity and femininity, the power relations that exist between these identities and the societal structures that create and reinforce these power relations. In India, for example, 52% of women experience violence in their own homes. While this is a horrifying statistic in it's own right, consider that over 53% of men, women, boys and girls in India believe that this is normal [5]. At the same time, Research done over the past two decades has clearly established that, when fathers are positively involved with their families, children benefit cognitively, socially, emotionally and developmentally. Despite the importance of fathers in families, our child protection and child and family mental health service systems tend to work primarily with mothers; a trend that is exacerbated when fathers are deemed to be high risk. Ironically, this means that those fathers who most need to be monitored and helped by our intervention systems are not involved. Men’s children pay the price with higher rates of aggression, substance use, criminal involvement, suicide attempts, mental health problems and chronic health conditions.

Carly Ann

carly ann

What makes me a stand out Coach is my own lived experience with an anxious-avoidant attachment style. I have lived & breathed the attraction to unavailable partners, fantasy relationships, obsessing, and losing myself in love. Behind my agonising relationship struggles is a story of multiple childhood traumas and heartache. From my first memory I was surrounded by violence, substance abuse, chaos, and unpredictability. Up until the age of 30, I was in an unconscious mission to fulfil my longing for attention, love, and to be chosen. I chased, crushed, settled, lost myself, drank myself to oblivion, embarrassed myself, lacked boundaries, and abandoned myself time and time again. Immediate pain would show up in my anxious attachment when I experienced any kind of rejection. I would become convinced I needed that person to survive. Deep abandonment wounds would be wide open and as a result, I would be left with a version of me that I couldn’t recognise. My avoidant attachment could be seen in the way I went into myself, got stuck in moods, had an underlying feeling of numbness and sadness, and avoided the inner work for many years. WAKE UP CALL My wake up call came at 29. The end of a relationship (that I had outstayed due to a deep fear of being alone), followed by the agony of dating unavailable guy after unavailable guy. Relationships fuelled by jealousy and a fear of this person realising who I truly am and leaving me. My own recovery has been a bumpy road. Self-help, coaching, therapy, relapses, and then getting up and going again. Through sharing my own journey it’s my hope that your recovery can be a bit smoother. My healing has seen me meet and sustain a healthy relationship. I see myself in this relationship sometimes like it is not me… those moments I’m no longer triggered, my ability to respond over react, the way I consider my things logically, and how I see myself almost choose the old path from time to time. It is my life’s work to pass on, teach, & guide what I know to be true, the methods I use, and give my support to people who are where I was then. So that in this lifetime, we can experience the love we deserved from the beginning. Because it was and is our birth given right to have our needs met, to be loved, and to live a full & safe life.

Cambridge Supervision Training

cambridge supervision training


Anthea Millar MA, Dip IIP | CST Partner, Course Tutor Anthea is a co-founder of CST, a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor of 38 years experience, and also a supervisor and counselling & supervision educator. She is a Vice President of the Adlerian Society, a training moderator and assessor, and author of a number of publications including co-author with Penny Henderson and Jim Holloway of Practical Supervision (JKP 2014). As well as her work in the UK, she is on the board and faculty of ICASSI, an international psychology conference, and is regularly invited to provide training abroad, most recently in Germany, USA, Malaysia, and Greece. Picture Kathy Mitchell MSc, Dip | CST Partner, Course Tutor With a background in psychology and as a BACP Accredited Counsellor of almost 20 years experience, Kathy is also an experienced supervisor and trainer. She has a thriving therapy practice and has worked in a supervisory context with experienced and trainee counsellors, and other allied professionals across a variety of settings including Centre 33 and the University of Cambridge Counselling Service. In 2007 she established an in-school counselling service at Chesterton Community College, and as a teacher and trainer she has taught A level Psychology, delivered courses in counselling and presented numerous workshops. Picture Julia Herrick DipIIP | CST Associate Partner, Observed Practice Julia is a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and also works as a supervisor and trainer. She has a background in nursing and the NHS, having specialised in substance abuse for over 25 years. She now has an independent practice combining varied client work, supervision and training as well as offering supervision for organisations such as Centre33, Stars and Choices, she has a particular interest in encouraging supervision in fields such as medicine, nursing, teaching, the legal profession and faith leaders . She is a counselling Diploma assessor for ASIIP and has been involved as a visiting tutor for CST since its inception. Picture Jim Holloway BA DipIIP DipH | CST Associate Partner, Supervision of Supervision Jim is a BACP Senior Accredited Supervisor with over 20 years’ experience in counselling, including NHS and local authority EAP contracts. He has worked in various roles for counselling charities in Cambridge and has an independent practice specialising in anger management, and for many years ran personal development groups for men. He joined the Cambridge Supervision Training partnership in 2012 and with CST founders Penny Henderson and Anthea Millar, Jim is a co-author of Practical Supervision (JKP 2014). He currently writes the supervision column in BACP’s Private Practice journal.