3170 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Aesthetic Laser Training Academy

aesthetic laser training academy

North Yorkshire

Aesthetic Laser Training is a leading provider of internationally recognised academic qualifications in the UK, having been offering its education to students for over a decade. We have full time, part-time, options to suit every student.   Aesthetic Laser Training has stood the test of quality education, allowing every individual to excel and make a difference in this world. We do not merely cram one’s mind with information, but we also nurture the character and integrity of each student so that they can stand on their own feet by starting their own venture or become the best employee.  Believe that strength lies in growing from the ground up, hence our motto, “One cannot fly without roots.” We let you decide the best way to learn and grow by offering part-time, full-time courses. Our funded and private courses are an affordable route to helping you achieve your goals and fulfil your potential no matter what subject area you wish to study. With a dedicated Academic Support Team and flexible, fully recognised qualifications, we have a range of options for you, whatever your educational background or goals. We believe every individual has something to offer this world. That’s why we tailor our courses and facilities around your needs so that you can reach your full potential and make the grade in your own personal way.  Come over to our sparkling new facility and see how Aesthetic Laser Training can change your future.

Tring School

tring school



It gives us great pleasure to introduce ourselves as the Head of Tring School and Chief Executive of the Ridgeway Learning Partnership. Img 8865resized It is heartening to lead a school where the vision and Christian values are centred on maximising the potential in every young person. By supporting your child’s individual aspirations and dreams, the wider community also benefits. An education is very powerful and can change lives for the better. There can be no excuse for any of us in this partnership for not doing our utmost to encourage our children’s desire to learn, explore opportunities and seek continuous improvement. The students at Tring School are a credit to their families, the School and the community. They are polite and courteous and demonstrate honesty and trustworthiness. These qualities create young people with outstanding characters who will be ready for their next steps in life. We summarise this ethos into creating Confident Learners (wisdom), Ambitious Individuals (hope) and Responsible Citizens (community). To harness all of this success we have excellent staff that go above and beyond to meet the needs of each child. We have the privilege of nurturing, supporting and developing the skills in young people through lessons, tutor time, assemblies, collective worship, visits and many extra-curricular events. At Tring School we expect great things from your children. We will continue to be unrelenting in the pursuit of the highest standards of academic success, behaviours and contribution to our school. However, we can only do this if the staff and governors have your full and unwavering support. Together we can ensure each child fulfils our motto of ‘Live to Learn and Learn to Live’.

North Cumbria Recovery College

north cumbria recovery college

NOVEMBER TO FEBRUARY 2023 Thank you to everyone that has provided us with feedback in regards to the changing format of the timetables and the way that we provide information about the sessions. For the November to December provision (Block 2) we have created separate timetables for each area and kept the planners combined for the Allerdale and Copeland area and the Eden and Carlisle area. The planner is intended to act as a calendar that you can add/change as other courses become available. All updates for the timetable will be communicated via email, social media and of course on here. If you are unable to enrol via our website while it is being updated and re-designed, please book using the links in the PDF versions of the timetables, email us using hello@ncrecoverycollege.org or call us for free on 0808 196 1773. Everyone registering interest in a course will be given a 15 mins call to talk through other courses that might be useful and to introduce you to the team! We are delivering courses in blocks of 6 weeks within school term times and having drop in/feedback/keep in touch sessions during school breaks, the attached timetables/planners have the the next 2 blocks on which takes you up to February 2023 – courses are subject to change where there is low or no uptake, or where a partner organisation has been booked in. Thank you to those that have already been able to provide feedback, please share the timetables/directory with people you know that might benefit from joining us and continue to let us have any feedback that we need to keep moving forward together. As always we hope that you enjoy the courses and if you spot any errors or omissions that we have missed, please let us know using our email: hello@ncrecoverycollege.org or give us a call on 0808 196 1773. Please be aware that we are in the process of re-designing our website and hope to have this up and running very soon. The Recovery College Team

The Redesign Coaching

the redesign coaching


I’VE BEEN IN YOUR SHOES…. ..and ever since I’ve been on a crusade to support successful but unfulfilled mid-life professionals to find a way out of what it is they think they SHOULD be sticking with to finding a new working life chapter that fills them with joy. I spent over 20 years working in senior PR and Communication corporate roles working with some of the most famous luxury brands in the world. For many years and for the most part I loved it - I got to travel the world, meet interesting people, work on exciting projects and felt like I was ‘lucky’ to work with such companies. I moved into my forties, had my second child and as I moved into a different ‘phase’ of my life the landscape just didn't look the same any more. Don’t get me wrong there were still parts that I loved (which makes it even harder to make a change, I know and understand this…) but the corporate landscape just didn't work for me anymore. I worked long hours and travelled, hardly seeing my children except for weekends. The juggle between family life and a busy career started to take its toll (that feeling of not feeling like you are doing anything well) and of course I never had any time to take care of myself, that was definitely last on the list. Finally deep down I knew I wanted to do something different, which if you are reading this is likely to be where you are now. It was not an easy decision to make, I know that it can also feel like you are leaving a life and part of you behind. However with the help of a coach I knew it was time for a change and a new challenge that gave me the flexibility and autonomy that I craved. I retrained with The Coaching Academy the UK’s leading coaching organisation which is ICF accredited. I now work as a Career and Personal Performance Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner. I am a graduate in Psychology, a member of the British Psychological Society and a licensed Firework Career Coach.

Swamp Creative Media Centre

swamp creative media centre

Established in 1996, SWAMP is a forward-thinking Community Development Trust and registered charity, using accredited training, outreach, film, music, digital technologies, gardening and the creative arts to enable and empower social change. SWAMP enhances cultural awareness, promotes social inclusion and builds community spirit within the locality, and has been successfully sustaining this for over two decades. During this time we have taken a dilapidated building within our community and redeveloped it, and are now planning another move to new premises. We strongly believe in the model of inclusion through creation, and work collaboratively with children, young people, older people and communities to achieve our aims; predominantly, but not exclusively, with vulnerable groups. We consider the arts, community involvement and accrediting training to be positive tools for change, helping people to: Build confidence and attain new skills Get back into work or education Source work in the creative arts Enjoy better health or simply improve quality of life SWAMP was one of the first organisations in Glasgow to use creative media, digital arts and new technologies as tools for community engagement, cross-referencing them to skills and learning, and later adopting the Curriculum for Excellence approach into our programmes. Through our accredited training programmes we provide young people with the skills and attributes they need to successfully make the life transition from school to employment or further education, supporting them to better understand their local environment, and encouraging them to engage in the process of lifelong learning and active citizenship. Our bespoke programmes and projects are designed and planned with the learner very much at the heart of the process and our objectives continue to focus on developing the skills of young people to become successful learners in life and work. SWAMP places innovation, enterprise and creativity alongside outstanding delivery, sound management and a strong ethos of partnership to tackle society’s big issues. Our mission and values fit well with the strategic objectives of the Scottish Government and local government priorities, and have developed strong working relationships with key partners operating within the area of youth employment, education and development.

Lotus Flower Life Coaching & Yoga

lotus flower life coaching & yoga

When Life Offers Us Hardship We Can Look To The Lotus Flower For Inspiration. A Flower That Symbolises Hope, Prosperity And Self Growth. However, Despite The Dark & Dirty Water In Which It Grows, It Surfaces As A Beautiful And Radiant Flower. Hard Times Are Not Always Meant To Harm Us. In Fact They Often Test Our Hidden Strengths In Order For Us To Grow And Expand. To Come Through As A Happier Individual With Better Life Choices. Eight Years Ago, I Was Diagnosed With A Benign Brain Tumour Which Following Removal, Left Me With An Enormous Sense Of Gratitude, Albeit Chronic Fatigue And Total Deafness In My Right Ear. I Call This Period My ‘Re-Boot’, For Although Life Was Good, I Was In All Honesty Trying Too Hard. So My ‘Re-Boot’ Was A Journey Of Re-Evaluation Where, I ‘Slowed Down’ & Realigned My Energy, Giving It To What Matters Most. My Wellbeing & Sense Of Inner Truth Strengthened & Everyone Gained The Best Of Me. It Lead To A Career Change, An Ongoing Commitment To A Nourishing Diet & Lifestyle & By Circumstance, Led Me To Kundalini Yoga, A Devoted & Transformative Practice That Continues To Enhance My Wellbeing & Inner Peace. Wild and free like the wind FAQ Lifestyle Coaching Is A Confidential, Collaborative & Transformative Journey Between Myself & The Client. To Support Them In Raising Their Awareness So That They Can Understand With Clarity, The Reality Of Their Situation. The Process, Through Careful Questioning And Strong Listening Skills, Allows The Client The Opportunity To Discuss & Unveil What Really Matters Now. To Break It Down, To Re-Visit Their Skills, Strengths & Resources, And To Find The First Steps Towards What They Want To Do, Or How They Want To Be & To Find The Contentment That They Seek. A Self-Empowering And Focused Journey To Support Growth, Personal Awareness And On-Going Achievement That Will Create Positive Change Quicker, Than If A Person Was To Working Alone. We All Have A Unique Reason To Be Here. To Be The Best Of Ourselves Without Undue Pressure, But With Presence And Grace.

VIPA Tactical Training

vipa tactical training

V.I.P.A is not a static system as is Karate, Kung Fu or Judo for example. By static I mean something that has not changed over a period of time, something that has not kept up with modern threats and combat found in today's modern world. If the Instructor is not teaching a street application then they are teaching a 'Do' a 'Way' to reach inner harmony, a way to overcome yourself and become a better person, a form of meditation. This in itself is a noble endeavour and for those looking for that path then these martial arts a fantastic path to tread. As a combat system V.I.P.A is also a 'Way' but it is a way for warriors not martial artists, it is also not the only 'Way' it is only one path with ideas, philosophies, treaties, strategies, tactics and techniques gained over 40 years of combatives study. Having said that, it is a highly effective method of combat. V.I.P.A embraces change, evolvement and open mindedness. From its conception in 1988 V.I.P.A has evolved and continues to evolve as threats and evironments change. From the streets of Northern Ireland to training for possible combat against Russian Spetsnaz Special Forces to the 1991 Gulf War and beyond, V.I.P.A has adapted to its environment and continues to do so with civilian, police and close protection applications. V.I.P.A is in reality a sphere of influence and at its centre are the Core Concepts, the vital skills that are required of any means of combat. There is nothing new in the skills of the Core Concepts, many people practice them as part of a whole system of combat or as part of their own cross training program. The Core Concepts are only a means to an end. The means are the strategies, tactics and techniques themselves. The end, well that has many forms, is it to win in your next street encounter, not to get into any encounters at all, to protect your family, safely detain a suspect or win and live on the battlefield and in harmony after the battle is over. The only real end result is what you as an individual are training for.

Lets Talk Education

lets talk education


We design produce and distribute educational supplies and media packs to schools and organisations across the UK to further educate children and parents alike Our aim is to provide informative information which is useful in the class room and not covered under general curricula The teachers themselves would most likely want to talk about the subjects we cover but due to the lack of funding the school will not allow them Times are forever changing in the environment our youth live in , its up to the older generation to keep education current , informative and most importantly RELEVANT ! By connecting with schools and organisations across the UK , we hope to become the most reputable educational media supply company in the sector , and for our supplies and media to be the go to source for extra curricula education Time To Make A Change  We believe that the educational needs of children change every year as new fads, crazes and social media platforms develop Technology is forever developing, changing and advancing , this is why we need to make children and parents alike aware of the benefits and also the dangers of them This is why we are embarking on our mission to put this information in front of as many eyes as possible so children are aware and also their parents are aware to prevent any harm coming to them As the environment changes for the youth of today so will the information we provide Testimonial “Lets talk education really know what they are doing when it comes down to keeping education relevant The children in our school are forever making references to social media platforms which we would never have known existed Some of the dangers that are present is astonishsing and we feel like more people should know” Events & Workshops Events As we grow we aim to fund educational events for schools as they struggle with their funding The events will be informative events for both parents and children but most importantly relevant to the current times. Workshops Not only will we be funding educational events , workshops will also be on our agenda, some kids like to learn hands on and this is an aspect the workshops will most certainly have covered

National Energy Action

national energy action


Newcastle Upon Tyne

National Energy Action, the fuel poverty charity, campaigns so everyone can afford to live in a warm and safe home. This is something denied to millions because of poor housing, low incomes, and high bills. Working across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, everything we do aims to improve the lives of people in fuel poverty. We directly support people with energy and income maximisation advice and we advocate on issues including improving the energy efficiency of our homes. We do not work alone. Partnerships and collaboration have been at the heart of NEA for over 40 years, helping us drive better health and wellbeing outcomes for people struggling to heat their homes. National Energy Action was founded in 1981 when students at Durham University established a group of volunteers to install loft insulation in the homes of elderly local people. Their experiences led them to realise there was a huge problem with people living in cold and unhealthy homes, suffering from fuel poverty. Subsequently, working with Newcastle City Council, this project was replicated on a wider scale by putting together different funding streams to develop community insulation projects. On 18 May 1981, Neighbourhood Energy Action was formally launched as a development programme of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations. Since then Neighbourhood Energy Action has evolved into National Energy Action (NEA), employing over 70 staff across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our actions have brought real social change, enabling millions of people to access grants and assistance to help them live in a warm home. Our campaigning work has also ensured that fuel poverty is now firmly on the public policy agenda. We also work closely with our sister charity Energy Action Scotland. You can find out more about their work to tackle fuel poverty in Scotland at www.eas.org.uk