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Simply Repair South Lakes

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Hi, I am Karen Bentley-Brown, founder of Bentley-Brown Associates and passionate about helping people to grow good business. For the past twenty years I’ve been helping businesses and charities to develop and thrive. I enjoy nothing more than reading about or, even better, visiting businesses that have found a way to improve the world we live in and at the same time as making a profit… Actually there is one thing I enjoy more that is sharing those ideas (See Positive News). Over this time it has become clear to me that the organisations who look after their people (staff and customers), and their environment, are the most successful; to put it bluntly they are more sustainable AND they make more money. You could say that I’m a bit biased as I have always believed that we should leave the planet in a better way than we found it, both for people and wildlife. One of my early memories is joining WWF’s ‘Panda Club’ as a child in the 1960s after hearing about the plight of giant pandas (I’m pleased to say that they have recently been taken off the ‘endangered species’ list). In my later life I was privileged to work for WWF as one of their Regional Managers before moving on to fundraising and development roles with other environmental organisations including the National Trust. The Growing Club Growing Club Trainers As my work began to merge with the ‘for profit’ world I always carried my environmental hat with me. At first it was under the guise of ‘saving the planet can save you money’… This is true but it isn’t a very authentic business model and I knew there was a better way to do business. Since becoming a freelance business consultant and coach I’ve had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of businesses both large and small and have developed a template that works for all organisations based on John Elkington’s Triple Bottom Line or People, Planet, Profit model. Put simply, if you look after your people and your planet you will make more profit. But there are an infinite number of ways to do this and I’d be delighted to help you find the best way for you and your organisation to develop and tell your positive impact story. ☺

Loch Wellbeing

loch wellbeing

Loch Well Being is not authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Further information can be found here Modern life is tough. Day to day we encounter a whole host of challenges, both big and small, which can have an impact on our overall wellbeing. And work is one of them. When a workplace fails to address the issue of staff wellbeing, we see high levels of stress and burnout which, in turn, can cause both physical and mental health issues. But when a workplace makes staff wellbeing a priority, we find engaged employees whose work gives them a sense of purpose, a social safety net and a mechanism for support, even during the toughest times. And employers that engage positively with wellbeing at work will not only benefit from the peace of mind that comes with doing the right thing, they will also see real business benefits including increased retention, reduced absenteeism, improved productivity and enhanced engagement. And that’s not to mention the good it can do for an employer’s brand. It really does pay to implement wellbeing strategies – recent research conducted by Deloitte, for example, found that for every £1.00 an employer spends on supporting workplace wellbeing, they’ll get £5.00 back as a return for their investment. At Loch Wellbeing, we’re experienced in the design, development and delivery of wellbeing solutions and have a track record of success across a broad range of industries. We’d love to talk to you about how our wellbeing solutions can assist you and your people.