446 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Fle Learning Ltd

fle learning ltd


FLE Learning is a registered company in British Columbia, Canada and working in association with FLE Learning Ltd (UK) to conduct all international academic conferences worldwide. FLE Learning seeks to develop the knowledge and skills of both public and private sector actors on key new developments and issues in the area of law, trade, humanity, social sciences, business, finance and economics by organising a variety of events, such as conferences, courses, training, and workshops. In the past years, FLE has successfully organised one hundred and thirty six international academic conferences in which delegates from over 96 different countries participated, including Afghanistan, Algeria, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, DR Congo, Egypt, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, North Cyprus, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA and Uzbekistan. FLE has also organised and provided various intensive onsite training programmes to public sector organisations and firms in the past years to develop and improve their controls and systems so as to ensure effective compliance with financial crime laws and regulations. Registered experts from the company also provided technical assistance to different firms to develop their risk portfolio by assessing various risks facing the firm and to update and improve the firm’s internal controls and systems to efficiently detect and prevent potential financial crimes. FLE (previously known as ‘FLE Legal Education’) was established in 2005 as the foremost provider of the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test (QLTT) in the Indian Sub-Continent, and was set up with the support of the Law Society of England and Wales and the British High Commissioner, New Delhi. QLTT was conducted in India by FLE in conjunction with Central Law Training (CLT), UK, and successful completion allows practising Indian lawyers to be admitted to the Roll of Solicitors of the Supreme Court of England and Wales. The programme was launched in India to allow Indian lawyers to take this test while in their home country.

Harris Westminster Sixth Form

harris westminster sixth form


Welcome to Harris Westminster Sixth Form. We are one of the highest-performing sixth forms in the UK and it is my enormous privilege to lead it as Head of School. I have worked at Harris Westminster since 2015 and this is truly a special school, with the most fantastic students and the most engaging and inspirational staff. My educational background is a little different to most of our students; I grew up in the United States while attending boarding school in Worcestershire, but I then went on to study Economics at UCL and have been based in London ever since. My own school journey is what drives my desire to work with students like ours. I teach maths and love maths- but didn't read it at university (it wasn't the cool option...!) It is our job as sixth form staff to help make sure our students make the best decisions for themselves around what they love, through sharing as much information we can and being sounding boards for their ambitions. At the heart of our school is the belief that, given the right opportunities, students from any background can succeed at the highest levels, both at university or apprenticeships and in their future careers. Our academic successes are clear, both in terms of outstanding A-Level results and post-18 destinations, and we are particularly proud of the achievement of those students from less advantaged backgrounds. While academics are important and are the key to opening doors to universities or apprenticeships, it is the enormous breadth of other opportunities available to Harris Westminster students that really set them up for success in life, and sets us apart from other sixth forms. We encourage students to explore the hinterland of their subjects by attending academic societies, reading widely, competing in essay competitions, and responding wisely. We encourage students to explore their own personal hinterland by choosing diverse cultural perspectives courses, attending one of our big-6 societies where they can discuss real-life issues and events, joining clubs just because they sound interesting, choosing unusual sport options, taking part in house events, or by taking on one of the many leadership opportunities available.

Meliora Advisory

meliora advisory


Tony Cotrupe brings over 30 years of experience in business valuations, investment banking, economic consulting, and private equity to Meliora Advisors. Tony began his career at Ernst & Young in its Financial Services Group, where he performed pre- and post-transaction valuations for companies in a variety of industries. He was also an economist in E&Y’s International Services Office, where he provided economic consulting services to multinational corporations for transfer pricing, strategic planning, cross-border transactions, and litigation support. From 2003 to 2006, Tony was a Director at Huron Consulting Group where he was responsible for Huron’s New York Financial Valuation Group. Tony led a team focusing on financial valuations for public and private companies. From 2006 to 2008, Tony was Senior Vice President at Paramax Corporation, a middle-market M&A advisory firm in Upstate NY focusing on middle market M&A and other advisory engagements. At Paramax, Tony also led the corporate advisory and valuation services efforts. Tony worked for eight years at J.P. Morgan Securities (formerly Chemical and Chase Securities), first as an investment banker in the Emerging Markets Investment Banking Group, where he structured debt and equity transactions for corporations in Brazil. Tony then started and ran the Private Equity Group within JPM’s Global Private Bank, where he sourced, structured, and executed venture capital and buyout transactions for high net worth clients worldwide. Tony also led the private equity fundraising effort, raising capital for large buyout firms including The Blackstone Group. After J.P. Morgan, Tony joined Gerard Klauer Mattison (GKM) as a Private Equity Fund consultant, providing fundraising and fund management for a fund of funds focused on venture capital and buyout investments. In 2009, Tony formed Meliora Advisors, LLC, a corporate advisory and consulting firm. Meliora Advisors has successfully executed projects in a broad array of industries, including: Aerospace, Biotechnology, Business Services, Financial Services, Food and Beverage, Healthcare, Heavy Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals , Power/Electricity, Robotics HealthTech. Tony holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Master of Business Administration in Finance and Economics, both from the University of Rochester. He is a CFA Charter holder and a member of the CFA Institute. He has spoken at conferences and taught classes on valuation, M&A, and private equity.

Oxford EMI

oxford emi

Making Internationalisation a Success Oxford EMI Ltd works with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Governments all over the world making Internationalisation a success. Our Oxford EMI Certificate for University Lecturers courses are available online and face-to-face. Our professional development courses are for universities, colleges, consortia which are internationalising. They are for lecturers, professors, academics and researchers who face the challenge of teaching their academic subject through English Medium Instruction (EMI). The courses are multidisciplinary with participants who teach Business, Finances, Economics, Engineering, Sciences and Humanites. The participants are experts in their fields teaching Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral students. Some are very experienced academics and some are post-docs who are just starting on their teaching career. Our experienced team of teacher trainers, EMI consultants and researchers understand how challenging teaching through a foreign language can be. Lecturing to a full hall of international students is not the same as speaking at a conference or reading an academic paper. Participants benefit from courses which are based on research into Education and EMI and from the exchange of practical ideas for making lectures interactive and motivating for all students in international classes. Online Courses Oxford EMI Certificate for University Lecturers courses are short, intensive, trainer-led courses with live video-conferencing with Oxford EMI trainers. We have had outstanding feedback for our online courses. Please contact us if you would like to speak to participants who have completed a course with us. The Oxford EMI Certificate for University Lecturers self-access course is also available. Please contact us if your university would like to sample this course. Train the Trainer (Cascading Training) In addition to working with lecturers, Oxford EMI also develops bespoke courses for universities which want to cascade EMI support. We work with groups of teachers who will become EMI support or even trainers themselves within their university or region. These are bespoke courses for universities. Please feel free to contact us for more information about this. Oxford and International Courses We host courses here in Oxford and at universities around the world. Our team of trainers travel to your university to teach our EMI Professional Development courses.

Gianpietro Pucciariello

gianpietro pucciariello

"Photography is a tool to give voice to the voiceless and to give light to shadows within ourselves and in society“ Hello, my name is Gianpietro Pucciariello and I am an Italian visual storyteller and participatory facilitator based in London. My main work focuses on pushing the boundaries between social impact, dialogue and human conditions. This means that I work following ethical conduct to bring dignity and hope to people's faces and lives. Through my work, I want to celebrate, using empathy, respect but also playfulness, the beauty of the human soul along with its daily struggles and vulnerabilities. I use photography as a medium and a tool to give a voice to marginalised communities and organisations that want to address social and environmental issues in the places they operate by telling stories that mainstream media formats do not often tell, to encourage critical consciousness and influence policy. To do this I usually combine four themes, 1) Human beings, 2) places, 3) food 4) actions for impact, and five elements 1) focused questions, 2) metaphors, 3) storytelling, 4) Participation 5) Action-Driven Challenges. I grew up in the Lake Como area, where I got used to beauty already at an early age, in a family that, despite not being particularly affluent, provided me with a rich and safe place for growing my never-ending curiosity and learning, the value of an authentic soul, and the fundamental importance of social justice. I was lucky enough to have my mother, a kindergarten teacher, leading me by example with playfulness, self-expression and empathy and my father, working for the Italian railways, sustaining my development with strict rules and pushing my need for achievements, but always supporting my learnings with travels and books. I grew up as a really serious and introverted child - many people wouldn't believe so, as I developed more into a shy extroverted character through the years - with a huge inner world and having difficulties expanding outside in words. This is how I first discovered art and particularly photography. What I liked about taking pictures was mainly the idea of using an organic process for self-expression and for absorbing, summarising, explaining and creating knowledge around the social and environmental causes I cared for, and I was involved in since my teenage years. My need for expression became even more evident when my father was diagnosed with a rare neurodegenerative disease in 2003, after 5 years of unusual emotional outbursts, apathy and depression, tremors and personality changes. I put myself more and more on the front line of volunteering in the communities I was part of, and I focus my University Studies on the social sector and welfare, but at the same time, it became even more difficult for me to communicate my inner feelings on the outside. Despite this difficulty, I'm glad I took Economics as a Major subject. This gave me the chance to reflect and work deeply on human behaviour, motivational science, mental models of choice and root causes of oppression. Though, Economics gave me fewer opportunities to express my artistic side. I moved to London in my late twenties, and after a few years, I got stuck between a career I felt detached from, and together with my family situation, I got into a period of severe anxiety and inner chaos. One evening in October 2012 thought, returning from work, I found a leaflet about a course in photojournalism with the City & Guild in Tower Hamlets. That's how my journey in photography restarted. With and through photography, I restarted again to explore in deep the world around me, the condition of human beings and the causes I cared about. Even more important, I rediscovered myself, and my artistic skills, and boosted my self-confidence. Without rediscovering photography I wouldn't have gone back to practice facilitation and I wouldn't discover and loved other practices I work with right now, like coaching, social impact and innovation consulting. Without photography, I would have never become an entrepreneur and I wouldn't have nurtured other creative skills, like sketch noting & doodling. Photography helped me meet inspiring human beings that became friends, mentors, and some of the most important people in my life. That night in 2012 I drew a line in my life with a simple decision. I strongly believe that photography is one of the best ways we have to discover ourselves and the world around us, focusing on the present moment, one shot at a time. This is why I want to support you in using photography differently.