2353 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Peebles High School

peebles high school

Peebles High aims to do everything we can to ensure a positive experience and outcome for our young people while they are here with us. To do this we published a very ambitious document in 2106 entitled “ Vision 2020”. This captures the how and why we hope to do this for every member of our school. Please download this pdf or continue down this page to read more fully about our ambition and commitment. phs_about01 phs_about02 phs_about03 phs_about04 phs_about05 phs_about06 phs_about07 phs_about08 phs_about09 phs_about10 phs_about11 phs_about12 phs_about13 Our Values Our values are taken from the mace of the Scottish Parliament: Justice, Wisdom, Compassion and Integrity. We aim to exemplify these values in our actions and encourage each other to live by these values. Our decision making and strategic planning are founded on these values. Mente et Manu. Compassion We care about each other, the wider school community, and the whole of society. We see ourselves as global citizens with a responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves. We try our hardest to understand those who hold different values and beliefs and celebrate our differences. Integrity We promote and practise our values in our actions and reflect these values in our policies. We aim to face our challenges, identify areas for improvement and focus on meeting learners’ needs by applying these values with honesty and transparency. Justice We treat everyone fairly and always strive to provide equal opportunities. The safety and happiness of our school community members will be prioritised as we aim to deliver the very best opportunities for all to achieve and surpass their ambitions. We believe in, and are committed to, being an inclusive school. Wisdom When making decisions we will apply our knowledge, experiences, understanding, common sense and insight. We understand that at times the rights of our community members may be conflicting and we will always consider our values to help us arrive at the right decisions. We are all committed to learning every day. Our Key Aims To improve the lives and the life chances of all of our students. To promote respect and positive behaviour in all of our relationships. To ensure every student is included, participative and takes advantage of the wide range of activities on offer. To deliver the highest levels of attainment and achievement possible for every individual. To deliver positive and aspirational destinations for all of our students as they leave school. Self-evaluation for self-improvement Evaluating the quality of learning and teaching to ensure it is of the highest standard is given priority in our school. We ensure everyone involved in school life understands their responsibility to evaluate their performance and all stakeholders take an active role in identifying what the school needs to do to improve outcomes for learners. Using a variety of strategies, we involve different groups of parents, pupils and staff to lead, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate our improvements while avoiding overly bureaucratic approaches. We are committed to our School Improvement Partnerships with other schools, looking for and learning from best practice within Scotland and further afield. We listen carefully to advice from SBC, Scottish government and international sources, while also considering the best available research, to reflect on our practices and when planning new initiatives. Gathering and analysing data, information and views underpins our approach to identifying what we need to do to improve and we are always mindful of the impact of our approaches on workload for young people and staff. Learning, Teaching and the Curriculum 7 Principles At every stage of learning all of our students will benefit from their entitlement to a curriculum that is… challenging and enjoyable, broad in scope, progressive, deep, personalised by genuine choice, coherent and relevant Dialogic Teaching We harness the power of talk to stimulate and extend students’ thinking and advance their learning and understanding. Staff are skilled at using dialogic teaching to diagnose students’ learning needs, frame their learning tasks and assess progress. This empowers students for lifelong learning and active citizenship. Active Learning Providing active learning experiences is a priority for all of our staff. Our students are eager and active participants in all lessons. We engage all of our students in collaborative learning activities, outdoor learning, and provide learning experiences that are meaningful to a digital generation. Assessment for Learning We are committed to using assessment to aid the learning process. We believe that making and learning from mistakes is a vital aspect of learning and formative feedback, peer assessment and AifL strategies are at the heart of our approach to Learning and Teaching. 3-18 Experience We are committed to partnership working across Tweeddale to ensure that all of our students benefit from a coherent experience that builds on learning at every transition point. Across Tweeddale there is a consistent approach to pedagogy, a commitment to cross sector working/CLPL and a commitment to prioritise Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing and Skills for Learning, Life and Work.

The London Education & Art Foundation

the london education & art foundation


Total 30 years of experience in management, of which half of this overlaps in the world of academia. He is experienced in managing multicultural teams and has delivered some high-level consultancy projects in the UK and overseas for the commercial and public sectors. Paul is on the Advisory Board of UK universities, UK social enterprises and charitable organisations. His interests are in the areas of Arts, he is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and has held numerous art exhibitions in London. Role: Chairman of Trustees, Head of Partnerships and Memberships. Mr Andrew Trustee FAIA, FCIPD, FRSA - Expert International Accountant and Legal Advisor Total 45 years in UK and International public practice as an accountant and legal services provider serving in the charitable, public and art sectors as a trustee, chairman, director and treasurer. A Liveryman of the City of London and past President of the Association of International Accountants (UK) and the Association de Brecourt (Belgium). A member of the International Bar Association and International Fiscal Association. Role: Trustee, Governance, Compliance and Financial Management. Degard RCA, FRSA Trustee International Artist, MA (Edin), Phd Research Fine Art Degard is a pioneering British 'Painter of Auras', writer, researcher, curator and founder of the genre Contemporary Visionary art. Degard has exhibited extensively in the UK and internationally: The Royal College of Art, Museum Alzubair, Oman, in New York, London and at Saatchi Art. Degard has written four books, is a committee member of The Colour Group, a property developer and a Fellow of The Galileo Commission for the Scientific and Medical Network. She has a Masters in Politics from Edinburgh University and is completing her doctorate in Fine Art in London. Role: Trustee, Head of Media and Events. Ambassadors of LEAF Miss Sophie Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. United Kingdom Oxford Graduate in Classics Sophie is a recent Oxford graduate of Classics. Having studied at Oxford for four years, she specialised in Greek and Roman art and archaeology, and has attended seminars, workshops, and focus groups on artwork from antiquity at the Ashmolean Museum, the British Museum and the British Academy. Sophie also has experience working in marketing and advertising and has worked as a gallery invigilator at galleries around London. Mr Ahmed Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. Middle East/North Africa (MENA) With more than 10 years of experience in the field of management and business, Ahmed has contributed in building professional teams, and developing strategies in one of the largest companies the Middle East. His interests relate to international and Islamic culture and the arts, and is looking forward to working with professional partners between overseas organisations and the LEAF Foundation. He is also a member of several institutions including: The Royal united services institute (RUSI) The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) The British academy of management The Institute of Directors (IoD) The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Miss Emilia Ambassador - Culture, Education, Events. London & Eastern Europe With over 13 years of experience in sales, business and NLP, Emilia has provided high-level strategies for team building and management, excellent customer service and sales enhancement for UK enterprises and international multi-level marketing organisations. She is proficient in NLP and working with multicultural communities and has held self-development and mentoring workshops in various parts of London. Emilia is on the Governing and Advisory Board of London secondary schools to encourage and ensure children's learning and development. Her interests are in the areas of Arts and self-development with the aim to support individuals and sole entrepreneurs into their personal and business development journey. Miss Summer Ambassador - Arts, Fashion, Events. Shanghai & China Summer has an MBA in global Luxury management and graduated from Paris. She is in charge of the fashion department of Paris International Young Artists Association, and the key account manager of Chanel. During her stay in the UK, Summer won a number of national design competitions. As a winner of Chatsworth House design competition, she was chosen by the Douches of Devonshire. She has professional bespoke and fashion design background and luxury management experience. Mr Satoshi Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. L.A. USA Satoshi is the CEO of Life is Tech! USA. It is a Los Angeles-based EdTech startup best known as the creators of the acclaimed coding education program, Disney Codeillusion. With over 17 years of experience in international business, with a focus on the U.S., UK and Japan, delivering life-changing opportunities to as many people as possible, is what Satoshi lives for. He holds an MBA from Stanford University. He is a Mentor for BLAST School, an incubation program that supports high school students with ideas for solving social issues. Satoshi is also a Chartered Member of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan Miss Mika Ambassador - Education, Culture, Events. Osaka Japan Mika is a Business and

New Perspective

new perspective


The Social Impact Specialists Hanif Osmani Hanif founded the New Perspective Group to help tackle socio-economic inequality. His professional community development journey began in 2002 as a trainee on a £56m regeneration programme on the Ocean Estate in East London, one of the most deprived areas of the UK – and the estate on which he grew up... [FLIP TO READ MORE] Hanif has held several posts, including senior management and leadership roles in a local authority, housing association and two grassroots charities, developing and delivering innovative community development programmes that have been praised as examples of best practice. Strategy, innovation and partnership development are the common threads that run throughout his career, and his areas of expertise include community engagement, economic development and health & wellbeing. He strongly believes in the power of enterprise and well-paid employment to lift disadvantaged communities out of poverty, and both of these topics are close to his heart. He is an autodidact with a broad range of interests, including tech, photography, videography, branding, marketing, graphic design, web design, and more. Hanif seeks to encourage organisations to fully utilise these tools to help drive engagement, deliver real social impact, and fully harness the power of one of his true passions: storytelling. Alexandra Porter Alexandra is a visual anthropologist and filmmaker with a degree in Social Sciences and Social Anthropology and a Masters in Visual Anthropology and Documentary Production. She is deeply passionate about equality and has worked with a broad range of charities to help inspire change and improve the quality of life for some of society's most disadvantaged groups. [FLIP TO READ MORE] In the UK, Alexandra has worked with Oxfam, the British Heart Foundation, the AAFDA charity (Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse), and the Liverpool Blind Football Club. For her degrees, she conducted in-depth qualitative research on stigmatised facets of culture across the globe. As part of her Masters, she moved to Los Angeles to study and film artists living with chronic illnesses in order to understand a patient's expression of their lifeworlds, and how to improve an individual's quality of life. Her film "Pathos: The Art of Life" was officially selected for the Fine Arts Film Festival, Venice, California 2020 and screened at the Burning Man Multiverse 2020. "Trust Your Senses" received an honourable mention at the Experimental Forum 2020. Alexandra currently resides in Barcelona, where she has undergone further training in documentary filmmaking. She has also been involved with local grassroots charities such as Lloc De La Dona (an association supporting migrant women involved in sex work), the Las Kelly's (cleaners fighting for better working conditions in the tourism sector) and Volver a Latir (a rehoming association for foster dogs across Spain). Emran Hoque Emran is a multidisciplined creative specialising in visual identities and creative design. He is trained in art, design, branding, and marketing, and has worked with public, private and non-profit organisations to tell their stories through distinctive, meaningful and emotive design. [FLIP TO READ MORE] Emran has worked with the NHS, Greater London Authority (GLA), educational institutions such as SOAS, local authorities, and others to support them with brand development, web design, and other digital design services. His expertise includes making websites and digital media accessible to neurodiverse people, and his personal experience of dyslexia gives him a unique perspective as a digital professional. For over ten years, he led a creative studio in the heart of London’s creative hub, Brick Lane, and, as a freelance branding consultant, has worked internationally with some of the largest creative agencies and their clients. Emran has a strong track record of working with charities, and in 2021 he founded Digiroots CIC, a non-profit that aims to build the capacity of small grassroots charities and bridge the digital divide. He regularly organises and delivers community arts programmes for disadvantaged communities that may not otherwise have the opportunity to explore and express themselves through the creative arts. Suzanne Wolfe Suzanne is an experienced social housing professional who has spent 35 years working with social landlords, developers, local authorities, charities, and others to create and deliver real social value. Her expertise covers all aspects of housing, including social investment, resident engagement, development and regeneration, finance, and technical services... [FLIP TO READ MORE] In 2004, Suzanne joined an East London social landlord, Poplar HARCA, as Neighbourhood Director and led the area through a period of profound change, quickly building trust and working closely and effectively with the diverse local community. Together, they achieved the transformation of the area from what was regarded as one the worst areas in Tower Hamlets to one of the very best. Suzanne is a capable advocate, problem solver and negotiator. She is motivated by her experience of seeing successful neighbourhood regeneration create opportunity, raise educational outcomes and improve life chances generally. As Chief Executive of the Industrial Dwellings Society, she delivered a corporate turnaround from regulatory downgrading at the start of her tenure, securing the top Governance and Viability ratings from the Regulator of Social Housing in just two years. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Housing, co-opted member of BME London Landlords, and has worked at senior levels for four inner London councils and three Housing Associations.

Invisible Advantage Ltd

invisible advantage ltd

It took us two years to find our company name! We realised that, when you work with us, you get a significant advantage. However, that advantage is ‘Invisible’. We believe that it is only the results of working with us that should be obvious, not the work itself. We all know people who’ve been to talks and training courses who emerge sounding like robots, or with a bunch of notes that just get thrown into a drawer. We never give scripts, or rules. We change people’s behaviour by inspiring them to think differently – so, ‘Invisible Advantage’! Our methodology is based on some simple, but extremely effective ideas: Entertainment and education go hand-in-hand. Every seminar, talk, workshop and training session should entertain at the same time as instruct. It’s the most fool-proof way of influencing people to take notice, to learn and to change their behaviour. The best teaching is easier to remember than to forget. We give people new experiences that will stay with them. Traditionally, delegates have been seen as passive receptacles for knowledge. We don’t believe this is effective – if you were only told how to ride a bike, you’d never learn, however once you’ve experienced riding a bike – you can never forget! On our courses, sessions and talks, attendees are active participants – engaging in learning ideas through enjoyable games, intriguing tasks and strategic exercises that make learning unforgettable and easy to apply. The best learning occurs when someone is presented with challenges, but in a supportive environment. We understand that taking on new ideas is an activity and does take effort, and this is difficult enough without added stress. Our content is carefully designed to become increasingly demanding while keeping the atmosphere fun, stimulating and ‘light’. Everything has to be related to the ‘real world’. Our way of working is designed to give people new skills and ways of thinking that are immediately useful. We keep theory to a minimum, and design our work around real-life role-play scenarios. Instead of talking about networking, we’ll re-create a networking event. Instead of discussing negotiation, we’ll get people negotiating. Instead of ‘presentation skills’ we’ll work with a real presentation. Working in this way means that people immediately see the relevance and are keen to try out their new skills. All the senses have to be engaged to create a rich learning experience. Learning really ‘sticks’ when someone enjoys it and is fully involved. Everyone learns in their own way, some people respond well to text, some to visuals, some to listening and reflecting, and some to getting up on their feet and trying things out on their own. We ensure that everything, from the invitations, through to the sessions and the follow-up, stimulates attendees in all these ways. Self-awareness is the key to change. If we want to develop, in any sphere, we have to know what we’re doing now – how we’re talking, how people react to us, how persuasive we are, how confident we appear, etc. Once we can see that clearly, we begin to see how to change. Woven throughout all of our work is the skill of developing self-awareness: physically, vocally and psychologically. Lee Warren Lee is co-founder of Invisible Advantage and delivers most of the public speaking engagements. He has spoken all over the globe at conferences, association events and internal meetings for many of the world’s largest organisations. He is the author of ‘How to Persuade Anyone To Do Anything (well, almost!)’ and ‘Grown-Ups Don’t Use PowerPoint’, two eBooks designed to help people who need to communicate more effectively in business. He’s currently working on a new book aimed at business presenters, due to be published in 2017. Lee has a strong background in sales, and is one of the U.K.’s most popular magicians – Prince William described him as ‘absolutely amazing’. He’s also a qualified Alexander Technique teacher and theatre writer. He’s written for The Almeida Theatre, The Royal Opera House and The Aldeburgh Festival. Lee is fluent in Spanish and good at playing the piano badly. Lee Warren “I’m passionate about the power of public speaking to create change. When I present, I try to bring the very best of the worlds of magic and business together to deliver something amazing that will also get results by speaking your language. I work hard to make sure that my sessions work for you. Starting with the outcome, I work backwards to design talks, seminars, keynotes & training sessions that are interactive, amazing and inspiring.” James Harwood James Harwood James was a co-founder of Invisible Advantage, and remains a Senior Associate. He advises on larger projects and strategy and delivers some of our training sessions and workshops. As well as a busy corporate trainer, James has been a professional West End actor and a teacher of The Alexander Technique. Matt Boardman Matt Boardman Matt is a presentation coach based in Madrid who also works on business development for Invisible Advantage. We’re convinced this makes us a global company! Matt is a graduate of Cambridge University, and was a leadership consultant at Deloitte. For five years he has delivered training in public speaking, building relationships and influencing techniques to charity volunteers in the UK, Kenya and Uganda. In his spare time he performs stand-up comedy. Our Associates We’re very lucky. Although we’re a small company, we’re connected to many of the leading experts in the fields of communication, PR, media, networking and sales. All of our associates are skilled at combining their subject knowledge with strong delivery and energy, which means that they can deliver the results you need through authentic, credible advice, delivered in a way which works. Our associates can work 1-2-1, with small groups or sometimes outside a learning environment – such as through Skype, teleconferencing and on-site presentation support.

Silverstone Utc

silverstone utc


I hope you and your family managed to have a relaxing summer and enjoyed the sunshine. Now that all of our students are back in school, I just wanted to introduce myself as the new Principal and to introduce you to my two new Deputies. I also wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with some updates on what lies ahead for Silverstone UTC. After 19 years in teaching, mostly at senior levels in a pastoral capacity, I take over the helm of the UTC at a very exciting time. This year’s KS4 admissions were the best ever and we currently have a waiting list of over fifty students wishing to join Year 10. Year 12 recruitment was very pleasing, with numbers up and the academic calibre of the intake being a testament to their hard work in their GCSE examinations. It is always so inspiring when young people rise to a challenge. With this year being the first year of formal KS4 examination since Covid, it is heartening to see how many have secured the GCSEs needed to take them onto their next steps. Both new year groups have made an excellent start and they and their Parents/Carers should be rightly proud. It is now vital that our students maintain that positivity and that they work alongside teaching staff to maximise their potential. With regard to the students who will be starting their final years in KS4 and KS5, I am confident that they are now entering those years better prepared for what lies ahead as the shadow of Covid appears to have lifted. Our job, alongside these students, is to ensure that we work hard to secure for them the academic success that will allow them to fulfil their future dreams and aspirations. The importance of maintaining strong academic outcomes and supporting these students is borne out by the destinations for this year’s leavers. Many secured jobs in organisations like BAE, Mercedes AMG, Boeing, Roll Royce, Scania, Torque Motorsport, DB Automotive and the Armed Forces whilst others went on to colleges and university to study a range of subjects such as Architecture, Finance, Automotive and Civil Engineering, Marketing and Renewable Technologies. In 2021 none of our students (by choice) were without opportunities in education, employment and training and it would appear, given early indications, that this is going to be the same for this year’s leavers. What an excellent outcome for our young people. It reflects the fact that students who attend the UTC are seen by many employers, outside agencies and educational institutions as much more work-ready than those from other educational establishments. The ethos of work-readiness and of developing the personal qualities of our students so they can flourish in their next stage is a core theme that is going to underpin the excellent educational opportunities that all the staff in the UTC will strive to provide for your sons and daughters. We are current fully staffed and my new deputies bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that will strengthen the Senior Leadership Team immensely. Mrs Angela Murphy is the Deputy for Curriculum and Achievement. She comes from Lord Grey and has been pivotal in securing them a good outcome in their recent inspection. Her reputation for expecting high standards in curriculum delivery and maximising achievement will, I am sure, lead to greater effectiveness of teachers and greater academic understanding for your sons and daughters. She will work alongside our Assistant Principal, Mr Simon Hollies, who brings a broad and in-depth understating of academic theories related to improving the quality of teaching and Learning. Between them and the staff at the UTC, I am wholly confident that best practise in the class will be the norm for all. My other new deputy, Mr William Jakeman, joins us as Head of Pastoral Care, which includes behaviour and safeguarding. Mr Jakeman has had many years’ experience in this role at the most senior levels and has a reputation of upholding the highest standards, whilst underpinning his expectations with a fairness, kindness and compassionate rigour that is respected by students who know he has their best interest at heart. It is also important to me and my team that wellbeing needs of SEN(D) and disadvantages are met as best as we can and to that end, this year, I have appointed a SEN(D) Teaching and Learning Lead (Ms Jessica Dixon) who will work alongside our SENCO (Ms Christie Norris) and our very talented Teaching Assistants (Mrs Lauren Leeson and Mrs Jessica Ryzman). Ms Dixon’s focus will be to ensure that the specific needs of SEN(D) students in the class are being met and that these students and their parents/carers have an advocate who will work alongside them to ensure the best educational experience for their sons and daughters. As a teacher of many years, she brings to the role a clear understanding of what has to be achieved and I have every confidence in her ability to make good things happen for students in her care. Finally, I have the privileged task of guiding the long term future of the UTC towards a Multi-Academic Trust (MAT). In aiming to join a Trust in September 2023, we will seek to ensure that Silverstone UTC has the best opportunities to share with other schools the best academic and well-being expertise, fiscal security, strength and depths in a wider curriculum that will benefit our students and staff and in so doing, further strengthen the already great position in which we find ourselves today. As that process continues, I will be updating all those involved but I start the journey excited by the great benefits that being part of a MAT will bring to the UTC, our staff and most importantly your sons and daughters. I end by thanking everyone involved in the UTC for the start made this term. I offer my assurances that I will work hard to guide the UTC in the best way possible and with such great students, supportive Parents/Carers and talented staff, I am confident that the future for Silverstone is a positive one for all involved. My best wishes, John Principal

School of Dialogue

school of dialogue


Arabella Tresilian MAHons PGCE FRSA Dialogue Facilitator, Mediator & Conflict Coach: Mediation, fully-accredited by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) Dispute resolution for Employment, Workplace, Civil, Commercial & Community cases Specialist in health and social care, including mental health, autism & disabilities Download a copy of my one-page profile here: Arabella Tresilian Mediator Profile Overview ‘Arabella Tresilian is a CEDR-accredited mediator, and a conflict resolution trainer, specialising in facilitating dispute resolution and employee wellbeing in the public sector. She has twenty years’ experience as a management consultant, leader and educator, and set up the School of Dialogue to teach conflict resolution skills. Arabella mediates independently and on behalf of the Medical Mediation Foundation, Resolve West and other panels where she specialises in lending her ‘expertise by experience’ in the fields of mental health and neurodiversity. Arabella’s 70+ case history since 2016 include mediations in the fields of Judicial Review, Court of Protection, Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act, Local Government, workplace, employment, community and public sector dispute resolution.’ I am an independent consultant specialising in dialogue facilitation, conflict resolution and partnership-building. My business development experience, studies in educational leadership and experience in dispute resolution combine effectively to allow me to support organisations, employees, families and individuals in finding win-win resolutions within complex scenarios. I have 20 years experience working in a strategic capacity for public, private and third sector organisations in the UK and overseas, and I have specialist consulting experience in the fields of sustainability, education and health/social care. I have also taught and managed at secondary level internationally and in the independent sector in the UK, and founded/directed a theatre company devoted to promoting the understanding of mental health and social exclusion. I am a CEDR-Accredited Mediator qualified to undertake employment, workplace, commercial, civil and community mediation. In 2017 I became a CEDR Associate with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), joining their world-renowned training faculty. In the community setting, I am a Certificated Mediator with Resolve West (previously Bristol Mediation) resolving neighbour disputes and hate crime cases. I am also the cofounder of Equisphere Employability and a workplace mental health trainer for Bath Mind. In the healthcare setting, I am a mediator, trainer and conflict coach with the Medical Mediation Foundation. I am a Quality Improvement Coach with the Q Community (NHS Improvement & Health Foundation) and a Public & Patient Involvement advisor for the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). I am a Member of End of Life Doula UK and have undertaken Advance Care Planning training with Living Well Dying Well. I am also a qualified Mental Health First Aid Instructor training groups to become Mental Health First Aiders in their contexts. I am a member of the Civil Mediation Council as a Member of the Association of South West Mediators. I abide by the European Code of Conduct for Mediators. I have DBS clearance and am fully insured as a mediator, trainer,educator, mentor and coach. Professional Experience & Skills Overview Facilitation and Organisational Dialogue Strategic development and team coaching in the workplace Communications and engagement for public-facing organisations Design and delivery of multi-organisational commercial partnerships Stakeholder engagement for effective policy development Conflict Intervention and Negotiation Interpersonal mediation and conflict resolution for workplace contexts Conflict coaching and mediation for highly-escalated community conflicts Brokerage of interorganisational partnerships for socio-economic benefit Leadership Design / delivery of Leadership Skills for Employability training for University of Bath Postgraduate certificate in Educational Leadership & Management (2011) Founder of three social enterprises and experienced team leader and manager International Competence Partnerships negotiator for European Green Capital 2015 Merger & Acquisition consultancy – UK/Spain Educator in vocational, business and enterprise skills – Coimbatore, India Training and Coaching Experienced teacher, trainer, mentor and coach specialising in communication Mentor to young leaders in enterprise on Future Talent programme Mental Health First Aider and specialist trainer in mental health with Mind Charity My style and my specialisms I came to the practice of Conflict Resolution and Mediation through two distinct routes. One was through doing management consulting in the public and private sectors, and coming to understand just how much stress, inefficiency and sadness arises from communication and conflict difficulties in the workplace. The other route was through being a patient, a parent of children with disabilities and a family carer, and witnessing how difficult it can be to make plans for the future when the present involves difficult discussions and many people. So I specialise in making sure that people feel comfortable with the process they undertake with me, and that it leads them towards feeling comfortable and confident about their future. I aim to be thoroughly supportive, reassuring and encouraging at all times. My professional work and personal experience in health and social care mean that I am particularly experienced in supporting people who are living with any form of illness, disability, mental health condition or life-limiting condition. I have particular personal experience of working with people who are deaf or hearing impaired, on the autism spectrum, experiencing mental illness and living with dementia or stroke. Why I love being a mediator I came to mediation through a confluence of circumstances which made me think, ‘There must be a better way for people to deal with their difficulties than to threaten legal action, or refuse to engage in communication at all!’ I realised that a great deal of my management consultancy work was really… conflict resolution. It gave me such pleasure and relief when long-held rifts within and between teams melted away after some good, authentic communication. This piqued my interest to find out more about the art of conflict resolution, and I did my first certificated training, and started practising as a community mediator. Later I qualified as a civil and employment mediator, and have been mediating ever since. It’s astonishing to witness people’s lives turn from a turmoil of distressing, intractable ‘stuckness’, to a new phase in which, for example, neighbours can conceive of greeting each other again; or work colleagues re-establish trust between each other after maybe years of mistrust, stress and non-communication. Mediation takes empathy, patience and persistence, and it is a skill I will develop and hone endlessly over years to come, but its core aspect is a belief that people really can find peace again, given the right support and a safe space to explore options for settling differences. Facilitating such processes is a real honour. Nothing beats the sight of former disputants smiling, shaking hands, or even (more often than you would think) hugging, at the end of a mediation.

Josie Warshaw Ceramics

josie warshaw ceramics


Josie Warshaw Ceramics Get Creative With Clay josiewarshaw@aol.com 07773865917 www.josiewarshaw.co.uk Instagram josiewarshawceramics Kingsgate Workshops Trust Studio 43 110-116 Kingsgate Road NW6 2JG Craft Courses https://www.craftcourses.com/courses/make-and-decorate-a-bowl-get-creative-with-clay Ceramics: Throwing Lessons / Beginner /Intermediate Learn the basics of throwing on the wheel or hone your skills with expert tuition from an experienced potter. Learn to centre clay and make closed and open shapes on the wheel at a time that suits you. Cost is £25 per hour and includes materials, tools and tuition. minimum 2 hours. Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl This friendly, relaxed, workshop takes place in a peaceful studio in the Kingsgate Workshops Trust building. This taster type clay session is a great way to get away from the busy world outside for a few hours. By the end of this session you will have completed a bowl using the coiling method. This session can be treated as a one off or something you can repeat. If the course is booked with a friend or as a group there is a reduction in price. Please negotiate group reductions via email. When making your bowl you will also have a finished surface that you can decorate in a variety of ways applying any design or you can leave it blank or write an inscription onto its surface. A decorated bowl is an excellent celebratory gift to give to a friend or a relative. Or you can use it yourself! You will be guided through making a bowl using the coiling technique by joining, then pinching out ropes of soft clay. The clay wall is then pared to obtain a satisfying curve, that can be scratch decorated or slip painted on the same day with your personal design. You will have guidance each step along the way. When you have made your bowl it will be glazed for you.. Finished work can be posted or collected. £65 or £105 for plus 1 Josie Warshaw Ceramics at Kingsgate Workshops Trust After training at Harrow School of Art Josie established her studio at Kingsgate Workshops Trust. Over the years she has combined her studio practice with teaching in adult educational settings including; Camberwell School of Art, Camden Arts Centre, The Architectural Association and The City Lit. Her commissioned history, techniques and technical overview, books; “The Complete Practical Potter” and “Beginners Ceramic Handbook” "The Practical Potter"have been translated and sold in countries around the world and are available for purchase in a number of different languages. Josie continues to offer relaxed and friendly teaching and studio time to beginners and more advanced students at her Kingsgate studio. Lessons are offered to individuals and small groups in hand-building, throwing and surface decoration. Reviews 2016/ 2017/18 Such a great course! by Wiggy - March 2017 Josie is a wonderful teacher, had a really good time learning how to make bowl in her studio. Would love to do this every Saturday. Will come again ) A great introduction Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl Craft Courses Its' a great experience: Josie is very knowledgeable, and makes it a pleasurable and rewarding experience. It was laid back but at the end of the afternoon all of us had produced a wonderful decorated bowl, in the interesting environment of her studio. Elisabeth -12th February 2018 #12942 By Verity - January 2017 This was a surprise present so I wasn't sure what to expect but it was such an awesome course and a great way to spend an afternoon. Josie was really helpful and a fantastic teacher, I'd definitely recommend her courses. Amazing and Relaxing Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl (Booked online with Hotcourses) By Hugo - January 2017 I really didn't know what to expect when I bought this course with my girlfriend, but it was fantastic and we learnt so much about how to shape clay. It was very relaxing and the time seemed to fly by! I would highly recommend this course Amazing By Hugo - January 2017 First time using Hotcourses so I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it was really interesting and fun. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to relax and make a bowl! A relaxing, creative experience Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl By Andrew - January 2017 After purchasing a course for my girlfriend’s birthday we were not sure what to expect. What a lovely experience it was and a way to pass a few hours and to produce something tangible with your own unique stamp on it. Everyone's bowl ended up completely different and it was great to make pottery, really learning how clay works and performs. Josie has a relaxed teaching method, encouraging and informative. Would highly recommend. Andrew & Asha A great experience By toby - September 2016 We weren't sure what to expect when signing up for this but it turned out to be the most enjoyable experience with Josie being extremely helpful and friendly in showing us the coiling technique, would definitely recommend! Worthwhile creative experience By Lisa - July 2016 Never did I think that the simple activity of making a bowl could open up such a myriad of experiences. From getting my hands dirty digging in the clay, to coercing this medium so it took on a form. For a first experience the clay and Josie’s skilful but gentle guidance, dictated the road travelled, a useable beautiful, and personal bowl emerged. And then a colour feast to paint it. Thank you Josie Thanks so much Josie Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl By Aaron - July 2016 I was bought this course as a birthday present and did not know what to expect as I have never done any ceramics work before. Safe to say I thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, the space was quiet and Josie was extremely knowledgeable about her subject, guiding us firmly yet also allowing us creative freedom. I would highly recommend this course to anyone. I also cheekily made two bowls in the time I was there, which Josie kindly did not get mad about! Amazing and relaxing experience!!! Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl (Booked online with Hot courses) By Diego - July 2016 It was my partner's and my first time doing pottery. At first we thought to have only one class to have a new experience but after taking a one-day course with Josie, we are talking to do that again and again. It had such a good atmosphere and Josie conducted the course in a friendly and professional way. She passed us her experience and knowledge making sure we were having a great time! Best workshop ever! Ceramics: 1-1 Intensive Throwing Lessons / Beginner /Intermediate By Tyler - April 2016 As a first timer was fairly nervous and there's only so much research you can do. Josie was patient, knowledgeable and helpful - I felt very at ease and I learnt A LOT. The workshop was very informative I was provided with information sheets of all of the process's I requested and if it wasn't at hand Josie will research for you to answer all of your questions and provide you with as much help as possible. Really good price for everything you get as well which is all of your materials and some of the best teaching I've experienced. Very thorough explanations and demonstrations with clear instructions, personally I feel its important to have a 1:1 class as well if you want a more intensive learning experience. For myself I felt I need to be guided through the process with constant observation to receive help as you go and then learn from your mistakes much faster. Josie helped me with my current university project, she is a truly a great potter with a great passion for passing on the knowledge, I can't thank her enough.

Tumble Tots Nottingham

tumble tots nottingham


Tumble Tots is Nottingham's premium children's physical activity programme, from Walking (around 1 year old) to school age (4 years). Designed to develop children’s physical skills of agility, balance, co-ordination and climbing, through the use of brightly coloured Tumble Tots equipment, especially designed for little people. According to the physical activity guidelines issued by the four Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland regular physical activity in children and young people is associated with improved learning and attainment, better mental health and cardiovascular fitness, also contributing to healthy weight status. Toddlers and preschoolers should spend at least 180 minutes (3 hours) per day in a variety of physical activities. The Tumble Tots programme has been carefully designed to promote physical activity, sport and exercise in children for physical and mental health benefits. We currently run the following "age and stage" classes in Nottingham: ★ Walking to 2 years ★ 2 to 3 years ★ 3 years to school age To learn more about our programme and each of our "age and stage" development classes click on "About > Our Programme". You can also click here to watch a short YouTube video about our programme. Our centres in Nottingham: MONDAYS Gamston Community Hall (Gamston) - NG2 6PS TUESDAYS David Ross Sports Village (University of Nottingham) – NG7 2RJ WEDNESDAYS David Ross Sports Village (University of Nottingham) – NG7 2RJ THURSDAYS Grange Hall (Radcliffe On Trent) - NG12 2FB FRIDAYS Sir Julien Cahn Pavilion (West Bridgford) - NG2 7JE Pricing and term information There are three elements to booking regular classes with Tumble Tots Nottingham 1) Annual Membership 2) Regular monthly class fees 3) Class fees covering payment: 1) Annual Membership The first element requires your child to become a member of the Tumble Tots National Club to participate in classes. Your membership is paid at the same time as confirming your regular booking, so that we can set-up your child's personal accident insurance policy to cover your LO to attend classes straight away. The annual membership fee is £26 per child. In addition, your child will receive a welcome pack posted directly to them including their iconic Tumble Tots T-Shirt, Back Pack, Sticker Book, Membership Card and Handbook. We also offer a reduced rate for Renewals and members can take advantage of our exclusive offers, discounts, competitions and many more member benefits! Please encourage your LO to wear their t-shirt to help them feel a sense of unity and pride with their fellow Tumble Tots, as well as the practical aspect of wearing comfortable loose clothing for climbing!! NB - our annual membership is mandatory, non-transferable, non-refundable and valid for one year. To view the full details of our membership programme please visit: https://www.tumbletots.com/nottingham/membership You can also checkout the toys and gifts that we sell in our online shop by visiting: http://www.tumbletots.co.uk/ 2) Regular monthly class fees At the same time as confirming your booking, you will pre-enter your credit or debit card details to authorise us to take a recurring payment on the 1st of a month for your child's class fees. A recurring payment is similar to a direct debit but taken from a valid debit or credit card and not directly from your bank account. The monthly fee is £28 and will be automatically processed on the 1st of the month for classes in the same month, i.e. September class fees will be paid on 1st September. We operate classes during school term time only and your monthly subscription plan covers class fees for a full school calendar year (36 weeks per annum), which have then been divided into 11 convenient and affordable recurring monthly payments. Your subscription will be paused in August, when no classes are running, or during periods of national lockdown. You may cancel your child's classes at anytime, giving a minimum 4 weeks notice. Younger siblings receive a 20% discount off their class fees. On average, there are 2-4 classes per month, dependent on how school term dates fall. 3) Class fees covering payment Please note that if you join part way through a month, a covering payment will be added to your first monthly instalment, so that you can start classes straight away. This amount will be calculated based on how many remaining classes there are. An example payment schedule is given below, where the new member joined on 21st September: Date of joining - £26 Annual Membership fee 1 Oct - £45 (£28 monthly fee October classes + £17 covering payment for 2 classes attended in September) 1 Nov - £28 monthly fee November classes 1 Dec - £28 monthly fee December classes (1 Jan - 1 Jul) - £28 monthly fee 1 Aug - £0 payment paused 1 Sep - £28 monthly fee September classes 1 Oct - £28 monthly fee October classes …and so on and so forth. Siblings discount Younger siblings receive a 20% discount off their class fees. Notice period You may cancel your child's place anytime, giving 4 weeks notice. Holidays, sickness and anytime / anywhere make-up classes We are unable to refund or credit missed classes, but do offer an anytime, anywhere makeup scheme. Term time only Classes do not operate during school holidays and dates will be indicated on our Facebook and Instagram pages, on our noticeboard and website, plus we also send end and beginning of term emails. Can younger siblings come along to their brother or sister’s class? Younger siblings in a car seat, pushchair or baby carrier are welcome to attend their older siblings class, so that your hands are free to support your child at all times. Cancellation • We reserve the right to cancel or postpone classes at any stage in the event of equipment failure, theft, insufficient participants or trainers, business closure or otherwise. • Any class fees refunds will be at the discretion of Tumble Tots Nottingham. The annual membership fee is non-refundable in full or in part. • Should a member, through illness or otherwise, miss their class, Tumble Tots Nottingham are under no obligation to offer a refund. Members are offered to make up the class on an alternative day. • Tumble Tots Nottingham reserves the right to vary course details in line with current guidance and best practise and to amend dates and prices without prior notice. Health & safety Your child’s safety is of utmost importance to us and we offer complete peace of mind and confidence that our programme is of the highest quality as a Fully Accredited Member of the Children’s Activity Association (CAA). 4 trained team members run our classes. All staff are responsible for maintaining safety and guiding both you and your Tumble Tot throughout the class. We operate on a strict 6:1 child/adult ratio, similar to nursery and preschool groups. Our team are DBS checked. There is a paediatric first aider and fire warden on site at all times. Parents are actively involved in the sessions for under 3’s. In the 3+ sessions, Tumble Tots participate without their grown up. By taking part you agree and acknowledge: • That it is an indoor activity with an element of risk. Members should be prepared to be knocked or bruised whilst learning new skills. In booking this activity, the participant acknowledges that it may be physically and emotionally challenging and that there are inherent risks associated with this activity. • At all times, to comply with the instructions given by staff members, particularly regarding supporting techniques and wearing suitable clothing for the activity. Misconduct You understand that Tumble Tots Nottingham may exclude anyone from a particular session and ask anyone who refuses to comply with these course booking terms or who conducts themselves in any way or who causes damage or annoyance to other persons to leave. Covid-Secure During the Covid-19 pandemic we have implemented additional health and safety measures, that can be read via the link below, to protect our members, team and the wider Nottinghamshire community. We entrust our members to adhere to the measures that we and the UK Government have put in place, to prevent any transmission whilst attending classes, and keep classes running. COVID-19 Secure Measures Complaints Should you have a complaint or issue you wish to raise, please let Fiona know, or another member of staff who you feel comfortable raising the issue with.

Farmer Gow's Education

farmer gow's education


Farmer Gow's is registered with the Oxfordshire Work Experience Scheme. The farm offers various work experience opportunities, depending on the age of the student. The details below are not exhaustive – and with up to 20 changes to the farm routine each and every day, throughout the year - students first and foremost need to understand and appreciate the very unique work experience opportunities which we provide. Students are interviewed prior to placements being offered. What's involved? Work Experience is expensive to provide - we therefore expect a huge commitment from students to achieve as near as possible balance between the learning opportunities provided and the work a student performs. If you want to work with animals, the very first thing you need to understand and accept is that they need 24 hour/365 day a year care – so you need to be committed. We don’t keep students who can’t make a regular commitment. Farmer Gow's is a private company providing public access to farming and the countryside. Our doors are open to the public for 358 days of the year - we therefore need to ensure that you work carefully and safely - with both our animals and our visitors. We will teach you to ~ listen carefully to instructions follow those instructions and provide feedback to senior staff on all elements of the task in hand We will encourage you to ask questions – but also to make notes so that your questions come after a period of training, rather than constantly interrupting the training. We will supervise you thoroughly until we are sure you can follow instructions correctly and accurately. As your confidence grows and your ability to correctly perform tasks improves we will start to 'step back' and allow you to grow in the level of responsibility we give you. We will challenge you - and if you work hard and listen carefully - you will have a fantastic time. You will learn loads and loads and loads. You will meet many new people and learn to talk to them, work with them, and ask them for help. And that's just in your first few weeks... Age 14-16 years ~ Key Stage 4 We offer a 2-week work experience for students in years 10 and 11. Students should apply by email, with brief details of their interests. Every applicant is invited to spend a 1/2 day on the farm, to assess their suitability for a placement. A placement is confirmed after the introduction day, by email. Age 16-19 years ~ Key Stage 5 Students may apply for a work experience placement from age 15 years and thereby start at 16 years of age. The farm provides ~ 'hands on' practical and technical training to students interested in veterinary and animal careers contacts for further work experience opportunities with local farmers, businesses and government departments involved in the agricultural industry opportunities for paid work once a basic level of competence is achieved opportunities for paid work during school/college/university holidays Depending on the background of the student we would normally expect ~ From age 15 years ~ Year 1 at Farmer Gow's January-March application to join the work experience programme. Student invited to spend a ½ day on the farm, working alongside an existing student, followed by a short interview with a senior member of staff. September ~ following a successful visit and interview, student begins a one-day per week work experience. Introduction to the farm's routines, learning about everyday feeding, watering, hygiene procedures, routine tasks, preparation of feeds for hand reared lambs and kids. You will assist with twice daily 'Meet the Animals' sessions. Mandatory – February ½ term holiday - a week’s work experience, either Sunday-Thursday or Tuesday-Saturday. Mandatory – Easter holidays - one week work experience during the school holiday - either Sunday-Thursday or Tuesday-Saturday. This is our busiest time of year so you will be working under pressure. Holidays ~ please note ~ We expect students to take no more than 2-weeks off during the May-June exam period. This is hay making time - and understanding grass growing and harvesting is an incredibly important learning experience. In line with statutory holidays students may take up to six weeks (i.e. 6 days) holiday per year – one of which days will be during the Christmas stand-down period. Year 2 One day a week continues through the autumn and winter months. Most students arrange off-farm work experiences during the October school holidays. Early spring - students work with newborn/hand reared lambs and kids, refreshing/strengthening/practising Year 1 skills Students are set weekly subjects on a whole variety of agricultural subjects for presentation to staff the following weekend. This rapidly expands learning and awareness. Mandatory - February ½ term holiday, Sun-Thu or Tue-Sat – lambing will really begin to make sense – it’s a fantastic time of year. This year you may be able to assist with a lambing, you will certainly be iodine-ing newborn lambs and giving ewes and lambs heptivac injections. Injections, castration, foot trimming, ringing, record keeping, ordering feeds ... there is much to practice and new jobs to learn. Mandatory – Easter holidays - one week work experience during the school holiday - either Sunday-Thursday or Tuesday-Saturday. This is our busiest time of year so you will be working under pressure. You will be leading chick handling, egg collecting and egg boxing sessions. Customer service - you should be ready to start serving in the farm shop, welcoming visitors to the farm, helping them with chick handling - and serving them on the till. When you can do this, you will become a paid member of staff - if we have a vacancy. Working in the farm shop can only be undertaken when a student has sufficient knowledge from working on the farmyard. Visitors/customers have every imaginable questions and you need to be able to answer them with confidence and knowledge. You will be working with very young piglets, calves, lambs, kids, chicks, ducklings, turkey poults - and their adults. You will be ear tagging, worming, foot trimming, handling, feeding, moving – there’s never a dull moment at Farmer Gow’s. You will work with younger work experience students and with children on farm workshops – this will practice team leading skills Summer holidays - one week work experience (if required) on farm - or a week at another local farm/business. We will provide you with telephone numbers and a contact name. You will have a wealth of farm knowledge and handling experience on all the farm species - cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys. You will be able to lead small groups of visitors through Meet the Animals. You will be able to answer their questions confidently and accurately. These skills are particularly valuable for interviews with prospective employers/university You will understand the 20+ animal medicines we use each year to safeguard our animals; you will understand routine/seasonal tasks. You will be able to medicate - orally and by injection - our farm animals. You will be able to arrange other work experiences very easily - because you have reached a level of competence which will be useful to other farms and businesses. When you have passed your driving test - you will be able to join a high end dairy farm and enjoy learning about milking and the dairy industry - unless of course you have a parent willing and able to drive you to 4am milking. Post School and on to University or other employment We will be very proud of you and want to know how you are getting on We will welcome you back for summer/Christmas/Easter work We will continue to support you - with references and contacts for further work experiences Summary The above is a basic description of the work experience opportunity available at Farmer Gow’s. We expect a lot – but offer a lot in return. If the relationship doesn’t develop well – it is normally due to a lack of commitment from the student. We will tell you and we will end the placement. Finally (as if we haven't already said an awful lot) we ask you to sign up to the above - and if you are under 18 years of age we ask a parent/guardian to co-sign - so that we all know what has been agreed and what is expected. We look forward to working with you. Applications By email to Sarah or Clara on ~ enquiries@farmergows.co.uk Please attach a current CV and make sure you also include contact telephone number.

Blossoming Bellies

blossoming bellies

Brittany's path led her through many experiences before focusing her work on the need for respect and humility in the amazing power, instinct, and normalcy of birth. Completing high school after her junior year with distinguished honors and a focus in visual art and writing , Brittany went on to study Literature at Temple University, graduating cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and certificates in both writing and honors. She maintains membership with Phi Beta Kappa, a national academic honor society. Throughout college, Brittany worked for Trio Upward Bound, a national organization that prepares inner city high school students for college. In her role as tutor and counselor, she gained experience in dealing with several different ages from ninth through twelfth grade, understanding of differences in learning pace and ability, and comfort in leading group discussions and projects. Brittany went on to substitute teach for pre-school through eighth grade at Frankford Friends School, strengthening her abilities in areas including the facilitation of group activities, the development of all aspects of the person - physical, academic, spiritual, emotional, and social, and the mentoring of children of all different ages and backgrounds. In addition to her education career, Brittany has completed a mentorship training program which focuses on peaceful solutions to conflict through listening, reflection, and understanding and the development of counseling skills. She attended a Birth Works three day workshop where she gained skills and techniques helpful in facilitating childbirth classes and providing labor assistance. She has also completed birth doula training by both DONA International and Birth Arts International. Brittany is a Birth WorksTM certified childbirth educator, a DONA certified birth doula, a certified breastfeeding counselor with Nursing Mothers Alliance, and a Certified Lactation Counselor through the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice. She has also completed birth doula training with Birth Arts International. She also holds a Rebozo certification from Wise Birth Choices, L.L.C. Brittany continuously furthers her knowledge through regular attendance and facilitation at conferences, workshops, and lectures, in addition to her home studies, and her facilitation of workshops for clinical and non-clinical birth professionals. In an effort to make maternity care options available to all birthing people, Brittany volunteered her time in putting together the Philadelphia Guide to a Healthy Birth with Choices in Childbirth. Although the Philadelphia Guide is no longer in print, The National Guide is available online at www.choicesinchildbirth.org. Brittany has also been a frequent contributor to the Birth Works quarterly newsletter and wrote monthly for the e-newsletter, "Empowerment for Healthy Living," when it was published. She continues writing for the Birth Works blog. Brittany has been a guest speaker on several pregnancy, postpartum, and health-related topics at businesses around the Philadelphia area, including Martindale's Natural Market in Delaware County, Shanti Yoga Shala and Nest, both in Center City Philadelphia, and the Expectant Parents Boot Camp at The Please Touch Museum. In the spring of 2011, Brittany organized and facilitated a free community screening of the documentary, "Food, Inc." She worked with the non-profit organization WomenCare organizing an event featuring world-renowned midwife Ina May Gaskin in May 2011. Blossoming Bellies has also been featured in the July 2011 issue of herbalist Susan Weed's ezine "Wise Woman Herbal Healing with Susun Weed." In May of 2014, Brittany had the honor of being the only childbirth educator and doula serving as a panelist at the Birth Works "Ask The Experts" event held in Cherry Hill, NJ where she discussed birth options and answered community members' birth-related questions aside several distinguished birth professionals, including obstetricians, academics, pediatricians, and midwives, from the greater Philadelphia area. She was also honored to be a presenter at ICAN's (International Cesarean Awareness Network) meeting on birth education options in the Philadelphia area in January of 2015. Brittany is also the creator of two dynamic workshops focused on understanding the pelvis, the baby's movements and positioning as they descend and rotate, and preventing and working through complications that arise from malpositioning, "Creating Space: Pelvic Dynamics, Fetal Positioning, and Use of the Rebozo" for birth professionals and "Moving Through Labor" for expectant parents. She has had the honor of facilitating her workshop, "Creating Space," for obstetrical, midwifery, and nursing groups around the country. She is a guest speaker at the University of Pennsylvania for their student midwifery program and a frequent speaker at international conferences including the Birth Works International Conference in October of 2016, the ICPA Freedom for Family Wellness Summit in March of 2018, the Evidence Based Birth Conference in September of 2019, the Midwifery Forward 2020 conference, the ICEA 2020 Virtual Conference, and the Utah Doula Association Virtual Mini-Conference in 2020. She also facilitates pelvic dynamics and fetal positioning workshops for Maternity Care Coalition and PALS. She continues to facilitate workshops for conferences and private practices around the country. Blossoming Bellies began with Brittany teaching classes in her home in South Philadelphia. She still occasionally teaches classes in the coziness of her home but, after spending time teaching classes at South Philadelphia Community Acupuncture, The Nesting House on vibrant East Passyunk Avenue, and the community space Lilypad, she now teaches at the BOK building aside Justin Ohm of Ohm Chiropractic. She has also branched out to serving other areas of the city, including Mt. Airy, Fairmount, West Philly, Fishtown, and Center City. Brittany was a Birth Works facilitator at the Maternal Wellness Center in Mt. Airy and continued teaching Birth Works classes in Mt. Airy at The Nesting House (former location of the Maternal Wellness Center) and at each of their additional locations in South Philly, West Philly, and Collingswood, for several years. Her South Philadelphia series classes are now held at the BOK building in South Philadelphia, where she shares space with Dr. Justin Ohm, of Ohm Chiropractic . She brought group Birth Works classes to the Fairmount section of Philadelphia, facilitating workshops at Still Waters Holistic Health Therapies from 2010 through 2019 and to the Fishtown section of the city, teaching at City Sprouts until their close in November 2016 and at Minnow Lane on Frankford Ave through 2020. Brittany's Homebirth Preparation Class can be found at Ohm Chiropractic in South Philadelphia. Her prenatal Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding 101 classes and Infant Care classes are offered in Brewerytown at Kith + Kin and in South Philly at BOK. Check out an interview with Brittany about her philosophies and classes at Philly Baby Bump. Brittany also helps mentor and guide new doulas as they begin their journey into the birth world. Doulas often observe her classes to fulfill their certification requirements and Brittany facilitates workshops specifically for doulas and birth professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills. In addition, she offers a full doula mentorship course for those looking for one-on-one guidance, resources, and referrals as they enter in to the greater birth community. For more information about doula mentoring and one-on-one options available, please contact Brittany. Blossoming Bellies has been recognized by CBS Philly as one of the Top Childbirth Classes in Philly and is the winner of the 2016 Love Awards for Best Lactation Consultant, the 2017 Love Awards for Best Prenatal Classes, and the 2018, 2019, and 2020 Love Awards for Best Childbirth Preparation Classes. She is also a contributor to the blog A Child Grows and the blog We Bloom in Philly and has written several feature articles for the Birth Works newsletter. Brittany is a contributor to the international best-selling book "Baby Got VBAC: An Inspiring Collection of Wisdom for Better Births After a Cesarean," writing a chapter covering the importance of movement and guidelines for using it in all births, with a focus on vaginal birth after cesarean. In addition, she is a sought-after presenter on pelvic dynamics, fetal positioning, preventing malpositioning in labor, and working through positioning issues that can lead to stalls in labor, facilitating workshops at the Birth Works International Conference, the Freedom for Family Wellness Summit hosted by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, the Evidence Based Birth Conference, and the Midwifery Forward 2020 conference as well as for midwifery and obstetrical practices, labor and delivery nurses, and midwifery students around the country. She also has collaborated with East Eagle Yoga to develop and facilitate a prenatal yoga teacher training program full of the bodily knowledge, movement awareness, and empathetic practice that is crucial to the role of a prenatal yoga instructor. Brittany also developed and facilitated the online ICEA training for birth professionals on anatomy and reproductive structure. You can check out interviews with Brittany on a few national podcasts. She was honored to be a featured guest on episode #161 of the well known podcast, The VBAC Link, where she talks all about pelvic dynamics and autonomy in birth. Check it out at The VBAC Link! She will also be featured on the Vagina Talks podcast in February 2021. Providing expecting families with information, resources, a listening ear, and love and support is at the core of Brittany's goals. In helping parents to recognize their strength as humans, role models, and advocates for the needs and wishes of themselves and their children, Brittany assists families in creating birth and parenting experiences of which they feel positive, confident, and informed. Her approach to birth and parenting focuses on building awareness of one's intuition and combining it with learned knowledge in a way that is respectful of the needs and abilities of each individual.