2353 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

The Surrey School of Reflexology

the surrey school of reflexology


Classes are run at The Beeches Baptist Church. Hygeine is important and classes and the venues are Covid aware. Parking available. Please do call or email the school if we can help with any questions regarding courses, reflexology or indeed any other therapies. We are here to advise when we can. Taking registrations now for the next Reflexology Diploma course commencing Autumn 2023. CONGRATULATIONS to ALL our 2021-22 students who have just received their examination results. ALL students gained a Credit or Distinction in their Level 3 Anatomy & Physiology exams and ALL gained either a Credit or Distinction in their Diploma in Reflexology examinations. WELL DONE!! A year of very hard work and dedication, justly rewarded. The Surrey School of Reflexology offers the best in training for those wanting to become a Professional Reflexologist. The Surrey School of Reflexology is an affiliated school of the Professional Reflexology Association. All reflexology courses, including CPD, are accredited with the International Federation of Reflexologists. Previously known as the European School of Healing and Complementary Medicine, we relaunched ourselves twelve years ago and now offer much more of what we are best at – training Reflexologists and providing Postgraduate Workshops and short Courses. Referred to as CPD, these trainings are not only for Reflexologists but all Professionals of Complementary Therapy. Established in 1995, Reflexologists have graduated from our school with our recognised qualification for 27 years and are now working in many different establishments including the NHS, and also in countries around the world. Once qualified from this school you will be able to work as a professional reflexologist in any position offered and in any country where reflexology is legal. The school is run by Nina Pearson who is the Principal. She has been a qualified, practicing, Reflexologist for over 30 years and is a Fellow of the International Federation of Reflexologists, Member of the Professional Reflexology Association, and has been awarded Lifetime Membership to the Association of Reflexologists. All tutors are established practitioners with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Business studies are taught by a qualified Accountant. Our students are encouraged to attain the highest standards as therapists so that they can work with competence and integrity second to none. We also pride ourselves in being able to support the learning of those with Dyslexic tendencies. Our students are all ages and from all walks of life. The teaching of the courses has been designed with this consideration in mind, and so classes and workshop groups are kept small and informal to allow for individual attention and guidance. Learning with us is fun within a safe environment. The Surrey School of Reflexology is based in SUTTON Surrey on the borders with South London, 5 minutes walk from Carshalton Beeches BR station and 15 minutes walk from Sutton BR station. Direct trains from Victoria, London Bridge and Clapham Junction. There are a number of bus routes close by. Free parking easily available in local roads. We are a “NO FUSS” school – the important bit is the quality of teaching and producing confident well-educated therapists; our prospectus is not fancy and a majority of communication with students is done using email. This means that we can keep the costs of our courses and workshops down. NB………….Complementary Therapy is a HANDS-ON profession and it important that your training is also HANDS-ON. Coming to a class with other students not only provides support from your peer group but direct communication with your tutor and of course that all important guidance with practice of the routine and class discussions. After qualifying, your client will look to you for support and class experience then becomes invaluable.

Streetgames UK

streetgames uk


StreetGames harnesses the power of sport to create positive change in the lives of disadvantaged young people right across the UK. StreetGames' work helps to make young people and their communities healthier, safer and more successful. WHY SPORT? Sport is energetic, inclusive and enjoyable, but StreetGames' goal isn’t just about having fun. StreetGames believes in the power of sport to transform lives and to broaden ambitions. Sport teaches key skills such as teamwork, understanding and self-discipline, brings people together, creates pride in a community, breaks down social boundaries, and inspires people to make a difference in their own lives and for others. Through sport, StreetGames can empower young people to kick-start a cycle of positive change that echoes throughout their entire community. StreetGames' central programme: 'Doorstep Sport' encapsulates many of these important qualities, offering fun and informal sports clubs that work to meet the needs of today's disadvantaged young people - a staggering 70% of whom are not involved in structured activity elsewhere. They do this by operating according to the 'Five Rights of StreetGames': being carried out at the right time, in the right place, with the right people, for the right price and in the right style to suit the needs of these LSEG youth. TEAMWORK StreetGames' work is delivered in partnership with the StreetGames Alliance of around 1,000 Locally Trusted Organisations, working in disadvantaged communities across the UK. The collective power and reach of this alliance enables unparalleled access to young people growing up in over 4,000 poverty-hit localities. These organisations are the lifeblood of their neighbourhoods. They have earned their spurs, built trust and won the right to make a difference in their community. They understand what will work and what’s needed on their patch. They reach those that others find ‘hard to reach’ and are able to collaborate with StreetGames to replicate what works at scale and at pace. The organisations that make up the StreetGames Alliance maintain industry standards for safeguarding, insurance, health and safety, and equalities and diversity. Each is a self-determining organisation that is independently managed and funded. Most are charities, legally constituted community groups or Community Interest Companies. All are embedded in their ‘hard to reach’ neighbourhood. LEVELLING THE PLAYING FIELD 3.5 million UK children currently live in poverty. Fewer than 1/4 meet national guidelines for recommended daily activity. Young people from the lowest economic bracket are 3 times more likely to suffer with mental illness than a counterpart from the highest-earning group. The UK’s poorest children live an average of 3.6 to 5 years fewer than their more affluent peers These same children also spend an additional 16.5 years in poor health. Screenshot 2020-08-06 at 13.01.07.png "StreetGames has turned my life around. If it wasn't for them I don't know where I'd be right now" LYNDSEY DAWN - STREETGAMES PARTICIPANT. StreetGames believes in fair play, both in sport and in life. With only £3.21 to spend on sports activities per week – compared to the national average of £12.11 – struggling families just can’t afford to keep pace. That’s why StreetGames has made it its mission to level the playing field. Here’s how. StreetGames is committed to making communities healthier, safer and more successful. StreetGames' programmes are conducted in the ‘Right Way’ - offering projects at the right time, in the right place, and for the right price to suit the needs of young participants. Through StreetGames' pioneering Doorstep Sport approach, the organisation improves young lives through sport, giving access to positive role models, volunteering opportunities and diversionary activities. Through Fit and Fed, StreetGames tackles the hidden issue of holiday hunger and inactivity, through nutritious meals and fun, healthy activities. Through Us Girls, StreetGames work to empower young women within a holistic and supportive environment - tackling the everyday sexism that presents a barrier to participation in sport.

Horden Youth And Community Centre

horden youth and community centre


Horden used to be a mining village, and back in the Sixties, it was the pit that defined what our community was. Young people were a vital part of that group, and the Centre you see today grew out of the Youth Club that started in 19­66 in the renovated pit canteen — and the Girls' Infant School (later a Mixed Infants, but the girls don't like to remember that part). Horden Youth Club moved from their first building into one on Sunderland Road, and from there to a "hut" in the school playground. When the Infant School closed its doors to little ones, Durham County Council offered the facility to the Youth Club. By the time they were ready to move in, in the late Seventies, rain had seeped into the building and where the pool table now stands in the main hall, a huge hole was dug to make the floor safe and re-lay the beautiful parquet flooring. When the repair and refurbishment was finished, Horden Youth Centre was born. It's all right — the hole was filled in, but if ever we tell you that a former staff member is still here in spirit, please don't ask too many questions… It was decided that two rooms could be offered to other people in Horden and so, for a while, what are now the dining room and training room were used for all sorts of activities leaving the rest of the building for the young people. It was at that point that we became Horden Youth and Community Centre, but it was several years before the "Youth" and the "Community" bits joined together in the way you see us now. Many changes have taken place in the intervening years, not least becoming first a registered charity and, later, a limited company. And now? Regardless of any surface changes, what we are at our core doesn't change at all. Quite simply, we are here to offer pursuits and experiences to the local community which encourage choice and personal development. By keeping costs down and creating a warm and friendly environment, as well as operating an 'open door' policy for anyone who requires help, advice, signposting or support — and often just someone to listen — we strive, every day, to provide a hub for people to become involved with new people and the wider community around them. In keeping with our motto 'from the cradle (almost) to the grave', we offer services for all age groups from the very young to the elderly. Take a deep breath, now… Our Nursery provides affordable child care for 2 to 5 year olds; the tweenies are well catered for with dance and gymnastics classes; the Youth Club caters for 11 to 19 year-olds; there is usually a huge variety of classes and activities for adults; and apart from our Luncheon Club, Friday Afternoon Bingo Club and Gentle Fitness group, we are planning even more events for the over 65s. This will include a Fifties-style coffee bar complete with 'frothy coffee' and period music, so keep an eye on the Centre notices, website, newsletters and local press for further details as we get them! Other future plans include 'Hole in the Wall Enterprises', a social enterprise venture that has grown out of our clippy mat group; open days; fairs (that's table-top sales, not waltzers and dodgems — but you never know!); and, of course, an ever-growing list of activities and courses. We know our past and our present, and are ever-hopeful that we will go from strength to strength in our future. We want people to use the Centre because that's what it's here for. We need to know what the community wants from us, and we need the people of Horden to tell us. We invite you — whether you want to join us and join in, offer your services, or complain that we're getting it all wrong — to come in for a chat any time and help us continue to help Horden — the way Horden wants!



My name is Lee Reade, I am a UEFA Licensed Football Coach where I have attended coaching courses up to the 'UEFA A' Licence for both players and goalkeepers. I specialise in coaching goalkeepers (although I have a number of out-field players also). I have worked with Professional Football League Clubs in their youth programmes; coaching two players who were selected for their national teams. My coaching company covers all age groups, some who are shown on the images and videos around this the theKeeper.co.uk website. All will testify to the improvements they have made due to the methods and coaching they receive and of course, what they put back into it themselves. Based in Corby the majority of my goalkeepers come from the areas of Northamptonshire/Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire & Hertfordshire. One of my main locations in Milton Keynes (where I also do Summer Camp days), has changing facilities and fitness equipment available. Having played at various levels of the game, I was attracted to the coaching side which now takes up all my time. My experiences are probably no different to what you have or will come across in your playing career! The classic 'warm up' of every player hitting balls to you at the same time; the blame that is only on you when the opponents score and the expectation that you have to be perfect in every part of your play. I have attended and seen so many coaching sessions that are more related to training than they are to actual coaching; you need both! I am sure you have experienced the same! One experience in my youth that always stood way above all others was the lack of specialised coaching and in many cases the lack of recognition for goalkeepers and the vital role that we perform. This was to become one of the main reasons to start theKeeper.co.uk. fitnessOur position is becoming even more important in many aspects of the game however most coaching (especially at youth level) is often done only for out-field players with very little specialised coaching to the goalkeepers. The game is evolving, so we need to improve the amount and quality of that coaching and to introduce new methods to develop the skills needed by the goalkeeper. My education includes a Degree level in Sports Science/Football Studies and also coaching qualifications in many other types of sports such as Basketball & Hockey - the primary reason for this was to expand my knowledge of the skills used in those sporting areas so that they could be adapted to fit goalkeepers; many of those skills are now used in my coaching sessions. I have taken Awards in specilised areas such as Fitness Instruction, First Aid & Sports Medicine along with many others, allowing me to offer greater knowledge to those I coach. Many I know cannot afford the costs for personal coaching. Quite a few of you I am sure will be playing in leagues where your club is limited or not able to offer such specific coaching. Whatever your situation, be it a certain weakness in your game that you seek assistance on or that you wish to improve your all round performance; I hope that you will find help and answers at theKeeper.co.uk. advancedtrainingI plan to offer sessions and exercises at all levels (Basic through to Advanced) that you can then use to assist and hopefully improve your own performance. As your 'Cyber Coach' I would of course always recommend that the best coaching you will ever receive is directly with a qualified coach, however, as mentioned that is not always possible. So browse my pages and see what we can do together, and if you have any problems head to the 'AsktheKeeper' page; this is where you are able to email a question that is personal to your coaching needs. I will endeavour to answer as many as possible. theKeeper.co.uk can hopefully become a source of information that will help you 'reach your goal' and fulfil your ambitions as a goalkeeper. We might even get the opportunity to personally meet on one of my Coaching Road-Shows or Goalkeeper Camps so that you too can 'experience the difference'.

Warrington Russian Language School Solnyshko

warrington russian language school solnyshko


It all began in June 2012, when a team of parents-enthusiasts set up a Russian speaking parent and toddler group, called “Solnyshko" (loosely translated as “Sunshine”). The aim of this group was to create a Russian speaking environment for their young children and help them in learning the Russian language. The parent and toddler group is aimed at children from 1 to 3 years and operates all year around, excluding school holidays. The sessions include the staples of singing, dancing, nursery rhymes, puppet shows, crafts and sensory activities for the younger ones, as well as themed sessions aimed at expanding vocabulary of a particular topic of the week, basic numeracy and knowledge of the alphabet. Following growing demand and in response to a number of requests, the Committee decided to open a Saturday school for teaching Russian language to older children in more depth. Thus, in September 2013 Warrington Russian Language School “Solnyshko” opened its doors to older children. The opening ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Warrington and accompanying dignitaries. "Solnyshko" has been expanding ever since and currently offers classes to children aged from 3 and 16 years. Classes are organised according to age and knowledge of the Russian language. The curriculum includes lessons of Russian language and literature, expanding vocabulary and music, preparing for Russian language GCSE exam. Our goal - creation of friendly Russian-speaking environment for children, helping them to learn the language, make friends and have fun. We are truly an international school, we unite people from different backgrounds and ethnic groups. The school holds regular “open lessons” and special children performances involving the school’s pupils, where parents have the opportunity to observe the development and success of their children. The Committee and school staff are tirelessly working on creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere in the school, which is important not only for children, but also helps adults to develop and maintain social ties and support each other. The school has a system of seeking parents feedback - in addition to regular parent surveys through written questionnaires, parents are invited to write their comments and suggestions and drop them in the “suggestion box”, located next to the entrance. They are also encouraged to ask questions or make suggestions at any time. The Committee is always glad to welcome new volunteers, who wish to join the management of the school. All school staff are DBS is checked. School teachers have appropriate pedagogical education and experience of working with children. Classes are held each Saturday from 9.30 to 11:50. From 12:00 a selection of clubs start. "Solnyshko" is a not-for-profit organisation, registered with Warrington Borough Council. Families, who have two or more children attending "Solnyshko" are eligible to discounts. Anyone, who is struggling to pay school fees, is encouraged to talk to the school’s Committee, where arrangements could be considered. *** Given the momentum and public support Warrington Russian Language School has received during its temporary closure on 12th of March 2022, we work closely with Warrington Borough Council on two matters: 1. On preventing bullying of kids with links to Russia or Russian language at this difficult time. 2. Working together helping Ukrainian refugees to quickly and successfully integrate into the community by providing translation/interpreting, advice and free lessons in our language school (English, Russian and Ukrainian), as well as access to art/painting, craft, music band, football and other activities in Russian language (as you know, most people in Ukraine can speak Russian language). We have a small database of local people (as well as our own teachers) willing to give their free time to teach various subjects and translate as necessary for the Ukrainian refugees. We also work closely with the community and can propose and host "tea and advice" meet up events in various locations. The temporary closure of our classes on 12th of March was very tough for everyone at Russian Language School "Solnyshko" (parents, pupils, teachers). We were so glad, however, to receive such overwhelming support from local community and happy it's behind us now. We look forward to even closer links to the wider community, St Wilfrids Primary School and Warrington Borough Council.

The Exam Factory

the exam factory


Our mission is to provide each of our students with the specific support they need to succeed at all stages of their education. We are a compact organisation, offering a highly personalised service, ensuring the highest levels of personal care and support. Experts in Private Tuition and Exam Preparation Tuition Services Private Personal Professional English speaking Tuition Lessons Early Years, Nursery, Primary, IGCSE IB A Level Teacher Tutor South of France Cannes Monaco Valbonne Mougins Nice IB 4 Private Tuition Our tutors offer personal tuition in hourly sessions across a range of subjects to students of all ages and abilities. These sessions focus on developing subject knowledge and confidence, with a particular emphasis on working to individual strengths and abilities, while addressing areas of concern. Following the initial consultation and assessment, students will receive a Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) to follow during lessons, and will receive regular progress reports through ongoing communication with parents, as well as unlimited access to their tutor via WhatsApp. Exam Preparation This is a unique programme that was created as a response to a need that we recognised while working in schools, and later as tutors with families in Monaco. The Exam Factory is an opportunity for students to focus their knowledge, and learn how to directly apply it within exam conditions. Students will be taught exam techniques in small groups, and discover how to manage exam anxiety, allowing them to enter their examinations prepared, and with confidence. Each session will include a teacher-led knowledge booster, exam practice, and immediate assessment and feedback on exactly where and how to improve. Home Schooling Our Home Schooling option is created for students who require an alternative learning environment and have unique requirements, that cannot be offered in a school setting. Students will follow the internationally recognised Cambridge curriculum, gaining transferable skills, sought after by top universities and employers across the world. Our Home Schooling programme is suitable for families who are seeking a different educational set-up or have other commitments, such as travel or sports. Our Home Schooling option is particularly beneficial for students with special educational needs, such as dyslexia or ADHD, or students who have encountered bullying or anxiety issues at school. Online English lessons Do you want to improve your English language skills? We offer online lessons with our expert language tutors to suit your busy schedule. You will quickly improve your spoken and written English, and benefit from our personalised course, based on your specific needs and ability. We can also help you prepare for English language examinations, including IELTS, TOFEL and all of the Cambridge English exams (FCE, CAE, CPE). Boarding School UK School Entrance Exams Examinations Common Entrance English Maths Online Private Tutor Tutors Teacher Lesson 8+ 7+ 11+ 13+ 16+ School Entrance Exams We prepare students for School Entrance Exams to gain access to leading boarding schools worldwide. Our specialised tutors will prepare students for school-specific entrance examinations, creating a bespoke programme, and supporting your child through the challenges of the School Entrance Exams. These programmes are offered both in-person and online for families further afield. Experts in Private Tuition and Exam Preparation Co-founders Richard Richard is an educational entrepreneur. Since graduating from the University of Oxford, Richard, a fully qualified teacher, has worked with several international schools . As a Senior Leader, Richard has supported thousands of students over the years, guiding them through their IGCSE, IB and A Level examinations, and through the university application process onto some of the most prestigious universities in the world. In recent years, Richard has been working closely with families in Monaco, devising personalised academic programmes to guide their students and the families trough the educational landscape. Justyna Justyna completed her Master's degree at King's College London, after which she went onto study at the University of Oxford, completing her Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Science. Since then, Justyna has been supporting students of all ages and abilities in their study of Science and Mathematics, both in UK schools and, internationally, as a Professional Tutor. Justyna has a highly personalised style of management, and her enthusiasm is infectious. This has had significant positive impacts on the students she has worked with, equipping them with the knowledge and confidence to succeed.

Early Intervention Aberdeen

early intervention aberdeen


Lara Goldie is a dedicated and passionate Speech and Language Therapist and mother to 4 young children. She has a BS in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, and a Master's Degree in Communication Disorders and she is fully certified in the United Kingdom and the United States (CCC-SLP, MRCSLT, and HCPC-cert) and has 12 years of post graduate experience. Lara has worked in a variety of settings including Early Intervention, hospitals, Schools and voice clinics. She is skilled at treating a wide range of speech, language and voice disorders. Lara has worked extremely hard in her education and training in order to understand communication difficulties and to know the most efficient way to treat them. She is committed to providing current, research-based, and effective treatment and it brings great satisfaction for her to be a part of someone's journey to improve. linda Linda Lumsden is a local business woman and mother to 4 children, she became one of the United Kingdom’s youngest entrepreneurs, at the age of 18 with the assistance of the Princes Scottish youth business trust. She has owned and operated her businesses for over 21 years. In the late 1990s - early 2000s, She was one of three entrepreneurs involved in a Scottish government initiative “Think Business” which was part of the secondary education curriculum to inspire the next generation of Scottish entrepreneurs. Linda has a BA (Hons) degree in Law and Management and various SVQs and HND units in Business, Law and Childcare, She recently completed a Post Graduate certificate in Autism and Practice and is currently in her final year studying a Masters in Education at The University of Aberdeen. Her final research project is focussed on Pathalogical Demand Avoidance (PDA). Linda was deprived of schooling at the age of 14, when she was failed by the education system. She also has vast experience navigating the local authorities social care system following her brothers aquired brain damage. One of Lindas sons is twice exceptional and has an Autism Spectrum Condition diagnosis. His progress since working with Lara at the age of two has been phenomenal. The lack of funded support and services offered to improve the life chances of neurodivergent children, particulary those considered to be at the high functioning end of the spectrum, has given her the determination to help empower other families in similar circumstances. amanda Amanda Nicolson is a dedicated and passionate Social Care Professional with substantial experience at senior management level and comes with a proven track record managing large services and staff teams. Amanda started her career in care homes for the elderly as a Carer. She also has vast experience working with various vulnerable groups including children and adults with learning disabilities, the elderly and those with mental health challenges. Amanda is passionate about quality service provision, social justice and meaningful inclusion. Amanda met Linda while they were both studying at university. They both believe that everyone can flourish if they are given the support and resources to access the same opportunities that many of us can take for granted. Amanda has a BA (Hons) degree in Law and Management where she opted for modules that were relevant to her work experience including Child Care Law. She also has various SVQs and HND units in Business, Law, Health and Social Care. Amanda is currently studying several courses covering health and wellbeing topics at the Open University. Michelle Blake is a self-employed neurodivergent counsellor/coach with extensive experience working with neurodiversity. Michelle has lived experience of being both Autistic and ADHD as well as having children who are Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic, and hearing impaired as well as a deep theoretical understanding of both ASD and ADHD. Michelle’s professional background includes working as a counsellor/coach primarily within educational settings specifically working with students who are neurodivergent. In 2013 she co-founded a Social Enterprise Company specialising in delivering Ecotherapy projects outdoors, supporting neurodivergent clients to access green space. The projects developed through Michelle’s love of research when she identified that ‘those who are more active in natural spaces have a greater sense of wellbeing and have lower rates of depression and anxiety (www.mind.org.uk/ecominds). All her work centres around her core passion for supporting and advocating on behalf of neurodivergent individuals and their right to be included. Michelle has an Honours Degree in Person-Centred Counselling as well as being a qualified Clinical Supervisor and is BACP registered. She has recently completed her PG Cert in Autism and Learning at the University of Aberdeen and is currently completing her PG Cert in ADHD and Neurodevelopmental Conditions. Once finished Michelle plans to complete her Master’s degree with a research project on Autism and ADHD

Bristol Forest School

bristol forest school


BFS has a number of STAFF and VOLUNTEERS who assist in running our forest school sessions, planning activities and preparing resources. All BFS staff who lead sessions alone are fully Forest School qualified, DBS checked, First Aid trained and they hold Public Liability Insurance. They include… ANDY WILSON founded Bristol Forest School in 2004. He trained with the original Forest School cohort from Bridgwater College, and has a wealth of experience from 18 years forest school teaching. Andy runs regular Forest School sessions and parties at both the BFS woodland and in schools throughout Bristol. He also runs Forest School staff training. As Woodland Manager, Andy has successfully transformed the BFS site into a beautiful and accessible educational space; he monitors our ecological footprint through an environmentally sustainable attitude to Our Woodland. SOPHIE BUTLER joined Andy in 2011 and together they expanded Bristol Forest School. She is a trained Early Years teacher and qualified as a Level Three Forest School Leader in 2012. Sophie’s passion for nature and sustainability has grown over the years since living off-grid in an eco village in Hawaii. Sophie established the BFS Pre-Schools, the Saturday Club Minis and Adventurers. She now supports the running of these groups and is responsible for BFS’s policies, website and social media. HANNAH BUSHELL joined the BFS staff team in 2015 following a dedicated volunteering stint and completing her Level Three Forest School. Hannah is an experienced primary school teacher who works part-time in a Steiner Kindergarten as well as undertaking the nature connection course ‘Call of the Wild’. Hannah runs our specialist CCS days for adopted children and their families. To contact Hannah, please email hannah@bristolforestschool.co.uk. LUCY ROSE HARRIS is a qualified primary school teacher with six years teaching experience. Lucy gained her Forest School Level 3 Award in 2014 and is passionate about promoting outdoor learning opportunities, a love of nature and fun adventures for children. Lucy joined Bristol Forest School in 2017 and, following some maternity time with baby Luna, she is now back in our Pre-School team. LOUISE SPELLWARD is a qualified Horticulturalist and garden designer with a background in Environmental Conservation. Her first experience of Bristol Forest School was as a parent attending with her son; not wanting to miss out on the fun, she decided to train in Forest School herself and completed her Level 3. In 2019 Lou took on the Bristol Forest School Pre-School. To contact her, email lou@bristolforestschool.co.uk KATE BERRY is an art educator with 16 years’ experience delivering workshops in natural history, conservation, poetry, story creation, art, design and photography. She is passionate about outdoor education and wildlife conservation. Kate has worked at Bristol Forest School since 2016 and has a Level 3 Forest School qualification. In 2019 Kate began leading the Saturday Minis with Lou and Melissa. To contact her, email kate@bristolforestschool.co.uk VERONIKA SIMON studied agricultural engineering before working as a special needs teacher for primary school children with EBD as well as in a nursery for Pre-School children. Veronika enjoys sharing her passion for nature and animals and can often be found in her allotment digging or watching the bees! Veronika became a qualified Forest School leader in 2018; she started volunteering with Bristol Forest School in 2020 and now runs schools sessions and BFS parties. BESS SPENCER worked as an ‘Access to Nature’ play-worker in inner city London and trained as a Forest School leader in 2018. She now practices and teaches co-counselling and nature-facilitation activities using Tom Brown’s Apache derived techniques. At Bristol Forest School, Bess assists with our school sessions. MELISSA GAULT is a qualified Level 3 Forest School Leader and is currently studying to become an Early Years educator. She loves getting out into nature as much as possible! Melissa has been supporting Bristol Forest School since January 2018. She began as a volunteer for the Saturday Minis and is now a fully fledged member of the Pre-School team. MILLY BAILEY has an environmental background – she moved from working in an office as an environmental consultant, to the forest – which she much prefers. Milly has a passion for connecting herself and others to the natural world: she is a keen hiker, forager and wild swimmer. Milly started volunteering with Bristol Forest School in 2019 and now works as part of the Pre-School team.

Ben England Music

ben england music

Bradley Stoke

Ben England BA (Hons), PGCE, BEM is a music graduate of Bristol University, where he specialised in musical analysis, composing and musical direction. He trained as a conductor with Dr Alan Rump and Dr Adrian Beaumont, before going on to study conducting with Denise Ham of the London Conducting Academy. After graduation, Ben sang with groups as diverse as the New English Orchestra, the Bristol Chamber Choir, Bristol Opera, the Exultate Singers and the Choir of Clifton Cathedral. A bass baritone, he has performed widely as an oratorio and operatic singer, including lead roles in The Cunning Little Vixen and Der Mond (for Bristol Opera), The Magic Flute and the Pirates of Penzance. Ben currently teaches singing to adults and young people across the Bristol area. Ben is a former Musical Director of Bristol Opera, where he led the company in successful performances of Handel’s Samson and Lakmé by Delibes and he has led numerous choirs in and around Bristol for the past 20 years, including the large Bristol Cabot Choir and the Bristol Gilbert and Sullivan Operatic Society and a number of smaller choirs. Having qualified as an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) of Music through the DfE Fast-Track Teaching programme, Ben worked for South Gloucestershire as a Head of Music and county Music and Music Technology specialist for eight years. In 2011 Ben took up the role of Director of Music at Colston’s Girls’ School, where he ran music across five schools (including four primary schools) from 2011-2016. His work as an educator brought him to the national stage on numerous occasions, as he lectured on music and leadership at conferences for the DfES and the National Association of Head Teachers. Ben has worked extensively with professional composers to champion their music, often commissioning and performing new works. These composers include local musicians Richard Barnard and Eric Wetherell, as well as more recently the eminent John Rutter and conducting a premiere by the renowned composer Patrick Hawes. Since leaving teaching, Ben has worked on a freelance basis for Bristol Plays Music, the music education hub for the City of Bristol, based at the Bristol Beacon (formerly Colston Hall). In this role he has organised and coordinated major performances at the Colston Hall, Bristol Cathedral and further afield. He managed the Bristol Youth Choir from 2016-2017 and coordinated the live BBC Radio/TV music broadcast from Southmead Hospital on BBC Music Day 2017. He has written award-winning education materials and been nominated for three national Music Teacher awards for his work on projects such as the Bristol/Monteverdi 450 choral workshops and university seminar and the Bristol Minute of Listening. He is the author of the curriculum materials for the planned international 2021 Berlioz celebrations. During the Coronavirus outbreak of 2020, Ben established HOMECHOIR, a free YouTube channel on which he broadcasts a range of free musical and educational programmes including choir rehearsals, music theory teaching and a Sacred Sing on Sunday mornings. In October of 2020, Ben (as founder of homechoir) was awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM) by Her Majesty the Queen for services to the community during the COVID-19 outbreak. Following the success of the Quarantine Choir, Ben was appointed Musical Director of the Self-Isolation Choir (founded by inspirational business leader Mark Strachan) which in 2020 has grown to one of the largest choirs in the world. Their inaugural project Messiah at Home was produced with some of the world’s greatest musicians including Laurence Cummings, Carolyn Sampson and Jennifer Johnstone and gained international attention. Messiah at Home was featured on the national BBC Evening News, all the BBC radio stations, NHK (Japan) CBS (USA) and many more – and has become part of the official Wikipedia entry for Messiah. The choir has grown to 12,000 strong and has recorded such amazing works as Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Mahler’s 2nd Symphony, Mozart’s Requiem and Allegri’s Miserere – working with the world-famous choir Tenebrae and their conductor, Nigel Short. Ben conducted the Self-Isolation Choir in the World Premiere of Still, Still the Night by Patrick Hawes in December 2020, and their version of Hawes’ Quanta Qualia was played on Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs in March 2021. Ben is much in demand as a choral leader and has taken on the Musical Directorship of the UWE Singers, a large SATB choir based at the University of the West of England. Ben lives in the South-West of the UK with his wife Ana and their children Katie and Bobby.