2508 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Lorna Scott Fitness

lorna scott fitness

I have been teaching exercise for 25 years and thrive on working with my clients to achieve their health and fitness goals! I live and work in Potters bar, Hertfordshire and had been teaching exercise and fitness classes at venues in Potters Bar, Barnet and North London until the recent Covid-19 pandemic restricted group exercise (amongst so many other things!) In the early days of "lockdown" I kept in touch with my wonderful clients with regular video blogs and 5 minute daily exercise challenges. When it became clear that the restrictions were likely to be in place for many months, I started organising live streamed classes via Zoom. This new way of exercising remotely has been hugely popular with my members and has influenced the way I hope to take the classes forward. I am very aware of the impact on us all during such unsettled times and I firmly believe in the importance of nurturing both physical and mental health. Taking time to look after ourselves is more important than ever. I pride myself on making all of my members feel valued and adapting my style to meet their needs. Most of all, I believe that exercise should be enjoyable and I endeavour to bring fun to all of my classes! My Background In 1996 I bought a Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness franchise and worked hard to build a successful group of classes in my local area, which many of my current members attended! The exercise and nutritional training that I received from Rosemary Conley was invaluable and has been the foundation for my career in the industry. In 2004, I launched "Health for Life", my own diet and fitness programme, with classes in Barnet and Potters Bar and qualified as a Zumba instructor in 2010 to revitalise the classes. Having discovered the benefits of Pilates, following a significant back injury, I decided to qualify as a Fitness Pilates teacher. The addition of Fitness Pilates to the classes I teach has provided my members with an alternative way to exercise, that focuses on physical and mental health and wellbeing. As the modern world becomes ever more challenging, the popularity of Fitness Pilates has grown and is now the basis for the majority of my classes. In addition, I am qualified to teach exercise to children, and also teach Exercise for Older Adults at a number of retirement communities in my local area. As Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Caring Dads

caring dads

Since our start in 2001, the Caring Dads intervention program has been firmly situated within the realm of gender-based violence, and, indeed, within the framework of gender equality in general. There are unquestionably very clear connections between violence against women on one hand, and children’s experience of violence, whether as victims or witnesses, on the other. Global estimates published by the WHO indicate that one in three (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime [1]. We know that young children are frequently present when this violence happens or live in households where it takes place. An alarming statistic published by the US Department of Justice indicates that 1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence every single year, and that in 90% of those cases children are eyewitnesses to this violence [2]. In Canada there are over 100,000 substantiated child maltreatment investigations every year, with over half involving fathers as perpetrators [3]. Police reports further confirm that fathers are perpetrators in the vast majority of cases of domestic violence. Of even greater concern, men clearly predominate as perpetrators of severe, injury-causing physical abuse of children and women and commit the majority of family-related homicides [4]. Yet, when one speaks about gendered violence, we're not only speaking in terms of the physical actions of women and children being hurt by men. Underlying these undeniably deplorable acts are the social factors that shape our conceptualizations of masculinity and femininity, the power relations that exist between these identities and the societal structures that create and reinforce these power relations. In India, for example, 52% of women experience violence in their own homes. While this is a horrifying statistic in it's own right, consider that over 53% of men, women, boys and girls in India believe that this is normal [5]. At the same time, Research done over the past two decades has clearly established that, when fathers are positively involved with their families, children benefit cognitively, socially, emotionally and developmentally. Despite the importance of fathers in families, our child protection and child and family mental health service systems tend to work primarily with mothers; a trend that is exacerbated when fathers are deemed to be high risk. Ironically, this means that those fathers who most need to be monitored and helped by our intervention systems are not involved. Men’s children pay the price with higher rates of aggression, substance use, criminal involvement, suicide attempts, mental health problems and chronic health conditions.