2508 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Neema Women Community

neema women community


We aspire to make a difference in the lives of thousands of women and families through our services and a part of our support focuses especially on BAME communities, so they can acquire the autonomy required to lead a productive and rewarding life and contribute to the development of their community. We know how important it is to keep a healthy mind to keep a healthy body. Studies have shown that minorities have more difficult access to mental health due to ethnic and cultural barriers such as religious beliefs, urban cultural legends, stereotypes and pre-judgment. From a global perspective, currently, women are considered the weak link in humanity and are often harassed or infantilised, while in reality, it is quite the opposite as women are the engine of this world. Without entering the feminism claimant, we want to support them, accompany them, and motivate them on the importance of their role so that they can fully take their place in this world and flourish. Our History arises from the experiences of our founders. Our Director Board is made of women from different stages of the community who have experienced the same challenges and difficulties as the women we are aiming to support. The board represents a multidisciplinary team that has travelled a lot, speaks several languages, and has mastered several cultures. We have carried out numerous humanitarian actions for 10 years around the world Asia, Africa, Europe, meetings with exceptional women and incredible life stories and success stories.

Lunar Spirit Wellbeing

lunar spirit wellbeing


Lunar Spirit Wellbeing is an award winning Holistic Practice, we are passionate about helping people like you improve mental health and emotional wellbeing so you can create more joy and happiness in your life. Owned and run by Jennifer McKenzie- Wellbeing Consultant, Holistic Coach, Author & Radio Presenter. Our mission is to help you consciously create a happier healthier life by connecting to yourself and the world around you on a deeper energetic level. A life where you feel free to be YOU and follow your own path, whatever that looks like. We offer a safe space for you to heal trauma, anxiety and release heavy stuck energy you have been carrying around for so long. We live in a time where many of us lack CONNECTION, modern life has almost made us forget our roots, the connection we have to nature and the capacity to slow down. Therefore we have a society of people living in survival mode with high anxiety. Seeking to avoid emotions with drinking, over working or material possessions, reaching burnout and getting sick. With my help you can make the changes, break the cycle and create a better quality of life for yourself. Are you getting home from work reaching for that glass of wine just to unwind, running on auto pilot not remembering how you got somewhere, trying to get through each day wishing for the weekend to hurry up and then dreading Monday morning? It’s ok- no judgement here! I’ve been there myself so I know first hand what that feels like and also how to help you make those all important shifts – small changes = big results. Did you know? This is why I’m so passionate about showing people change is possible, why I started running workshops and coaching- I’ve walked the walk, in 2015 my mental health was at rock bottom, full of anxiety, drinking most days, I’d been through a lot in my teens, toxic relationships, low self esteem. My head was loud with intrusive thoughts, I didn’t know how to make it stop, in the end I tried to take my own life and in the hospital I made a promise to myself to change – so I did and in 2016 I opened the doors to my business and well the rest is history! Ok, ok it wasn’t quite that simple! The thing is, I was lacking connection to myself, connecting with the wrong people to fit in, holding onto the past, people pleasing, exhausted and stressed- sound familiar? I was holding all my emotions in and not facing them- healing happens by feeling. Yes it’s uncomfortable but oh so worth it! I’m a big believer in this -you are never too old or too young to start something! Never too young to start educating around emotional wellbeing and never too old to make changes to your life or start over! What you waiting for? There is so much beauty already within you and all around you, many opportunities and abundance. We all have an innate inner wisdom that is conditioned out of us- we help you to reignite your inner magic, regain trust in your intuition firstly by reconnecting to yourself, then to nature and others. Jen will mentor and support you to peel back the layers, expand your self awareness with a journey of self discovery. A holistic approach and the wisdom of ancient spiritual practices bring you deep healing and lasting meaningful change. I offer coaching, workshops, retreats and courses to businesses, schools, establishments and individuals for personal and professional development. Focusing on mental health and emotional wellbeing. We believe in the power of connection -community- inclusion and diversity so no-one gets left behind! It all starts with you and your journey starts here with us!

Levitate Meditation & Wellbeing Studio

levitate meditation & wellbeing studio



1 in 6 of us is experiencing a mental health challenge right now. We think humanity can do better. Modern life can at times leave every one of us stretched very thin or near breaking point. If you are anxious, depressed or stressed, we are here to help you change that. No one should have to do it alone — we know firsthand how very hard it is to help yourself. But if you’ve tried all the obvious things (like healthy diet, good sleep hygiene, journalling, therapy and exercise), real change might involve trying something you haven’t tried before. If the thought of that is exhausting, our founder Ryan’s story might just inspire you to start: Ryan Nell on stage at Wilderness Festival leading a mass meditation Ryan Nell Founder of Levitate. I spent the first half of my life trying to hide my anxiety from everyone. Although I was outwardly successful, with lots going for me, I was really unhappy and didn’t know why. I didn’t want my friends, family or colleagues to worry, but hiding it took huge energy. Inwardly, I was constantly exhausted because my mind would never stop running. Unsurprisingly, my twenties and thirties were beset by frequent crises, bad dreams and doomed relationships. Not talking to anyone about it, left me feeling really lonely and isolated. I was yearning to feel whole again. I tried many an escape — travelling, quitting jobs, changing partners, and probably drinking too much — but I learnt the hard way that running away only led to more anxiety, worry and struggle. Then, almost by chance, I found meditation. A friend told me about a retreat, and, though I was skeptical, I must have also been rather desperate, because I signed up and went. And over the course of one weekend, I fell in love with the practice. Back in London, and back at work, I found that the meditation apps were great but I couldn’t stick to them and I didn’t want to be on my phone. There always seemed to be something more important to do. But I found that practising in a room with a brilliant teacher and fellow students brought mindfulness to life. It’s not an exaggeration to say that meditating in a group transformed me. I wanted it to be easier for other folk to benefit without so much agonising soul searching along the way. And without the dogma or religious trappings that had been so off-putting to my younger cynical self at the start. I couldn’t find a place like that, so I felt compelled to build it myself, to start Levitate and share the joy with people just like you.

New Horizon Training Ltd

new horizon training ltd


New Horizon Training Ltd is accredited with the CPD Standards Office - a World-Leading CPD Accreditation Service, and we have also been awarded, April 2023, the Provider of Training Excellence award. With this accreditation New Horizon Training offers a great opportunity to help individuals enhance their careers. The Dual accreditation is an award from the Professional Development Consortium, awarded to professional training and learning providers to be recognised as a provider of training excellence with a fully accredited CPD provision. A list of training events and courses can be found on our website at https://www.newhorizontraining.co.uk/ [https://www.newhorizontraining.co.uk/?fbclid=IwAR0apz6LjhLns7S97zDMHuFCUL-VAHXzkx12Fuu2Ppuz0BnmQR7y57WY3Po]New Horizon Training is collaborating with Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Training Academy and we offer a Hypnotherapy Training course specifically designed for individuals eager to become proficient, successful, and accredited Clinical Hypnotherapists. Our in-person training course in Swindon takes six months and is structured across eight modules. When you book onto one of our events or training courses you get more than just a mark of accreditation within your formal CPD Certificate of Attendance and the CPDSO logo; this means that our delegates can be sure that the training, learning or coaching activities are independently assessed to the highest standard. New Horizon Training and SFTA Swindon Lead Senior Lecturers are Lisa Williams Edgar and Angie Hayes.

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage UK

ayurvedic yoga massage uk



Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) was developed by Master Kusum Modak [http://www.yogaspira.com/kusum_interview.html] in Pune, India, after many years of studying traditional Ayurvedic massage and Iyengar yoga. Treatments are deeply relaxing and nourishing, and can be as gentle or deep as appropriate for the client on the day. Like yoga, AYM treatments can look very different, as we adjust the treatments to the needs of different clients on different days. The style of each session is adjusted to serve client needs, so sessions can be more or less dynamic, deep, energetic, slow, nurturing and soothing. The aim of the sessions is to help the client feel more centred, and the energy to flow more freely through the body. This usually includes an oil massage and stretches if appropriate for the client - like something that might be included in a sports massage, physio or osteo treatment. But, in the tradition of Ayurveda, we recognise that it is not only the quality of the soft tissues that we need to work with. Our state of mind and our feelings are not independent of how we feel in our physical bodies. So our primary objective is always to work in a way that allows the client to feel relaxed and safe in their body, and able to breathe deeply. As part of that process, we work to create a safe and nurturing space for the client, and we also try to activate the breathing muscles, relax the tissues around the rib cage, abdomen and pelvis, and promote awareness of the breath. Then we focus on physically softening any tension in the muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia, and to promote healthy joint mobility, by encouraging the nervous system to relax, as well as by physically manipulating tissues with oil massage, passive stretches, tractions and mobilisations as appropriate. By helping clients feel more safe, supported and well in their bodies we can also help reduce stress levels, and promote the healthy function of all the body’s systems. Treatments are sometimes focused on the area where there is an injury or pain, but generally, over a course of treatments we tend to work with the whole body, as everything is interconnected through the nervous system, fascia, circulation and through our movement patterns. So depending on what the client’s priorities are, we usually recommend a series of treatments to help promote the health of the whole body, and to help work on the causes of the issues that the client wants to work on. Regular treatments can also help to promote our physical and mental health, so we can work towards being as healthy and well as we can. Prevention is always better than cure, and by working on our wellness we can really start seeing the benefits in our life, relationships and our work, as well as on our physical and mental health. AYM is always adjusted to the needs of the client on the day, but it is usually a deep tissue oil massage followed by assisted yoga stretches, tractions and mobilisations. All the testimonials our therapists receive speak volumes about how popular this type of massage is becoming. Have a look in the therapist directory [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/therapists/] to find out what people have to say about the treatments they’ve had. WHAT TO EXPECT DURING AN AYURVEDIC YOGA MASSAGE In practical terms, treatments work on the whole body, with more emphasis on the areas that need more work. * A session starts with an oil massage using hands and feet. This gradually warms up and softens muscle tissues and fascia, relaxes the body and mind, helps breathing and improves circulation. * We work specifically with the breath to help the nervous system to relax. * We use natural oils and a powder from the ground root of Acorus calamus [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorus_calamus], a wetland plant in the sweetflag family. This gives a pleasant exfoliating feeling, but mainly helps improve circulation and warm up the tissues, intensifying the benefits of the massage. * The oil massage is supported by gentle mobilisations, tractions and assisted (passive) yoga stretches. These help lengthen the tissues in a functional way, useful if you’ve had injuries. Through these gentle movements we help relax the tendons and ligaments, and improve the circulation and promote natural healing in joints. * Want to see a massage in action? Check out our Ayurvedic Yoga Massage videos. [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/videos/] WHY IS AYURVEDIC YOGA MASSAGE SO BENEFICIAL? * Ayurvedic Yoga Massage works with both oil massage and movements, meaning your body gains all the benefits of both. * Therapists take time to understand your needs and your limits so you never feel over or under worked. * Combining working close to your limits and using breathing to help activate the parasympathetic nervous system helps release tension from even the most ‘stuck’ parts of your body. * Massaging, moving or stretching tense muscles can cause pain, resistance or agitation. The mindful touch and deep, relaxed breathing that AYM offers helps retrain the nervous system to not react in this way. This is great for moving you out of chronic pain. * This whole-person approach to Ayurvedic Yoga Massage gives a lasting feeling of being centred, where you are less likely to feel agitated or restless, and experience increased clarity of thought. * The approach aims to help you develop body awareness. WHY THERAPISTS LOVE AYM TOO! Ayurvedic Yoga Massage is a wonderful experience for the therapist too. Initially we use a sequence to warm up the body, which allows the session to become a moving meditation. Even new practitioners can experience this, by working to a set sequence that they plan at the beginning of a session. It is also a wonderful technique for other therapists to learn as a compliment to their style, and for yoga teachers to offer at the end of a yoga private. Ayurvedic Yoga Massage is also wonderful for therapists to offer as we work on the floor. So we can use our body weight to offer pressure, and use several parts of our body such as hands/palms, thumbs, knuckles, elbows, fists, feet or knees. So we can always work in the best direction, with the best pressure, and using the optimal surface area so that we can manipulate tissues as necessary, without creating unnecessary pain sensations for the client, and without stressing any joints or muscle groups for the therapist. We also change positions frequently, and look into body dynamics in the training, so offering massage can be a healing experience for the therapist too, not just for the client. Almost like attending an easy yoga class, even though offering AYM is by no means a substitute for a yoga practice. If this is something you would like to learn read about our sought after workshops [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/workshops/] and trainings [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/trainings/]. To book a Ayurvedic Yoga Massage look at our therapist directory  [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/therapists/]for someone near you. If you can’t find a suitable therapist, get in touch with us using the contact form [https://ayurvedicyogamassageuk.org/contact/]. We have trained hundreds of therapists in the UK and Europe, and not all of them opt to be in a therapist directory, but will take on new clients if we refer them.