13399 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

The Thinking Academy

the thinking academy



I have always had a passion for learning and supporting others to achieve personal and professional success. As a former Headteacher, I know the tremendous expectations that can be placed upon schools and their staff. I embraced my Headship with enthusiasm and ambition though at times I often felt isolated, insecure and exhausted. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to invest in coaching as part of my leadership development.  It was transformational. Coaching enabled me to improve professionally and create positive change for others. Working with my own coach, I learnt how to work effectively, manage change and remove or overcome any barriers that were holding me back. I became able to balance the demands of an intensive job with a young family and feel far more confident and energized. As a direct result of my experience I wanted to ensure all educators had the opportunity to experience coaching and  build their leadership skills to create success for themselves and inspire their teams and school community.  Feeling the experience of coaching for myself and seeing the positive impact it has on others is the reason I became a qualified coach. I know leadership can be tough, but I also believe it can be the most enjoyable and rewarding role you will ever have. Coaching reminds us of what we value and why we love what we do. Whatever challenges you face as a leader, I can assure you learning coaching is the best decision you will ever make.

Brahmin Lettering Co.

brahmin lettering co.



I’m Caitlin. Modern Calligraphy artist, stationery designer and general admirer of all things beautiful lettering. Brahmin Lettering Co. is just me – a self-taught girl who loves beautiful paper, an American managing to resist the lure of deep fried Mars bars in my adopted home of Scotland. Growing up in the shadow of my mother's elegant handwriting – her shopping lists alone would put most professional calligraphers to shame – beautiful lettering was in my blood. After a taking a refresher course with a friend in the lead up to her wedding, I officially caught the modern calligraphy bug. And so Brahmin Lettering Co. was born out of my tiny apartment in Boston, Massachusetts in 2013, named to pay homage to its discretely elegant Boston Brahmins. It has since grown with me through a sometimes gruelling former career in design and advertising, travelling across the ocean to Scotland and after years of 60 hour weeks juggling it all, is now my full-time career love baby. Out of my home studio just outside Glasgow, Scotland, I work as a full-time calligraphy artist. I create luxury wedding stationery, paint wedding backdrops and take on artwork commissions of all shapes and sizes. I also love to help others learn the art, running modern calligraphy and brush lettering classes online and in-person throughout Scotland, England the wider United Kingdom. When I’m not working, I’m playing full time mama to two of the loudest little boys you could imagine, scheming up my next adventure abroad or trying to learn a new craft.