3651 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Lets Talk Education

lets talk education


We design produce and distribute educational supplies and media packs to schools and organisations across the UK to further educate children and parents alike Our aim is to provide informative information which is useful in the class room and not covered under general curricula The teachers themselves would most likely want to talk about the subjects we cover but due to the lack of funding the school will not allow them Times are forever changing in the environment our youth live in , its up to the older generation to keep education current , informative and most importantly RELEVANT ! By connecting with schools and organisations across the UK , we hope to become the most reputable educational media supply company in the sector , and for our supplies and media to be the go to source for extra curricula education Time To Make A Change  We believe that the educational needs of children change every year as new fads, crazes and social media platforms develop Technology is forever developing, changing and advancing , this is why we need to make children and parents alike aware of the benefits and also the dangers of them This is why we are embarking on our mission to put this information in front of as many eyes as possible so children are aware and also their parents are aware to prevent any harm coming to them As the environment changes for the youth of today so will the information we provide Testimonial “Lets talk education really know what they are doing when it comes down to keeping education relevant The children in our school are forever making references to social media platforms which we would never have known existed Some of the dangers that are present is astonishsing and we feel like more people should know” Events & Workshops Events As we grow we aim to fund educational events for schools as they struggle with their funding The events will be informative events for both parents and children but most importantly relevant to the current times. Workshops Not only will we be funding educational events , workshops will also be on our agenda, some kids like to learn hands on and this is an aspect the workshops will most certainly have covered

Make and Create

make and create


This project is Walthamstow born, Walthamstow grown and Walthamstow based. Inspired by the creative blood running through its heart and community spirit which binds us together. The driving idea behind Make and Create is a desire to bring people together to encourage creativity and community. Have you ever uttered the words "I wish I was more creative?". Then you have come to the right place, my friend. Make and Create project boxes are designed to remove barriers to creativity, by providing you with everything you need to make something useful or beautiful. Or both. Now wouldn't that make our old pal William Morris happy? Creativity is a verb. Not a quality you are born with, but an action. Creativity is not about talent. It is about doing. It is about courage. It is about absorbing yourself in something outside yourself. A release. A distraction to the constant internal hum. A form of meditation. Which brings me to the other reason I set up this project. Mental health. In a world where we spend so many hours of our day on social media, comparing our lives to the lives of others, it's easy to get caught up in the illusion that we are not good enough. Not beautiful enough. Not fit enough. Not adventurous enough. Put down the phone. Turn off your TV. Pick up a box. Make and Create E17 run workshops and private events across London. We will also be selling project boxes online - so watch this space for more details on that, and check out our events page for tickets to upcoming Make and Create evenings throughout the year. Think inside the box.