3046 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Atlantic Bow (Communications)

atlantic bow (communications)


Atlantic Bow (Communications) Limited was originally set up in 1994 by David Walls and the late Alexander Grant as a consultancy and project development firm. Dr. Stewart Massie was appointed Technical Director in 2009. We specialise in market research, risk management, open and distance learning, as well as research into combining information and communications technologies with legal, financial, commercial, educational and other professional services. We have worked largely in the fishing, seafood and aquaculture sectors. In particular, our EC funded report "The Seafood Industry of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland and the West Coast: The Problems of Remoteness in a European Context" (EC Ref. UK-11-Focus, August 1997) had a major impact on the UK seafood industry and has been the basis of much of our subsequent work to date. More recently we were awarded an FIFG grant to carry out an "innovation" development project that looked at the vital question of the standardisation of data to facilitate data exchange across the seafood industry as a "proof of concept" project. To demonstrate the practical application of the draft standard specification that was developed, there was specific focus on quality management, compliance certification and audit in the field of organic aquaculture. This project was successfully completed in June 2008. The outcomes can be viewed at the AQuaManage section of our Scotsea site (see below). Please contact us to obtain access authorisation and documentation. This has led on to the formation in 2016 of a new company, Evolve O-Pro Limited, which was set up to develop software to assist the professional or expert with the task of complex reporting, data collection and analysis. Please visit the website for more information. O-Pro is an intelligent, innovative, secure, cloud software platform that employs Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) to support data-driven, multimedia document creation and reuse. In the meantime, please take a look at our alternative Scotsea site where you will find contact details and information about some of the projects that we are currently involved in promoting.




Lottie has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 10 years. She is a 500 hour registered teacher, holds the Yoga Campus Teacher Training Diploma and is accredited with the British Wheel of Yoga. Lottie has trained with some world-renowned teachers and and her classes draw upon the various styles she has been taught including Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda. She teaches Yin Yoga and Flow Yoga for mixed abilities and beginners classes with sequences that can be modified to make them more/less challenging depending on the student’s level. She includes asanas (poses) for strength and flexibility with a focus on alignment, pranayama (breathing) exercises to calm the mind, meditation to cultivate inner awareness and relaxation to allow the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate. Lottie enjoys bringing her yoga practice to the local community and she believes that yoga is for everyone. Her classes will leave you feeling energised yet calmer. A regular yoga practice ensures a healthy mind and body. What brought me to Yoga and why I do it? I was looking to improve my flexibility and to aid relaxation. Like many people I wondered what to expect at my first class, but I was hooked from the beginning and came away feeling calmer and more energised, ready to take on life. It brought me an hour of calm in my day. I was eager to learn the asanas (poses) and their Sanskrit names (classic language of ancient India), the breathing exercises and always savoured resting in Corpse pose (Savasana) at the end of class. I then decided to explore yoga in more depth, learn about the philosophy and anatomy and to teach yoga to others, so I enrolled on the Diploma course with Yogacampus where I was taught by some truly inspiring yoga teachers including Lisa Sanfilippo, Jo Manuel, Katrina Repka, Liz Lark, Aadil Palkhivala, Doug Keller and Dr. Ruth Gilmore. For me yoga gives me energy and focus, makes me smile, and keeps me grounded in everyday life. Even when it is challenging I love it and it makes me seek out more. Every day I arrive on my mat I have a new experience and that is great!

Hope's Place

hope's place



Hope’s Place opened its doors on October 17, 1998 in Ashland, Kentucky as a Children’s Advocacy Center. The Center grew out of a community child sexual abuse task force made up of child protective services, law enforcement, prosecution, mental health and medical communities who met regularly to define and refine professional roles in investigations and intervention in order to improve the system’s response to sexual abuse. Their efforts resulted in strong working relationships with clear investigative guidelines for an intervention system designed with the victim as its primary focus. Out of this task force a multi-disciplinary team was formed according to KRS 431.600 and 620.020 which mandates that all investigations of child sexual abuse be conducted by a specialized multi-disciplinary team. Kentucky has prioritized development of Children’s Advocacy Centers and was added to the multi-disciplinary team under KRS 431.600. Kentucky Association of Children’s Advocacy Centers (KACAC), a state association of Child Advocacy Centers was formed to provide regional centers with guidance and support. Hope’s Place is a full member in good standing in KACAC. In order to optimize services provided by Children’s Advocacy Centers and to maximize the spread of limited resources, a regionalized approach has been adopted for the funding and development of these agencies in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This planful, deliberate approach undertaken by the Governor’s Office has allowed decisions regarding the funding of local programs to be undertaken on a statewide plan for funding. Hope’s Place is the designated regional advocacy center for the FIVCO district and provides a safe, client friendly environment to victims and their families for all aspects of sexual assault, including initial evidence collection, counseling, and court preparation. We also serve our neighboring communities in Ohio and West Virginia. In January 2003, a capital campaign began for the purchase and renovation of a larger facility. In April 2003, a building located at 1100 Greenup Avenue was purchased and administration relocated. At the present, Hope’s Place contracts with physicians and maintains 10 staff members including counselors, advocates, and forensic interviewers. Hope’s Place facilitates the coordination of services from multiple agencies for the common goal of victim treatment, victim advocacy, accurate evidence collection, public education, and prevention of sex crimes. Hope’s Place is a victim-focused Children’s Advocacy Center that provides a safe atmosphere for the victim, lessens trauma and promotes healing by maximizing services through a multi-disciplinary team approach. Hope’s Place actively seeks to reduce the occurrence of sexual abuse and heighten awareness through prevention education. Our Center provides a victim-friendly, home-like environment, which is designed to meet the sexual abuse victim’s need for warmth, support and protection. Hope’s Place is where all agencies come together to meet the needs of sexually abused children by coordinating services for the common goal of prevention, intervention and accountability. Child sexual abuse is one of the most pervasive social problems faced by this society. Its impact is profound because of the sheer frequency with which it occurs and because of the trauma brought to the lives of children who experienced this crime. Historically, however, the sexual abuse of children was dismissed as a “family problem.” The significant impact of childhood sexual abuse is unquestionable. This impact, however, speaks not only to the individual child victim of the crime, but also to the mental health community. There is no longer a question of whether child sexual abuse is a criminal justice problem or a social services problem or a mental health problem, for its power pervades the territory of each. The question must now lie in the resolve of all professionals to overcome skepticism with acknowledgment, disbelief with understanding, indifference with indigence, and reluctance to intervene with an unwavering intolerance of the victimization of all children.

Call Of The Wild Training Ltd

call of the wild training ltd



Call of the Wild deliver award-winning research based personal, team and management development programmes to a range of public and private sector companies across the UK. Our expertise lies in creating a space and place where individuals can experience deep and lasting learning which is transferable into the workplace. View our case studies here. We specialise in areas such as management training, developing leadership, team building, coaching and in developing talent such as apprentices and graduates. Our Online Learning Solutions If you can’t come to us check out our online solutions. See our new online courses and webinars here! Have you thought about how to continue to develop your staff ? Well what about using our online ‘Development Academy’ Bespoke ILM Leadership & Management Training Programmes Our purpose is to create positive behavioural change within the workplace, which delivers lasting results and a real return on investment. How do we do this? With less chalk and talk we adopt a blended approach using mediums such as experiential and online learning. Improve Your Bottom Line Our management development and team building courses focus on your bottom line and achieving desired outcomes. We make a difference in the workplace by measuring outcomes and delivering a return on investment. See what our clients say. “Within 4 days of the Board of Directors returning to work after their time with Call of the Wild they made a decision which not only saved millions but generated millions in income.” Anthony Carnell, HR Consultant, Alstom Call of the Wild Programme Delivery Across the UK and Europe Call of the Wild’s training centre is situated within the Brecon Beacons. However we deliver our programmes to clients across the UK including: London Borough of Enfield – London Network Rail – Portsmouth Remington – Milton Keynes Orange – Bristol ICAEW – UK Wide AXA – Paris Orbis – the Pyrenees Devon County Council – County Wide

Wishing Wellness

wishing wellness


I offer a wide range of energy based natural complementary therapies in Scotland and Cumbria. Some of the different healing modalities are ground breaking and offer a broader perspective to understanding your health and wellbeing. Click here for a list of natural treatments Healing Focusing on clearing, healing and empowering yourself to have the strength and confidence in your body’s own healing ability and unique system. Many of us have forgotten how special we are, with unique gifts to offer others and how much potential we all have to heal ourselves. The focus of our sessions will be to put you back in the driving seat and to help you start living a more happy, peaceful and rewarding life. It is good to start with a cleansing treatment We can focus on reiki-symbol-newClearing and balancing the energy centres Raising your energy levels of awareness and self belief Understanding and reducing anxiety and stress Removing limiting beliefs and energy blockages Reclaiming your mind and focused thinking Techniques to help create the life you most desire Many of my clients explain they have come to a place in their lives where they feel powerless and are affected greatly by the circumstances around them. Some clients feel stressed and don’t know where to turn or feel they need to make changes in their lives and are not sure how. This changes when we realise that our realities are created within us and how we feel about ourselves and our life will greatly determine the outcome. Rather than taking a tablet to dull the symptoms of issues arising, Wishing Well Therapies is able to embrace every element of ourselves and to further understand and heal from within. The sessions allow a greater sense of freedom and empowerment that come from taking the reigns of your own experience of the world! I am based at Gretna Green covering Scotland and mobile to; Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dumfries & the Lockerbie area. Also working from the Wishing Wellness Centre at Morton Manor. Morton Manor is now a community centre after previously being a beautiful stately home surrounded by 4 acres of Chances Park gardens. It was presented as a gift to the people of the Carlisle in 1944 by Sir Robert Chance and is now a thriving community centre. The Manor, as it is fondly know, is a listed building and the interior still retains its original character dating back to 1780. The Wishing Wellness rooms are comfortable, warm rooms, suitable for therapies & training and can be found through the old billiard room cafe and half way up the main sweeping staircase. Home & Health visits Click here for details are available & taking into account the travel time & fuel it will cost a little more. I work with a combination of Universal energy, Pranic and Plasma Healing being channelled through me and I have been focused on these schools of learning for some years. My aim is to work with clients to help them feel a greater sense of calm, joy and self worth. Each session is entirely unique and my focus is to help each client individually to make sure they receive the treatment that is right for them at that present time. My clients have expressed feelings of increased energy, vitality and life changing moments in both mental and physical issues as well as increased levels of inner peace which is life enhancing. Being attuned to Reiki has had a huge benefit to my own personal health and I am very grateful to be able to share this healing with others.




Two decades of development have made it easier to market real estate Esoft is a passionate, action-oriented company that purposefully helps real estate agents to market, sell and rent properties. With over 20 years of experience providing and selling media solutions and effective marketing tools to brokers around the world, we know what we are talking about, and we are working diligently to set tomorrow’s global standards. ABOUT CAREER CONTACT SHINE DENMARK SWEDEN INTERNATIONAL Watch video Home / About Two decades of development have made it easier to market real estate Esoft is a passionate, action-oriented company that purposefully helps real estate agents to market, sell and rent properties. With over 20 years of experience providing and selling media solutions and effective marketing tools to brokers around the world, we know what we are talking about, and we are working diligently to set tomorrow’s global standards. First in the industry and still in the lead Since the beginning, we have experienced continuous growth. Today, we have over 850 employees in our offices in Denmark, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam. As the first in the market, our focus on real estate marketing innovation allows us to continue leading the way. This success is driven by our focus on quality, speed, and excellent customer service, taking our solutions to a higher level. Since 2000, we have created real estate presentations that are so convincing that they inspire the property buyer to choose that exact property, just like we inspire them to select a realtor. We make sure to market every type of property that you sell, providing you with a streamlined and consistent portfolio. Last year we processed more than 11,8 million pictures, + 325 thousand floor plans and marketed + 420 thousand houses and with the experience and modern tools we make every one of these shine.

Liverpool Arabic Centre

liverpool arabic centre


Liverpool Arabic Centre (LAC) was initially set up as Nadey Al – Cul in 1995 after a group of parents from Yemeni and Arabic backgrounds raised concerns with each other about their children’s educational and personal development which was being affected by negative experiences they were having within schools and unaddressed issues present due having dual heritage backgrounds. The parents’ aim was to set up a club to support children and young people from Yemeni/Arabic backgrounds for whom there was limited support available from statutory services and a lack of knowledge around specific cultural and religious issues. The aim of the club was to instill cultural pride and support the personal development of the children and young people as well as to encourage the development of their own identities within wider society by educating the children in Arabic language and also through promoting Arabic cultural awareness to the wider community particularly local schools through arts, performance and discussion. In September 2000 Nadey Al – Cul changed its name to Liverpool Yemeni Arabic Club (LYAC) to reflect its expanding service provision and provide a focus on its target group of beneficiaries. LYAC’s activities continued to focus on teaching Arabic language to children and young people, organising educational and cultural activities for families and putting on a Yemeni/Arabic festival to promote and encourage cultural awareness to people from non-Arabic backgrounds. LYAC opened its official premises in Lodge Lane in September 2000. A productive partnership was then formed with the Bluecoat Arts Centre – Nadey Al Bluecoat –which has since developed into the highly successful annual Liverpool Arabic Arts Festival. In 2006 LYAC went through a process of re-branding in order to address the changing needs of the community and to cater for the wider Arab communities settling in the Merseyside area in recent years. LYAC became the Liverpool Arabic Centre

The Aviation Academy

the aviation academy



Craven College – a Further Education College based in Skipton, North Yorkshire, “The Gateway to the Dales”. Our unique position – at the juncture of West Yorkshire and East Lancashire enables us to offer a variety of further and higher education courses, including apprenticeships, undergraduate degrees and part-time adult education. Craven College started life in 1825 as the Skipton Mechanics Institute on the High Street in Skipton. During the Second World War the Skipton Art School and Skipton Technical Institute were established. In 1954 the Skipton Art School and Technical Institution become the Craven Institute for Further Education. In 1974, the College was renamed the Craven College of Adult Education and the full-time courses flourished mainly leading to secretarial work, hospitality and catering, social work and small business management. The Aireville Campus was developed in 1989 adjoining Aireville School (now The Skipton Academy). The Auction Mart Campus was later developed to accommodate all land-based courses and The Aviation Academy was established in Yeadon at Leeds Bradford Airport. Tyro Training was established in 2003 offering flexible training, consultancy and support to business across the North of England. With its HQ at Craven Cattle Mart in Skipton, Tyro Training also has a training base in Scarborough. The Animal Management Centre was opened for students in 2018 with specialist rooms for aquatics, invertebrates, nocturnals, reptiles, amphibians and small mammals. From its premises in Ripon, Evolve supports young people from across North Yorkshire with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and offers full Study Programmes, with a focus on work experience and skills for employment.