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URUBU - Ecstatic Dance, Wellbeing & Embodiment

urubu - ecstatic dance, wellbeing & embodiment


London's original Ecstatic Dance events since 2009!Seth Newman: As the founder of the URUBU School of Transformational Arts, he integrates the roots of Humanistic therapies, Bioenergetics & Body Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Psychology and Tantra in creative and life-transforming workshops, retreats and trainings. As a coach, Seth is dedicated to helping people calm, empower and rejuvenate their busy minds and bodies to achieve the best versions of themselves. Seth brings a wealth of experience holding heart-centered spaces. His in-depth studies, trainings, personal experiences of many therapeutic modalities such as Humanistic & Body Psychotherapy, the Human Potential Movement, 5 Rhythms, Active meditations and the teaching of the Indian Mystic Osho who he grew up with in India in the 1970s, infuse his approach to living a creative, holistic & embodied life and sharing his unique offerings with others. Seth has been facilitating regular workshops for many years. As a musician, Seth is very passionate about rhythm & drumming, has an MA in Community Music from Goldsmith College, worked as a world music percussion teacher in East London schools for almost 20 years, created URUBU collective back in 2009 as a Live Music Ecstatic Dance experience with Afro-Brazilian drummers & musicians and started his journey as an avid DJ with a love for Afro-Beat, Cuban and Brazilian music and created an Ecstatic Dance scene in London and the UK. Seth has a life-long passion for 5 Rhythms and other movement and Ecstatic Dance practices.

Geny Caloisi

geny caloisi

Geny Caloisi: Yoga Teacher, Ayurveda Consultant, and Therapist Geny Caloisi is a highly skilled yoga teacher, Ayurveda diet and lifestyle consultant, and therapist. She is deeply committed to promoting holistic well-being and helping individuals achieve optimal physical, mental, and spiritual balance. Throughout her journey, Geny has remained dedicated to empowering people and guiding them towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. Geny has led numerous transformative Yoga retreats in the UK and around the world, including destinations like Spain, Italy, Croatia, Turkey, and India. Retreats provide a safe space for self-exploration and personal growth, where participants can uncover their true potential while having fun in the process. She regularly curates immersive experiences in the UK that combine the knowledge of yoga with the principles of Ayurveda. As an experienced and intuitive teacher, she infuses her classes with encouragement and inspiration, motivating her students to unlock their higher potential for both physical fitness and mental well-being. Her sessions can be adapted to experienced yogis or absolute yoga beginners.  Try out a pre-recorded yoga class on the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CheYogaGenyCaloisi [https://www.youtube.com/c/CheYogaGenyCaloisi] Geny offers a range of unique and all-encompassing experiences that are specifically designed for individuals who wish to explore uncharted territories, challenge the status quo, and push the boundaries of what is possible.  From meditation and breath practices to restorative yoga and Yoga flows, Geny’s teachings are tailored to provide a holistic approach that takes into account every aspect of one's being, including physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  Check out Geny’s Yoga Nidra meditations in her podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/geny-caloisi [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/geny-caloisi] Whether you're seeking adventure, personal growth, or simply a new perspective on life, Geny's experiences are sure to offer you a transformative journey unlike any other. Geny is based in London and in Westgate-on-sea and holds regular classes and events in both locations. She also offers Ayurveda life style consultations and body massages.  To book email: geny@cheyoga.co.uk [geny@cheyoga.co.uk] Visit Geny’s website: www.cheyoga.co.uk [http://www.cheyoga.co.uk] Classes: https://cheyoga.co.uk/calendar/ [https://cheyoga.co.uk/calendar/] Follow: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geny_caloisi/ [https://www.instagram.com/geny_caloisi/] Twitter: https://twitter.com/CheYoga_Geny [https://twitter.com/CheYoga_Geny] Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/cheyoga.london/ [https://www.facebook.com/cheyoga.london/] 

John Grimes Yoga

john grimes yoga

I have always been interested in the therapeutic aspects of yoga and how it helps maintain health and aid recovery from various conditions and illnesses. I am drawn to yoga because it addresses our whole being and was developed to provide harmony of the mind, spirit and body. My interest in yoga started over 20 years ago when I was looking for ways to cope with a stressful job and for help in recovering from serious illness. Yoga very quickly became part of my daily life and was instrumental in my recovery and reducing my stress when I returned to work. Over time, I found myself being drawn more and more to my Yoga practice and wanted to know more and to be able to share this knowledge with others. Eventually I decided to leave the software industry and become a full time Yoga Teacher. I studied at the Yoga for Health Foundation which trained yoga students to teach both general and remedial yoga and whose mantra was “yoga for all”. It was a registered charity and famous worldwide for the work it did with people who have chronic illness or disabilities to help them improve their health and well-being through yoga and meditation. The Foundation has now closed but The Yoga for Health and Education Trust has carried on the work and values of the Foundation. Most recently I have trained with the Yoga Bio Medical Trust and Yogacampus to become a yoga therapist enabling me to adapt yoga practices on an individual basis for people with health problems such as lower back pain and high blood pressure. Although passionate about the benefits of yoga to anyone who practises I also believe that life should not be too serious and try to incorporate some fun and laughter in everything I do. 2003 – Qualified Yoga Teacher – Yoga for Health Foundation 2005 – Qualified Remedial Yoga Teacher – Yoga for Health Foundation 2006 – Foundation Course – Association of Yoga Studies (Vini Yoga) 2006 – Yoga Therapy Foundation Course – Yoga Bio Medical Trust and Yogacampus 2010 – Yoga Therapy Diploma – Yoga Bio Medical Trust and Yogacampus 2010 – Registered with CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council) 2017 – Certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists

VIPA Tactical Training

vipa tactical training

V.I.P.A is not a static system as is Karate, Kung Fu or Judo for example. By static I mean something that has not changed over a period of time, something that has not kept up with modern threats and combat found in today's modern world. If the Instructor is not teaching a street application then they are teaching a 'Do' a 'Way' to reach inner harmony, a way to overcome yourself and become a better person, a form of meditation. This in itself is a noble endeavour and for those looking for that path then these martial arts a fantastic path to tread. As a combat system V.I.P.A is also a 'Way' but it is a way for warriors not martial artists, it is also not the only 'Way' it is only one path with ideas, philosophies, treaties, strategies, tactics and techniques gained over 40 years of combatives study. Having said that, it is a highly effective method of combat. V.I.P.A embraces change, evolvement and open mindedness. From its conception in 1988 V.I.P.A has evolved and continues to evolve as threats and evironments change. From the streets of Northern Ireland to training for possible combat against Russian Spetsnaz Special Forces to the 1991 Gulf War and beyond, V.I.P.A has adapted to its environment and continues to do so with civilian, police and close protection applications. V.I.P.A is in reality a sphere of influence and at its centre are the Core Concepts, the vital skills that are required of any means of combat. There is nothing new in the skills of the Core Concepts, many people practice them as part of a whole system of combat or as part of their own cross training program. The Core Concepts are only a means to an end. The means are the strategies, tactics and techniques themselves. The end, well that has many forms, is it to win in your next street encounter, not to get into any encounters at all, to protect your family, safely detain a suspect or win and live on the battlefield and in harmony after the battle is over. The only real end result is what you as an individual are training for.




Lottie has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 10 years. She is a 500 hour registered teacher, holds the Yoga Campus Teacher Training Diploma and is accredited with the British Wheel of Yoga. Lottie has trained with some world-renowned teachers and and her classes draw upon the various styles she has been taught including Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda. She teaches Yin Yoga and Flow Yoga for mixed abilities and beginners classes with sequences that can be modified to make them more/less challenging depending on the student’s level. She includes asanas (poses) for strength and flexibility with a focus on alignment, pranayama (breathing) exercises to calm the mind, meditation to cultivate inner awareness and relaxation to allow the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate. Lottie enjoys bringing her yoga practice to the local community and she believes that yoga is for everyone. Her classes will leave you feeling energised yet calmer. A regular yoga practice ensures a healthy mind and body. What brought me to Yoga and why I do it? I was looking to improve my flexibility and to aid relaxation. Like many people I wondered what to expect at my first class, but I was hooked from the beginning and came away feeling calmer and more energised, ready to take on life. It brought me an hour of calm in my day. I was eager to learn the asanas (poses) and their Sanskrit names (classic language of ancient India), the breathing exercises and always savoured resting in Corpse pose (Savasana) at the end of class. I then decided to explore yoga in more depth, learn about the philosophy and anatomy and to teach yoga to others, so I enrolled on the Diploma course with Yogacampus where I was taught by some truly inspiring yoga teachers including Lisa Sanfilippo, Jo Manuel, Katrina Repka, Liz Lark, Aadil Palkhivala, Doug Keller and Dr. Ruth Gilmore. For me yoga gives me energy and focus, makes me smile, and keeps me grounded in everyday life. Even when it is challenging I love it and it makes me seek out more. Every day I arrive on my mat I have a new experience and that is great!

Castleknock Community College

castleknock community college

Our Adult Education-Night Classes programme was first launched in 1999. Since then, the number of participants enrolled in our night classes has grown dramatically, as has the number of courses on offer. The Director of Adult Education is Conor Barry. There are two terms each academic year. The Autumn Term generally commences towards the end of September, with the Spring Term getting under way towards the end of January. An extremely comprehensive and diverse range of classes are available, with over 100 exciting courses on offer each term! Courses vary from Yoga and Pilates, right through to classes on Genealogy, Cooking, Painting, Mindfulness & Meditation, Spanish, French, Italian, Calligraphy, Guitar, Gardening, First Aid, Felt making, Tai Chi, Zumba and Ballroom Dancing, to name but a few! Our brochures are widely available in the local area with over 10,000 delivered door to door each term. Copies of our brochure are also freely available in the school office and can be downloaded from this web page. Click to download Spring 2023 Brochure Enrolment in our Night Classes is both flexible and easy! On-line enrolment, paying by debit/credit card is by far the most convenient and hassle-free way to enrol, click link above to access classes. You can enrol in person at one of our Enrolment Nights or by post by availing of our simple and convenient Postal Enrolment facility detailed on the back of our brochures each term. If there is any group of ten or more people in the community interested in any particular course currently not on offer in our programme, please contact the Director of Adult Education and we will do our best to facilitate you. Should anyone be interested in teaching a course currently on offer in our programme, or would like to teach a course not presently available, please contact the Director of Adult Education. Click to access Night classes information and payment details If you have any queries concerning Adult Education, please feel free to contact us at any time. You can contact the Director of Adult Education directly on (01) 8129346 or by e-mail at nightclasses@castleknockcc.ie. For the latest news and updates follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter by searching for @NightClassesCCC

Wild Breath- by Lisa

wild breath- by lisa



Lisa is based in the Scottish Highlands and creates spaces to connect to body and land through breathwork, nature awareness, cold water therapy and ancestral skills and crafts. With 'Wild Breath' she offers workshops & retreats and facilitates experiences to connect to your inner nature, integrate the mind back into the body, craft with hands and heart, remember ancestral wisdom for modern times and come fully alive in your animal body. Lisa is a qualified breathwork instructor, trained as an outdoor educator, woodland activity guide and is currently working as part-time hide tanner for a traditional Scottish tannery. She is passionate about rewilding the inner landscape and ‘Wild Wellness’- where wilderness &ancestral skills and health & wellbeing meet, and she loves to integrate wellbeing modalities such as breathwork and meditation into wild spaces. Her offerings emerged from her own healing journey of working in a stressful academic environment. After a burn-out she took a deep dive into wellbeing modalities and dedicated herself to learn what it means to live close to the earth and in alignment with our bodies, minds and heart.  It is her joy and honour to create transformative spaces for others and to explore how we can tend to our roots and what we need to fully thrive as humans. Lisa's facilitation style is directly inspired by nature and she works in a way that provides guidance, tools and a witnessing presence for people to tap into their innate wisdom, power inside of themselves and into the healing ability of their bodies. With practical tools and a deeper understanding of our biology and what we need to thrive, everyone has the ability to thrive and rewild their inner landscape!  Experiences  Lisa has a BA in Environmental Philosophy and an MSc from Edinburgh University in Outdoor and Environmental Education with her masters research focussing on the Wim Hof method and eco-somatic embodiment as a form of environmental education.  She is a qualified Breathwork Coach& Facilitator with Infinite Breath and member of the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF). She is also qualified as BREATHE instructor, trained by Dr. Belisa Vranich, specializing in functional breathing,  breath biomechanics and psychology of the breath.   As a trained woodland activity leader, she is qualified through WALT (Woodland Activity Leader Training) and also has a valid outdoor first aid qualification.  As a primitive skills practitioner she has been on an off grid wilderness immersion in Norway with Lynx Vilden to learn ancestral skills& primitive living and has since then taught at ancestral skills gatherings in Scotland and assisted Lynx at some of her courses in Norway. She is furthermore currently working as a part-time hide tanner for a traditional Scottish Tannery.  She strives to embody everything she teaches in her daily life and is continuously learning from the greatest teachers of all- nature inside and outside of us, our own body, the land, plants and animals. 

The Flo Coach

the flo coach


Hi, I'm Claire aka The Flo Coach. I'm on a mission to help as many people as possible to experience the sweet spot of flow more often in their working day. My signature course 'FLO COACH YOUR WORK' has been created for you, when you want and need a shake up in your working life. When you're ready to upgrade your week and would like to feel happier, have more purpose and fulfillment.  I will be publishing new courses soon, including: * Flo Coach Your Thoughts - Clean up your mental saboteurs * Flo Coach Your Emotions - Self-regulation and stress management * Flo Coach Your Vision - Get crystal clear on where you want to be in your working life * Flo Coach Your Flow - Create more flow and deep focus at work * Flo Coach Your Action - Make powerful, aligned work goals My courses have a common theme and that is to build more Eudaimonic happiness and purpose into your intertwined work and life. They are based in positive psychology and research to help you flow more easily towards what you really love and how you'd like to work. I mainly work with women who are self-employed or aspiring to be. I offer a coaching circle Beyond The Crossroads [https://www.theflocoach.com/beyond-the-crossroads/] or 1 to 1 coaching [https://www.theflocoach.com/one-to-one-coaching/] for women who want to shake up their work or business and want to take or are thinking of taking their life in a new direction.  I have a formula that works by exploring:  * Where you are now * Gain clarity on where you want to be * Clean up your thoughts that want to bring you down, such as your inner critic * Understand stress mechanisms and give you self-regulation tools to support your journey  * Check in with your energy and the people you surround yourself with * Guide you into making powerful goals that align with your vision, thoughts, energy and emotions I have a monthly subscription service called The Flo Club [https://www.theflocoach.com/the-flo-club/]. This is designed for people who are self-employed and gives you tools to stop paddling upstream in your business and to find the downstream flow to your authentic self and business. I am a coach, mentor, breath worker, yoga teacher, meditation teacher, workshop leader, body therapist, creativity explorer and positive psychology advocate. I have been self-employed for over 20 years and have experienced many ups and downs of running your own show and being all things to all people. I've also worked in corporate settings, such as Hewlett Packard, as a wellbeing consultant. If you want to check out my qualifications, please go to my LinkedIn profile.