2271 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Theresa A. Kahn

theresa a. kahn

Thus far, it has been an incredible journey through life with its challenges, obstacles, and great insights gained on the way. I began both my life and spiritual journey from when I was born in West Germany in a military hospital outside of Wiesbaden, Air Force Base. My father was in the U.S. Air Force. Children born from military parents were considered military brats. I suspect that was the case because we were given the opportunity to travel the world, see how others lived, learn about different cultures, peoples, and religions. We were certainly spoiled in that way. It was a very colourful upbringing, having had the opportunity to live in and travel to so many countries. After my father’s deployment in West Germany and where I was born, we moved to France for several years, then Japan for a further 5 years, then back again to Germany for another 5 years, where I completed my high school years. Those experiences certainly gave me the impetus and even perhaps memories from past lives as being a traveller and explorer of sorts. I grew to love traveling because it opened my eyes to a greater world where endless possibilities were reachable. Navigating My Way Through Life in London I was never a child to follow the crowd, always an observer and very curious. I was born extremely sensitive, an empath, very intuitive, which was both a help and a hinder as I navigated my way through life. When we finally moved back to America after spending most of my early years overseas, I could feel almost immediately and instinctively I would not remain in America for long. I was being ‘called’ back to Europe and when an opportunity arose in the form of studying as an exchange student in London, England, at the University of London, there was no way that I was going to ignore this inner pull. London was to become my home and has been my base since I arrived those 30+ years ago. Living in Europe gave me the space to spread my wings, further my life experiences and delve deeper into my spiritual quest. As we all go through this unique time in history with the world changing so rapidly, it is also an opportune time to explore and expand by joining together in our spiritual journey through meditation, healing, and discovery. Allow Me to Reach Out My Hand and Open Heart to You I have been immensely blessed that my studies and experiences, in Education, Holistic Healing, Meditation, Spiritual and Personal Development have led me to teaching, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring, as well as being able to offer a beautiful array of ‘Energy- Based Interventions’. Clients, students, and those wanting spiritual guidance have come to me from all walks of life, from different belief systems, gender preferences, professions, and cultures. It has always been an enormous pleasure to learn from one another and share our commonality; an invisible thread that binds us together, through our desire for inner peace, comfort, good health, and above all, LOVE! Image I continue to work in this way and so grateful to offer my expertise to those who are genuinely committed in wanting to make this world a better place, by having the deep desire to do the inner work needed for healthy, conscious positive change.

F&P Witchcraft

f&p witchcraft


Founded in 2017 by Shelley, F&P Witchcraft is a witch owned and managed witchcraft and spiritual shop stocking all things witchcraft from herbs, crystals, cauldrons, tarot, aromatherapy, well-being, meditation items, alternative clothing, jewellery, artwork and gifts. Products can be purchased in person or you can book a video tour of the shop and we can post your purchases out to you! As well as an overwhelming choice of beautiful items to purchase, we also offer a wide range of psychic, spiritual and holistic services! The close knit team are certified, insured and DBS checked, they are trusted and reliable group, who work from the heart to ensure customer happiness! To further reinforce their accountability, they are also members of the Spiritual Workers Association with Shelley and Tess being the regional coordinators of Lincolnshire for the Pagan Federation. Both ladies are qualified and passionate celebrants, for all Rites of Passage. More details can be found for these services on the dedicated celebrant page or Facebook. F&P doesn’t end there though! To further add to the many strings of the F&P bow, Shelley and Tess have a passionate mission of deeply educating the public on the true meaning of witchcraft, dismantling the damaging beliefs surrounding this beautiful craft and promoting understanding and tolerance within society for all beliefs and practices, to the tune of harming none of course. This means, acting as public speakers, they can be booked for any event and offer a great range of talks on everything witchcraft and beyond. You can also listen to their podcast ‘Cracking Open The Cauldron’’ [https://anchor.fm/ancientdawnwitches] on many popular streaming services! Contact Us teamflangeandprong@gmail.com 01507 524188 7 West Street Horncastle Lincolnshire LN9 5JE England

John Scottus Primary School

john scottus primary school

Our Ethos Our school is named after John Scottus Eriugena, the Platonist philosopher, theologian and poet of Ireland’s Golden Age. Our values are inspired by a common thread, or perennial philosophy, found in the great traditions of East and West. We are a multi denominational school, inspired by the works of Plato, Christianity and Advaita (non dual) Vedanta philosophy. We see spirituality as the true essence of every human being and we welcome those of all faiths and those of none. OUR MOTTO ‘Laetus Impraesens’ – Delight in the Present Our motto (borrowed from the renaissance Florentine philosopher Marsilio Ficino) expresses the importance we attribute to being fully present and connected in every moment. At John Scottus, we emphasise the regular practice of meditation and mindfulness which strengthens focus, enhances awareness and connects the student to a sense of quiet presence whether in stillness or in activity. We see this as an essential tool for living a fulfilled life. OUR VISION Our vision is to be a rich learning environment that enhances students lives and the lives of our wider community and society. Supporting our vision are 5 core values which we believe help to set a strong foundation for a meaningful life – unity, spirituality, the spirit of enquiry, service and love. OUR MISSION Our mission is for John Scottus to be an inspiring centre of learning that invites our students, parents, teachers and broader society to come to know their true Self. We aim for our students to flourish personally and academically. We encourage our students to discover and develop their unique gifts so they can contribute creatively to the world around them.




Rebecca launched Siendo to give people the knowledge, tools and confidence they need to support their own wellbeing, at every stage of their lives. Training as a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Instructor, Meditation & Yoga Teacher and Personal Development Coach while working in corporate banking gave Rebecca a unique perspective. She saw, first hand, the importance of proactive wellbeing support within high-performance environments and she knew this was an area where she could make a real difference; removing the stigma, encouraging conversations, and making wellbeing a priority in people’s lives. However, through experience, Rebecca understands that change only happens when people are empowered to make it themselves. Therefore, the driving mission behind Siendo is to provide clients with the tools, techniques and knowledge so that they have the power, confidence and capacity to build happy, healthy and high-performing cultures. After training over 1000 people in Mental Health & Suicide First Aid, with clients ranging from the NHS and The Big Issue to Nike and Oxford University, it is clear that every industry can benefit immensely from improved mental health awareness. Whether you are a blue chip company, a healthcare provider or a university looking to support the mental health of your staff and students, Siendo has the expertise, the tools and the people to support you and your staff with workplace wellbeing. At Siendo, we are lucky to have a team of incredibly well-rounded and experienced human beings who are insatiably passionate about making a positive impact in the world of mental health and wellbeing. From aviation to healthcare, from emergency services to higher education; with decades of experience between us, we’ve got you covered.

Conscious Womb Birthing School

conscious womb birthing school

Creator of KMRT® Kinaesthetic Listening. Kundalini Magnetic Resonance Therapy. An entrainment modality. Pioneering the language of the spirit to earth the conscious baby from a subatomic level manifested into the physical body. The modality is a translation of somatic expression and sound. Created from her experience in kundalini embodiment. Her conscious journey beginning as an Ayurvedic consultant specialising in fertility , pregnancy & birth led to the vision and growth of her school. The language of the spirit baby came to her through meditation accompanied by her soul hailing from ancient roots in the yoga’s of Ayurveda, Tantra, Nada & Stapathya Vedas merging her knowledge of Hermetic principles of light & vibration. Teaching the art of divination and the process of natural law. She is a specialist of Spirit Baby energy. The pulse of vibration coming into body through Bio Rhythms, Prenatal cognition with heart coherence. The Sexuality of Birth and the conscious baby. Nature has an intelligence and wisdom within its eco system just like the human body. Women are the source of this nature and the grounding foundation of the heart of nurturing her family and society. It is time to resource back to living through natures cyclical rhythms through the heart of human consciousness. We are a platform for natural birthing education through the Conscious Womb Birthing School and a growing resource pool for mothers and families. With anthropological insights straight from mothers/families, KMRT® practitioners themselves. Bringing health, body autonomy and the sacred rites of passage for women children and their families back to the root of Intuitive mothering and conscious living. It takes Consciousness Creation & Connection.

Lush Lunar

lush lunar


Newcastle upon Tyne

BEAUTIFUL SOUL, I'M SO GLAD YOU'VE LANDED HERE. TRUST THAT YOU'RE HERE FOR A REASON.  Welcome. I hope this marks the beginning of a transformative journey for you.  My name is Sally, and I discovered energy healing when I was seeking solace for my own struggles with poor mental health. I came to a point on my path where I felt that if I did not heal, I may not survive here on Earth. So, I sought healing through yoga, meditation and lifestyle changes, which led me to energy healing, sound healing, light language, plant medicine, nature and community. What I didn’t anticipate, was that I would be strongly called to train and offer healing for others. I answered the call. I believe that my many dances with darkness and my own healing journey have provided me with the experience and initiations required to work with energy, support others, listen to, and truly emphasise with the tremendous pain that one can feel when navigating dark or unsettling periods of life. I am still healing, evolving and learning, but these practices have truly transformed my life, so I feel incredibly honoured to share them with you.  Energy healing can support us on our path in a myriad of ways. If you’re feeling lost, stuck, at a cross-roads, or struggling with poor self-image, self-worth, indecision, or illness, energy healing can help us to find balance, clarity and encourage our body’s natural ability to heal.  It can also offer us so much more. Embarking on a healing journey can help us to reconnect with our soul purpose, our reason for being here on earth at this time. It can support us in recovering our gifts and passions, and help us to find our inner fire so that we can share them with others, or step more fully into who we truly are.  You hold so much knowledge and wisdom inside of you, but so many of us have forgotten how to tap into our inner truth or connect to our intuition. I create sacred spaces and ceremony, so that you can remember who you are. To reawaken your inner fire, release trauma, and connect to likeminded souls in beautiful community.  We do not need to walk this path alone, and it would be my honour to connect with and support you on this strange, remarkable, and joyous journey through life. 




Universal Yoga started in 2004 when Charlotta completed her Teacher Training Certificate and moved into the village, initially we ran classes at the Conygre Hall and the Congregational Church Halls in Timsbury, only in 2008 did we get a space of our own at Red Hill, soon outgrown, we decided to move to Dunkerton Hall, a beautiful little parish hall which we get to have all to ourselves. Universal Yoga, as the name implies is a centre for everyone, young and old, pregnant and babies. We are all from the Sivananda lineage and we strongly believe in the yoga of synthesis, meaning that each class should be a combination of postures, relaxation, breathing exercises and sometimes meditation. Both Charlotta and Becky are Senior Yoga Teachers and as such, run a Teacher Training course every year. We believe that nothing should stand between you and your yoga class, so if there are any financial concerns, please get in-touch to see if we can help in some way. Yoga means union, union of body and mind, union of you and me and union of us all with the planet. With these kind of connections deeply rooted in our minds and hearts, we become kinder and more compassionate people with a focus on wellbeing for all. Welcome. Charlotta and the team All our face-to-face weekends are held at Dunkerton Parish Hall, The Hollow, Dunkerton, Bath BA2 8BG This section of the site is to provide some more information about the centre, about yoga, about the teachers and for information you may want and we haven’t thought of yet. So if you do have questions or if there are topics we haven’t covered please email us on info@universalyoga.com

Sarah Malcolm

sarah malcolm

Hi, I’m Sarah A passionate and engaged yoga teacher, founder of “At Home with Sarah” & co-host of the podcast “Kitchen Club”. I accidentally fell in love with the yoga practice 10 years ago, whilst at University, as a way to land and ground myself daily into how I was feeling, letting myself very honestly check in. At age 24 I was diagnosed with PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome which massively transformed my lifestyle and began my journey into taking care of my body as a whole and living more mindfully. I now teach yoga online on my members platform, in London, & globally on retreats. I am constantly reminded by the beauty & connectivity of the yoga practice & the ability to build community no matter where you are. I also continue to play “student” to the yoga practice and am constantly learning myself. I am a 400 hour Yoga Alliance qualified yoga teacher specialising in Vinyasa flow, slow flow & meditation. Coming from a very ‘inflexible’ background, I absolutely adore the way yoga allows me to celebrate my body for what it is and not what’s expected of it. I teach a strong yet soft and playful vinyasa flow with an emphasis on the importance of moving with breath and intention. In all of my classes, I encourage my students to find a personal practice in each class and to strive towards moving in a way that feels good rather than looks good. My light hearted humor allows for a bright energy in the class and my classes are always welcome to all levels of yogi, from complete beginner to experienced. I welcome all levels of yogis to my classes, from beginner to advanced; everyone is welcome.