3167 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Dan Newman Personal Training

dan newman personal training



The private PT studio which Dan Newman owns and uses for his personal training clients. The gym is in on Watermill Way in Wimbledon SW19 and is surrounded by picturesque parkland and river side cafes. There is a map and some video of the fitness studio along with a description of how and where clients can work with their personl trainer. You may choose to exercise with myself or another trainer in my diverse and experienced team according to your preferences. We operate 4 PT studios dispersed conveniently throughout Wimbledon and the practice we run is one of high standards that remains relaxed and fun while it targets your results and works hard at achieving them with you. We offer 1:1 PT, a full schedule of group ex classes including Hiit classes, circuits, pilates, yoga, box-fit-hiit and more. I recruit the best PTs and provide them a scenario that enables them to thrive, so that we can provide you with the best experience available in Personal Training anywhere. Choosing a DNPT trainer means chooosing a trainer that has already been carefully vetted, and whose knowledge and enjoyment for the job is nourished and consistently developed. I do not lead the company alone, a central core of senior PTs share the task, enabling us to run a smooth and professional service in which every trainer is invested. As well as this you can rest assured that excitement and personality are just as important to us. Our environment of high standards and continued development enriches the experience of PT for every member – client, trainer and company. It is my opinion, formed over 30 years in health and fitness, with more than 18 years as a one-on-one PT, that turning up for the exercise hour alone is not enough to help people achieve a lasting change. Which is why, as well as your actual PT Sessions you will be provided a full plan and experience a great deal of support from us with any lifestyle changes required to achieve your results. There will be some predictable obstacles to strategise for and some opportunities we might take advantage of, and we will form our plan taking these into account. The first step is an informal chat with me. There is no obligation or expectation, just a free chat with a professional. If you decide that PT is the right thing for you from there, then the next step would be to meet up for a proper consultation.Contact me if you want to take the first step. My service is built around a proven structure and motivating process that you can rely on, but every package is tailored to you as an individual. As well as being a great way to ensure you are successful with your goals, Personal Training is quality ‘You’ time and if you look around in one of my studios, you’ll see a lot of people enjoying their PT hour as well as learning new things and getting the workout done. We also run group exercise classes which can be packaged up with your PT week to help with easy motivation and balance the budget.

Starlight Temple

starlight temple


Spirituality for me began as a search for happiness. In my late teens, I realized that I didn't know how to be happy. I started to read self-help books which eventually lead to spiritual workshops. Meeting people who could channel spirit guides inspired me to learn how to channel and life was never the same again! Channeling is the Divine Conversation that we have with life and that is where I found my happiness. I have worked with people and lands all over the world, flowing the flow of my own Divine conversation to be of Service to Humanity at this time of immense change and transformation. All of Starlight's Offerings are about bringing magic to life. The root word of magic is the same as the root word of power is means to be able or to be capable. The Tools, Guidance Ceremonies, and Processes that Starlight Temple offers are all ways that have helped me become more capable and live more magically. Living magically to me is all about living in connection. We were all born to be in connection -with ourselves, with the Earth, with the Cosmos, and with each other. Through channeling practices, shadow healing, ceremony, tantra and land work we can all come back into connection and in doing so live more of our potential, fulfill our paths, and experience the happiness of belonging. For me, spirituality is all about learning to Live it, learning how to become the change we want to see in the world. There are many tools and it is all about finding the ones that resonate with you. Kahreela x The four pillars of Starlight Temple are Channeling and Connection, Ceremony and the Temples Ways, Shadow work and Temple Alchemy, Ceremony and Earth work, Journeys and Portals. All of my offerings and energetic work happen through The Starlight Temple, be it online, in person or on the land. The Starlight Temple is the name of my path, which I have always sensed is an energetic Dragon – an alchemical Dragon, made of ancient wisdom and the magic of many guides, goddesses, spirits and star ones. The Starlight Dragon carries magic into the Temple and into the world, creating change, direction, flow and Alchemical change wherever it is called to fly. This Dragon is ancient memory that is invites you to walk and live the old ways. This Dragon is a fierce guardian of Gaia and those who serve her by healing themselves and their shadows. This Dragon is magnetic and will call you to ride through the dimensions until you understand yourself more deeply. The Starlight Temple is all about connection; connection to self, life, the universe and spirit. Our path is about learning to connect, channel and live the divine conversation. Starlight’s workshops, courses, one to ones, ceremonies and journeys are all dedicated to helping people find empowerment in their lives and as they walk their spiritual paths. We believe that spirituality is something you experience, that every person's truth is unique and that everyone's truth makes up the whole truth of the Universe. The events that we do are about holding space for people to have an experience of their truth, ultimately our work is about love - ways and tools of learning to Love the Earth, Life, Each other and our own self more. Starlight Temple is a space overflowing with ways of doing spirituality that can be incorporated into your everyday life, so that your path, your truth and love can be lived more fully!

Women's Life Coach, Julie Phillips

women's life coach, julie phillips


Choosing a coach is an important decision. You need someone that you trust and makes you feel safe. A person whose style serves and works for you. This is life changing, so it’s essential that you feel secure, understood supported and excited! If you are looking for a coach who is genuinely caring and kind but will also be brutally honest with you so that you can truly develop and achieve the life you desire, then read on…. I love what I do! Coaching is the most potent tool for positive personal change as I have experienced first hand. It ensures success and makes change stick in the long term. As a coach, I play the role of mentor, consultant and motivator, but I am not a therapist. The thing I enjoy most about coaching is that it is always positive and looking forward at the ‘how’: how you can move on from where you are and make a change? It is action orientated and concerned with the present and future, and less with the past. On a personal level, I have always been passionate about helping people live the life they envisage, both successful and happy. I believe the two are directly linked. My coaching style offers a balanced combination of challenge and support with the aim of raising a client’s self-awareness, including the impact they have on people around them. As a coach, I help individuals and teams gain clarity, feel empowered and achieve their greatest dreams by helping them unlock their best potential! Having gone through many life journeys of my own, and realising that it is only you that is in the driving seat. It has spurred me on to help other people with their own self-development and to truly live their best life. I work together to identify personal strengths, areas for development, and help to eliminate self-doubt and limiting beliefs. In addition to personal training, I specialise in working with senior management teams in family businesses, to maximise their strengths, help them meet their potential and reach both their professional and personal goals. Having previously worked as an MD, I bring this experience to my coaching practice, supporting clients to achieve positive changes in their productivity, leadership skills, time management, motivation, confidence, goal attainment and work/life balance. I understand the demands of a family business and the pressures faced by owners and their management teams. I am able to help leaders make the direct link between personal happiness and business success. Before setting up my coaching practice, I worked for the past 24 years within successful SME family businesses. I have been involved in significant turnaround situations; undergoing change management projects and building a business up from grassroots. I am experienced in personal development and understand the challenging pressures of being an entrepreneur. Drawing on my experience as a leader and a coach, I am able to help leaders and their teams find solutions for the challenges and opportunities in their working life. Family is core to me and being a single parent to three wonderful children, ranging from teenage to twenties am able to counsel on a variety of family issues. I enjoy tackling new challenges, the next being Base Camp Everest.

Rick Houghton

rick houghton

Four Corners Learning Studio Company Profile  Welcome to Four Corners Learning Studio – where your personal and professional growth is our mission. Situated at the crossroads of innovation and collaboration, we offer a nurturing environment that fuels progress and transforms challenges into achievements.  Our Philosophy: We believe that true progress is made through collaboration, not competition. That's why we've designed our learning studio to be a beacon for those seeking growth and success, backed by a community of support.  Our Approach: At Four Corners Learning Studio, connection is more than a buzzword – it's the foundation of everything we do. Our coaching services are not transactions but partnerships. We stand by you as you pursue your goals, offering guidance, support, and the collective wisdom of our community.  Our Commitment: We don't just witness change; we facilitate it. Seeking assistance is a brave step towards lasting change, and at Four Corners Learning Studio, it's a strength. With our suite of tools and unwavering support, every goal is within reach, and every milestone is attainable.  Your Journey: Embark on a transformative journey with Four Corners Learning Studio. Here, your ambitions are nurtured, your talents honed, and your successes celebrated. Join us to carve out a future where your aspirations are not just dreams but realities, crafted with confidence and supported by a community that believes in you.  Four Corners Learning Studio: Where collaboration meets ambition, and where your potential unfolds in the four corners of possibility.

Coppice Designs

coppice designs


Saffron Walden

Hello, my name is Andy Basham and I first got interested in coppice crafts and woodmanship through conservation work, mainly coppicing ancient woodlands. I was running a cane furniture workshop and material supply business at the time. Soon I realised I wanted to 'convert' to using local materials and traditional tools / practices. English woodland, particularly the uses for the underwood or coppice, became my passion. After selling my cane furniture business in London and moving to Norfolk, I took up hurdle making in willow osier, also rustic furniture, even making plantable live willow chairs and benches. I displayed and demonstrated my wares at craft fairs and built up a whole range of items to sell, including rakes, besoms and walking sticks. Seems to me very right that the best quality, or perhaps the most individual or unusual sticks occurring in nature, should be ear marked for walking sticks, after all they will be always close to hand even if not used every day. Its a strong link twixt ourselves and mother nature. What Andrew offers a range of greenwood products & services from the hazel woodland he helps manage. Utilising coppice wood and his palette of traditional skills he can weave a bespoke in-situ hazel hurdle; runs hazel chair making courses; and has a vast array of handmade hazel products - from pea sticks to faggots, from thatching spars to rake tines. See greenwood products from Coppice Designs for full list of creations >> Ethics I don't travel far for my raw materials, most is only a short bike ride away. This cuts down on 'wood miles' reducing our carbon footprint and supports the local economy. For these reasons I don't encourage people to travel long distances for my products or material. Carriage can be arranged for finished products and raw materials. Be warned this can be expensive as most of what I deal in is bulky and/or heavy. Where An old hand at woodland management Andrew is now based near Saffron Walden, North Essex. He demonstrates and displays his craft at country fairs mainly in East Anglia. See our events programme. You are welcome to view his products, contained in his 'show shed', next to his workshop at the new courses venue, Bridge Meadows, Springhill, Widdington, CB11 3SU, strictly by appointment. >>Jacob Lambert < Jacob Lambert models a "living willow chair". Want to make your own chair? See our courses page. Work Experience and Apprentceships Jacob Lambert (pictured left) got in touch and after a period of work experience became a successful apprentice. Get in touch with Andy to discuss the possibilities. Hales Wood, NNR/SSI I lead volunteer work parties at the reserve. We warmly welcome new volunteers. Coppicing is probably the best example of permaculture beneficial to man and beast (and plants!). The intricacies and diversity is mind blowing, please get involved if its not too far to come. Bring all your mates - in one car to make the journey count! Email me directly to be put on our specific Hales wood vols newsletter/mailing list for dates and other news. Become a part of the solution to climate change, instantly improve your carbon footprint, learn how, come along. While you need to be reasonably able/fit, no experience is necessary.

Unleashed Pawtential

unleashed pawtential


People sometimes ask me about why I do what I do and how I got started. So I thought I would tell you the story of how the Fairydogmother was born. ONE MAN AND TWO DOGS Billy was one of my first dogs. Born on Valentines day 1996 he bounced into our lives at 8 weeks old: an adorable white English Bull Terrier puppy with one brindle ear and an attitude. Billy was a ‘special’ dog; one of those naughty but nice dogs you can’t help but love because they make you laugh, but also drive you to distraction because of their behaviour. Billy was a spinning/tail chasing, attention seeking nightmare who refused to let go of anything he was having fun with. Billy was never aggressive, he just loved to play tuggy. Unfortunately Billy liked playing tuggy with everything he could get his teeth into – hosepipes still attached to the tap, branches still attached to trees. He destroyed my mum’s lawnmower when she left him unattended in her garden for a mere 30 minutes, he played tuggy with my sister’s curtains and once sank his teeth into a live electric cooker cable sticking out of the wall when we were renovating the kitchen. The only reason he survived that particular game of tug was lightening quick reflexes turning the power off! Billy was a nightmare, but I loved him and wanted to help him and make our lives easier. Billy had lit the spark in my interest in dog behaviour, so I really got stuck into finding out how I could help change his behaviour and started doing Dog Behaviour courses in 2001 – 2003. Fast forward a few years (after having two children that kept me busy and interrupted my studies) I now had a new dog; Lola who was a two and a half year old rescue who had been abandoned in a flat to starve. She was absolutely wonderful, except for one thing; her obsession with footballs. I discovered said football obsession when I decided to take her to my eldest son’s football match one very wet, muddy Saturday morning. I walked up to the edge of the pitch with Lola on a lead and she spotted the football … and ran for it (she is a hefty American Bulldog x Staffy) and, taken by surprise and suddenly helpless on the other end of the lead she dragged me face down in the mud, slowly but surely trying to make progress towards the ball being kicked around the pitch. Watched by all the other parents I had to be unceremoniously rescued from the quagmire. Lola’s sheer determination to get at footballs wasn’t getting any better and a friend of mine said to me that if I went to see Keith, a dog trainer who helped run a local rescue, he would be able to help. So I rang and booked an appointment and I went to see him … and that day changed everything. He didn’t just help with Lola, he offered to teach me real hands on dog training working with dogs at the rescue. As long as I turned up regularly and got stuck in, that was the deal, and I was eager to start.