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Stop Hurt at Work (part of Conduct Change)

stop hurt at work (part of conduct change)

Stop Hurt at Work is the campaign through which Conduct Change upholds its clear commitment to its social purpose. Our mission is to end workplace bullying through the development of meaningful prevention activities for organisations and the implementation of effective routes to redress for individuals.C Campaign for change [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/stophurtatwork-legislation] We are campaigning for formal recognition of workplace bullying as a problem that injures individuals and damages organisations. The law does not provide sufficient protection or redress for people whose employers let bullying go unchecked, making the process of seeking legal remedy in these cases unduly complex and arduous. We are working with lawyers and legislators to identify and close the gaps in legislation. Awareness raising [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts] From a foundation of research into new approaches and awareness raising, we are creating proposals for change to both workplace approaches and to legislation. We share and showcase news and progress through newsletters, webinars [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts], podcasts [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts], events and social media. Research [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/research] We select topics for research which concern any type of harassment and also bullying.  Our research ultimately focuses on workplace effects and is concerned with adults. We are willing to use a variety of methods - case studies, questionnaires and interviews, for example. We expect all our research to be of international standard and publishable.  However we are willing to undertake confidential research which may not be published.  We also partner with Speak Out Revolution who collect anonymous data on workplace bullying globally.  You can add your experience here [https://www.stophurtatwork.org/speakout]

Sel Business Languages

sel business languages

We are a language company (some people use the term Language Services Provider). This means we transfer languages into other languages, for your working language needs. We have a range of 60-plus global languages. Our team of professional linguists is available in two ways. One – from our UK-based office to cover work in the UK and the English language. Two – from our UK-based office, in liaison with our partner offices, to handle localisation into languages of countries outside the UK. Our 6 partner offices are based in Italy, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Egypt. CHOOSE US FOR OUR: Rapid response and turnround. Fixed-fee law work. Good commercial pedigree and integrity. Over 30 years of experience in the same industry, which means you will benefit from the best possible language solution for your needs. Personal contact with experienced project manager. Extensive network of around 5000 native-speaker linguists. Multiple projects running simultaneously and coordinated internationally, all through one office. Seasoned, qualified, loyal, native-speaker linguists. Work quality-checked across all services (output is compliant with and we are self-accredited to the quality standard ISO 9001:2015). Complimentary, impartial advice given on any language needs. And we will … … help you, your customers or people you work with gain an advantage. So they will trust you more to buy, want or safely use your product or service. … help when you need important information transferring from one language to another – normally into or out of English, but it doesn’t have to involve English. … help when you would like to learn a few words to engage with your foreign work colleagues, which includes how to understand and act better culturally. Or learn to participate in business meetings in another language. … help when your work involves use of languages for other people, not yourself. Such as representing a witness or defendant in law ; working for a claimant in an insurance case ; operating in the housing or support sectors ; or training people. And of course help when you need information to be put into your own language.

Home Education Uk

home education uk


For most, home education is far more like university than school. It's about curiosity. Formulating a question or thought and researching it. The parents roll is not to formally teach but to facilitate that journey. It doesn't really matter too much what the child is curios about, the trick is to develop and facilitate curiosity, kindle it like a precious flame, and ultimately develop those critical thinking skills necessary to formulate new ideas for so it becomes a raging inferno. That sounds complicated perhaps, but it's really not. It's what all parents do for their children especially when they're small. Every time a child asks a question you start a journey of discovery. If parents see themselves not as teachers but as facilitators in this way, they will see progress they didn't imagine possible. It's exciting and fun but it can also be scary. Scary because as a parent you've been led to believe children need to be steered along a certain path, that there's a set of knowledge all children should have. But if that's not the child's path, or if it's a part of a journey your child has not yet encountered, you're effectively imposing ideas on the child and run the risk, along side millions of other children, of alienating your child from the learning process, suppressing their own intrinsic curiosity for the imposed ideas of others. How often has a child asked "what's the point in this?" Far too many I suspect. Spark a child's curiosity, facilitate their journey of discovery, put the child behind the wheel and they will take responsibility for their own course and progress, because they will be intrinsically motivated to satisfy their curiosity. For the overwhelming majority of parents, this is the beauty of home education. By answering questions they themselves pose, they retain what they learn because it's part of their own journey. Something they questioned themselves. Covid-19 Home Schooling Support We have created a support section entirely for those caught up in the covid crisis. We also have a FB Forum just for you. Experienced home educators are on hand to welcome you and help with issues relating to your child's education at home. We can't promise to answer every question, but many of the issues you will face will already have been dealt with by home educators who are the experts in educating in the home. The group is the Home Education UK School Closure Support Forum. now with over five thousand members The Supremacy of the Family - & Why. “The totalitarian state tries to separate the child from her family and mould her to its own design. Families in all their subversive variety are the breeding ground of diversity and individuality. Hence the family is given special protection in all the modern human rights… The child is not the mere creature of the State.” Baroness Hale, President of the Supreme Court 11th June 2008 LG Ombudsman rules against routine visits The Local Government Ombudsman ruled that councils must be clear with parents of home educated children whether a home visit is routine or triggered by concerns following Leicester City's attempt to initiate actions based on anticipating, future government proposals currently being considered Download a Free Poster Many parents remain unaware that home education is legal, or if they are aware, where to find support. This poster could be put up anywhere parents and children might benefit. a3 poster download Download a poster today, print it, pin it. Help other children learn freely A4 Poster download Educational Heretics Press EHP publishes books and kindles on many topics related to home education and learning systems that are alternative or complimentary to state schooling. Including books on how and why home educators home educate. book cover A great introduction to alternative education. Many EHP books are available as Kindles, at low prices and you don't need a kindle to read them, there are app's for all brands of smart phone and tablet. Build your own library of 'read anywhere Home Education - a Human Right "The respect of parent's freedom to educate their children according to their vision of what education should be has been part of international human rights standards since their very emergence." (The Special Rapporteur to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 8th April 1999) Parents are responsible for the education of their offspring regardless of whether they are in school or out of it. In law the right to an education is an obligatory right, it may neither be denied to, nor refused by, a child. Thus since children may not refuse education and there is no academic consensus on what constitutes an effective education, we believe that the state must be flexible in defining what a 'suitable' education is. While the law expresses the right to home educate as a parental right, it is my belief that, in the same way that young people have the right to decide upon medical procedures, a specific education should not be imposed upon them. This is not only right in principle but in practice, since intrinsically motivated learning will most readily "achieve that which it sets out to achieve". Learning cannot be imposed.